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AI@教會 免費講座
靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。


中文註解 英文註解
1.奴僕 (希臘文: doulos), 是奴隸
2.受雇的僕人 (希臘文: diakonos), 不是奴隸

#出 21:1-11,20,21,26,27,32; 利 19:20-22; 25:6,10,35-55|
#申 15:12,14,18; 24:7|
#申 21:10-14; 24:7; 提前 1:10; 啟 18:13|
#申 23:15,16|
#撒上 25:10|
.夏甲, 受天使吩咐, 回到主人撒拉面前
#創 16:9|
#王上 2:39-41|
#門 1:21|
#創 14:14; 17:13,27; 出 21:4; 箴 29:21; 傳 2:7; 耶 2:14|
#創 17:13,27; 37:28,36; 39:17; 申 28:68; 斯 7:4|
#結 27:13; 珥 3:6; 摩 8:6; 啟 18:13|
#申 20:14; 21:10-14; 王下 5:2; 代下 28:8,10; 哀 5:13|
#民 31:28-47|
#創 43:18; 出 22:3|
#利 25:39; 太 18:25|
#王下 4:1-7|
#利 25:47; 申 15:16,17; 書 9:11-21|
#創 29:24,29|
#利 22:11; 可 14:66|
#撒下 9:10|
.主人可以娶奴婢, 或把奴婢嫁人
#出 21:7-10; 申 21:10-14; 代上 2:34,35|
#創 16:1,2,6; 30:3,9|
#創 14:14|
#創 17:13,27; 出 12:44|
#申 12:12,18; 16:11,14; 29:10,11|
#出 20:10; 23:12; 申 5:14|
#林前 7:21,22; 12:13; 加 3:28; 弗 6:8|
#利 25:43; 弗 6:9|
.因為以色列悖逆, 上帝預示人有受奴役之虞, 作為國家的懲罰
#申 28:68; 珥 3:7,8|
.奴役受到貶抑的影響, 表現出怯懦
#出 14:11,12; 16:3; 士 5:16-18,23|
#拉 1:1-4; 耶 34:8-22; 林前 7:21|
#徒 6:9|
#出 1:8-22; 2:1-4; 徒 7:19,34|
#撒上 30:13|
#太 8:8-13; 路 7:2-10|
#門 1:21|

#創 37:26-28,36|
#出 1:10-22; 5:7-14; 申 6:12,21|
#書 9:22-27|
#王上 9:21|
#代下 36:20|
#斯 1; 斯 2; 斯 3; 斯 4; 斯 5; 斯 6; 斯 7; 斯 8; 斯 9; 斯 10|
#代下 36:23; 拉 1:1-4|

#利 25:42,55; 詩 116:16; 太 24:45-51; 路 12:35-48; 17:7-9|
#約 8:32-35; 羅 6:16-22; 林前 4:1; 7:21-23; 加 5:13|
#彼前 2:16; 彼後 2:19; 啟 7:3|

#創 39:2-20; 41:9-57; 徒 7:10|
#王下 2:1-6|
#創 24|
#得 2:4|
#撒上 14:7|
#撒上 25:14-17|
#撒下 12:18; 15:15,21|
#撒下 9|
#王下 5:2,3,13|
#尼 4:16,23|
#太 8:9|
#徒 10:7|
#門 1:11|
#太 25:14-23; 路 19:12-19|

#王上 11:26|
#王下 5:20-27|
#王上 16:9,10; 王下 9:31|
#門 1:11|
#創 13:7|
#創 21:25|
#撒下 16:1-4; with 19:26,27|
#撒下 13:28,29; 14:30|
#王上 2:39|
#王下 12:19-21|
#王下 21:23|
#伯 19:15,16|
#太 25:24-30; 路 19:20-26|
#太 21:33-41; 可 12:1-9|

#創 16:6-9; 出 20:10; 申 5:14; 尼 5:8; 伯 19:15,16|
#伯 31:13,14; 詩 123:2; 箴 12:9; 13:17; 17:2; 19:10; 25:13|
#箴 26:6; 27:18,27; 29:19,21; 30:10,21-23; 傳 7:21; 賽 52:3|
#耶 22:13; 34:8-17; 哀 5:8; 番 1:9; 瑪 1:6; 太 8:9|
#太 10:24,25; 24:45-51; 路 12:35-48; 16:1-13; 17:7-9; 22:27|
#約 13:16; 林前 4:2; 7:21-24; 弗 6:5-9; 西 3:22-25; 提前 6:1,2|
#多 2:9,10; 彼前 2:18-20|

#創 29:15; 30:26|
#創 30:27-34; 31:6,7,41|
#太 20:1-15|
#路 15:17,19|
#路 15:15-19|
#利 25:53|
#太 20:1-3|
#創 30:31,32; 代下 2:10|
#太 20:2|
#利 19:13; 25:39-41; 申 24:14,15; 伯 7:1,2; 14:6|
#瑪 3:5; 太 10:9,10; 路 10:7; 羅 4:4; 西 4:1; 提前 5:18|
#雅 5:4|

