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AI@教會 免費講座
靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: PRIEST

中文註解 英文註解
#創 14:18; 來 5:6,10,11; 6:20; 7:1-21|
#出 2:16|
.頒佈律法以前, 以色列的祭司
#出 19:22,24|
#傳 5:6|

#出 28:1-4; 29:9,44; 民 3:10; 18:7; 代上 23:13|
#出 27:21; 28:43; 29:9|
#出 29:1-9,19-35; 40:12-16; 利 6:20-23; 8:6-35; 來 7:21|
#利 21:6,7; 22:9,16|
#出 40:30-32; 利 16:24|
.見 承接聖職, 如上
#利 21:17-23|
#出 28:2-43; 39:1-29; 利 6:10,11; 8:13; 結 44:17-19|
#結 42:14; 44:19|
#利 16:6,24; 結 44:27|
#結 44:25,26|
#利 21:7-15; 結 44:22|
#結 40:45,46|
#拉 7:24|
.大衛背叛掃羅時, 祭司武裝組織起來, 預備作戰
#代上 12:27,28|
#結 44:20|
#代上 24:1-19; 28:13,21; 代下 8:14; 31:2; 35:4,5|
#拉 2:36-39; 尼 13:30|
#路 1:8,9,23|
#民 3:10; 16:1-50; 18:7; 代下 26:18|
#王上 12:31; 13:33|

#利 1:4-17; 2:2,16; 3:5,11,13,16; 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35|
#代上 16:40; 代下 13:11; 29:34; 35:11-14; 拉 6:20|
#來 10:11|
#利 23:10,11; 申 26:2-4|
#民 6:22-27; 申 21:5; 代下 30:27|
#利 10:11; 申 24:8; 27:14; 31:9-13; 33:10; 耶 2:8|
#瑪 2:7|
#出 27:20,21; 代下 13:11; 利 24:3,4|
#利 6:12,13|
#尼 10:34|
#民 4:5-15; 18:1,5,7|
#拉 7:1-6; 尼 8:9|
#尼 10:38|
#民 10:2-10; 31:6; 書 6:1-27; 代下 13:12|
#利 15:31|
#利 27:8,12|
#來 9:6|
#民 3:9,32; 4:19,28,33; 代上 9:20|
#民 5:14-31; 申 17:8-13; 19:17; 21:5; 代下 19:8|
#結 44:23,24|
#申 20:2-4|
#書 3; 4:15-18|
#撒上 4:3-5|

#民 18:20; 申 10:9; 14:27; 18:1,2; 書 13:14,33; 14:3|
#書 18:7; 結 44:28|
#利 25:32-34; 民 35:2-8; 書 21:1-4,13-19,41,42|
#代上 6:57-60; 尼 11:11,20; 結 45:1-6; 48:8-20|
#利 27:21|
#民 18:8-18,26-32; 尼 10:38|
.戰時掠物的一部分, 包括俘虜
#民 31:25-29|
#利 23:20; 24:9; 民 18:12,13,17,18; 申 18:3-5; 尼 10:36|
#利 27:23|
#民 3:46-51; 18:15,16|
#利 27:21; 民 5:9,10; 18:14|
#利 5:16; 22:14; 民 5:8|
#利 5:15,18; 民 18:9; 王下 12:16|
#出 25:30; 利 24:5-9; 代下 2:4; 13:11; 尼 10:33; 太 12:4|
#來 9:2|
#出 29:27-34; 利 2:2,3,9,10; 5:12,13,16; 6:15-18,26|
#利 7:6-10,31-34; 10:12-14; 14:12,13; 民 6:19,20; 18:8-19|
#申 18:3-5; 撒上 2:13,14; 結 44:28-31; 45:1-4; 林前 9:13|
#代下 31:4-19|
#結 48:8-14|
#利 22:11-13; 民 18:11,19|

#出 19:6; 賽 61:6; 彼前 2:9; 啟 1:6; 5:10; 20:6|

#利 21:10-15; 民 3:32|
.見 摩西時代設立的祭司, 如上
#出 28:2-43; 39:1-31; 利 8:7-9|
#徒 23:5|
#民 18:2,5,7|
#來 5:1; 8:3|
#民 4:19; 撒上 2:36|
#民 8:11-21|
#王下 12:10; 22:4; 代下 24:6-14; 34:9|
#出 27:20,21; 30:8; 利 24:3,4; 民 8:3|
#出 30:7,8; 撒上 2:28; 代上 23:13|
#利 24:8|
#利 4:3-12|
#出 30:10; 利 16:1-34; 來 5:3; 9:7,22,23|
#民 5:15; 申 17:8-13; 撒上 4:18; 何 4:4; 太 26:3,50,57,62|
#徒 5:21-28; 23:1-5|
#民 1:3|
#民 27:18,19,21|
#民 31:26-29|
.見 祭司的薪給, 如上
#民 3:32; 4:16; 31:6; 代上 9:20; 撒下 15:24; 王下 25:18|
#路 3:2|

