首頁加入會員會員登入點數說明網站地圖聯絡我們奉獻支持 (尚未登入) 聖經QR 4月26日 星期五

AI@教會 免費講座
靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: JOY

中文註解 英文註解
歡喜/喜樂 JOY
#申 28:63; 30:9; 耶 32:41|

#路 15:10-32|

#申 12:18; 撒上 2:1; 代上 16:27; 代下 7:10; 拉 6:22|
#尼 8:10,12; 12:43; 伯 8:21; 22:21,26; 33:26; 詩 2:11; 4:7|
#詩 5:11; 9:2,14; 13:5; 14:7; 16:5,6,8,9,11; 17:15; 19:8; 20:5|
#詩 21:1,6; 28:7; 30:5,11,12; 32:1,2,11; 33:21; 35:9; 36:8|
#詩 64:10; 68:3; 69:32; 70:4; 71:23; 85:6; 89:15,16; 97:11,12|
#詩 40:16; 42:4; 43:4; 45:15; 46:4; 51:8,12; 53:6; 63:5-7,11|
#詩 100:1,2; 104:34; 105:3,43; 119:1,2,14,16,55,111,162,165|
#詩 126:5,6; 132:16; 138:5; 149:2,5; 箴 10:28; 13:9; 19:23|
#箴 28:12; 29:6; 傳 2:26; 賽 9:3; 12:1-6; 25:9; 29:19; 30:29|
#賽 35:1,2,10; 41:16; 44:23; 49:13; 51:11; 52:9; 55:12; 56:7|
#賽 61:3,7,10; 65:14,19; 66:10-12,14; 耶 15:16; 31:12-14,25,26|
#耶 33:6,11; 珥 2:23; 鴻 1:15; 哈 3:18; 番 3:14; 該 2:9|
#亞 2:10; 9:9; 10:7; 太 18:13; 25:21; 路 1:47; 2:10; 6:22,23|
#路 10:20; 15:6-8,10,22-32; 24:52; 約 16:20,22,24,33; 17:13|
#徒 2:28; 8:8,39; 13:52; 16:25,34; 羅 5:2,11; 12:12; 14:17|
#羅 15:13; 林後 1:12,24; 6:10; 7:4; 8:2; 12:10; 加 5:22|
#弗 5:18,19; 腓 3:3; 4:4; 西 1:11; 帖前 1:6; 5:16; 來 10:34|
#雅 1:2; 5:13; 彼前 1:8; 4:13; 約一 1:4; 猶 1:24|