-Distinguish a bondservant (Greek: doulos), who was a slave,
from a hired servant (Greek: diakonos), who was not a slave
.Laws of Moses concerning
#Ex 21:1-11,20,21,26,27,32; Le 19:20-22; 25:6,10,35-55; De
15:12,14,18; 24:7|
.Kidnapping forbidden
#De 21:10-14; 24:7; 1Ti 1:10; Re 18:13|
.Fugitive, not to be returned to his master
#De 23:15,16|
.David erroneously supposed to be a fugitive slave
#1Sa 25:10|
.Instances of fugitive
.Hagar, commanded by an angel to return to Sarah (Sarai),
her owner
#Ge 16:9|
.Sought by Shimei
#1Ki 2:39-41|
.Onesimus interceded for, by Paul
#Phm 1:21|
.Rights of those born to a master
#Ge 14:14; 17:13,27; Ex 21:4; Pr 29:21; Ec 2:7; Jer 2:14|
.Bought and sold
#Ge 17:13,27; 37:28,36; 39:17; De 28:68; Es 7:4; Eze
27:13; Joe 3:6; Am 8:6; Re 18:13|
.Captives of war became slaves
#De 20:14; 21:10-14; 2Ki 5:2; 2Ch 28:8,10; La 5:13|
.Captive bondservants shared by priests and Levites
#Nu 31:28-47|
.Thieves punished by being made
#Ge 43:18; Ex 22:3|
.Defaulting debtors made
#Le 25:39; Mt 18:25|
.Children of defaulting debtors sold as
#2Ki 4:1-7|
.Voluntary servitude of
#Le 25:47; De 15:16,17; Jos 9:11-21|
.Given as dowry
#Ge 29:24,29|
.Owned by priests
#Le 22:11; Mr 14:66|
.Slaves owned slaves
#2Sa 9:10|
.The master could marry, or give in marriage
#Ex 21:7-10; De 21:10-14; 1Ch 2:34,35|
.Taken in concubinage
#Ge 16:1,2,6; 30:3,9|
.Used as soldiers by Abraham
#Ge 14:14|
.Must be circumcised
#Ge 17:13,27; Ex 12:44|
.Must enjoy religious privileges with the master's household
#De 12:12,18; 16:11,14; 29:10,11|
.Must have rest on the sabbath
#Ex 20:10; 23:12; De 5:14|
.Equal status of, with other disciples of Jesus
#1Co 7:21,22; 12:13; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8|
.Kindness to, commanded
#Le 25:43; Eph 6:9|
.Bond service threatened, as a national punishment, for the
disobedience of Israel
#De 28:68; Joe 3:7,8|
.Degrading influences of bondage exemplified by cowardice
#Ex 14:11,12; 16:3; Jud 5:16-18,23|
.Emancipation of
#Ezr 1:1-4; Jer 34:8-22; 1Co 7:21|
.Freedmen called "Libertines,"
#Ac 6:9|
.Cruelty to
.The Israelites
#Ex 1:8-22; 2:1-4; Ac 7:19,34|
.An abandoned sick man
#1Sa 30:13|
.Kindness to
.By the Roman centurion
#Mt 8:8-13; Lu 7:2-10|
.By Paul
#Phm 1:21|

#Ge 37:26-28,36|
#Ex 1:10-22; 5:7-14; De 6:12,21|
#Jos 9:22-27|
#1Ki 9:21|
.The Jews in Babylon
#2Ch 36:20; Es 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10|
.Emancipation of
#2Ch 36:23; Ezr 1:1-4|

#Le 25:42,55; Ps 116:16; Mt 24:45-51; Lu 12:35-48; 17:7-9;
Joh 8:32-35; Ro 6:16-22; 1Co 4:1; 7:21-23; Ga 5:13; 1Pe
2:16; 2Pe 2:19; Re 7:3|

#Ge 39:2-20; 41:9-57; Ac 7:10|
#2Ki 2:1-6|
.Of Abraham
#Ge 24|
.Of Boaz
#Ru 2:4|
.Of Jonathan
#1Sa 14:7|
.Of Abigail
#1Sa 25:14-17|
.Of David
#2Sa 12:18; 15:15,21|
.Of Ziba
#2Sa 9|
.Of Naaman
#2Ki 5:2,3,13|
.Of Nehemiah
#Ne 4:16,23|
.Of the Roman centurion
#Mt 8:9|
.Of Cornelius
#Ac 10:7|
#Phm 1:11|
.Servants in the parable of the pounds and the parable of the
#Mt 25:14-23; Lu 19:12-19|

#1Ki 11:26|
#2Ki 5:20-27|
#1Ki 16:9,10; 2Ki 9:31|
#Phm 1:11|
.Of Abraham and Lot
#Ge 13:7|
.Of Abimelech
#Ge 21:25|
.Of Ziba
#2Sa 16:1-4; with 19:26,27|
.Of Absalom
#2Sa 13:28,29; 14:30|
.Of Shimei
#1Ki 2:39|
.Of Joash
#2Ki 12:19-21|
.Of Amon
#2Ki 21:23|
.Of Job
#Job 19:15,16|
.In the parable of the talents and the parable of the pounds
#Mt 25:24-30; Lu 19:20-26|
.In the parable of the vineyard
#Mt 21:33-41; Mr 12:1-9|
.Conspiracy by

