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分享人: 基仔二
分享日期: 2020/05/20
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Jeffrey M. Schwartz ,专门研究强迫症(OCD)他的名著是:《Brain Lock》



维基这样讲:“Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. is an American psychiatrist and researcher in the field of neuroplasticity and its application to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).[1][2] He is a proponent of mind/body dualism and appeared in the 2008 Film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, in which he told interviewer Ben Stein that science should not be separated from religion他告诉采访者本·斯坦(Ben Stein),科学不应该与宗教分开.[2][3][4][5]”( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_M._Schwartz)


“The author, Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. is an Evangelical Christian. 福音派的基督徒。”( https://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/7305/what-is-the-christian-perspective-on-deceptive-brain-messages)


“Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz: Fundamentals of Mind-Brain Interaction” ( http://video.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ss/?wr_id=97&url=link1_0&goto_url=m2)

Dr. Schwartz gives lectures to diverse audiences in the US, Europe and Asia and writes insightfully on the philosophy of mind, especially on the role of volition in human neurobiology. His book, “The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force,” was co-written with Sharon Begley, a prominent senior science columnist and editor of the popular US magazine Newsweek.

The focus of my whole work has been getting away from what has become the accepted paradigm. The belief that everything about your mind is completely determined by and in fact reducible to what your brain does, whats become a slogan; that is, “The mind is what the brain does.” 我整个工作的重点一直在摆脱已成为公认的范式的事物: 相信您的思想的一切都完全取决于您的大脑所做的事情,并且实际上可以简化为您的口号; 也就是说,“思想就是大脑的工作。”

The separation and integration of the words “mind" and "brain" are best understood by realizing that, yes, the brain is certainly responsible, and definitely in a scientific and cultural context is very reasonably understood to be causing a lot of the content of your thinking in certain ways, and certainly how you are feeling about things, what we call in psychiatry the “affect” or the “mood,” states of happiness and sadness.

These things can markedly be influenced by the neural chemistry of your brain. But, and its a big “but,” its also important to realize that the way you experience those feelings, the way you interface with those thoughts, the kinds of attention that you pay to it, being either mindfully aware or having sort of a rational, third person perspective on it, or being just gripped by it interfaces with what your brain is doing, and how you focus your attention can change what your brain is doing. 这些事情可能会受到大脑神经化学的明显影响。 但是,这是一个很大的“但是”,认识到您体验这些感觉的方式,与这些想法的交互方式,您对之的关注程度,注意或意识到 理性的,第三人称的观点,或者只是被它所束缚,与您的大脑在做什么,以及您如何专注于您的注意力可以改变您的大脑在做什么。



Schwartz believes we need to reintegrate spiritual ideals into science so that it can provide the answers we seek. Thus his four-step process for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder takes a different approach than that of conventional medicine, yet it is no less scientific.

If you’re talking to me about how the mind can change the brain; how the mind can influence the brain, and I’ve done a lot of work with a colleague by the name of Henry Stapp, 如果您是在跟我谈论思想如何改变大脑; 思维如何影响大脑,我和一个叫亨利·斯塔普(Henry Stapp)的同事做了很多工作,who’s a physicist up in the University of California, Berkley (USA) at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, we have a very, very orthodox scientific theory based in quantum mechanics that really makes the case in a very scientifically rigorous way that attention through a quantum mechanical process can influence what the brain does.



I believe that it’s culturally damaging to view science and religion as intrinsically completely separated. Hopefully things are changing and science is going to become less materialistic我认为,将科学和宗教本质上完全分开会破坏文化。 希望情况正在发生变化,科学将不再如此唯物主义