.摩西和以色列人, 當法老和其軍隊滅頂時
#出 15:1-22|
.底波拉和以色列人, 當西西拉被打倒時
#士 5|
.耶弗他的女兒, 當他戰勝亞捫人回家時
#士 11:34|
.哈拿, 當撒母耳出生時
#撒上 2:1-11|
.拿俄米, 當波阿斯恩待路得時
#得 2:20; 4:14|
#撒上 10:24|
#撒上 18:6,7|
#代上 12:40|
#代上 13:6-8|
#代上 15:16,25,28|
#代上 29:9|
.在以斯拉管理之下, 慶祝奉獻聖殿之禮並住棚節時
#拉 6:16,22|
.猶太人, 重新聽聞上帝的話語時
#尼 8:9-18|
#代下 15:14,15; 23:18,21; 29:30,36; 30:21,23,26|
#尼 12:43|
#拉 3:11-13|
#代上 29:10-19|
#斯 8:15,16; with 7:10|
.以利沙伯, 當馬利亞探望她時
#路 1:5-44|
.馬利亞, 當她探望以利沙伯時
#路 1:46-56|
.撒迦利亞, 當施洗約翰出生時
#路 1:67-79|
.天使, 當耶穌出生時
#路 2:13,14|
.牧羊人, 當他們看見嬰孩耶穌時
#路 2:20|
#太 2:10|
.西面, 當他見到耶穌在聖殿中被獻給主時
#路 2:28-32|
.門徒, 因為魔鬼臣服於他們
#路 10:17|
.浪子的父親, 當浪子回頭時
#路 15:20-32|
.天使, 當罪人悔改時
#路 15:7,10|
.門徒, 當耶穌得勝進耶路撒冷時
#太 21:8,9; 可 11:8-10|
#太 28:8|
.門徒, 耶穌復活後
#路 24:41|
.耶穌升天後, 門徒在聖殿中就歡喜
#路 24:53|
.門徒在聖殿中歡喜, 因為他們領受了聖靈的恩賜
#徒 2:46,47|
#徒 3:8|
.保羅, 上耶路撒冷時
#徒 20:22-24|
.保羅和西拉, 在腓立比監牢裡
#徒 16:25|
.羅大, 當她聽見門口有彼得的聲音時
#徒 12:14|
.門徒在耶路撒冷, 當彼得告訴他們哥尼流和其他外邦人歸主時
#徒 11:18|
.巴拿巴, 當他見到福音在敘利亞的安提阿順利傳揚時
#徒 11:22,23|
.保羅和哥林多人, 因為遭逐出教會的成員悔改
#林後 1:24; 2:3|
.保羅和提多, 因為哥林多人殷勤款待
#林後 7:13; with 8:6; 羅 15:32; 林前 16:18|
.馬其頓的基督徒, 當他們捐助耶路撒冷的基督徒時
#林後 8:2|
.保羅, 為腓立比的基督徒祈禱時
#腓 1:4|
.帖撒羅尼迦人, 當他們相信保羅傳的福音時
#帖前 1:6|
.保羅, 為了因他歸主的人歡欣
#帖前 2:19,20; 3:9; 門 1:7|
.初代基督徒, 當他們相信耶穌時
#彼前 1:8,9|

#伯 20:5; 箴 14:13; 15:21; 傳 2:10; 7:6; 11:8,9; 賽 16:10|
#雅 4:9|

-Attributed to God
#De 28:63; 30:9; Jer 32:41|

-In heaven
#Lu 15:10-32|

#De 12:18; 1Sa 2:1; 1Ch 16:27; 2Ch 7:10; Ezr 6:22; Ne
8:10,12; 12:43; Job 8:21; 22:21,26; 33:26; Ps 2:11; 4:7;
5:11; 9:2,14; 13:5; 14:7; 16:5,6,8,9,11; 17:15; 19:8; 20:5;
21:1,6; 28:7; 30:5,11,12; 32:1,2,11; 33:21; 35:9; 36:8;
40:16; 42:4; 43:4; 45:15; 46:4; 51:8,12; 53:6; 63:5-7,11;
64:10; 68:3; 69:32; 70:4; 71:23; 85:6; 89:15,16; 97:11,12;
100:1,2; 104:34; 105:3,43; 119:1,2,14,16,55,111,162,165;
126:5,6; 132:16; 138:5; 149:2,5; Pr 10:28; 13:9; 19:23;
28:12; 29:6; Ec 2:26; Isa 9:3; 12:1-6; 25:9; 29:19; 30:29;
35:1,2,10; 41:16; 44:23; 49:13; 51:11; 52:9; 55:12; 56:7;
61:3,7,10; 65:14,19; 66:10-12,14; Jer 15:16; 31:12-14,25,26;
33:6,11; Joe 2:23; Na 1:15; Hab 3:18; Zep 3:14; Hag 2:9; Zec
2:10; 9:9; 10:7; Mt 18:13; 25:21; Lu 1:47; 2:10; 6:22,23;
10:20; 15:6-8,10,22-32; 24:52; Joh 16:20,22,24,33; 17:13; Ac
2:28; 8:8,39; 13:52; 16:25,34; Ro 5:2,11; 12:12; 14:17;
15:13; 2Co 1:12,24; 6:10; 7:4; 8:2; 12:10; Ga 5:22; Eph
5:18,19; Php 3:3; 4:4; Col 1:11; 1Th 1:6; 5:16; Heb 10:34;
Jas 1:2; 5:13; 1Pe 1:8; 4:13; 1Jo 1:4; Jude 1:24|