#Ge 16:6-9; Ex 20:10; De 5:14; Ne 5:8; Job 19:15,16;
31:13,14; Ps 123:2; Pr 12:9; 13:17; 17:2; 19:10; 25:13;
26:6; 27:18,27; 29:19,21; 30:10,21-23; Ec 7:21; Isa 52:3;
Jer 22:13; 34:8-17; La 5:8; Zep 1:9; Mal 1:6; Mt 8:9;
10:24,25; 24:45-51; Lu 12:35-48; 16:1-13; 17:7-9; 22:27; Joh
13:16; 1Co 4:2; 7:21-24; Eph 6:5-9; Col 3:22-25; 1Ti 6:1,2;
Tit 2:9,10; 1Pe 2:18-20|

#Ge 29:15; 30:26|
#Ge 30:27-34; 31:6,7,41|
.Parable of
.The laborers of a vineyard
#Mt 20:1-15|
.The father of the prodigal son
#Lu 15:17,19|
.The rebellious son
#Lu 15:15-19|
.Treatment of, more considerate than that of slaves
#Le 25:53|
.Await employment in the marketplace
#Mt 20:1-3|
.Wages paid
.In kind
#Ge 30:31,32; 2Ch 2:10|
.In money
#Mt 20:2|
#Le 19:13; 25:39-41; De 24:14,15; Job 7:1,2; 14:6; Mal
3:5; Mt 10:9,10; Lu 10:7; Ro 4:4; Col 4:1; 1Ti 5:18; Jas




