搜尋字串: ED
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
針 |
#太 19:24; 可 10:25; 路 18:25|
-General scriptures concerning #Mt 19:24; Mr 10:25; Lu 18:25|
床 |
#歌 3:7-9|
#申 3:11|
#摩 6:4|
#斯 1:6|
#摩 6:4|
#箴 22:27|
#箴 7:17|
#賽 57:2|
-Made of wood #So 3:7-9|
-Made of iron #De 3:11|
-Made of ivory #Am 6:4|
-Made of gold and silver #Es 1:6|
-Used at meals #Am 6:4|
-Exempt from execution for debt #Pr 22:27|
-Perfumed #Pr 7:17|
鸇 |
-A carnivorous bird #De 14:13|
撒烈 |
#民 21:12; 申 2:13,14|
-Also called ZERED -A brook #Nu 21:12; De 2:13,14|
婚禮 |
-見 [!婚姻!]([!MARRIAGE!])
鋤草 |
-General scriptures concerning #Mt 13:28|
威但 |
-一個地方, 威但商人與推羅人作貿易
#結 27:19|
-欽定本作 DAN
-A place whose merchants traded with Tyre #Eze 27:19|
-In A. V., called DAN
斑鳩 |
勒住 |
#徒 15:20,29; 21:25|
-Things dying by strangulation, forbidden as food #Ac 15:20,29; 21:25|
紅海 |
#出 10:19|
-以色列人過紅海; 法老和和其軍隊溺斃在紅海裡
#出 14; 15:1,4,11,19; 民 33:8; 申 11:4; 書 2:10; 4:23|
#書 24:6,7; 士 11:16; 撒下 22:16; 尼 9:9-11; 詩 66:6; 78:13,53|
#詩 106:7-11,22; 136:13-15; 賽 43:16,17; 徒 7:36; 林前 10:1,2|
#來 11:29|
#出 14:2,9; 民 14:25; 21:4; 33:10,11; 申 1:40; 2:1-3|
#出 23:31|
#王上 9:26|
#出 13:18|
-The locusts which devastated Egypt destroyed in #Ex 10:19|
-Israelites cross; Pharaoh and his army drowned in #Ex 14; 15:1,4,11,19; Nu 33:8; De 11:4; Jos 2:10; 4:23; 24:6,7; Jud 11:16; 2Sa 22:16; Ne 9:9-11; Ps 66:6; 78:13,53; 106:7-11,22; 136:13-15; Isa 43:16,17; Ac 7:36; 1Co 10:1,2; Heb 11:29|
-Israelites camp beside #Ex 14:2,9; Nu 14:25; 21:4; 33:10,11; De 1:40; 2:1-3|
-The boundary of the promised land #Ex 23:31|
-Solomon builds ships beside #1Ki 9:26|
-The wilderness of #Ex 13:18|
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
床 |
Beds |
- 歷史悠久
#創 47:31; 出 8:3|
- 用來作床的長椅或長沙發
#伯 7:13; 詩 6:6|
- 用來作床的小草床或床墊
#撒上 19:15|
- 被認為是必要的
#王下 4:10|
- 材質
. 鐵
#申 3:11|
. 象牙
#摩 6:4|
. 金和銀
#斯 1:6|
- 轎子
#歌 3:7-9|
- 配有枕頭
#撒上 19:13; 26:7|
- 蓋以繡毯和亞麻被
#箴 7:16|
- 常常噴以香水
#箴 7:17; 結 23:41|
- 窮人把上衣蓋在床上
#出 22:26,27; 申 24:12,13|
- 用途
. 仰躺睡覺
#伯 33:15; 路 11:7|
. 白天平臥著休息
#撒下 4:5; 11:2|
. 用餐時斜倚於其上
#撒上 28:23-25; 摩 6:4-6; 路 7:36-38; 約 13:23|
- 苦難中不用床
#撒下 12:16; 13:31|
- 悲傷的人有時被帶到床上
#王上 21:4; 何 7:14|
- 聖徒在床上默想、讚美上帝
#詩 4:4; 149:5; 歌 3:1|
- 惡人在床上不懷好意
#詩 36:4; 彌 2:1|
- 懶人也喜歡床
#箴 26:14|
- 窮人常因欠債而賣床
#箴 22:27|
- 易遭儀式上的褻瀆
#利 15:4|
- 床的潔淨
#可 7:4|
- 用來說明
. 墳墓
#賽 57:2|
. (下褟在黑暗中,) 極度不幸
#伯 17:13|
. (病在褟上,) 上帝的支持與寬慰
#詩 41:3|
. (在高山上安設床褟,) 世俗所謂的穩妥
#賽 57:7|
. (過短的床,) 叫人不得安息、不得平安的計劃
#賽 28:20|
- Antiquity of #Ge 47:31; Ex 8:3|
- Couches or divans used as #Job 7:13; Ps 6:6|
- A small pallet or mattress used as #1Sa 19:15|
- Considered necessary #2Ki 4:10|
- MADE OF . Iron #De 3:11|
. Ivory #Am 6:4|
. Gold and Silver #Es 1:6|
- Wood #So 3:7-9|
- Supplied with pillows #1Sa 19:13; 26:7|
- Covered with tapestry and linen #Pr 7:16|
- Often perfumed #Pr 7:17; Eze 23:41|
- Of the poor covered with upper garment #Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13|
