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使徒行傳 第6章







BIBLE READING: Acts 6: 1 – 8

There are always problems in a growing church. There are always new decisions that have to be faced. Often there are some new Christians who need to grow and who need a lot of help and instruction. No church is perfect, because it is made up of men and women who are not yet perfect themselves.

A problem arose in the early church over a very small matter. Some people thought someone else was getting more help from the apostles than they were. We have no way of knowing whether this was actually so or whether they were just jealous. So many times jealousy is the real reason behind other differences in a church fellowship.

How did the apostles handle this problem? First of all they called the church together and said, ‘We must face this matter and do something about it. We can’t let it go on as it is.’ They then suggested that the church appoint seven men to look after the giving out of the food day by day. The church voted, and seven fine men were chosen for this work. Did you notice verse 3 which tells us what kind of men they were to be?

Any person appointed to do a particular work in a church has a very real duty to do that work in the best way he can and to do it as unto Christ. Too often Christians do not do what they are asked and then do not like to be reminded about it. Or if others are praised or thanked for what they have done, then it is so easy to allow jealousy to come into the heart and mind and spoil our Christian service.

What is your special service in your church? Are you doing it faithfully and in the best possible away? Are you doing it as unto Christ? Or are you doing it when you feel like it? Remember the reward God gives here on earth for faithful service for Christ, is more work! When he finds he can trust he gives you other opportunities to serve him. Then when we get home to heaven, he adds these words, ‘Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into my job here in my wonderful home.’

資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2010/03/16
狀態: 已經過審核


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