XX The most common kinds were wheat, barley, spelt, Authorized Version, ( Exodus 9:32 ) and Isai 28:25 "rye;" ( Ezekiel 4:9 ) "fitches" and millet; oats are mentioned only by rabbinical writers. Our Indian corn was unknown in Bible times. Corn-crops are still reckoned at twentyfold what was sown, and were anciently much more. ( Genesis 41:22 ) The Jewish law permitted any one in passing through a filed of standing corn to pluck and eat. ( 23:25 ) see also Matt 12:1 From Solomons time, ( 2 Chronicles 2:10 2 Chronicles 2:15 ) as agriculture became developed under a settled government, Palestine was a corn-exporting country, and her grain was largely taken by her commercial neighbor Tyre. ( Ezekiel 27:17 ) comp. Amos 8:5