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馬太福音 第28章








BIBLE READING: Matthew 28:16-20

The second point in our outline of these final phrases is: A Christian should be Confident In the Power of God. The first phrase speaks of the authority under which we live. The second phrase reminds us of the adequacy of the power under which we live.

We know we need help to enable us to live for Christ. We need power to stand where we would otherwise fail. We need power to speak where often we would remain silent. We need power to love, to care, and to go where otherwise we would not go. For all of this as the chorus says, There is power in the name of Jesus. It is adequate for any situation.

But remember, that power has been given to every Christian, every believer. It has been given to us in the person of the Holy Spirit. Christ said: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you (Acts 1 :8). Every believer received the Holy Spirit when he or she accepted Christ as Saviour. He is there, indwelling that life now. He is there to make real to each of us, what Christ has made possible. Is He being allowed to do the work He came to do? I say it reverently - the Holy Spirit does not operate automatically in our lives. He will only do what we allow Him to do. True, He will work to bring us to the place of yielded ness but He will not work unless we allow Him to do so.

We wonder at times why we fail. It is because we have tried to do something in our own strength. Instead we should be relying on the Holy Spirits power. Before we attempt any work for the Lord, we need to spend time in prayer asking that God the Holy Spirit will be free to do the work He came to do. He wants to do it through and in Gods children. He will do it if we will allow Him.

What is the secret? I believe it is a daily, even hourly, attitude of yielding to Christ and the indwelling Spirit. Lord Jesus, I give myself to you for this day that your Holy Spirit may have His way in me today. Make that your morning prayer.

THINE (not mine) IS THE POWER.

資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2010/01/25
狀態: 已經過審核


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