- USED FOR . Sleeping on #Job 33:15; Lu 11:7|
. Reclining on by day #2Sa 4:5; 11:2|
. Reclining on at meals #1Sa 28:23-25; Am 6:4-6; Lu 7:36-38; Joh 13:23|
- Not used in affliction #2Sa 12:16; 13:31|
- Persons sometimes took to, in grief #1Ki 21:4; Ho 7:14|
- Saints meditate and praise God while on #Ps 4:4; 149:5; So 3:1|
- The wicked devise mischief while on #Ps 36:4; Mic 2:1|
- The slothful too fond of #Pr 26:14|
- Of the poor often sold for debt #Pr 22:27|
- Subject to ceremonial defilement #Le 15:4|
- Purification of #Mr 7:4|
- ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the grave #Isa 57:2|
. (Made in darkness,) of extreme misery #Job 17:13|
. (Made in sickness,) of divine support and comfort #Ps 41:3|
. (Made on high,) of carnal security #Isa 57:7|
. (Too short,) of plans which afford no rest or peace #Isa 28:20|
籬笆 |
Hedges |
- 歷史悠久
#代上 4:23|
- 為了保護而設計
#賽 5:2|
- 常用荊棘做成
#彌 7:4|
- 圍繞在下列地方周圍
. 園子
#歌 4:12; 哀 2:6|
. 葡萄園
#太 21:33; 可 12:1|
- 穿越籬笆的困難
#箴 15:19|
- 穿越籬笆的危險
#傳 10:8|
- 挪去籬笆造成荒地
#詩 80:12,13|
- 充滿蚱蜢
#鴻 3:17|
- 體弱的旅人在籬笆下歇息
#路 14:23|
- 提供危險中的保護
#耶 49:3|
- 提及彌補籬笆的破口
#結 13:5; 22:30|
- 說明了
. 上帝的保護
#伯 1:10|
. 諸多患難
#伯 3:23; 19:8|
. 嚴厲審判
#哀 3:7; 何 2:6|
. 至善的律例
#賽 5:2; 太 21:33|
. 懶惰人之道
#箴 15:19|
. (傾圮,) 除去保護
#詩 80:12; 賽 5:5|
- Antiquity of #1Ch 4:23|
- Designed for protection #Isa 5:2|
- Often made of thorns #Mic 7:4|
- PLACED AROUND . Gardens #So 4:12; La 2:6|
. Vineyards #Mt 21:33; Mr 12:1|
- Difficulty of breaking through #Pr 15:19|
- Danger of breaking through #Ec 10:8|
- Desolation caused by removing #Ps 80:12,13|
- Filled with grasshoppers #Na 3:17|
- Poor travellers sought rest under #Lu 14:23|
- Afforded protection in danger #Jer 49:3|
- Making up gaps in, alluded to #Eze 13:5; 22:30|
- ILLUSTRATIVE . Of God's protection #Job 1:10|
. Of numerous afflictions #Job 3:23; 19:8|
. Of heavy judgments #La 3:7; Ho 2:6|
. Of holy ordinances #Isa 5:2; Mt 21:33|
. Of the way of the slothful #Pr 15:19|
. (Broken down,) of the taking away of protection #Ps 80:12; Isa 5:5|
謹慎 |
Heedfulness |
- 為上帝所吩咐
#出 23:13; 箴 4:25-27|
- 是必要的
. 照顧心靈時
#申 4:9|
. 在殿中敬拜上帝時
#傳 5:1|
. 對於聆聽的內容
#可 4:24|
. 對於聆聽的方式
#路 8:18|
. 遵守上帝的誡命時
#書 22:5|
. 為人行事
#弗 5:15|
. 言語
#箴 13:3; 雅 1:19|
. 與世人為伍時
#詩 39:1; 西 4:5|
. 作出判斷時
#代上 19:6,7|
. 對付罪惡
#來 12:15,16|
. 對付不信
#來 3:12|
. 對付崇拜偶像
#申 4:15,16|
. 對付假基督和假先知
#太 24:4,5,23,24|
. 對付假教師
#門 3:2; 西 2:8; 彼後 3:16,17|
. 對付自以為是
#林前 10:12|
. 謹慎的應許
#王上 2:4; 代上 22:13|
- Commanded #Ex 23:13; Pr 4:25-27|
- NECESSARY . In the care of the soul #De 4:9|
. In the house and worship of God #Ec 5:1|
. In what we hear #Mr 4:24|
. In how we hear #Lu 8:18|
. In keeping God's commandments #Jos 22:5|
. In conduct #Eph 5:15|
. In speech #Pr 13:3; Jas 1:19|
. In worldly company #Ps 39:1; Col 4:5|
. In giving judgment #1Ch 19:6,7|
. Against sin #Heb 12:15,16|
. Against unbelief #Heb 3:12|
. Against idolatry #De 4:15,16|