中文註解 英文註解
僕人 Servants
- 最早提到僕人的經文
#創 9:25,26|

- 分為
. 僕人
#創 24:34; 32:5|

. 使女
#創 16:6; 32:5|

. 奴僕
#創 43:18; 利 25:46|

. 雇工
#可 1:20; 路 15:17|

- 致力於服事他人的人稱為僕人
#詩 119:49; 賽 56:6|

- 首領或君王的臣民稱為臣僕
#出 9:20; 11:8|

- 身分卑微的人稱為僕人
#傳 10:7|

- 獻身於上帝的人稱為僕人
#詩 119:49; 賽 56:6; 羅 1:1|

- 僕人一詞往往用來表示謙卑
#創 18:3; 33:5; 撒上 20:7; 王上 20:32|

- 雇用的僕人
. 稱為雇工
#伯 7:1; 約 10:12,13|

. 每年一聘
#利 25:53; 賽 16:14|

. 每日一聘
#太 20:2|

. 不得欺壓他們
#申 24:14|

. 雇用期限滿了, 要立即付工資, 不得遲延
#利 19:13; 申 24:15|

. 要把他們得工價視為應當的
#路 10:7|

. 在安息年, 可以吃地裡的出產
#利 25:6|

. 外地的雇工不得吃逾越節的羊羔或聖物
#出 12:45; 利 22:10|

. 提及雇工掛念每日辛勞的結果
#伯 7:2|

. 要待服事弟兄的希伯來奴隸如同雇工
#利 25:39,40|

. 要待服事外人的希伯來奴隸如同雇工
#利 25:47,53|

. 常常站在市集, 等候受僱
#太 20:1-3|

. 往往豐衣足食, 受良好照顧
#路 15:17|

. 往往受欺壓, 工資遭扣留
#瑪 3:5; 雅 5:4|

- 奴隸或農奴
. 稱為奴僕
#創 43:18; 44:9|

. 生來就是奴僕
#創 14:14; 詩 116:16; 耶 2:14|

. 買來的奴僕
#創 17:27; 37:36|

. 通常把戰俘收為奴僕
#申 20:14; 王下 5:2|

. 寄居在以色列的外人可以買來作奴僕
#利 25:45|

. 可以把他國的人買來作奴僕
#利 25:44|

. 付不出債務的人可能被賣為奴僕
#王下 4:1; 尼 5:4,5; 太 18:25|

. 無法賠還偷取之物的竊賊被賣為奴僕
#出 22:3|

. 比雇工更貴重
#申 15:18|

. 不得苛待以色列奴僕
#利 25:39,40,46|

. 以色列奴僕服事滿六年, 可以重獲自由
#出 21:2; 申 15:12|

. 被賣為奴僕的以色列人, 若不願自由,
#出 21:5,6; 申 15:16,17|

. 被賣給外人為奴的以色列人, 可以由他們的至親贖回
#利 25:47-55|

. 所有被賣為奴的以色列人, 在禧年要重得自由之身
#利 25:10,40,41,54|

. 獲得自由後, 無權要求為奴期間所娶的妻子
#出 21:3,4|

. 為奴期滿後, 要充分供應他
#申 15:13,14|

. 外地的奴僕要受割禮
#創 17:13,27; 出 12:44|

. 在安息日可以休息
#出 20:10|

. 要參與一切的全國歡慶
#申 12:18; 16:11,14|

. 顯要人士有許多奴僕
#創 14:14; 傳 2:7|

. 從事最卑賤的職務
#撒上 25:41; 約 13:4,5|

. 被主人打成傷殘的奴僕可以得自由
#出 21:26,27|

. 奴僕遭受傷害, 要賠償其主人
#出 21:32|

. 關於打死僕人的律法
#出 21:20,21|

. 不得貪圖或誘拐他人的奴僕
#出 20:17; 申 5:21|

. 不得把尋求庇護的奴僕交付其主人
#申 23:15|

. 提及在僕人身上烙印的習俗
#加 6:17|

. 有時擢升至高位
#傳 10:7|

. 有時與主人的家人通婚
#代上 2:34,35|

. 關於娶婢女為妻的法律
#出 21:7-11|

. 奪取或拐帶人口為奴的, 要按著律法被定罪、受罰
#出 21:16; 申 24:7; 提前 1:10|

. 人常常違反關於奴僕的律法
#耶 34:8-16|

- 奴僕用來說明
. 基督
#詩 40:6; 來 10:5; 腓 2:7,8|

. 聖徒
#林前 6:20; 7:23|

#彼後 2:19; 羅 6:16,19|

- 基督紆尊為奴
#太 20:28; 路 22:27; 約 13:5; 腓 2:7|

- 地位比主人低
#路 22:27|

- 應當效法基督的榜樣
#彼前 2:21|

- 僕人對主人的義務
. 為主人代禱
#創 24:12|

. 尊敬主人
#瑪 1:6; 提前 6:1|

. 若主人是信徒, 要更敬重他們
#提前 6:2|

. 順服主人
#彼前 2:18|

. 聽從主人
#弗 6:5; 多 2:9|

. 料理主人的要求
#詩 123:2|

. 做好所有的事, 討主人歡喜
#多 2:9|

. 同情主人
#撒下 12:18|

. 優先考慮主人的事, 而不是自己果腹與否
#創 24:33|

. 為主人蒙憐憫而讚美上帝
#創 24:27,48|

. 忠於主人
#路 16:10-12; 林前 4:2; 多 2:10|

. 有益於主人
#路 19:15,16,18; 門 1:11|

. 掛慮主人的幸福
#撒上 25:14-17; 王下 5:2,3|

. 認真處理主人的事
#創 24:54-56|

. 審慎經管主人的事務
#創 24:34-49|

. 為主人辛勤幹活
#尼 4:16,23|

. 對待主人的賓客要親切殷勤
#創 43:23,24|

. 即使主人乖僻也要順服
#創 16:6,9; 彼前 2:18|

. 回主人的話不得粗魯
#多 2:9|

. 不要只在眼前事奉主人, 像是討人喜歡的
#弗 6:6; 西 3:22|

. 不欺詐主人
#多 2:10|

- 應當滿足於現狀
#林前 7:20,21|

- 應當悲憫其伙伴
#太 18:33|

- 服事應當
. 良心對得起上帝
#彼前 2:19|

. 用敬畏上帝的心
#弗 6:5; 西 3:22|

. 以基督僕人的身分
#弗 6:5,6|

. 由衷事奉, 好像服事主, 不像服事人
#弗 6:7; 西 3:23|

. 從心裡遵行神的旨意
#弗 6:6|

. 用誠實的心
#弗 6:5; 西 3:22|

. 甘心事奉
#弗 6:7|

- 雖然受傷害, 卻能忍耐, 是上帝所悅納的
#彼前 2:19,20|

- 忠僕
. 是基督的用人
#西 3:24|

. 是主裡親愛的弟兄
#門 1:16|

. 是主的自由人
#林前 7:22|

. 有分於福音的特權
#林前 12:13; 加 3:28; 弗 6:8; 西 3:11|

. 配得主人的信賴
#創 24:2,4,10; 39:4|

. 常常被抬舉
#創 41:40; 箴 17:2|

. 往往受主人提拔
#創 39:4,5|

. 當受尊敬
#創 24:31; 箴 27:18|

. 為主人帶來上帝的祝福
#創 30:27,30; 39:3|

. 在一切事上尊榮救主上帝的道
#多 2:10|

. 有上帝與他們同在
#創 31:42; 39:21; 徒 7:9,10|

. 上帝使他們亨通
#創 39:3|

. 為上帝所保護
#創 31:7|

. 為上帝所引領
#創 24:7,27|

. 為上帝所祝福
#太 24:46|

. 死後為人所悼念
#創 35:8|

. 必得到報償
#弗 6:8; 西 3:24|

- 主人的家產因忠僕而加增
#創 30:29,30|

- 惡僕的特徵
. 只在眼前事奉
#弗 6:6; 西 3:22|

. 討人歡心的人
#弗 6:6; 西 3:22|

. 欺騙
#撒下 19:26; 詩 101:6,7|

. 喜歡爭吵
#創 13:7; 26:20|

. 貪婪
#王下 5:20|

. 說謊
#王下 5:22,24|

. 偷竊
#多 2:10|

. 貪食
#太 24:49|

. 不憐惜其同伴
#太 18:30|

. 不服管教
#箴 29:19|

. 承擔不起被抬舉
#箴 30:21,22; 賽 3:5|

. 必受懲罰
#太 24:50|

- 忠僕的例子
. 以利以謝
#創 24:1-67|

. 底波拉
#創 24:59; 35:8|

. 雅各
#創 31:36-40|

. 約瑟
#創 39:3; 徒 7:10|

. 波阿斯的僕人
#得 2:4|

. 替約拿單拿兵器的人
#撒上 14:6,7|

. 大衛的僕人
#撒下 12:18|

. 擄來的侍女
#王下 5:2-4|

. 乃縵的僕人
#王下 5:13|

. 百夫長的僕人
#太 8:9|

. 哥尼流的僕人
#徒 10:7|