.十個支派反叛時, 仍忠於羅波安
#代下 11:13|
#代下 29:4-17|
#代下 36:14|
#耶 29:1|
#拉 1:5; 2:36-39,61,70; 3:8; 7:7; 8:24-30|
#尼 7:39-42,63-73; 10:1-8; 12:1-7|
#拉 9:1,2; 10:5,18,19; 尼 10:28|
#拉 3:1-7|
#拉 3:8-13|
#約 1:19|
#太 26:3-5,14,15,47,51; 可 14:10,11,43-47,53-66; 15:1|
#路 22:2-6,50,54,66-71; 23:1,2; 約 11:47; 19:15,16,18|
#太 26:57-68; 27:1,2; 可 14:53-65; 路 22:54-71; 23:13-24|
#約 18:15-32|
#太 27:20; 可 15:11; 路 23:18|
#徒 22:5|
#徒 4:6-21; 5:17-41|
.審問司提反, 定他的罪, 並用石頭打死他
#徒 6:12-15; 7|
#徒 22:30; 23:1-5|
#耶 23:11,12; 結 22:26; 路 10:31|
#撒上 2:12-17,22|
#拉 9:1,2; 10:18-22; 尼 13:4-9,13,28,29|
#代上 9:10-13|
#撒上 16:5|

#Ge 14:18; Heb 5:6,10,11; 6:20; 7:1-21|
#Ex 2:16|
.Priests in Israel before the giving of the law
#Ex 19:22,24|
.Called "angel,"
#Ec 5:6|

#Ex 28:1-4; 29:9,44; Nu 3:10; 18:7; 1Ch 23:13|
.Hereditary, descent of office
#Ex 27:21; 28:43; 29:9|
.Consecration of
#Ex 29:1-9,19-35; 40:12-16; Le 6:20-23; 8:6-35; Heb 7:21|
.Is holy
#Le 21:6,7; 22:9,16|
.Ablutions of
#Ex 40:30-32; Le 16:24|
.Must be without blemish
#Le 21:17-23|
.Vestments of
#Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-29; Le 6:10,11; 8:13; Eze 44:17-19|
.Don vestments in the temple area
#Eze 42:14; 44:19|
.Atonement for
#Le 16:6,24; Eze 44:27|
.Defilement and purification of
#Eze 44:25,26|
.Marriage of
#Le 21:7-15; Eze 44:22|
.Chambers for, in the temple area
#Eze 40:45,46|
.Exempt from tax
#Ezr 7:24|
.Armed and organized for war at the time of the disaffection
toward Saul
#1Ch 12:27,28|
.Beard and hair of
#Eze 44:20|
.Twenty-four divisions (shifts) of
#1Ch 24:1-19; 28:13,21; 2Ch 8:14; 31:2; 35:4,5; Ezr
2:36-39; Ne 13:30|
.Chosen by lot
#Lu 1:8,9,23|
.Usurpations of office of
#Nu 3:10; 16; 18:7; 2Ch 26:18|
.Priests who were not from the sons of Levi were appointed by
#1Ki 12:31; 13:33|

.To offer sacrifices
#Le 1:4-17; 2:2,16; 3:5,11,13,16; 4:5-12,17,25,26,30-35;
1Ch 16:40; 2Ch 13:11; 29:34; 35:11-14; Ezr 6:20; Heb
.To offer the firstfruits
#Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4|
.Pronounce benedictions
#Nu 6:22-27; De 21:5; 2Ch 30:27|
.Teach the law
#Le 10:11; De 24:8; 27:14; 31:9-13; 33:10; Jer 2:8; Mal
.Light the lamps in the tabernacle
#Ex 27:20,21; 2Ch 13:11; Le 24:3,4|
.Keep the sacred fire always burning
#Le 6:12,13|
.To furnish a quota of wood for the sanctuary
#Ne 10:34|
.Responsible for the sanctuary
#Nu 4:5-15; 18:1,5,7|
.To act as scribes
#Ezr 7:1-6; Ne 8:9|
.Be present at and supervise the tithing
#Ne 10:38|
.Sound the trumpet in summoning assemblies and in battle
#Nu 10:2-10; 31:6; Jos 6; 2Ch 13:12|
.Examine lepers
.Purify the unclean
#Le 15:31|
.Valuate things devoted
#Le 27:8,12|
.Officiate in the Holy Place
#Heb 9:6|
.Chiefs of Levites
#Nu 3:9,32; 4:19,28,33; 1Ch 9:20|
.To act as magistrates
#Nu 5:14-31; De 17:8-13; 19:17; 21:5; 2Ch 19:8; Eze
.To encourage the army on the eve of battle
#De 20:2-4|
.Carry the ark of the covenant
.Through the Jordan River
#Jos 3; 4:15-18|
.In battle
#1Sa 4:3-5|

