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彼得前書 第3章









The New Testament is very clear that Christ died once and for all, for our sins. His death was sufficient to pay the price for all our sins. His death never needs to be repeated. No-one can ever offer that sacrifice again.

There are those who teach that man will bear part of his own punishment for sin. The Bible never says that about Christians. Of course the unsaved person will bear his own punishment, but not the Christians. Christ has suffered once and for all for us. Sin may interrupt our fellowship with God, but never our relationship.

Other people say that Satan will one day bear part of the punishment for our sin. But the Bible says that it is Christ, and Christ alone, who paid all the penalty when a he took our sins in his body on the tree. Isaiah said that God laid on him - Christ - the iniquity for us all. We should thank God every day that Christ has done this for us.

There are a number of difficult thoughts in verses 19-22. Do not be disturbed by them. We are told that Christ was brought back to life by the Spirit of God, but we are not given a clear explanation of what is meant by his preaching to souls in prison. Possibly during the time his body was in the grave he showed himself to those who did not believe the word of God in Old Testament times. Perhaps he said something like this to them, You didnt believe that I was coming. Here I am, proof that the words of those prophets were true words. Now it is too late for you. You should have believed while you had the opportunity.

In the same way that the ark saved Noah and his family (v.20), so Christ saves us. The very water that overwhelmed others, lifted the ark and carried Noah and his family to safety. So Christ carries us through the waters of judgement and keeps us absolutely safe. Baptism is the way to show that we belong to Christ. It is a picture of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Let us go back again to this great truth - Christ died for our sins once and for all. We have complete salvation in him, if we accept what he has done for us. Stop and thank God for that today.

資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2008/03/05
狀態: 已經過審核


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