. 信主後的阿尼西母
#門 1:11|

- 惡僕的例子
. 亞伯拉罕和羅得的僕人
#創 13:7|

. 亞比米勒的僕人
#創 21:25|

. 押沙龍的僕人 [押沙龍的僕人聽從惡主人;
與其說他們是惡僕, 不如說他們是壞人]
#撒下 13:28,29; 14:30|

. 洗巴
#撒下 16:1-4|

. 示每的僕人
#王上 2:39|

. 耶羅波安
#王上 11:26|

. 心利
#王上 16:9|

. 基哈西
#王下 5:20|

. 亞捫的臣僕
#王下 21:23|

. 約伯的僕人
#伯 19:16|

. 大祭司的僕人
#可 14:65|

. 信主前的阿尼西母
#門 1:11|

- Early mention of
#Ge 9:25,26|

. Male
#Ge 24:34; 32:5|

. Female
#Ge 16:6; 32:5|

. Bond
#Ge 43:18; Le 25:46|

. Hired
#Mr 1:20; Lu 15:17|

- Persons devoted to the service of another so called
#Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6|

- The subjects of a prince or king so called
#Ex 9:20; 11:8|

- Persons of low condition so called
#Ec 10:7|

- Persons devoted to God so called
#Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6; Ro 1:1|

- The term often used to express humility
#Ge 18:3; 33:5; 1Sa 20:7; 1Ki 20:32|

. Called hireling
#Job 7:1; Joh 10:12,13|

. Engaged by the year
#Le 25:53; Isa 16:14|

. Engaged by the day
#Mt 20:2|

. Not to be oppressed
#De 24:14|

. To be paid without delay at the expiration of their service
#Le 19:13; De 24:15|

. To be esteemed worthy of their hire
#Lu 10:7|

. To partake of the produce of the land in the sabbatical
#Le 25:6|

. If foreigners not allowed to partake of the passover or
holy things
#Ex 12:45; Le 22:10|

. Anxiety of, for the end of their daily toil, alluded to
#Job 7:2|

. Hebrew slaves serving their brethren to be treated as
#Le 25:39,40|

. Hebrew slaves serving strangers to be treated as
#Le 25:47,53|

. Often stood in the market place waiting for employment
#Mt 20:1-3|

. Often will fed and taken care of
#Lu 15:17|

. Often oppressed and their wages kept back
#Mal 3:5; Jas 5:4|

. Called bondmen
#Ge 43:18; 44:9|

. By birth
#Ge 14:14; Ps 116:16; Jer 2:14|

. By purchase
#Ge 17:27; 37:36|

. Captives taken in war often kept as
#De 20:14; 2Ki 5:2|

. Strangers sojourning in Israel might be purchased as
#Le 25:45|

. Persons belonging to other nations might be purchased as
#Le 25:44|

. Persons unable to pay their debts liable to be sold as
#2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:4,5; Mt 18:25|

. Thieves unable to make restitution were sold as
#Ex 22:3|

. More valuable than hired servants
#De 15:18|

. When Israelites not to be treated with rigour
#Le 25:39,40,46|

. When Israelites to have their liberty after six years
#Ex 21:2; De 15:12|

. Israelites sold as, refusing their liberty, to have their
ears bored to the door
#Ex 21:5,6; De 15:16,17|

. Israelites sold to strangers as, might be redeemed by their
nearest of kin
#Le 25:47-55|

. All Israelites sold as, to be free at the jubilee
#Le 25:10,40,41,54|

. Could not when set free demand wives or children procured
during servitude
#Ex 21:3,4|

. To be furnished liberally, when their servitude expired
#De 15:13,14|

. When foreigners to be circumcised
#Ge 17:13,27; Ex 12:44|

. To be allowed to rest on the Sabbath
#Ex 20:10|

. To participate in all national rejoicings
#De 12:18; 16:11,14|

. Persons of distinction had many
#Ge 14:14; Ec 2:7|

. Engaged in the most menial offices
#1Sa 25:41; Joh 13:4,5|

. Maimed of injured by masters to have their freedom
#Ex 21:26,27|

. Masters to be recompensed for injury done to
#Ex 21:32|

. Laws respecting the killing of
#Ex 21:20,21|

. Of others not to be coveted or enticed away
#Ex 20:17; De 5:21|

. Seeking protection not to be delivered up to masters
#De 23:15|

. Custom of branding, alluded to
#Ga 6:17|

. Sometimes rose to rank and station
#Ec 10:7|

. Sometimes intermarried with their master's family
#1Ch 2:34,35|

. Laws respecting marriage with female
#Ex 21:7-11|

. Seizing and stealing of men for, condemned and punished by
the law
#Ex 21:16; De 24:7; 1Ti 1:10|

