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使徒行傳 第6章







BIBLE READING: Acts 6: 9 – 15

There wasn’t any doubt as to who would be the first one chosen to be a deacon (remember yesterday’s reading?). Stephen was such an outstanding man. Acts 6:5 tells us that he was ‘full of faith and of the Holy Spirit’. Here was a man who could trust God with his life and who believed God’s Word. He was willing to step out boldly for God and wasn’t afraid to let men see what he believed in, even if it cost him his life.

Any church that has a man like Stephen in its membership ought to be very thankful. He is a man that can be trusted and a man who can be a wonderful leader for the whole church, in every way.

You have read the first part of Stephen’s story in verses 9 to 15. Did you notice what Stephen did when the council was against him? Look at verse 15. When they looked at him, they saw that his face was shining beautifully, in fact it was just like the face of an angel. Isn’t that wonderful? Men had told lies about him, yet he smiled at them in such a way that even his enemies could see Jesus Christ in his face. What do we do when people say unkind of untrue things about us? Do we continue to act like Christians or do we react as if we have never been saved?

If you were to read the rest of chapter seven, you would discover how wonderfully Stephen knew his Bible. He knew the Word of God; he preached the Word of God and he applied it to the lives of those listening to him. They didn’t like it and they killed him because of what he said. He was the first Christian martyr.

But at the top of this page, we called him ‘Stephen the Soul Winner’. Who did he win for Christ? His death could easily have been one of the things that finally brought Saul of Tarsus to Jesus Christ. How could Saul ever forget Stephen? (7:58). It was not long after Stephen’s death, that Saul found Christ and became Paul the mighty missionary. God overruled so that out of the death of one came the wonderful life of another.

資料來源: 知信行網路查經資料
新增日期: 2010/03/16
狀態: 已經過審核


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