首頁加入會員會員登入點數說明網站地圖聯絡我們奉獻支持 (尚未登入) 主題聖經 4月27日 星期六

AI@教會 免費講座
靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: AI

中文註解 英文註解
#徒 9:11|

#賽 40:3,4; 太 3:3; 來 12:13|


-Name of a street in Damascus
#Ac 9:11|

.Of righteousness, "straight paths,"
#Isa 40:3,4; Mt 3:3; Heb 12:13|

-1. 迦南地的一個王城
#書 7:8|
#拉 2:28|
#尼 11:31|
#賽 10:28|
#書 8:25|

-2. 亞捫人的城市
#耶 49:3|


-1. A royal city of the Canaanites
.Conquest and destruction of
#Jos 7:8|
#Ezr 2:28|
.Also called AIJA
#Ne 11:31|
#Isa 10:28|
.Population of
#Jos 8:25|

-2. A city of the Ammonites
#Jer 49:3|

#創 12:8; 13:3|



-General scriptures concerning
#Ge 12:8; 13:3|

-See AI

#詩 97:5; 申 4:11; 5:23; 士 5:5; 賽 64:1-3; 彌 1:4|
#鴻 1:5|

#伯 9:5; 14:18; 28:9; 結 38:20|

-亞伯拉罕在摩利亞山上獻以撒, 後來摩利亞山稱為錫安山,
是聖殿的所在 (後來所羅門時期)
#創 22:2|

-見 錫安

#出 3:12|

#申 12:2; 撒上 10:5; 王上 14:23; 耶 3:6; 何 4:13|

#太 4:8|

#太 5:1|

#太 14:23; 路 6:12; 9:28|

#太 17:1-9; 可 9:2-10|

#賽 13:2; 18:3; 30:17|

#太 17:20; 21:21; 可 11:23|

.見 火山


#Ps 97:5; De 4:11; 5:23; Jud 5:5; Isa 64:1-3; Mic 1:4; Na

-Overturning and removing of
#Job 9:5; 14:18; 28:9; Eze 38:20|

-Abraham offers Isaac upon Mount Moriah, afterward called Mount
Zion, the site of the temple (later in the time of Solomon)
#Ge 22:2|


-Mount Horeb appointed as a place for the Israelites to worship
#Ex 3:12|

-Used for idolatrous worship
#De 12:2; 1Sa 10:5; 1Ki 14:23; Jer 3:6; Ho 4:13|

-Jesus tempted upon
#Mt 4:8|

-Jesus preaches from
#Mt 5:1|

-Jesus goes up into, for prayer
#Mt 14:23; Lu 6:12; 9:28|

-Is transfigured upon
#Mt 17:1-9; Mr 9:2-10|

-Signals from
#Isa 13:2; 18:3; 30:17|

-Removed by faith
#Mt 17:20; 21:21; Mr 11:23|

-Burning mountains

-1. 示珊的女兒
#代上 2:31,34,35|

-2. 撒拔的父親
#代上 11:41|


-1. Daughter of Sheshan
#1Ch 2:31,34,35|

-2. Father of Zabad
#1Ch 11:41|

#太 13:42|


-Of the wicked
#Mt 13:42|

#但 8:2,16|


-A river of Chaldea
#Da 8:2,16|

#尼 3:25|


-Father of Palal
#Ne 3:25|

#拉 5:3,6; 6:6,13|


-A Persian governor in Samaria
#Ezr 5:3,6; 6:6,13|

-所羅門的僕人, 其後裔被擄至巴比倫後回歸耶路撒冷
#拉 2:55; 尼 7:57|


-A servant of Solomon whose descendents returned from
Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem
#Ezr 2:55; Ne 7:57|