.Of Moses and the Israelites, when Pharaoh and his army were
#Ex 15:1-22|
.Of Deborah and the Israelites, when Sisera was overthrown
#Jud 5|
.Of Jephthah's daughter, when he returned from his victory
over the Ammonites
#Jud 11:34|
.Of Hannah, when Samuel was born
#1Sa 2:1-11|
.Of Naomi, when Boaz showed kindness to Ruth
#Ru 2:20; 4:14|
.Of the Israelites
.When Saul was presented as their king
#1Sa 10:24|
.When David killed Goliath
#1Sa 18:6,7|
.When they came to David to Hebron to make him king
#1Ch 12:40|
.When they took the ark of the covenant from Kirjath-jearim
#1Ch 13:8|
.When they brought the ark of the covenant from the house
of Obed-edom to Jerusalem
#1Ch 15:16,25,28|
.When they made gifts to the house of God
#1Ch 29:9|
.When they observed the dedication of the temple, and the
feast of tabernacles under Ezra
#Ezr 6:16,22|
.Of the Jews, after hearing, anew, the word of God
#Ne 8:9-18|
.When they turned away from idolatry
#2Ch 15:14,15; 23:18,21; 29:30,36; 30:21,23,26|
.When the wall of Jerusalem was dedicated
#Ne 12:43|
.When the foundation of the second temple was laid
#Ezr 3:11-13|
.Of David, over the offerings of the princes and people for
the house of God
#1Ch 29:10-19|
.Jews, over the hanging of Haman
#Es 8:15,16; with 7:10|
.Of Elisabeth, when Mary visited her
#Lu 1:5-44|
.Of Mary, when she visited Elisabeth
#Lu 1:46-56|
.Of Zecharias, when John the Baptist was born
#Lu 1:67-79|
.Of angels, when Jesus was born
#Lu 2:13,14|
.Of the shepherds, when they saw the infant Jesus
#Lu 2:20|
.Of the Magi
#Mt 2:10|
.Of Simeon, when Jesus was presented in the temple
#Lu 2:28-32|
.Of the disciples, because the demons were subject to them
#Lu 10:17|
.Of the father, when his prodigal son returned
#Lu 15:20-32|
.Of angels, when sinners repent
#Lu 15:7,10|
.Of the disciples, when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem
#Mt 21:8,9; Mr 11:8-10|
.Of the women who returned from the Lord's sepulcher
#Mt 28:8|
.The disciple, after the resurrection of Jesus
#Lu 24:41|
.Of the disciples in the temple after the ascension of Jesus
#Lu 24:53|
.Of the disciples in the temple because they had received the
gift of the Holy Spirit
#Ac 2:46,47|
.Of the immobile man who was healed by Peter
#Ac 3:8|
.Of Paul, when he went up to Jerusalem
#Ac 20:22-24|
.Of Paul and Silas, in the jail at Philippi
#Ac 16:25|
.Of Rhoda, when she heard Peter at the gate
#Ac 12:14|
.Of the disciples at Jerusalem, when Peter told them about
the conversion of Cornelius and other Gentiles
#Ac 11:18|
.Of Barnabas, when he saw the success of the gospel at
Antioch (in Syria)
#Ac 11:22,23|
.Of Paul and the Corinthians, because the excommunicated
member repented
#2Co 1:24; 2:3|
.Of Paul and Titus, because of the hospitality of the
#2Co 7:13; with 8:6; Ro 15:32; 1Co 16:18|
.Of the Macedonian Christians, when they made a contribution
for the Christians at Jerusalem
#2Co 8:2|
.Of Paul, when he prayed for the Philippian Christians
#Php 1:4|
.Of Thessalonians, when they believed Paul's gospel
#1Th 1:6|
.Of Paul, rejoicing over his converts
#1Th 2:19,20; 3:9; Phm 1:7|
.Of early Christians, when they believed in Jesus
#1Pe 1:8,9|