.No part of the land of Canaan allowed to
#Nu 18:20; De 10:9; 14:27; 18:1,2; Jos 13:14,33; 14:3;
18:7; Eze 44:28|
.Provided with cities and suburbs
#Le 25:32-34; Nu 35:2-8; Jos 21:1-4,13-19,41,42; 1Ch
6:57-60; Ne 11:11,20; Eze 45:1-6; 48:8-20|
.Own lands sanctified to the Lord
#Le 27:21|
.Tithes of the tithes
#Nu 18:8-18,26-32; Ne 10:38|
.Part of the plunder of war, including captives
#Nu 31:25-29|
#Le 23:20; 24:9; Nu 18:12,13,17,18; De 18:3-5; Ne 10:36|
.Redemption money
#Le 27:23|
.Of the firstborn
#Nu 3:46-51; 18:15,16|
.Things devoted
#Le 27:21; Nu 5:9,10; 18:14|
#Le 5:16; 22:14; Nu 5:8|
.Trespass money and other trepass offerings
#Le 5:15,18; Nu 18:9; 2Ki 12:16|
.The shewbread
#Ex 25:30; Le 24:5-9; 2Ch 2:4; 13:11; Ne 10:33; Mt 12:4;
Heb 9:2|
.Portions of sacrifices and offerings
#Ex 29:27-34; Le 2:2,3,9,10; 5:12,13,16; 6:15-18,26;
7:6-10,31-34; 10:12-14; 14:12,13; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-19; De
18:3-5; 1Sa 2:13,14; Eze 44:28-31; 45:1-4; 1Co 9:13|
.Regulations by Hezekiah concerning benefits to the priests
#2Ch 31:4-19|
.Portion of land allotted to, in redistribution in Ezekiel's
#Eze 48:8-14|
.For the sustenance of their families
#Le 22:11-13; Nu 18:11,19|

#Ex 19:6; Isa 61:6; 1Pe 2:9; Re 1:6; 5:10; 20:6|

-(Moses did not denominate Aaron chief or high priest)
-(The function he served was superior to that of other priests)
.The title appears after the institution of the office
#Le 21:10-15; Nu 3:32|
.For qualifications, consecration, etc
.See under the general topic above, PRIEST, MOSAIC
.Vestments of
#Ex 28:2-43; 39:1-31; Le 8:7-9|
.Respect due to
#Ac 23:5|
.Had charge of the sanctuary and altar
#Nu 18:2,5,7|
.To offer sacrifices
#Heb 5:1; 8:3|
.To designate subordinate priests for duty
#Nu 4:19; 1Sa 2:36|
.To officiate in consecrations of Levites
#Nu 8:11-21|
.To have charge of the treasury
#2Ki 12:10; 22:4; 2Ch 24:6-14; 34:9|
.To light the lamps of the tabernacle
#Ex 27:20,21; 30:8; Le 24:3,4; Nu 8:3|
.To burn incense
#Ex 30:7,8; 1Sa 2:28; 1Ch 23:13|
.To place shewbread on the table every Sabbath
#Le 24:8|
.To offer for his own sins of ignorance
#Le 4:3-12|
.On the Day of Atonement
#Ex 30:10; Le 16; Heb 5:3; 9:7,22,23|
#Nu 5:15; De 17:8-13; 1Sa 4:18; Ho 4:4; Mt 26:3,50,57,62;
Ac 5:21-28; 23:1-5|
.To count the people
#Nu 1:3|
.Officiate at the choice of a ruler
#Nu 27:18,19,21|
.Distribute the plunder of war
#Nu 31:26-29|
.Benefits of
.A second priest, under the high priest
#Nu 3:32; 4:16; 31:6; 1Ch 9:20; 2Sa 15:24; 2Ki 25:18; Lu

.Loyal to Rehoboam at the time of the revolt of the ten
#2Ch 11:13|
.Zeal of, in purging the temple
#2Ch 29:4-17|
.Wickedness of
#2Ch 36:14|
.Taken with the captivity to Babylon
#Jer 29:1|
.Return from the captivity
#Ezr 1:5; 2:36-39,61,70; 3:8; 7:7; 8:24-30; Ne
7:39-42,63-73; 10:1-8; 12:1-7|
.Polluted by marrying idolatrous wives
#Ezr 9:1,2; 10:5,18,19; Ne 10:28|
.Restore the altar, and offer sacrifices
#Ezr 3:1-7|
.Supervise the building of the new temple
#Ezr 3:8-13|
.Inquire of John the Baptist to see if he might be the
#Joh 1:19|
.Conspire to destroy Jesus
#Mt 26:3-5,14,15,47,51; Mr 14:10,11,43-47,53-66; 15:1; Lu
22:2-6,50,54,66-71; 23:1,2; Joh 11:47; 19:15,16,18|
.Put on trial and condemn Jesus
#Mt 26:57-68; 27:1,2; Mr 14:53-65; Lu 22:54-71; 23:13-24;
Joh 18:15-32|
.Incite the people to ask that Barabbas be released and Jesus
be destroyed
#Mt 27:20; Mr 15:11; Lu 23:18|
.Persecute the disciples
#Ac 22:5|
.Reprove and threaten Peter and John
#Ac 4:6-21; 5:17-41|
.Put on trial, condemn, and stone Stephen
#Ac 6:12-15; 7|
.Paul brought before
#Ac 22:30; 23:1-5|
#Jer 23:11,12; Eze 22:26; Lu 10:31|
.Instances of
.Eli's sons
#1Sa 2:12-17,22|
.Of the captivity
#Ezr 9:1,2; 10:18-22; Ne 13:4-9,13,28,29|
#1Ch 9:10-13|
.Priestly office performed by prophets
#1Sa 16:5|