. Laws respecting, often violated
#Jer 34:8-16|

. Of Christ
#Ps 40:6; Heb 10:5; Php 2:7,8|

. Of saints
#1Co 6:20; 7:23|

. Of the wicked
#2Pe 2:19; Ro 6:16,19|

- Christ condescended to the office of
#Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:5; Php 2:7|

- Are inferior to their masters
#Lu 22:27|

- Should follow Christ's example
#1Pe 2:21|

. To pray for them
#Ge 24:12|

. To honour them
#Mal 1:6; 1Ti 6:1|

. To revere them the more, when they are believers
#1Ti 6:2|

. To be subject to them
#1Pe 2:18|

. To obey them
#Eph 6:5; Tit 2:9|

. To attend to their call
#Ps 123:2|

. To please them well in all things
#Tit 2:9|

. To sympathise with them
#2Sa 12:18|

. To prefer their business to their own necessary food
#Ge 24:33|

. To bless God for mercies shown to them
#Ge 24:27,48|

. To be faithful to them
#Lu 16:10-12; 1Co 4:2; Tit 2:10|

. To be profitable to them
#Lu 19:15,16,18; Phm 1:11|

. To be anxious for their welfare
#1Sa 25:14-17; 2Ki 5:2,3|

. To be earnest in transacting their business
#Ge 24:54-56|

. To be prudent in the management of their affairs
#Ge 24:34-49|

. To be industrious in labouring for them
#Ne 4:16,23|

. To be kind and attentive to their guests
#Ge 43:23,24|

. To be submissive even to the froward
#Ge 16:6,9; 1Pe 2:18|

. Not to answer them rudely
#Tit 2:9|

. Not to serve them with eye-service, as men-pleasers
#Eph 6:6; Col 3:22|

. Not to defraud them
#Tit 2:10|

- Should be contented in their situation
#1Co 7:20,21|

- Should be compassionate to their fellows
#Mt 18:33|

. For conscience towards God
#1Pe 2:19|

. In the fear of God
#Eph 6:5; Col 3:22|

. As the servants of Christ
#Eph 6:5,6|

. Heartily, as to the Lord, and not to men
#Eph 6:7; Col 3:23|

. As doing the will of God from the heart
#Eph 6:6|

. In singleness of heart
#Eph 6:5; Col 3:22|

. With good will
#Eph 6:7|

- When patient under injury are acceptable to God
#1Pe 2:19,20|

- When Good
. Are the servants of Christ
#Col 3:24|

. Are brethren beloved in the Lord
#Phm 1:16|

. Are the Lord's freemen
#1Co 7:22|

. Are partakers of gospel privileges
#1Co 12:13; Ga 3:28; Eph 6:8; Col 3:11|

. Deserve the confidence of their masters
#Ge 24:2,4,10; 39:4|

. Often exalted
#Ge 41:40; Pr 17:2|

. Often advanced by master
#Ge 39:4,5|

. To be honoured
#Ge 24:31; Pr 27:18|

. Bring God's blessing upon their masters
#Ge 30:27,30; 39:3|

. Adorn the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things
#Tit 2:10|

. Have God with them
#Ge 31:42; 39:21; Ac 7:9,10|

. Are prospered by God
#Ge 39:3|

. Are protected by God
#Ge 31:7|

. Are guided by God
#Ge 24:7,27|

. Are blessed by God
#Mt 24:46|

. Are mourned over after death
#Ge 35:8|

. Shall be rewarded
#Eph 6:8; Col 3:24|

- The property of masters increased by faithful
#Ge 30:29,30|

. Eye-service
#Eph 6:6; Col 3:22|

. Men-pleasers
#Eph 6:6; Col 3:22|

. Deceit
#2Sa 19:26; Ps 101:6,7|

. Quarrelsomeness
#Ge 13:7; 26:20|

. Covetousness
#2Ki 5:20|

. Lying
#2Ki 5:22,24|

. Stealing
#Tit 2:10|

. Gluttony
#Mt 24:49|

. Unmerciful to their fellows
#Mt 18:30|

. Will not submit to correction
#Pr 29:19|

. Do not bear to be exalted
#Pr 30:21,22; Isa 3:5|

. Shall be punished
#Mt 24:50|

- Good-Exemplified
. Eliezer
#Ge 24:1-67|

. Deborah
#Ge 24:59; 35:8|

. Jacob
#Ge 31:36-40|

. Joseph
#Ge 39:3; Ac 7:10|

. Servants of Boaz
#Ru 2:4|

. Jonathan's armour bearer
#1Sa 14:6,7|

. David's servants
#2Sa 12:18|

. Captive maid
#2Ki 5:2-4|

. Servants of Naaman
#2Ki 5:13|

. Servants of Centurion
#Mt 8:9|

. Servants of Cornelius
#Ac 10:7|

. Onesimus after his conversion
#Phm 1:11|

- Bad-Exemplified
. Servants of Abraham and Lot
#Ge 13:7|

. Servants of Abimelech
#Ge 21:25|

. Absalom's servants [Absalom's servants obeyed a bad master;
they were bad men rather than bad servants]
#2Sa 13:28,29; 14:30|

