XSO, adv. So the doctrine by but wholesome and edifying though there should be a want of exactness in the manner of speaking and resoning, it may be overlooked. I care not who furnishes the means, so they are furnished.

10. In like manner, noting the concession of one proposition of fact and the assumption of another; answering to as. As a war should be undertaken upon a just motive, so a prince ought to consider the condition he is in when he enters on it.

11. So often expresses the sense of a word or sentence going before. In this case it prevents a repetition, and may be considered as a substitute for the word or phrase. ""France is highly cultivated, but England is more so,"" that is, more highly cultivated.

12. Thus; thus it is; this is the state. How sorrow shakes him! So now the tempest tears him up by th' roots.

13. Well; the fact being such. And so the work is done, is it?

14. It is sometimes used to express a certain degree, implying comparison, and yet without the corresponding word as, to render the degree definite. An astringent is not quite so proper, where relaxing the urinary passages is necessary.

15. It is sometimes equivalent to be it so, let it be so, let it be as it is, or in that manner. There is Percy; if your father will do me any honor, so; if not, let him kill the next Percy himself.

16. It expresses a wish, desire or petition. Ready are the appellant and defendant- So please your highness to behold the fight.

17. So much as, however much. Instead of so, we now generally use as; as much as, that much; whatever the quantity may be.

18. So so, or so repeated, used as a kind of exclamation; equivalent to well, well; or it is so, the thing is done. So, so, it works; now, mistress, sit you fast.

19. So so, much as it was; indifferently; not well not much amiss. His leg is but so so.

20. So then, thus then it is; therefore; the consequence is. So then the Volscians stand; but as at first ready, when time shall prompt them, to make road upon's again.