中文註解 英文註解
祭司 Priests
- 最早提到人擔任祭司的通告
#創 4:3,4|

- 在先祖時代, 由一家之主擔任祭司
#創 8:20; 12:8; 35:7|

- 出埃及後, (頭生的) 年輕人受任充當祭司
#出 24:5; 19:22|

- 亞倫的兒子受命擔任祭司, 成為永遠的定例
#出 29:9; 40:15|

- 除了亞倫的後裔之外, 任何人不得擔任祭司
#民 3:10; 16:40; 18:7|

- 上帝使之成聖, 以承當祭司一職
#出 29:44|

- 公開分別為聖
#出 28:3; 民 3:3|

- 承接聖職之禮
. 在水中淨身
#出 29:4; 利 8:6|

. 穿上神聖的衣服
#出 29:8,9; 40:14; 利 8:13|

. 用油膏抹
#出 30:30; 40:13|

. 獻祭
#出 29:10-19; 利 8:14-23|

. 用承接聖職之禮的公羊的血潔淨準祭司
#出 29:20,21; 利 8:23,24|

. 將搖祭放在他們手裡
#出 29:22-24; 利 8:25-27|

. 將承接聖職之禮的祭牲吃掉
#出 29:31-33; 利 8:31,32|

. 持續七天
#出 29:35-37; 利 8:33|

- 承接聖職之禮過後, 必須在會幕待上七天
#利 8:33-36|

- 有身心障礙者不得承接聖職
#利 21:17-23|

- 在行使職權之前, 必須查驗他們的族譜
#拉 2:62; 尼 7:64|

- 祭司的衣服
. 內袍
#出 28:40; 39:27|

. 腰帶
#出 28:40|

. 裹頭巾
#出 28:40; 39:28|

. 細麻布褲
#出 28:42; 39:28|

. 在承接聖職之禮時穿
#出 29:9; 40:15|

. 在會幕服事時必穿
#出 28:43; 39:41|

. 大祭司在贖罪日穿上
#利 16:4|

. 將血彈在衣服上, 藉此潔淨
#出 29:21|

. 存放在聖屋內
#結 44:19|

. 常由百姓提供
#拉 2:68,69; 尼 7:70,72|

- 在他們供職之前, 必須在銅盆裡洗手洗腳
#出 30:18-21|

- 祭司的服事
. 管理會幕
#民 18:1,5,7|

. 在搬遷聖所的聖物之前, 先將其覆蓋
#民 4:5-15|

. 獻祭
#利 1:1-6:30; 代下 29:34; 35:11|

. 點亮並整理聖所的燈
#出 27:20,21; 利 24:3,4|

. 使壇上的聖火恆常燒著
#利 6:12,13|

. 燒香
#出 20:7,8; 路 1:9|

. 安放並收走陳設餅
#利 24:5-9|

. 獻上初熟之物
#利 23:10,11; 申 26:3,4|

. 為百姓祝福
#民 6:23-27|

. 潔淨不潔淨的人
#利 15:30,31|

. 裁決疑恨的案件
#民 5:14,15|

. 裁決痲瘋病的案件
#利 13:2-59; 14:34-45|

. 裁決難斷的案件
#申 17:8-13; 21:5|

. 教導律法
#申 33:8,10; 瑪 2:7|

. 在各種場合吹號角
#民 10:1-10; 書 6:3,4|

. 搬運約櫃
#書 3:6,17; 6:12|

. 在百姓上戰場前, 鼓舞其士氣
#申 20:1-4|

. 估定奉獻之物的價值
#利 27:8|

- 因為沒有產業, 就靠壇上之物過活
#申 18:1,2; 林前 9:13|

- 祭司的收入
. 利未人所收十一奉獻的十分之一
#民 18:26,28; 尼 10:37,38; 來 7:5|

. 初熟之物
#民 18:8,12,13; 申 18:4|

. 頭生的贖銀
#民 3:48,51; 18:15,16|

. 頭生的牲畜或其代替品
#民 18:17,18; 出 13:12,13|

. 初剪的羊毛
#申 18:4|

. 收走的陳設餅
#利 24:9; 撒上 21:4-6; 太 12:4|

. 所有祭物的一部份
#利 7:6-10,31,34; 民 6:19,20; 18:8-11; 申 18:3|

. 所有獻上的物品
#民 18:14|

. 所有找不到原主的賠償物
#民 5:8|

. 固定一部份的戰時掠奪物品
#民 31:29,41|

- 利未人的十三個城市給祭司為居所
#代上 6:57-60; 民 35:1-8|

- 得購買並持有其他土地
#王上 2:26; 耶 32:8,9|

- 關於祭司的特殊律法
. 不得取被休等不適宜的人
#利 21:7|

. 除了至親, 不得為死人沾染自己
#利 21:1-6|

. 在會幕服事時, 不得喝酒
#利 10:9; 結 44:21|

. 不可因吃了自死或被撕裂的牲畜而污穢自己
#利 22:8|

. 不潔淨的時候, 不得供職
#利 22:1,2; 民 19:6,7|

. 不潔淨的時候, 不得吃聖物
#利 22:3-7|

. 寄居的或是雇工不得吃祭司的分
#利 22:10|

. 所有買來的和在家出生的僕人可以吃祭司的分
#利 22:11|

. 祭司的兒女若嫁娶外人, 就不得吃他們的分
#利 22:12|

. 不知情吃了祭司聖物的人, 要償還祭司
