張逸萍譯自﹕“AWAY IN A MANGER, BUT NOT IN A BARN: AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL LOOK AT THE NATIVITY”Gary Byers MA, 15 November 2021 (https://biblearchaeology.org/research/chronological-categories/life-and-ministry-of-jesus-and-apostles/4866-away-in-a-manger-but-not-in-a-barn-an-archaeological-look-at-the-nativity)
manger g byers november 2021
Photo Credit: Michael Luddeni; plan by Gustaf Dalman (1935). Sacred Sites and Ways: Studies in the Topography of the Gospels. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
雖然今天朝東的十字形結構(由查士丁尼〔Justinian〕於公元 530 年建造),最初的“聖誕教堂”(主誕堂,Church of the Nativity)由君士坦丁(Constantine)於公元 339 年奉獻,呈八角形,聖壇下方有耶穌誕生石窟。它建在一個洞穴之上,該洞穴的傳統可追溯到公元 2 世紀中葉,將其確定為耶穌出生的地方。由於附近地區的一直被佔領,我們不能確定新約時代的伯利恆的範圍,儘管據信相信,教堂確實坐落在舊約時代的城牆內。由於聖經文本中的證據很少,所以不可能說這就是它的位置。如果是這樣,這個洞穴本可以用作地下家庭馬厩——儘管這種情況並不常見。照片中,左下方牆根處的小洞口是君士坦丁十字教堂西端的入口。石窟位於東端的聖壇下方。
這是作者撰寫於Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands (2020)中的文章的增展版。
Kenneth Bailey 1979. The Manger and the Inn: The Cultural Background of Luke 2:7. Theological Review of the Near East School of Theology, Vol 2, No II: 33-44.
Gary A. Byers, D. Scott Stripling, and Bryant G. Wood 2016. Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir: the 2009–2011 Seasons Pp.69*-109* in Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Vol. 25 No. 2
Yizhar Hirschfeld 1995. The Palestinian Dwelling in the Roman-Byzantine Period. Jerusalem: Franciscan.
Larry Stager 1985. The Archaeology of the Family in Ancient Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 260: 1-36.
Patty Jo Watson 1979. Archaeological Ethnography in Western Iran. Viking Fund Publications.