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以賽亞書 第40章


我們若想知道有甚麼石頭擋路,主必告訴我們。孫信(A. B. Simpson)曾經說過:「我們若想知道有甚麼石頭攔路,以致妨礙我們得到完全的祝福,神必向我們顯明,更賜我們力量去把它們一一清除。然後,祂便會進入我們的心裡,透過我們的心,去把祂豐盛的祝福帶進另一個人的心中。」





BIBLE READING: Isaiah 40:3-8

We read these verses yesterday, but there is another word for us in them for today. The Lord is coming. Those words refer to more than his first coming or his second coming.

There is spiritual teaching here for us. If the Lord is going to come in all his fullness into our hearts, there is a work of preparation that must be done. God is waiting to do it, if we will allow him. The stumbling blocks to blessing must be removed and the way for the Lord prepared.

If we want to know what these stumbling blocks are, the Lord will show us. A. B. Simpson said, If we want to know, God will show us what hinders the fullness of blessing and he will make us both willing and able to put it aside. Then he will come into our hearts and through our hearts into the hearts of others in the fullness of his blessing.

God spoke of the valleys first-the low places. Are there places in our lives which should be raised to higher levels of fellowship and obedience? Are there crooked, twisted places which need to be made straight? Twisting the will of God to make it fit our own wills is called iniquity in Gods Word.

Are there rough places that rub against other people and which need to be made smooth? The Lord will do this if we let him. Is there strife and strain with fellow- Christians? Is there neglect of the Word of God and prayer? Are we robbing God in our giving? Are any of these the stumbling blocks to blessing?

What would happen if they were taken away? The glory of the Lord would be revealed (v. 5). How do we know this? The mouth of the Lord has spoken it. The remaining verses tell us how wonderful and how faithful is that same Word of the Lord. The grass of our fields and pastures withers away within a year or less. How true this is. Flowers that looked so beautiful yesterday are withered and brown tomorrow. Everything belonging to man is temporary-BUT, and here is the wonderful promise of these verses, THE WORD OF OUR GOD STANDS FOR EVER.

資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2010/04/26
狀態: 已經過審核


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