中文註解 英文註解
- 陸地隆起的部分
#創 7:19,20|

- 上帝
. 創造群山
#摩 4:13|

. 立穩諸山
#詩 65:6|

. 賜下山峰
#詩 95:4|

. 用天平稱山嶺
#賽 40:12|

. 從樓閣中澆灌山嶺
#詩 104:13|

. 用旱災使山嶺焦乾
#該 1:11|

. 使山冒煙
#詩 104:32; 144:5|

. 使山的根基燃燒
#申 32:22|

. 使山岡變為荒場
#賽 42:15|

. 撼動諸山
#鴻 1:5; 哈 3:10|

. 使大山蹦蹦跳跳
#詩 114:4,6|

. 使諸山震動
#士 5:5; 詩 97:5; 賽 64:1,3|

. 把山挪移
#伯 9:5|

. 把山翻倒
#伯 9:5; 28:9|

. 使山崩裂
#哈 3:6|

- 為了榮耀上帝而造
#詩 148:9|

- 稱為
. 上帝的山
#賽 49:11|

. 上古之山
#申 33:15|

. 永久的山
#哈 3:6|

. 長存的嶺
#哈 3:6|

. 永世的山嶺
#創 49:26|

. 天的柱子
#伯 26:11|

- 許多山極其高峻
#詩 104:18; 賽 2:14|

- 收集從地面上生的水汽
#詩 104:6,8|

- 是水泉河流的發源地
#申 8:7; 詩 104:8-10|

- 迦南多山
#申 11:11|

- 提及火山噴火
#賽 64:1,2; 耶 51:25; 鴻 1:5,6|

- 聖經上提到的山
. 亞拉臘山
#創 8:4|

. 亞巴琳山
#民 33:47,48|

. 亞瑪力山
#士 12:15|

. 巴珊山
#詩 68:15|

. 伯特利山
#撒上 13:2|

. 迦密山
#書 15:55; 19:26; 王下 19:23|

. 以巴路山
#申 11:29; 27:13|

. 以法蓮山
#書 17:15; 士 2:9|

. 基利心山
#申 11:29; 士 9:7|

. 基利波山
#撒上 31:1; 撒下 1:6,21|

. 基列山
#創 31:21,25; 歌 4:1|

. 哈基拉山
#撒上 23:19|

. 黑門山
#書 13:11|

. 何珥山
#民 20:22; 34:7,8|

. 何烈山
#出 3:1|

. 利巴嫩山
#申 3:25|

. 米薩山
#詩 42:6|

. 摩利岡
#士 7:1|

. 摩利亞山
#創 22:2; 代下 3:1|

. 尼波山 (亞巴琳山的一部份)
#民 32:3; 申 34:1|

. 橄欖山或邪僻山
#王上 11:7; 王下 23:13; 路 21:37|

. 毘斯迦山 (亞巴琳山的一部份)
#民 21:20; 申 34:1|

. 西珥山
#創 14:6; 36:8|

. 西乃山
#出 19:2; 18:20,23; 31:18|

. 錫安山
#撒下 5:7|

. 他泊山
#士 4:6,12,14|

- 是國家的防禦物
#詩 125:2|

- 在危難時刻提供避難所
#創 14:10; 士 6:2; 太 24:16; 來 11:38|

- 提供牧場
#出 3:1; 撒上 25:7; 王上 22:17; 詩 147:8; 摩 4:1|

- 充滿
. 菜蔬
#箴 27:25|

. 礦物
#申 8:9|

. 寶物
#申 33:15|

. 建築用的石頭
#王上 5:14,17; 但 2:45|

. 森林
#王下 19:23; 代下 2:2,8-10|

. 葡萄園
#代下 26:10; 耶 31:5|

. 香料
#歌 4:6; 8:14|

. 鹿群
#代上 12:8; 歌 2:8|

. 獵物
#撒上 26:20|

. 野獸
#歌 4:8; 哈 2:17|

- 通常有人居住
#創 36:8; 書 11:21|

- 有時被選來作敬拜上帝的地方
#創 22:2,5; 出 3:12; 賽 2:2|

- 往往被選來作拜偶像的地方
#申 12:2; 代下 21:11|

- 通常在山上宣告事項
#賽 40:9|

- 山上常常豎立旗杆或大旗
#賽 13:2; 30:17|

- 用來說明
. 困難
#賽 40:4; 亞 4:7; 太 17:20|

. 掌權的人
#詩 72:3; 賽 44:23|

. 上帝的教會
#賽 2:2; 但 2:35,44,45|

. 上帝的公義
#詩 36:6|

. 驕傲自大的人
#賽 2:14|

. (著火的山,) 破壞力強大的敵人
#耶 51:25; 啟 8:8|

. (發聲歌唱,) 極其歡喜
#賽 44:23; 55:12|

. (打穀的山,) 嚴厲的審判
#賽 41:15|

. (變為荒場,) 荒涼
#賽 42:15; 瑪 1:3|

. (滴下新酒,) 豐足
#摩 9:13|

- The elevated parts of the earth
#Ge 7:19,20|

. Formed
#Am 4:13|