#Job 20:5; Pr 14:13; 15:21; Ec 2:10; 7:6; 11:8,9; Isa 16:10;
Jas 4:9|

中文註解 英文註解
喜樂 Joy
- 上帝給人喜樂
#傳 2:26; 詩 4:7|

- 基督受命給人喜樂
#賽 61:3|

- 是聖靈的果子
#加 5:22|

- 福音是喜樂的好消息
#路 2:10,11|

- 上帝的話語帶來喜樂
#尼 8:12; 耶 15:16|

- 福音將歡喜地被接受
#帖前 1:6|

- 應許賜給聖徒
#詩 132:16; 賽 35:10; 55:12; 56:7|

- 為聖徒而預備
#詩 97:11|

- 聖徒受囑咐要喜樂
#詩 32:11; 腓 3:1|

- 在上帝面前有滿足的喜樂
#詩 16:11|

- 從世俗事物尋求喜樂是虛空的
#傳 2:10,11; 11:8|

- 下列人士經歷喜樂
. 信徒
#路 24:52; 徒 16:34|

. 使人和睦的人
#箴 12:20|

. 正直人
#箴 21:15|

. 智慧、謹慎的人
#箴 15:23|

. 好孩子的父母
#箴 23:24|

- 加添給謙卑人
#賽 29:19|

- 聖徒的喜樂
. 在於上帝
#詩 89:16; 149:2; 哈 3:18; 羅 5:11|

. 在於基督
#路 1:47; 腓 3:3|

. 在於聖靈
#羅 14:17|

. 為了蒙揀選
#路 10:20|

. 為了救恩
#詩 21:1; 賽 61:10|

. 為了從束縛中得解救
#詩 105:43; 耶 31:10-13|

. 為了恩惠已顯明
#代下 7:10|

. 為了現世的蒙福
#珥 2:23,24|

. 為了源源不絕的恩典
#賽 12:3|

. 為了上帝的保護
#詩 5:11; 16:8,9|

. 為了上帝的扶持
#詩 28:7; 63:7|

. 為了基督已得勝
#約 16:33|

. 為了榮耀的盼望
#羅 5:2|

. 為了福音順利傳開
#徒 15:3|

- 聖徒的歡喜應當是
. 大的
#亞 9:9; 徒 8:8|

. 豐盛的
#林後 8:2|

. 極度的
#詩 21:6; 68:3|

. 熱烈的
#詩 32:11; 路 6:23|

. 無法言喻的
#彼前 1:8|

. 充滿榮耀的
#彼前 1:8|

. 持續的
#林後 6:10; 腓 4:4|

. 恆常的
#帖前 5:16|

. 帶著敬畏
#詩 2:11|

. 帶著盼望
#羅 12:12|

. 帶著憂傷
#林後 6:10|

. 在受試煉時
#雅 1:2; 彼前 1:6|

. 在受逼迫時
#太 5:11,12; 路 6:22,23; 來 10:34|

. 在受苦難時
#哈 3:17,18|

. 以讚美詩表達
#弗 5:19; 雅 5:13|

- 伴隨聖徒的患難而來的是喜樂
#詩 30:5; 126:5; 賽 35:10; 約 16:20|

- 當為了恢復喜樂而禱告
#詩 51:8,12; 85:6|

- 當使受苦人喜樂
#伯 29:13|

- 聖徒的喜樂因下列原因得以滿足
. 上帝的恩寵
#徒 2:28|

. 相信基督
#羅 15:13|

. 在基督裡
#約 15:10,11|

. 基督的話語
#約 17:13|

. 禱告得回應
#約 16:24|

. 聖徒的密契
#提後 1:4; 約一 1:3,4; 約二 1:12|

- 聖徒應為其牧者帶來喜樂
#腓 2:2; 門 1:20|

- 牧者應當
. 將會眾視為其喜樂
#腓 4:1; 帖前 2:20|

. 使會眾喜樂
#林後 1:24; 腓 1:25|

. 為會眾喜樂禱告
#羅 15:13|

. 為其會眾的信心與聖潔喜樂
#林後 7:4; 帖前 3:9; 約三 1:4|

. 歡喜地來到會眾面前
#羅 15:32|

. 歡喜地走完其路程
#徒 20:24|

. 渴望歡喜地交帳
#腓 2:16; 來 13:17|

- 歡喜地服事上帝
#詩 100:2|

- 慷慨服事上帝將帶來喜樂
#代上 29:9,17|

- 堅立聖徒的力量
#尼 8:10|

- 聖徒應歡喜地參與一切禮拜儀式
#拉 6:22; 詩 42:4|

- 聖徒在他們一切工作上應當歡喜快樂
#申 12:18|

- 聖徒應當歡喜快樂地來到上帝面前
#彼前 4:13; 猶 1:24|

- 基督再臨將帶給聖徒極度的喜悅
#彼前 4:13|

- 審判日時, 喜樂將是聖徒最後的獎賞
#太 25:21|

- 惡人的喜樂
. 來自世俗的聲色之娛
#傳 2:10; 11:9|

. 來自蠢事
#箴 15:21|

. 是虛妄的
#箴 14:13|

. 是短暫的
#伯 20:5; 傳 7:6|

. 將化為悲傷
#雅 4:9|

. 將被奪走
#賽 16:10|

- 敬虔喜樂的說明
#賽 9:3; 太 13:44|

- 敬虔喜樂的例子
. 哈拿
#撒上 2:1|

. 大衛
#代上 29:9|

. 博士
#太 2:10|

. 童女馬利亞
#路 1:47|

. 該撒
#路 19:6|

. 歸主的人
#徒 2:46; 13:52|

. 彼得等人