. Against false Christs, and false prophets #Mt 24:4,5,23,24|
. Against false teachers #Phm 3:2; Col 2:8; 2Pe 3:16,17|
. Against presumption #1Co 10:12|
. Promises to #1Ki 2:4; 1Ch 22:13|
憎恨 |
Hatred |
- 被禁止
#利 19:17; 西 3:8|
- 是謀殺
#約一 3:15|
- 是情慾的事
#加 5:20|
- 常以欺騙加以掩飾
#箴 10:18; 26:26|
- 導致欺騙
#箴 26:24,25|
- 引發衝突
#箴 10:12|
- 使生活苦痛
#箴 15:17|
- 跟下列事項不協調
. 關於上帝的知識
#約一 2:9,11|
. 上帝的愛
#約一 4:20|
. 說謊的人傾向於憎恨
#箴 26:28|
- 惡人展現了憎恨
. 對於上帝
#羅 1:30|
. 對於聖徒
#詩 25:19; 箴 29:10|
. 對於彼此
#多 3:3|
- 基督經歷過憎恨
#詩 35:19; 約 7:7; 15:18,24,25|
- 聖徒應當
. 期待憎恨
#太 10:22; 約 15:18,19|
. 不應以憎恨為驚奇
#約一 3:13|
. 以善回報憎恨
#出 23:5; 太 5:44|
. 不應以展現敵意的人受災難為樂
#伯 31:29,30; 詩 35:13,14|
. 不應給恨惡留地步
#箴 25:17|
- 憎恨的懲罰
#詩 34:21; 44:7; 89:23; 摩 1:11|
- 我們應當恨惡
. 謬誤的道
#詩 119:104,128|
. 說謊
#詩 119:163|
. 罪惡
#詩 97:10; 箴 8:13|
. 墮落
#詩 101:3|
. 憎恨並反對上帝
#詩 139:21,22|
- 例子
. 該隱
#創 4:5,8|
. 以掃
#創 27:41|
. 約瑟的兄弟
#創 37:4|
. 基列人
#士 11:7|
. 掃羅
#撒上 18:8,9|
. 亞哈
#王上 22:8|
. 哈曼
#斯 3:5,6|
. 猶太人的敵人
#斯 9:1,5; 結 35:5,6|
. 迦勒底人
#但 3:12|
. 但以理的敵人
#但 6:4-15|
. 希羅底
#太 14:3,8|
. 猶太人
#徒 23:12,14|
- Forbidden #Le 19:17; Col 3:8|
- Is murder #1Jo 3:15|
- A work of the flesh #Ga 5:20|
- Often cloaked by deceit #Pr 10:18; 26:26|
- Leads to deceit #Pr 26:24,25|
- Stirs up strife #Pr 10:12|
- Embitters life #Pr 15:17|
- INCONSISTENT WITH . The knowledge of God #1Jo 2:9,11|
. The love of God #1Jo 4:20|
. Liars prone to #Pr 26:28|
- THE WICKED EXHIBIT . Towards God #Ro 1:30|
. Towards saints #Ps 25:19; Pr 29:10|
. Towards each other #Tit 3:3|
- Christ experienced #Ps 35:19; Joh 7:7; 15:18,24,25|
- SAINTS SHOULD . Expect #Mt 10:22; Joh 15:18,19|
. Not marvel at #1Jo 3:13|
. Return good for #Ex 23:5; Mt 5:44|
. Not rejoice in the calamities of those who exhibit #Job 31:29,30; Ps 35:13,14|
. Give no cause for #Pr 25:17|
- Punishment of #Ps 34:21; 44:7; 89:23; Am 1:11|
- WE SHOULD EXHIBIT AGAINST . False ways #Ps 119:104,128|
. Lying #Ps 119:163|
. Evil #Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13|
. Backsliding #Ps 101:3|
. Hatred and opposition to God #Ps 139:21,22|
- Exemplified . Cain #Ge 4:5,8|
. Esau #Ge 27:41|
. Joseph's brethren #Ge 37:4|
. Men of Gilead #Jud 11:7|
. Saul #1Sa 18:8,9|
. Ahab #1Ki 22:8|
. Haman #Es 3:5,6|
. Enemies of the Jews #Es 9:1,5; Eze 35:5,6|
. Chaldeans #Da 3:12|
. Enemies of Daniel #Da 6:4-15|
. Herodias #Mt 14:3,8|
. The Jews #Ac 23:12,14|
種子 |
Seed |
- 所有菜蔬、樹木、青草各結出其種子
#創 1:11,12,29|
- 各類種子各有其形體
#林前 15:38|
- 撒種
. 撒種的時機稱為稼
#創 8:22|
. 對於多產是必要的
#約 12:24; 林前 15:36|
. 要勤勉不懈
#傳 11:4,6|
. 多有浪費掉的
#太 13:4,5,7|
. 多有危險
#詩 126:5,6|
- 神人之約確保年年有撒種的時刻
#創 8:21,22|
- 農人悉心耕田, 為撒種作預備
#賽 28:24,25|
- 往往灑在水邊
#傳 11:1; 賽 32:20|
- 往往由牛踹進地裡
#賽 32:20|
- 需要雨水灌溉
#賽 55:10|
- 在埃及, 種子得用人工灌溉
#申 11:10|
- 在迦南得到豐收
#創 26:12; 太 13:23|
- 跟種子有關的摩西律法
. 不同的種子不得灑在同一片田地
#利 19:19; 申 22:9|
. 乾燥的種子即使碰到不潔淨的東西, 仍得算為潔淨
#利 11:37|
. 潮濕的種子接觸到不潔淨的東西, 就成為不潔淨
#利 11:38|
. 種子的十分之一要獻給上帝
#利 27:30|
. 安息年不得撒種
#利 25:4,20|
