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分享人: 楊爸
分享日期: 2020/04/12
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《The entire known world was turned upside down with the message of the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. 》
~Dr. Michael A. Milton

Every time I have entered a sanctuary where a casket housed a dead body and mourners, I have entered with a loud voice, “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE . . .” For the resurrection, like a dazzling diamond, never shines so brilliantly as when it is placed in front of the dark pall of death. The resurrection ushers in hope and assures us that what is hoped for is true and lasting.

每次我進入一個棺材裡安置著一個屍體和送葬者的聖所時,我都會大聲地說:「我是複活和生命、、。」 對於復活,就像一顆耀眼的鑽石一樣,即使被置於籠罩死亡的黑暗中,它永遠是那樣璀璨奪目。復活帶來希望,並向我們保證,所盼望的是永遠真實的。

But there are some who say that the Bible never really taught the doctrine of the resurrection. That whole matter of resurrection was something that was invented by Paul or by Peter or by one of the others. Nothing could be further from the truth. Consider three— only three of so many—biblical categorical affirmations of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let’s begin with the old testament.

The Resurrection of Jesus was Prophesied in the Old Testament (Job, the Psalms and Daniel) 舊約(約伯,詩篇和但以理書)預言了耶穌的復活

Misguided students and unscrupulous scholars of Scripture have sometimes erroneously claimed that the concept of the resurrection is absent in Judaism; and, therefore, an unknown idea in the Old Testament. Such false teaching (or to be more charitable: “ignorance”) not only denies the very words of the Old Testament but also defies the very teaching of Jesus. For our resurrected Redeemer revealed to the disciples on the road to Emmaus the truth of the Old Testament and His resurrection:

“Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” He asked them. Then, “beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.” (Luke 24:13-27).
Luke 24:13正當那日,門徒中有兩個人往一個村子去;這村子名叫以馬忤斯,離耶路撒冷約有二十五里。14他們彼此談論所遇見的這一切事。15

If that theory is true then somebody should have told King David that “resurrection of the deceased human body by God was alien to the ancient Hebrew Faith.” For David in the Psalms speaks with spectacular specificity about the resurrection of the One to come:

“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay” (Psalm 16:9-10).
Psalm 16:9因此,我的心歡喜,我的靈(原文作榮耀)快樂;我的肉身也要安然居住。10因為你必不將我的靈魂撇在陰間,也不叫你的聖者見朽壞。

Ⓑ《約伯記》The Resurrection in the Book of Job
One of my favorite places about resurrection of the old testament is actually in the oldest book in the Bible: Job. When Job was at the very end of himself, having lost everything and having been ridiculed and question by his closest friends, he turned to God and the hope of the resurrection as he declares:

“Oh that with an iron pen and lead they were engraved in the rock forever! For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. My heart faints within me” (Job 19:24-27 ESV)!
Job 19:24 用鐵筆鐫刻,用鉛灌在磐石上,直存到永遠。25我知道我的救贖主活著,末了必站立在地上。26我這皮肉滅絕之後,我必在肉體之外得見神。27我自己要見他,親眼要看他,並不像外人。我的心腸在我裡面消滅了!

The teaching of the resurrection begins in the Old Testament. It is not a novel conspiratorial concept concocted in the minds of desperate disciples after the crucifixion of Jesus. Resurrection has been prophesied, taught, and anticipated, just as Jesus said.




馬太福音 26:31 那時,耶穌對他們說:「今夜,你們為我的緣故都要跌倒。因為經上記著說:我要擊打牧人,羊就分散了。
馬可福音 14:27 耶穌對他們說:「你們都要跌倒了,因為經上記著說:我要擊打牧人,羊就分散了。

馬太福音 26:32 但我復活以後,要在你們以先往加利利去。」

馬太福音 28:10 耶穌對他們說:「不要害怕!你們去告訴我的弟兄,叫他們往加利利去,在那裡必見我。」

馬太福音 27:53 到耶穌復活以後,他們從墳墓裡出來,進了聖城,向許多人顯現。