#利 22:14-16|

- 大衛將祭司分為二十四個班次
#代上 24:1-19; 代下 8:14; 35:4,5|

- 從巴比倫回歸的四個班次又細分為二十四個班次
#拉 2:36-39; 路 1:5|

- 每個班次各有其官長或首領
#代上 24:6,31; 代下 36:14|

- 祭司的服事乃是掣籤分配
#路 1:9|

- 侵犯祭司職分的懲罰
#民 16:1-35; 18:7; 代下 26:16-21|

- 在特別的場合, 亞倫家族之外的人擔任祭司
#士 6:24-27; 撒上 7:9; 王上 18:33|

- 祭司有時候是
. 貪婪的
#撒上 2:13-17|

. 醉酒的
#賽 28:7|

. 褻瀆而邪惡
#撒上 2:22-24|

. 不義的
#耶 6:13|

. 敗壞律法的人
#賽 28:7; 瑪 2:8|

. 很晚才為了服事上帝而使自己成聖
#代下 29:34|

- 通常與百姓同受懲罰
#耶 14:18; 哀 2:20|

- 耶羅波安和其他王使地位卑下的人當祭司
#王上 12:21; 王下 17:32|

- 祭司的供職沒有除罪的功效
#來 7:11; 10:11|

- 用來說明
. 基督
#來 10:11,12|

. 聖徒
#出 19:6; 彼前 2:9|

- First notice of persons acting as
#Ge 4:3,4|

- During patriarchal age heads of families acted as
#Ge 8:20; 12:8; 35:7|

- After the exodus young men (first-born) deputed to act as
#Ex 24:5; 19:22|

- The sons of Aaron appointed as, by perpetual statute
#Ex 29:9; 40:15|

- All except seed of Aaron excluded from being
#Nu 3:10; 16:40; 18:7|

- Sanctified by God for the office
#Ex 29:44|

- Publicly consecrated
#Ex 28:3; Nu 3:3|

. Washing in water
#Ex 29:4; Le 8:6|

. Clothing with the holy garments
#Ex 29:8,9; 40:14; Le 8:13|

. Anointing with oil
#Ex 30:30; 40:13|

. Offering sacrifices
#Ex 29:10-19; Le 8:14-23|

. Purification by blood of the consecration ram
#Ex 29:20,21; Le 8:23,24|

. Placing in their hands the wave-offering
#Ex 29:22-24; Le 8:25-27|

. Partaking of the sacrifices of consecration
#Ex 29:31-33; Le 8:31,32|

. Lasted seven days
#Ex 29:35-37; Le 8:33|

- Required to remain in the tabernacle seven days after
#Le 8:33-36|

- No blemished or defective persons could be consecrated
#Le 21:17-23|

- Required to prove their genealogy before they exercised the
#Ezr 2:62; Ne 7:64|

. The coat or tunic
#Ex 28:40; 39:27|

. The girdle
#Ex 28:40|

. The bonnet
#Ex 28:40; 39:28|

. The linen breeches
#Ex 28:42; 39:28|

. Worn at consecration
#Ex 29:9; 40:15|

. Worn always while engaged in the service of the tabernacle
#Ex 28:43; 39:41|

. Worn by the high priest on the day of atonement
#Le 16:4|

. Purified by sprinkling of blood
#Ex 29:21|

. Laid up in holy chambers
#Eze 44:19|

. Often provided by the people
#Ezr 2:68,69; Ne 7:70,72|

- Required to wash in the brazen laver before they performed
their services
#Ex 30:18-21|