. 禧年不得撒種
#利 25:11|
- 提到種子的不同, 還有長出來的植物也不同
#林前 15:37,38|
- 猶太人受下列懲罰
. 種子在地裡腐爛
#珥 1:17; 瑪 2:3|
. 種子沒多結多少果實
#賽 5:10; 該 1:6|
. 種子所多結的果實被蝗蟲吃盡
#申 28:38; 珥 1:4|
. 種子所多結的果實被敵人吃盡
#利 26:16; 申 28:33,51|
. 種子的生長被荊棘擋住
#耶 12:13; 太 13:7|
- 用來說明
. 上帝的道 (話語)
#路 8:11; 彼前 1:23|
. 靈命
#約一 3:9|
- 用撒種說明
. 傳福音
#太 13:3,32; 林前 9:11|
. 打散一個民族
#亞 10:9|
. 基督徒的慷慨大方
#傳 11:6; 林後 9:6|
. 人的作為得到同等回報
#伯 4:8; 何 10:12; 加 6:7,8|
. 基督的死及其影響
#約 12:24|
. 埋葬身體
#林前 15:36-38|
- Every herb, tree and grass yields its own #Ge 1:11,12,29|
- Each kind of, has its own body #1Co 15:38|
- SOWING OF . Time for, called seed time #Ge 8:22|
. Necessary to its productiveness #Joh 12:24; 1Co 15:36|
. Required constant diligence #Ec 11:4,6|
. Often attended with great waste #Mt 13:4,5,7|
. Often attended with danger #Ps 126:5,6|
- Yearly return of time of sowing, secured by covenant #Ge 8:21,22|
- The ground carefully ploughed, and prepared for #Isa 28:24,25|
- Often sown beside rivers #Ec 11:1; Isa 32:20|
- Often trodden into the ground, by the feet of oxen #Isa 32:20|
- Required to be watered by the rain #Isa 55:10|
- In Egypt required to be artificially watered #De 11:10|
- Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan #Ge 26:12; Mt 13:23|
- MOSAIC LAWS RESPECTING . Different kinds of, not to be sown in the same field #Le 19:19; De 22:9|
. If dry, exempted from uncleanness though touched by an unclean thing #Le 11:37|
. If wet, rendered unclean by contact with an unclean thing #Le 11:38|
. The tithe of, to be given to God #Le 27:30|
. Not to be sown during the sabbatical year #Le 25:4,20|
. Not to be sown in year of jubilee #Le 25:11|
- Difference between, and the plant which grows from it, noticed #1Co 15:37,38|
- THE JEWS PUNISHED BY . Its rotting in the ground #Joe 1:17; Mal 2:3|
. Its yielding but little increase #Isa 5:10; Hag 1:6|
. Its increase being consumed by locusts #De 28:38; Joe 1:4|
. Its increase being consume by enemies #Le 26:16; De 28:33,51|
. Its being choked by thorns #Jer 12:13; Mt 13:7|
- ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The word of God #Lu 8:11; 1Pe 1:23|
. Spiritual life #1Jo 3:9|
- SOWING, ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Preaching the gospel #Mt 13:3,32; 1Co 9:11|
. Scattering or dispersing a people #Zec 10:9|
. Christian liberality #Ec 11:6; 2Co 9:6|
. Men's works producing a corresponding recompence #Job 4:8; Ho 10:12; Ga 6:7,8|
. The death of Christ and its effects #Joh 12:24|
. The burial of the body #1Co 15:36-38|
救贖 |
Redemption |
- 定義
#林前 6:20; 7:23|
- 出於上帝
#賽 44:21-23; 43:1; 路 1:68|
- 藉由基督
#太 20:28; 加 3:13|
- 藉由基督的血
#徒 20:28; 來 9:12; 彼前 1:19; 啟 5:9|
- 基督受差遣, 為要成就救贖
#加 4:4,5|
- 基督成為我們的救贖
#林前 1:30|
- 乃是救我們脫離
. 律法的綑綁
#加 4:5|
. 律法的咒詛
#加 3:13|
. 罪的權勢
#羅 6:18,22|
. 陰間的權柄
#詩 49:15|
. 一切的愁苦
#詩 25:22|
. 一切的罪孽
#詩 130:8; 多 2:14|
. 一切患難
#創 48:16|
. 現今的罪惡世代
#加 1:4|
. 虛妄的行為
#彼前 1:18|
. 仇敵
#詩 106:10,11; 耶 15:21|