#徒 5:41|

. 撒瑪利亞人
#徒 8:8|

. 禁卒
#徒 16:34|

- God gives
#Ec 2:26; Ps 4:7|

- Christ appointed to give
#Isa 61:3|

- Is a fruit of the Spirit
#Ga 5:22|

- The gospel, good tidings of
#Lu 2:10,11|

- God's word affords
#Ne 8:12; Jer 15:16|

- The gospel to be received with
#1Th 1:6|

- Promised to saints
#Ps 132:16; Isa 35:10; 55:12; 56:7|

- Prepared for saints
#Ps 97:11|

- Enjoined to saints
#Ps 32:11; Php 3:1|

- Fulness of, in God's presence
#Ps 16:11|

- Vanity of seeking, from earthly things
#Ec 2:10,11; 11:8|

. Believers
#Lu 24:52; Ac 16:34|

. Peace-makers
#Pr 12:20|

. The just
#Pr 21:15|

. The wise, and discreet
#Pr 15:23|

. Parents of good children
#Pr 23:24|

- Increased to the meek
#Isa 29:19|

. In God
#Ps 89:16; 149:2; Hab 3:18; Ro 5:11|

. In Christ
#Lu 1:47; Php 3:3|

. In the Holy Spirit
#Ro 14:17|

. For election
#Lu 10:20|

. For salvation
#Ps 21:1; Isa 61:10|

. For deliverance from bondage
#Ps 105:43; Jer 31:10-13|

. For manifestation of goodness
#2Ch 7:10|

. For temporal blessings
#Joe 2:23,24|

. For supplies of grace
#Isa 12:3|

. For divine protection
#Ps 5:11; 16:8,9|

. For divine support
#Ps 28:7; 63:7|

. For the victory of Christ
#Joh 16:33|

. For the hope of glory
#Ro 5:2|

. For the success of the gospel
#Ac 15:3|

. Great
#Zec 9:9; Ac 8:8|

. Abundant
#2Co 8:2|

. Exceeding
#Ps 21:6; 68:3|

. Animated
#Ps 32:11; Lu 6:23|

. Unspeakable
#1Pe 1:8|

. Full of glory
#1Pe 1:8|

. Constant
#2Co 6:10; Php 4:4|

. For evermore
#1Th 5:16|

. With awe
#Ps 2:11|

. In hope
#Ro 12:12|

. In sorrow
#2Co 6:10|

. Under trials
#Jas 1:2; 1Pe 1:6|

. Under persecutions
#Mt 5:11,12; Lu 6:22,23; Heb 10:34|

. Under calamities
#Hab 3:17,18|

. Expressed in hymns
#Eph 5:19; Jas 5:13|

- Afflictions of saints succeeded by
#Ps 30:5; 126:5; Isa 35:10; Joh 16:20|

- Pray for restoration of
#Ps 51:8,12; 85:6|

- Promote, in the afflicted
#Job 29:13|

. The favour of God
#Ac 2:28|

. Faith in Christ
#Ro 15:13|

. Abiding in Christ
#Joh 15:10,11|

. The word of Christ
#Joh 17:13|

. Answers to prayer
#Joh 16:24|

. Communion of saints
#2Ti 1:4; 1Jo 1:3,4; 2Jo 1:12|

- Saints should afford, to their ministers
#Php 2:2; Phm 1:20|

. Esteem their people as their