. Keeping the charge of the tabernacle
#Nu 18:1,5,7|

. Covering the sacred things of the sanctuary before removal
#Nu 4:5-15|

. Offering sacrifices
#Le 1:1-6:30; 2Ch 29:34; 35:11|

. Lighting and trimming the lamps of the sanctuary
#Ex 27:20,21; Le 24:3,4|

. Keeping the sacred fire always burning on the altar
#Le 6:12,13|

. Burning incense
#Ex 20:7,8; Lu 1:9|

. Placing and removing show-bread
#Le 24:5-9|

. Offering first fruits
#Le 23:10,11; De 26:3,4|

. Blessing the people
#Nu 6:23-27|

. Purifying the unclean
#Le 15:30,31|

. Deciding in cases of jealousy
#Nu 5:14,15|

. Deciding in cases of leprosy
#Le 13:2-59; 14:34-45|

. Judging in cases of controversy
#De 17:8-13; 21:5|

. Teaching the law
#De 33:8,10; Mal 2:7|

. Blowing the trumpets on various occasions
#Nu 10:1-10; Jos 6:3,4|

. Carrying the ark
#Jos 3:6,17; 6:12|

. Encouraging the people when they went to war
#De 20:1-4|

. Valuing things devoted
#Le 27:8|

- Were to live by the altar as they had no inheritance
#De 18:1,2; 1Co 9:13|

. Tenth of the tithes paid to the Levites
#Nu 18:26,28; Ne 10:37,38; Heb 7:5|

. First-fruits
#Nu 18:8,12,13; De 18:4|

. Redemption-money of the first-born
#Nu 3:48,51; 18:15,16|

. First-born of animals or their substitutes
#Nu 18:17,18; Ex 13:12,13|

. First of the wool of sheep
#De 18:4|

. Show-bread after its removal
#Le 24:9; 1Sa 21:4-6; Mt 12:4|

. Part of all sacrifices
#Le 7:6-10,31,34; Nu 6:19,20; 18:8-11; De 18:3|

. All devoted things
#Nu 18:14|

. All restitutions when the owner could not be found
#Nu 5:8|

. A fixed portion of the spoil taken in war
#Nu 31:29,41|

- Thirteen of the Levitical cities given to, for residence
#1Ch 6:57-60; Nu 35:1-8|

- Might purchase and hold other lands in possession
#1Ki 2:26; Jer 32:8,9|

. Not to marry divorced or improper persons
#Le 21:7|

. Not to defile themselves for the dead except the nearest of
#Le 21:1-6|

. Not to drink wine, &c while attending in the tabernacle
#Le 10:9; Eze 44:21|

. Not to defile themselves by eating what died or was torn
#Le 22:8|

. While unclean could not perform any service
#Le 22:1,2; Nu 19:6,7|

. While unclean could not eat of the holy things
#Le 22:3-7|

. No sojourner or hired servant to eat of their portion
#Le 22:10|

. All bought and home-born servants to eat of their portion
#Le 22:11|

. Children of, married to strangers, not to eat of their
#Le 22:12|

. Restitution to be made to, by persons ignorantly eating of
their holy things
#Le 22:14-16|

- Divided by David into twenty-four courses
#1Ch 24:1-19; 2Ch 8:14; 35:4,5|

- The four courses which returned from Babylon subdivided into
#Ezr 2:36-39; Lu 1:5|

- Each course of, had its president or chief
#1Ch 24:6,31; 2Ch 36:14|

- Services of, divided by lot
#Lu 1:9|

- Punishment for invading the office of
#Nu 16:1-35; 18:7; 2Ch 26:16-21|

- On special occasions persons not of Aaron's family acted as
#Jud 6:24-27; 1Sa 7:9; 1Ki 18:33|