. 死亡
#何 13:14|
. 滅亡
#詩 103:4|
- 人無法成就救贖
#詩 49:7|
- 會敗壞的事物無法買得救贖
#彼前 1:18|
- 為我們取得
. 稱義
#羅 3:24|
. 赦罪
#弗 1:7; 西 1:14|
. 兒子的名分
#加 4:4,5|
. 潔淨
#多 2:14|
- 今生是唯一的救贖時節
#伯 36:18,19|
- 被描述為
. 可貴的
#詩 49:8|
. 豐盛的
#詩 130:7|
. 永恆的
#來 9:12|
- 救贖的對象
. 靈魂
#詩 49:8|
. 身體
#羅 8:23|
. 生命
#詩 103:4; 哀 3:58|
. 基業
#弗 1:14|
- 救贖彰顯了
. 上帝的能力
#賽 50:2|
. 上帝的恩典
#賽 52:3|
. 上帝的慈憐
#賽 63:9; 約 3:16; 羅 6:8; 約一 4:10|
- 是讚美的理由
#賽 44:22,23; 51:11|
- 舊約的聖徒有分於救贖
#來 9:15|
- 有分於救贖的人
. 是上帝的產業
#賽 43:1; 林前 6:20|
. 是獻給上帝的初熟果子
#啟 14:4|
. 是奇罕之民
#撒下 7:23; 多 2:14; 彼前 2:9|
. 有蒙贖的確據
#伯 19:25; 詩 31:5|
. 受了印記, 等候得贖的日子來到
#弗 4:30|
. 熱心行善
#弗 2:10; 多 2:14; 彼前 2:9|
. 在聖潔中平安地行走
#賽 35:8,9|
. 將歡喜地回到錫安
#賽 35:10|
. 唯有他們能習得天國之歌
#啟 14:3,4|
. 委身於上帝
#詩 31:5|
. 有得贖的憑據
#弗 1:14; 林後 1:22|
. 等候得贖
#羅 8:23; 腓 3:20,21; 多 2:11-13|
. 祈求得贖
#詩 26:11; 44:26|
. 應當為了蒙贖而讚美上帝
#詩 71:23; 103:4; 啟 5:9|
. 應當為了蒙贖而榮耀上帝
#林前 6:20|
. 應當一無懼怕
#賽 43:1|
- 典型
. 以色列人
#出 6:6|
. 頭生的
#出 13:11-15; 民 18:15|
. 贖銀
#出 30:12-15|
. 奴僕
#利 25:47-54|
- Defined #1Co 6:20; 7:23|
- Is of God #Isa 44:21-23; 43:1; Lu 1:68|
- Is by Christ #Mt 20:28; Ga 3:13|
- Is by the blood of Christ #Ac 20:28; Heb 9:12; 1Pe 1:19; Re 5:9|
- Christ sent to effect #Ga 4:4,5|
- Christ is made, to us #1Co 1:30|
- IS FROM . The bondage of the law #Ga 4:5|
. The curse of the law #Ga 3:13|
. The power of sin #Ro 6:18,22|
. The power of the grave #Ps 49:15|
. All troubles #Ps 25:22|
. All iniquity #Ps 130:8; Tit 2:14|
. All evil #Ge 48:16|
. The present evil world #Ga 1:4|
. Vain conversation #1Pe 1:18|
. Enemies #Ps 106:10,11; Jer 15:21|
. Death #Ho 13:14|
. Destruction #Ps 103:4|
- Man cannot effect #Ps 49:7|
- Corruptible things cannot purchase #1Pe 1:18|
- PROCURES FOR US . Justification #Ro 3:24|
. Forgiveness of sin #Eph 1:7; Col 1:14|
. Adoption #Ga 4:4,5|
. Purification #Tit 2:14|
- The present life, the only season for #Job 36:18,19|
- DESCRIBED AS . Precious #Ps 49:8|
. Plenteous #Ps 130:7|
. Eternal #Heb 9:12|
- SUBJECTS OF . The soul #Ps 49:8|
. The body #Ro 8:23|
. The life #Ps 103:4; La 3:58|
. The inheritance #Eph 1:14|
- MANIFESTS THE . Power of God #Isa 50:2|
. Grace of God #Isa 52:3|
. Love and pity of God #Isa 63:9; Joh 3:16; Ro 6:8; 1Jo 4:10|
- A subject for praise #Isa 44:22,23; 51:11|
- Old Testament saints partakers of #Heb 9:15|
- THEY WHO PARTAKE OF . Are the property of God #Isa 43:1; 1Co 6:20|
. Are first-fruits to God #Re 14:4|
. Are a peculiar people #2Sa 7:23; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9|
. Are assured of #Job 19:25; Ps 31:5|
. Are sealed to the day of #Eph 4:30|
. Are Zealous of good works #Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14; 1Pe 2:9|
. Walk safely in holiness #Isa 35:8,9|
. Shall return to Zion with joy #Isa 35:10|
. Alone can learn the songs of heaven #Re 14:3,4|
. Commit themselves to God #Ps 31:5|
. Have an earnest of the completion of #Eph 1:14; 2Co 1:22|