#Php 4:1; 1Th 2:20|

. Promote, in their people
#2Co 1:24; Php 1:25|

. Pray for, for their people
#Ro 15:13|

. Have, in the faith and holiness of their people
#2Co 7:4; 1Th 3:9; 3Jo 1:4|

. Come to their people with
#Ro 15:32|

. Finish their course with
#Ac 20:24|

. Desire to render an account with
#Php 2:16; Heb 13:17|

- Serve God with
#Ps 100:2|

- Liberality in God's service should cause
#1Ch 29:9,17|

- Is strengthening to saints
#Ne 8:10|

- Saints should engage in all religious services with
#Ezr 6:22; Ps 42:4|

- Saints should have, in all their undertakings
#De 12:18|

- Saints shall be presented to God with exceeding
#1Pe 4:13; Jude 1:24|

- The coming of Christ will afford to saints, exceeding
#1Pe 4:13|

- Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment day
#Mt 25:21|

. Is derived from earthly pleasures
#Ec 2:10; 11:9|

. Is derived from folly
#Pr 15:21|

. Is delusive
#Pr 14:13|

. Is short-lived
#Job 20:5; Ec 7:6|

. Should be turned into mourning
#Jas 4:9|

. Shall be taken away
#Isa 16:10|

- Holy-Illustrated
#Isa 9:3; Mt 13:44|

- Holy-Exemplified
. Hannah
#1Sa 2:1|

. David
#1Ch 29:9|

. Wise men
#Mt 2:10|

. The Virgin Mary
#Lu 1:47|

. Zacchaeus
#Lu 19:6|

. Converts
#Ac 2:46; 13:52|

. Peter, &c
#Ac 5:41|

. Samaritans
#Ac 8:8|

. Jailor
#Ac 16:34|

上帝喜悅其百姓 Joy of God over his People, The
- 描述上帝何其喜悅其百姓
#番 3:17|

- 乃是由於他們的
. 悔改
#路 15:7,10|

. 信心
#來 11:5,6|

. 敬畏祂
#詩 147:11|

. 向祂禱告
#箴 15:8|

. 對祂的慈愛有盼望
#詩 147:11|

. 謙卑
#詩 149:4|

. 正直
#代上 29:17; 箴 11:20|

- 祂因而
. 讓他們亨通
#申 30:9|

. 善待他們
#申 28:63; 耶 32:41|

. 解救他們
#撒下 22:20|

. 安慰他們
#賽 65:19|

. 給他們地業
#民 14:8|

- 說明
#賽 62:5; 路 15:23,24|

- 例子
. 所羅門
#王上 10:9|

- Greatness of, described
#Zep 3:17|

. Repentance
#Lu 15:7,10|

. Faith
#Heb 11:5,6|

. Fear of him
#Ps 147:11|

. Praying to him
#Pr 15:8|

. Hope in his mercy
#Ps 147:11|

. Meekness
#Ps 149:4|

. Uprightness
#1Ch 29:17; Pr 11:20|

. Prosper them
#De 30:9|

. Do them good
#De 28:63; Jer 32:41|

. Deliver them
#2Sa 22:20|

. Comfort them
#Isa 65:19|

. Give them the inheritance
#Nu 14:8|

- Illustrated
#Isa 62:5; Lu 15:23,24|

- Exemplified
. Solomon
#1Ki 10:9|

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