. Greedy
#1Sa 2:13-17|

. Drunken
#Isa 28:7|

. Profane and wicked
#1Sa 2:22-24|

. Unjust
#Jer 6:13|

. Corrupters of the law
#Isa 28:7; Mal 2:8|

. Slow to sanctify, themselves for God's services
#2Ch 29:34|

- Generally participated in punishment of the people
#Jer 14:18; La 2:20|

- Made of the lowest of the people by Jeroboam and others
#1Ki 12:21; 2Ki 17:32|

- Services of, ineffectual for removing sin
#Heb 7:11; 10:11|

. Christ
#Heb 10:11,12|

. Saints
#Ex 19:6; 1Pe 2:9|

大祭司 High Priest, The
- 特別蒙神呼召
#出 28:1,2; 來 5:4|

- 成聖以擔任其職分
#出 40:13; 利 8:12|

- 被稱為
. 祭司
#出 29:30; 尼 7:65|

. 神的大祭司
#徒 23:4|

. 百姓的官長
#出 22:28; 徒 23:5|

- 祭司的職分是世襲的
#出 29:29|

- 地位僅次於國王
#哀 2:6|

- 通常是世俗權力的首長
#撒上 4:18|

- 大祭司的義務
. 獻禮物與獻祭
#來 5:1|

. 點燃聖燈
#出 30:8; 民 8:3|

. 每年一次在至聖所為百姓贖罪
#利 16:1-34; 來 9:7|

. 在耶和華面前擔著以色列人的名字作為紀念
#出 28:12,29|

. 以烏陵和土明求問神
#撒上 23:9-12; 30:7,8|

. 使利未人成聖
#民 9:11-21|

. 膏抹祭司就職
#撒上 2:36|

. 負責看管收集在聖庫的錢
#王下 12:10; 22:4|

. 主持高等法院
#太 26:3,57-62; 徒 5:21-28; 23:1-5|

. 進行人口普查
#民 1:3|

. 為百姓祝福
#利 9:22,23|

- 有時能預言
#約 11:49-52|

- 由副手協助
#撒下 15:24; 路 3:2|

- 大祭司的副手
. 稱為副祭司
#王下 25:18|

. 看守帳幕
#民 4:16|

. 監督利未人
#民 3:32|

- 必須娶亞倫家族的處女
#利 21:13,14|

- 不得為任何人舉哀
#利 21:1-12|

- 必須是體貼與慈悲的
#來 5:2|

- 必須為自己獻祭
#來 5:1-3|

- 大祭司的特別衣著
. 有稀奇腰帶的以弗得
#出 28:6,7|

. 腰帶
#出 28:4,39|

. 雜色的內袍
#出 28:4,39|

. 以弗得的外袍
#出 28:31-35|

. 胸牌
#出 28:15-29|

. 細麻布冠冕
#出 28:4,39|

. 用金子做的牌或冠冕
#出 28:36-38|

- 由賦有天賜智慧的比撒列等人製作
#出 28:3; 36:1; 39:1|

- 用來當華美的裝飾
#出 28:2|

- 在成聖儀式上要穿
#利 8:7,9|

. 成聖儀式後要穿七天
#出 29:30|

. 傳給繼承人
#出 29:29|

- 在至聖所為百姓贖罪時要穿普通祭司的衣服
#利 16:4|

- 大祭司的職分因非尼哈的熱心, 應許賜給他的後裔
#民 25:12,13|

- 以利家族因不良行為而失去祭司職分
#撒上 2:27-36|

- 有時被國王罷免
#王上 2:27|

- 羅馬人任命大祭司職分為一年
#約 11:49-51; 徒 4:6|

- 在下列事項上象徵基督
. 蒙上帝恩召
#來 5:4,5|

. 其頭銜
#來 3:1|

. 其職位
#賽 61:1; 約 1:32-34|

. 為民贖罪
#利 16:33; 來 2:17|

. 華燦的衣著
#出 28:2; 約 1:14|

. 容易受試探
#來 2:18|

. 憐恤同情弱者和無知的人
#來 4:15; 5:1,2|

. 娶了童女
#利 21:13,14; 林後 11:2|

. 聖潔的職分
#利 21:15; 來 7:26|

. 在贖罪日自己執行一切儀式
#利 16:1-34; 來 1:3|

. 在心上惦記著以色列人的名字
#出 28:29; 歌 8:6|

. 獨自進入至聖所
#來 9:7,12,24; 4:14|

. 為民說項
#民 16:43-48; 來 7:25|

. 祝福
#利 9:22,23; 徒 3:26|

- 在下列事項上不如基督
. 必須為自己的罪贖罪
#來 5:2,3; 7:26-28; 9:7|

. 是亞倫的等次
#來 6:20; 7:11-17; 8:4,5,1,2,6|

. 不是起誓立的
#來 7:20-22|

. 不能長久
#來 7:23,24|

. 往往獻同樣的祭
#來 9:25,26,28; 10:11,12,14|

. 每年進入至聖所
#來 9:7,12,25|

- Specially called of God
#Ex 28:1,2; Heb 5:4|

- Consecrated to his office
#Ex 40:13; Le 8:12|

. The priest
#Ex 29:30; Ne 7:65|

. God's high priest
#Ac 23:4|

. Ruler of the people
#Ex 22:28; Ac 23:5|

- The office of, hereditary
#Ex 29:29|

- Next in rank to the king
#La 2:6|

- Often exercised chief civil power
#1Sa 4:18|

. Offering gifts and sacrifices
#Heb 5:1|

. Lighting the sacred lamps
#Ex 30:8; Nu 8:3|

. Making atonement in the most holy place once a year
#Le 16:1-34; Heb 9:7|

. Bearing before the Lord the names of Israel for a memorial
#Ex 28:12,29|

. Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim
#1Sa 23:9-12; 30:7,8|

. Consecrating the Levites
#Nu 9:11-21|

. Appointing priests to offices
#1Sa 2:36|

. Taking charge of money collected in the sacred treasury
#2Ki 12:10; 22:4|

. Presiding in the superior court
#Mt 26:3,57-62; Ac 5:21-28; 23:1-5|

. Taking the census of the people
#Nu 1:3|

. Blessing the people
#Le 9:22,23|

- Sometimes enabled to prophesy
#Joh 11:49-52|

- Assisted by a deputy
#2Sa 15:24; Lu 3:2|

. Called the second priest
#2Ki 25:18|

. Had oversight of the tabernacle
#Nu 4:16|

. Had oversight of the Levites
#Nu 3:32|

- To marry a virgin of Aaron's family
#Le 21:13,14|

- Forbidden to mourn for any
#Le 21:1-12|

- To be tender and compassionate
#Heb 5:2|

- Needed to sacrifice for himself
#Heb 5:1-3|

. Ephod with its curious girdle
#Ex 28:6,7|

. Girdle
#Ex 28:4,39|

. Broidered coat
#Ex 28:4,39|

. Robe of the ephod
#Ex 28:31-35|

. Breastplate
#Ex 28:15-29|

. Linen mitre
#Ex 28:4,39|

. Plate or crown of gold, &c
#Ex 28:36-38|

- Made by divine wisdom given to Bezaleel, &c
#Ex 28:3; 36:1; 39:1|

- Were for beauty and ornament
#Ex 28:2|

- Worn at his consecration
#Le 8:7,9|

. Worn seven days after consecration
#Ex 29:30|

. Descended to his successors
#Ex 29:29|

- Wore the ordinary priest's garments when making atonement in
the holy place
#Le 16:4|