. Wait for the completion of #Ro 8:23; Php 3:20,21; Tit 2:11-13|
. Pray for the completion of #Ps 26:11; 44:26|
. Praise God for #Ps 71:23; 103:4; Re 5:9|
. Should glorify God for #1Co 6:20|
. Should be without fear #Isa 43:1|
- TYPIFIED . Israel #Ex 6:6|
. First-born #Ex 13:11-15; Nu 18:15|
. Atonement-money #Ex 30:12-15|
. Bond-servant #Le 25:47-54|
修殿節 |
Feast of Dedication, The |
- 在聖殿被安提約古玷污以後, 為了紀念聖殿的潔淨
#但 11:31|
- 在冬季月份, 基斯流舉行
#約 10:22|
- To commemorate the cleansing of the temple after its defilement by Antiochus #Da 11:31|
- Held in the winter month, Chisleu #Joh 10:22|
奉獻禮 |
Dedication |
- 將一個敬拜的地方分別為聖
#代下 2:4|
- 慎重確立一個約
#來 9:18|
- 奉獻任何物品作為神聖用途
#代上 28:12|
- 奉獻的主體
. 會幕
#民 7:1-89|
. 所羅門王建的殿
#王上 8:1-63; 代下 7:5|
. 歸回後重建的殿
#拉 6:16,17|
. 人
#出 22:29; 撒上 1:11|
. 財產
#利 27:28; 太 15:5|
. 戰利品
#撒下 8:11; 代上 18:11|
. 外國人的貢物
#撒下 8:10,11|
. 城牆
#尼 12:27|
. 落成的新居
#申 20:5; 詩 30:1|
- 拜偶像者設立偶像時的奉獻禮
#但 3:2,3|
- 分別為聖獻給上帝之物
. 被視為聖潔
#利 27:28; 王下 12:18|
. 放在耶和華殿的府庫裡
#王上 7:51; 代下 5:1|
. 預備特別的倉房以貯存
#代下 31:11,12|
. 由利未人掌管
#代上 26:20,26; 代下 31:12|
. 用來修理維護聖殿
#王下 12:4,5; 代上 26:27|
. 用來供應祭司
#民 18:14; 結 44:29|
. 用來勸解敵人
#王下 12:17,18|
. 關於免除奉獻禮的律法
#利 27:1-34|
- 奉獻財物往往被濫用
#可 7:9-13|
- 說明對上帝專心一志
#詩 119:38|
- Consecration of a place of worship #2Ch 2:4|
- Solemn confirmation of a covenant #Heb 9:18|
- Devoting any thing to sacred uses #1Ch 28:12|
- SUBJECTS OF . Tabernacle #Nu 7:1-89|
. Temple of Solomon #1Ki 8:1-63; 2Ch 7:5|
. Second temple #Ezr 6:16,17|
. Persons #Ex 22:29; 1Sa 1:11|
. Property #Le 27:28; Mt 15:5|
. Spoils of war #2Sa 8:11; 1Ch 18:11|
. Tribute from foreigners #2Sa 8:10,11|
. Walls of cities #Ne 12:27|
. Houses when built #De 20:5; Ps 30:1|
- By idolaters in setting up idols #Da 3:2,3|
- THINGS DEDICATED TO GOD . Esteemed holy #Le 27:28; 2Ki 12:18|
. Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house #1Ki 7:51; 2Ch 5:1|
. Special chambers prepared for #2Ch 31:11,12|
. Levites place over #1Ch 26:20,26; 2Ch 31:12|
. Applied to the repair and maintenance of the temple #2Ki 12:4,5; 1Ch 26:27|
. For support of priests #Nu 18:14; Eze 44:29|
. Given to propitiate enemies #2Ki 12:17,18|
. Law respecting the release of #Le 27:1-34|
- Of property often perverted #Mr 7:9-13|
- Illustrated of devotedness to God #Ps 119:38|
債權人 |
Creditors |
- 定義
#門 1:18|
- 可能會要求
. 抵押品
#申 24:10,11; 箴 22:27|
. 別人作擔保
#箴 6:1; 22:26|
. 財物作抵押
#尼 5:3|
. 單據或借據
#路 16:6,7|
- 拿來作抵押的衣服, 日落前要歸還
#出 22:26,27; 申 24:12,13; 結 18:7,12|
- 不准
. 拿磨石當抵押品
#申 24:6|
. 粗暴地選擇抵押品
#申 24:10|
. 強要弟兄的高利貸
#出 22:25; 利 25:36,37|
. 在安息年期間向弟兄討債
#申 15:2,3|
- 可以向外人拿利息
#申 23:20|
- 有時候完全免了人家的債
#尼 5:10-12; 太 18:27; 路 7:42|
- 要債時往往是無情的
#尼 5:7-9; 伯 24:3-9; 太 18:28-30|
- 常以下列方式討債
. 賣了債務人或以他當自己的奴隸
#太 18:25; 出 21:2|
. 賣了債務人的家產
#太 18:25|
. 賣了債務人的家人
#王下 4:1; 伯 24:9; 太 18:25|
. 監禁債務人
#太 5:25,26; 18:34|
. 取走擔保物
#箴 11:15; 22:26,27|
- 常常受騙
#撒上 22:2; 路 16:5-7|
- 用來說明
. 上帝有權要求人類
#太 5:25,26; 18:23,25; 路 7:41,47|
. 律法的要求
