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代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: 葡萄園

中文註解 英文註解
#賽 1:8|

#賽 5:2; 太 21:33; 可 12:1|

#賽 5:2|

#傳 2:4,6|

#歌 8:11,12; 賽 7:23; 太 21:33-39|

#代上 27:26-28|

#箴 24:30,31|

-亞備勒基拉明 (「葡萄園原野」)
#士 11:33|

#賽 5:1-7; 27:2,3; 耶 12:10; 太 20:1-16; 21:28-31,33-41;
路 13:6-9|



-又見 禁酒


-Huts (R. V., booths) in
#Isa 1:8|

-Towers in
#Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33; Mr 12:1|

-Winepress in
#Isa 5:2|

-Pools in
#Ec 2:4,6|

#So 8:11,12; Isa 7:23; Mt 21:33-39|

-Of kings
#1Ch 27:26-28|

#Pr 24:30,31|

-Plain of the
#Jud 11:33|

-Parables of
#Isa 5:1-7; 27:2,3; Jer 12:10; Mt 20:1-16; 21:28-31,33-41;
Lu 13:6-9|




中文註解 英文註解
葡萄園 Vineyards
- 葡萄園的起源由來已久
#創 9:20|

- 栽植葡萄園的目的
#詩 107:37; 林前 9:7|

- 周圍經常有牆壁或籬笆圍住
#民 22:24; 箴 24:31; 賽 5:2,5|

- 園內有給看守人住的草棚
#賽 1:8|

- 附有製造葡萄酒的設備
#賽 5:2; 太 21:33|

- 園主悉心把園子裡的石頭撿掉
#賽 5:2|

- 關於葡萄園的律法
. 不可在葡萄園中種不同的種子
#申 22:9|

. 安息年要休耕
#出 23:11; 利 25:4|

. 安息年不可採摘自生的果子
#利 25:5,11|

. 葡萄園若遭損害, 肇事者要賠償同類的出產
#出 22:5|

. 外人進入葡萄園, 可以吃葡萄, 但不得帶走
#申 23:24|

. 採摘葡萄所餘剩的要留給窮人
#利 19:10; 申 24:21|

. 新種的葡萄, 三年之內不可吃
#利 19:23|

. 新種的葡萄, 第四年要歸上帝為聖
#利 19:24|

. 新種的葡萄, 第五年開始主人可以吃
#利 19:25|

. 種葡萄的人可以等吃完葡萄再服役
#申 20:6|

- 經常由佃農承租
#歌 8:11; 太 21:33|

- 佃農每每用一部分葡萄收成代替租金
#太 21:34|

- 常常被抵押
#尼 5:3,4|

- 大概的租金金額
#歌 8:11; 賽 7:23|

- 葡萄園為栽培者帶來的估計收益
#歌 8:12|

- 窮人受雇栽種葡萄園
#王下 25:12; 賽 61:5|

- 在葡萄園工作的往往是家裡的人
#歌 1:6; 太 21:28-30|

- 雇用並支付葡萄園雇工的模式
#太 20:1,2|

- 以色列王派政府官長督管葡萄園
#代上 27:27|

- 葡萄採收季節
. 是大大歡喜的時刻
#賽 16:10|

. 有時持續到播種時節為止
#利 26:5|

. 葡萄園歉收引起極大的悲傷
#賽 16:9,10|

- 紅葡萄園特別受珍視
#賽 27:2|

- 葡萄園的出產每每遭敵人毀壞
#耶 48:32|

- 葡萄園的出產往往全遭害蟲毀壞
#申 28:39; 摩 4:9|

- 在不利的時節所生產的酒極少
#賽 5:10; 該 1:9,11|

- 按著上帝的審判, 惡人喪失享有葡萄園的權利
#摩 5:11; 番 1:13|

- 利甲人不得種葡萄
#耶 35:7-9|

- 懶人任其葡萄園荒蕪
#箴 24:30,31|

- 用來說明
. 猶太教會
#賽 5:7; 27:2; 耶 12:10; 太 21:23|

. (葡萄園歉收,) 極大的災難
#賽 32:10|

. (摘葡萄,) 選民
#賽 24:13|

- Origin and antiquity of
#Ge 9:20|

- The design of planting
#Ps 107:37; 1Co 9:7|

- Frequently walled or fenced with hedges
#Nu 22:24; Pr 24:31; Isa 5:2,5|

- Cottages built in, for the keepers
#Isa 1:8|

- Provided with the apparatus for making wine
#Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33|

- The stones carefully gathered out of
#Isa 5:2|

. Not to be planted with different kinds of seed
#De 22:9|

. Not to be cultivated in the Sabbatical year
#Ex 23:11; Le 25:4|

. The spontaneous fruit of, not to be gathered during the
sabbatical year
#Le 25:5,11|

. Compensation in kind to be made for injury done to
#Ex 22:5|

. Strangers entering, allowed to eat fruit of, but not to
take any away
#De 23:24|

. The gleaning of, to be left for the poor
#Le 19:10; De 24:21|

. The fruit of new, not to be eaten for three years
#Le 19:23|

. The fruit of new, to be holy to the Lord in the fourth year
#Le 19:24|

. The fruit of new, to be eaten by the owners from the fifth
#Le 19:25|

. Planters of, not liable to military service till they had
eaten of the fruit
#De 20:6|

- Frequently let out to husbandmen
#So 8:11; Mt 21:33|

- Rent of, frequently paid by part of the fruit
#Mt 21:34|

- Were often mortgaged
#Ne 5:3,4|

- Estimated rent of
#So 8:11; Isa 7:23|

- Estimated profit arising from, to the cultivators
#So 8:12|

- The poor engaged in the culture of
#2Ki 25:12; Isa 61:5|

- Members of the family often wrought in
#So 1:6; Mt 21:28-30|

- Mode of hiring and paying labourers for working in
#Mt 20:1,2|

- Of the kings of Israel superintended by officers of the state
#1Ch 27:27|

. Was a time of great rejoicing
#Isa 16:10|

. Sometimes continued to the time of sowing seed
#Le 26:5|

. Failure in, occasioned great grief
#Isa 16:9,10|

- Of red grapes particularly esteemed
#Isa 27:2|

- The produce of, was frequently destroyed by enemies
#Jer 48:32|

- The whole produce of, often destroyed by insects, &c
#De 28:39; Am 4:9|

- In unfavourable seasons produced but little wine
#Isa 5:10; Hag 1:9,11|

- The wicked judicially deprived of the enjoyment of
#Am 5:11; Zep 1:13|

- The Rechabites forbidden to plant
#Jer 35:7-9|

- Of the slothful man neglected and laid waste
#Pr 24:30,31|

. Of the Jewish Church
#Isa 5:7; 27:2; Jer 12:10; Mt 21:23|

. (Failure of,) of severe calamities
#Isa 32:10|

. (Cleaning grapes of,) of the elect
#Isa 24:13|

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