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約書亞記 第9章








One of the first lessons we need to learn as Christians is that Satan has all kinds of tricks he will use to trap the people of God into sin or into a position where we cannot know the full blessing of God. The unexpectedness of Satans methods are often as big as trap as the methods themselves.

The Children of Israel had been victorious at Jericho and later at Ai. It would be easy to think they could go on in the same way. In each place they had met the enemy head on, or out in the open, if you want to put it that way. But some of Israels enemies realised that they would need to try something different if they were to remain alive. Satan also sees that when he cant defeat us by his strength, possibly he can still gain the victory by tricking us. A house may withstand the force of a cyclone only to be brought down by white ants eating their way through.

This is a most interesting story with a sad lesson in it. The Gibeonites had worked out a plan. They made themselves appear as if they had come a long way. They wore old clothes, patched old clothes, patched sandals and had old stale bread. In verse 9 they even expressed some kind of faith in God. It all sounded very good. But it was a lie and Joshua failed to ask God for guidance when these Gibeonites asked him to make an agreement with them.

Satan likes to rush us into wrong decisions. Neglect of prayer and failure to ask God for guidance will put us in the same place as Joshua---bound by an agreement with someone with whom we should never be linked. What does Proverbs 3 say? Lean not on your own understanding. In all, your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.

God would not let the Children of Israel back down on their agreement. See verses 18-19. If we make a promise we have to keep it. A Christian who marries an unbeliever is doing wrong in the sight of God. But God does not say to that Christian, Leave him or her. That one is bound by the marriage vow. Although life may be very difficult, before God they have to keep the promise they have made. Israel learned their lesson the hard way. But during Joshuas lifetime that mistake was never repeated. If we learn these lessons along the way, it will all be for our lasting good as we walk with God.

資料來源: 知信行網路查經
新增日期: 2008/03/03
狀態: 已經過審核


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