XCLAP, v.t.

1. To strike with a quick motion, so as to make a noise by the collision; to strike with something broad, or having a flat surface; as, to clap the hands; to clap the wings.

2. To thrust or drive together; to shut hastily; followed by to; as, to clap to the door or gate.

3. To thrust or drive together; to put one thing to another by a hasty or sudden motion; followed by to, on or in; as, to clap the hand to the mouth; to clap spurs to a horse; to clap on a saddle.

4. To thrust; to put, place or send; followed by in, into, under, over, _c.; as, to clap one under the hatches; to clap one into Bedlam; to clap a board over a pit.

5. To applaud; to manifest approbation or praise by striking the hands together; as, to clap a performance on the stage.

6. To infect with venereal poison.

To clap up, to make or complete hastily; as, to clap up a peace.

To imprison hastily, or with little delay.

, n.

1. A driving together; a thrust and collision of bodies with noise, usually bodies with broad surfaces.

Give the door a clap.

2. A sudden act or motion; a thrust.

Pay all debts at one clap.

3. A burst of sound; a sudden explosion; as a clap of thunder.

4. An act of applause; a striking of hands to express approbation.

5. A venereal infection.

6. With falconers, the nether part of the beak of a hawk.