. Ziba
#2Sa 16:1-4|

. Servants of Shimei
#1Ki 2:39|

. Jeroboam
#1Ki 11:26|

. Zimri
#1Ki 16:9|

. Gehazi
#2Ki 5:20|

. Servants of Amon
#2Ki 21:23|

. Job's servants
#Job 19:16|

. Servants of the High Priest
#Mr 14:65|

. Onesimus before his conversion
#Phm 1:11|

透過神僕所行的神蹟 Miracles wrought through Servants of God
- 摩西和亞倫
. 杖變為蛇
#出 4:3; 7:10|

. 化為蛇的杖又變回杖
#出 4:4|

. 使手長了大痲瘋
#出 4:6|

. 醫治長大痲瘋的手
#出 4:7|

. 水變為血
#出 4:9,30|

. 河水變為血
#出 7:20|

. 帶來蛙災
#出 8:6|

. 除走蛙災
#出 8:13|

. 帶來虱子
#出 8:17|

. 帶來蠅災
#出 8:21-24|

. 除去蠅災
#出 8:31|

. 牲畜得瘟疫
#出 9:3-6|

. 帶來瘡和水泡
#出 9:10,11|

. 帶來雹災
#出 9:23|

. 除去雹災
#出 9:33|

. 帶來蝗災
#出 10:13|

. 除去蝗災
#出 10:19|

. 帶來黑暗
#出 10:22|

. 擊殺頭生的
#出 12:29|

. 分開紅海
#出 14:21,22|

. 埃及人被淹沒
#出 14:26-28|

. 水變成甜的
#出 15:25|

. 水從何烈的磐石流出來
#出 17:6|

. 擊敗亞瑪力人
#出 17:11-13|

. 可拉毀滅的原因
#民 16:28-32|

. 水從加低斯的磐石流出來
#民 20:11|

. 用銅蛇醫治人
#民 21:8,9|

- 約書亞
. 分開約但河的河水
#書 3:10-17|

. 約但河復流
#書 4:18|

. 攻佔耶利哥
#書 6:6-20|

. 太陽和月亮停止不動
#書 10:12-14|

- 基甸
. 消滅米甸人
#士 7:16-22|

- 參孫
. 殺死一隻獅子
#士 14:6|

. 殺死非利士人
#士 14:19; 15:15|

. 扛走迦薩的門
#士 16:3|

. 拆毀大袞的房子
#士 16:30|

- 撒母耳
. 收割時打雷下雨
#撒上 12:18|

- 猶大國的先知
. 使耶羅波安的手枯乾
#王上 13:4|

. 祭壇裂開
#王上 13:5|

. 枯乾的手恢復正常
#王上 13:6|

- 以利亞
. 造成旱災
#王上 17:1; 雅 5:17|

. 使麵和油增加許多倍
#王上 17:14-16|

. 使小孩活了過來
#王上 17:22,23|

. 一把火燒盡了祭牲
#王上 18:36,38|

. 用火燒滅多人
#王下 1:10-12|

. 帶來甘霖
#王上 18:41-45; 雅 5:18|

. 分開約但河河水
#王下 2:8|

. 被接往天上
#王下 2:11|

- 以利沙
. 分開約但河河水
#王下 2:14|

. 治好使人死、使地不生產的水
#王下 2:21,22|

. 孩童被熊撕裂
#王下 2:24|

. 使油增加許多倍
#王下 4:1-7|

. 使小孩活了過來
#王下 4:32-35|

. 醫治乃縵
#王下 5:10,14|

. 使基哈西得痲瘋病
#王下 5:27|

. 使鐵製品浮在水面上
#王下 6:6|

. 使亞蘭人突然失明
#王下 6:20|

. 亞蘭人視力恢復
#王下 6:20|

. 使人活了過來
#王下 13:21|

- 以賽亞
. 希西家得醫治
#王下 20:7|

. 使日晷的日影往後退
#王下 20:11|

- 七十個門徒
. 各樣的神蹟
#路 10:9,17|

- 眾使徒
. 許多神蹟
#徒 2:43; 5:12|

- 彼得
. 使跛子痊癒
#徒 3:7|

. 亞拿尼亞的死
#徒 5:5|

. 撒非喇的死
#徒 5:10|

. 病人得醫治
#徒 5:15,16|

. 醫好以尼雅
#徒 9:34|

. 使多加活了過來
#徒 9:40|

- 司提反
. 大神蹟
#徒 6:8|

- 腓利
. 各樣神蹟
#徒 8:6,7,13|

- 保羅
. 使以呂馬失明
#徒 13:11|

. 使跛子痊癒
#徒 14:10|

. 趕出污鬼
#徒 16:18|

. 特別的神蹟
#徒 19:11,12|

. 使猶推古活了過來
#徒 20:10-12|

. 毒蛇咬而傷不了人
#徒 28:5|

. 部百流的父親得醫治
#徒 28:8|

- 保羅和巴拿巴
. 各樣神蹟
#徒 14:3|

- Moses and Aaron
. Rod turned into a serpent
#Ex 4:3; 7:10|

. Rod restored
#Ex 4:4|

. Hand made leprous
#Ex 4:6|

. Hand healed
#Ex 4:7|

. Water turned into blood
#Ex 4:9,30|

. River turned into blood
#Ex 7:20|

. Frogs brought
#Ex 8:6|

. Frogs removed
#Ex 8:13|

. Lice brought
#Ex 8:17|

. Flies brought
#Ex 8:21-24|

. Flies removed
#Ex 8:31|

. Murrain of beasts
#Ex 9:3-6|

. Boils and blains brought
#Ex 9:10,11|

. Hail brought
#Ex 9:23|

. Hail removed
#Ex 9:33|

. Locusts brought
#Ex 10:13|

. Locust removed
#Ex 10:19|

. Darkness brought
#Ex 10:22|

. The first-born destroyed
#Ex 12:29|

. The red-sea divided
#Ex 14:21,22|

. Egyptians overwhelmed
#Ex 14:26-28|

. Water sweetened
#Ex 15:25|

. Water from rock in Horeb
#Ex 17:6|

. Amalek vanquished