#加 5:3|
- Defined #Phm 1:18|
- MIGHT DEMAND . Pledges #De 24:10,11; Pr 22:27|
. Security of others #Pr 6:1; 22:26|
. Mortgages on property #Ne 5:3|
. Bills or promissory notes #Lu 16:6,7|
- To return before sunset, garments taken in pledge #Ex 22:26,27; De 24:12,13; Eze 18:7,12|
- PROHIBITED FROM . Taking millstones in pledge #De 24:6|
. Violently selecting pledges #De 24:10|
. Exacting usury from brethren #Ex 22:25; Le 25:36,37|
. Exacting debts from brethren during sabbatical year #De 15:2,3|
- Might take interest from strangers #De 23:20|
- Sometimes entirely remitted debts #Ne 5:10-12; Mt 18:27; Lu 7:42|
- Often cruel in exacting debts #Ne 5:7-9; Job 24:3-9; Mt 18:28-30|
- OFTEN EXACTED DEBTS . By selling the debtor or taking him for a servant #Mt 18:25; Ex 21:2|
. By selling the debtor's property #Mt 18:25|
. By selling the debtor's family #2Ki 4:1; Job 24:9; Mt 18:25|
. By imprisonment #Mt 5:25,26; 18:34|
. From the sureties #Pr 11:15; 22:26,27|
- Were often defrauded #1Sa 22:2; Lu 16:5-7|
- ILLUSTRATIVE OF . God's claim upon men #Mt 5:25,26; 18:23,25; Lu 7:41,47|
. The demands of the law #Ga 5:3|
香柏樹 |
Cedar, The |
- 由上帝所栽種
#詩 104:16; 賽 41:19|
- 為了榮耀上帝而造
#詩 148:9|
- 利巴嫩以香柏樹馳名
#士 9:15; 詩 92:12|
- 諸河河岸利於香柏樹生長
#民 24:6|
- 所羅門王大量進口香柏木
#王上 10:27|
- 被描述為
. 高大
#賽 37:24; 結 17:22; 摩 2:9|
. 伸展枝子
#詩 80:10,11|
. 芳香的
#歌 4:11|
. 優雅美麗
#詩 80:10; 結 17:23|
. 強壯經久
#賽 9:10|
- 被認為群樹中地位最高者
#王上 4:33|
- 百姓大規模買賣香柏木
#王上 5:10,11; 拉 3:7|
- 用途
. 建造聖殿
#王上 5:5,6; 6:9,10|
. 建造宮殿
#撒下 5:11; 王上 7:2,3|
. 做船的桅杆
#結 27:5|
. 做衣櫃
#結 27:24|
. 製造華轎
#歌 3:9|
. 使大痲瘋病患得潔淨
#利 14:4-7,49-52|
. 預備除污穢的水
#民 19:6|
. 製作偶像
#賽 44:14|
- 提及鷹
. 築巢於香柏樹間
#耶 22:23|
. 棲於香柏樹梢
#結 17:3|
. 有助於繁殖香柏樹
#結 17:4,5|
- 香柏樹毀滅是一種懲罰
#耶 22:7|
- 香柏樹的毀滅展現了上帝的權能
#詩 29:5|
- 用來說明
. 基督的壯麗、力量與榮耀
#歌 5:15; 結 17:22,23|
. 以色列的美麗與榮耀
#民 24:6|
. 聖徒迅速成長
#詩 92:12|
. 強大的國家
#結 31:3; 摩 2:9|
. 自大的統治者
#賽 2:13; 10:33,34|
- Planted by God #Ps 104:16; Isa 41:19|
- Made to glorify God #Ps 148:9|
- Lebanon celebrated for #Jud 9:15; Ps 92:12|
- Banks of rivers favourable to the growth of #Nu 24:6|
- Imported largely by Solomon #1Ki 10:27|
- DESCRIBED AS . High #Isa 37:24; Eze 17:22; Am 2:9|
. Spreading #Ps 80:10,11|
. Fragrant #So 4:11|
. Graceful and beautiful #Ps 80:10; Eze 17:23|
. Strong and durable #Isa 9:10|
- Considered the first of trees #1Ki 4:33|
- Extensive commerce in #1Ki 5:10,11; Ezr 3:7|
- USED IN . Building temples #1Ki 5:5,6; 6:9,10|
. Building palaces #2Sa 5:11; 1Ki 7:2,3|
. Making masts of ships #Eze 27:5|
. Making wardrobes #Eze 27:24|
. Making chariots #So 3:9|
. Purifying the leper #Le 14:4-7,49-52|
. Preparing the water of separation #Nu 19:6|
. Making idols #Isa 44:14|
- THE EAGLE ALLUDED TO AS . Making its nest in #Jer 22:23|
. Perching on the high branches of #Eze 17:3|
. Instrumental in propagating #Eze 17:4,5|
- Destruction of, a punishment #Jer 22:7|
- Destruction of, exhibits God's power #Ps 29:5|
- ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Majesty, strength, and glory of Christ #So 5:15; Eze 17:22,23|
. Beauty and glory of israel #Nu 24:6|
. Saints in their rapid growth #Ps 92:12|
. Powerful nations #Eze 31:3; Am 2:9|
. Arrogant rulers #Isa 2:13; 10:33,34|
中文 |
英文 |
Abednego |
Adoni-zedec |
Armageddon |
Bed |
Bedan |
Bed-chamber |
Bedstead |
Bered |
Bolled |
Cedar |
中文 |
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
Abednego |
servant of light; shining
Adoni-zedek |
justice of the Lord; lord of justice
Armageddon |
hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo
Bedad |
alone; solitary
Bedaiah |
Bedan |
according to judgment
Bered |
Cedron |
black; sad
Chedorlaomer |
roundness of a sheaf
Chesed |
as a devil
中文 |
英文 |
驚奇;受驚駭;驚訝 |
Astonied |
To be taken by surprise.Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. As many were ASTONIED at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men. ( Isaiah 52:13-14 )
床架 |
Bedstead |
An elaborate and rich couch or bed.For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his BEDSTEAD was a BEDSTEAD of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. ( Deuteronomy 3:11 )
Belied |
To lie against; to speak falsely.For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me, saith the LORD. They have BELIED the LORD, and said, It is not he; neither shall evil come upon us; neither shall we see sword nor famine. ( Jeremiah 5:11-12 )
Betrothed |
To be engaged.And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely. And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will BETROTH thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. ( Hosea 2:18-19 )
Bewitched |
To fascinate; to mislead with words.O foolish Galatians, who hath BEWITCHED you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? ( Galatians 3:1 )
有福 |
Blessed |
Happy.BLESSED is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. ( Psalm 1:1-2 )
開花 |
Bolled |
Blossomed; in the seed/pod.And the flax and the barley was smitten: for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was BOLLED. But the wheat and the rie were not smitten: for they were not grown up. ( Exodus 9:31-32 )
Brayed |
To groan, wail; make a foul noise.Among the bushes they BRAYED; under the nettles they were gathered together. They were children of fools, yea, children of base men: they were viler than the earth. ( Job 30:7 )
Broided |
Twined; braided.In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with BROIDED hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. ( 1 Timothy 1:1 Ephesians 2:9 )
Charged |
Burdened; weighed down.If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be CHARGED; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed. ( 1 Timothy 1:1 Deuteronomy 5:16 )
中文 |
英文 |
證壇 |
Ed |
Aed |
床 |
Bed |
Fed |
Led |
Ped |
紅色 |
Red |
Ted |
Wed |
Abed |