- Office of, promised to the posterity of Phinehas for his zeal
#Nu 25:12,13|

- Family of Eli degraded from office of, for bad conduct
#1Sa 2:27-36|

- Sometimes deposed by the kings
#1Ki 2:27|

- Office of, made annual by the Romans
#Joh 11:49-51; Ac 4:6|

. Being called of God
#Heb 5:4,5|

. His title
#Heb 3:1|

. His appointment
#Isa 61:1; Joh 1:32-34|

. Making atonement
#Le 16:33; Heb 2:17|

. Splendid dress
#Ex 28:2; Joh 1:14|

. Being liable to temptation
#Heb 2:18|

. Compassion and sympathy for the weak and ignorant
#Heb 4:15; 5:1,2|

. Marrying a virgin
#Le 21:13,14; 2Co 11:2|

. Holiness of office
#Le 21:15; Heb 7:26|

. Performing by himself all the services on day of atonement
#Le 16:1-34; Heb 1:3|

. Bearing the names of Israel upon his heart
#Ex 28:29; So 8:6|

. Alone entering into most holy place
#Heb 9:7,12,24; 4:14|

. Interceding
#Nu 16:43-48; Heb 7:25|

. Blessing
#Le 9:22,23; Ac 3:26|

. Needing to make atonement for his own sins
#Heb 5:2,3; 7:26-28; 9:7|

. Being of the order of Aaron
#Heb 6:20; 7:11-17; 8:4,5,1,2,6|

. Being made without an oath
#Heb 7:20-22|

. Not being able to continue
#Heb 7:23,24|

. Offering oftentimes the same sacrifices
#Heb 9:25,26,28; 10:11,12,14|

. Entering into holiest every year
#Heb 9:7,12,25|

基督, 大祭司 Christ, the High Priest
- 被上帝設立與呼召
#來 3:1,2; 5:4,5|

- 按著麥基洗德的等次
#詩 110:4; 來 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17|

- 優於亞倫和利未人祭司
#來 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6|

- 起誓就聖職
#來 7:20,21|

- 有不變的祭司職分
#來 7:23,28|

- 純潔無瑕
#來 7:26,28|

- 忠實的
#來 3:2|

- 不須為自己預備祭品
#來 7:27|

- 把自己獻為祭
#來 9:14,26|

- 祂獻的祭優於其他所有祭品
#來 9:13,14,23|

- 只獻上一次
#來 7:27; 9:25,26|

- 使上帝與人和好
#來 2:17|

- 為我們得了救贖
#來 9:12|

- 升入高天
#來 4:14; 10:12|

- 體恤受試探的人
#來 2:18; 4:15|

- 替人代求
#來 7:25; 9:24|

- 為人祝福
#民 6:23-26; 徒 3:26|

- 在祂的寶座上
#亞 6:13|

- 基督被設立為祭司, 鼓勵我們堅定不移
#來 4:14|

- 典型
. 麥基洗德
#創 14:18-20|

. 亞倫
#出 40:12-15|

- Appointed and called by God
#Heb 3:1,2; 5:4,5|

- After the order of Melchizedek
#Ps 110:4; Heb 5:6; 6:20; 7:15,17|

- Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests
#Heb 7:11,16,22; 8:1,2,6|

- Consecrated with an oath
#Heb 7:20,21|

- Has an unchangeable priesthood
#Heb 7:23,28|

- Is of unblemished purity
#Heb 7:26,28|

- Faithful
#Heb 3:2|

- Needed no sacrifice for himself
#Heb 7:27|

- Offered himself a sacrifice
#Heb 9:14,26|

- His sacrifice superior to all others
#Heb 9:13,14,23|

- Offered sacrifice but once
#Heb 7:27; 9:25,26|

- Made reconciliation
#Heb 2:17|

- Obtained redemption for us
#Heb 9:12|

- Entered into heaven
#Heb 4:14; 10:12|

- Sympathises with those who are tempted
#Heb 2:18; 4:15|

- Intercedes
#Heb 7:25; 9:24|

- Blesses
#Nu 6:23-26; Ac 3:26|

- On his throne
#Zec 6:13|

- Appointment of, and encouragement to steadfastness
#Heb 4:14|

- Typified
. Melchizedek
#Ge 14:18-20|

. Aaron, &c
#Ex 40:12-15|

中文 英文
PRIEST International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PRIESTHOOD International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
HIGH PRIEST International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PRIEST, HIGH International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PRIEST, CHRIST AS International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PRIESTS AND LEVITES International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
COURSE OF PRIESTS AND LEVITES International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
BREASTPLATE OF THE HIGH PRIEST International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
CHRIST AS KING, PRIEST, PROPHET International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PRIESTHOOD IN THE NEW TESTAMENT International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

中文 英文
Chief priest
High priest

中文 英文
High priest Smith Bible Dictionary
Priest Smith Bible Dictionary

中文 英文 中文翻譯

中文 英文

中文 英文
祭司 Priest
祭司職任 Priesthood