#Ex 17:11-13|

. Destruction of Korah
#Nu 16:28-32|

. Water from rock in Kadesh
#Nu 20:11|

. Healing by brazen serpent
#Nu 21:8,9|

. Waters of Jordan divided
#Jos 3:10-17|

. Jordan restored to its course
#Jos 4:18|

. Jericho taken
#Jos 6:6-20|

. The sun and moon stayed
#Jos 10:12-14|

. Midianites destroyed
#Jud 7:16-22|

. A lion killed
#Jud 14:6|

. Philistines killed
#Jud 14:19; 15:15|

. The gates of Gaza carried away
#Jud 16:3|

. Dagon's house pulled down
#Jud 16:30|

. Thunder and rain in harvest
#1Sa 12:18|

. Jeroboam's hand withered
#1Ki 13:4|

. The altar rent
#1Ki 13:5|

. The withered hand restored
#1Ki 13:6|

. Drought caused
#1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17|

. Meal and oil multiplied
#1Ki 17:14-16|

. A child restored to life
#1Ki 17:22,23|

. Sacrifice consumed by fire
#1Ki 18:36,38|

. Men destroyed by fire
#2Ki 1:10-12|

. Rain brought
#1Ki 18:41-45; Jas 5:18|

. Waters of Jordan divided
#2Ki 2:8|

. Taken to heaven
#2Ki 2:11|

. Waters of Jordan divided
#2Ki 2:14|

. Waters healed
#2Ki 2:21,22|

. Children torn by bears
#2Ki 2:24|

. Oil multiplied
#2Ki 4:1-7|

. Child restored to life
#2Ki 4:32-35|

. Naaman healed
#2Ki 5:10,14|

. Gehazi struck with leprosy
#2Ki 5:27|

. Iron caused to swim
#2Ki 6:6|

. Syrians smitten with blindness
#2Ki 6:20|

. Syrians restored to sight
#2Ki 6:20|

. A man restored to life
#2Ki 13:21|

. Hezekiah healed
#2Ki 20:7|

. Shadow put back on the dial
#2Ki 20:11|

. Various miracles
#Lu 10:9,17|

. Many miracles
#Ac 2:43; 5:12|

- Peter
. Lame man cured
#Ac 3:7|

. Death of Ananias
#Ac 5:5|

. Death of Sapphira
#Ac 5:10|

. The sick healed
#Ac 5:15,16|

. AEneas made whole
#Ac 9:34|

. Dorcas restored to life
#Ac 9:40|

. Great miracles
#Ac 6:8|

. Various miracles
#Ac 8:6,7,13|

. Elymas smitten with blindness
#Ac 13:11|

. Lame man cured
#Ac 14:10|

. An unclean spirit cast out
#Ac 16:18|

. Special miracles
#Ac 19:11,12|

. Eutychus restored to life
#Ac 20:10-12|

. Viper's bite made harmless
#Ac 28:5|

. Father of Publius healed
#Ac 28:8|

. Various miracles
#Ac 14:3|

中文 英文
SERVANT International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
MANSERVANT International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
BONDSERVANT International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
SOLOMONS SERVANTS International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
SERVANTS, SOLOMONS International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
JEHOVAH, SERVANT OF International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
TEMPLE KEEPERS (SERVANTS) International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

中文 英文

中文 英文
Servant Smith Bible Dictionary
Solomons servants Smith Bible Dictionary

中文 英文 中文翻譯

中文 英文

中文 英文
僕人 Servant
男僕 Manservant
奴僕 Bondservant