. Set fast
#Ps 65:6|

. Gives strength to
#Ps 95:4|

. Weighs, in a balance
#Isa 40:12|

. Waters, from his chambers
#Ps 104:13|

. Parches, with draught
#Hag 1:11|

. Causes, to smoke
#Ps 104:32; 144:5|

. Sets the foundations of, on fire
#De 32:22|

. Makes waste
#Isa 42:15|

. Causes, to tremble
#Na 1:5; Hab 3:10|

. Causes, to skip
#Ps 114:4,6|

. Causes, to melt
#Jud 5:5; Ps 97:5; Isa 64:1,3|

. Removes
#Job 9:5|

. Overturns
#Job 9:5; 28:9|

. Scatters
#Hab 3:6|

- Made to glorify God
#Ps 148:9|

. God's mountains
#Isa 49:11|

. The ancient mountains
#De 33:15|

. The everlasting mountains
#Hab 3:6|

. Perpetual hills
#Heb 3:6|

. Everlasting hills
#Ge 49:26|

. Pillars of heaven
#Job 26:11|

- Many exceedingly high
#Ps 104:18; Isa 2:14|

- Collect the vapours which ascend from the earth
#Ps 104:6,8|

- Are the sources of springs and rivers
#De 8:7; Ps 104:8-10|

- Canaan abounded in
#De 11:11|

- Volcanic fires of, alluded to
#Isa 64:1,2; Jer 51:25; Na 1:5,6|

. Ararat
#Ge 8:4|

. Abarim
#Nu 33:47,48|

. Amalek
#Jud 12:15|

. Bashan
#Ps 68:15|

. Bethel
#1Sa 13:2|

. Carmel
#Jos 15:55; 19:26; 2Ki 19:23|

. Ebal
#De 11:29; 27:13|

. Ephraim
#Jos 17:15; Jud 2:9|

. Gerizim
#De 11:29; Jud 9:7|

. Gilboa
#1Sa 31:1; 2Sa 1:6,21|

. Gilead
#Ge 31:21,25; So 4:1|

. Hachilah
#1Sa 23:19|

. Hermon
#Jos 13:11|

. Hor
#Nu 20:22; 34:7,8|

. Horeb
#Ex 3:1|

. Lebanon
#De 3:25|

. Mizar
#Ps 42:6|

. Moreh
#Jud 7:1|

. Moriah
#Ge 22:2; 2Ch 3:1|

. Nebo (part of Abarim)
#Nu 32:3; De 34:1|

. Olives or mount of corruption
#1Ki 11:7; 2Ki 23:13; Lu 21:37|

. Pisgah (part of Abarim)
#Nu 21:20; De 34:1|

. Seir
#Ge 14:6; 36:8|

. Sinai
#Ex 19:2; 18:20,23; 31:18|

. Sion
#2Sa 5:7|

. Tabor
#Jud 4:6,12,14|

- A defence to a country
#Ps 125:2|

- Afford refuge in time of danger
#Ge 14:10; Jud 6:2; Mt 24:16; Heb 11:38|

- Afforded pasturage
#Ex 3:1; 1Sa 25:7; 1Ki 22:17; Ps 147:8; Am 4:1|

. Herbs
#Pr 27:25|

. Minerals
#De 8:9|

. Precious things
#De 33:15|

. Stone for building
#1Ki 5:14,17; Da 2:45|

. Forests
#2Ki 19:23; 2Ch 2:2,8-10|

. Vineyards
#2Ch 26:10; Jer 31:5|

. Spices
#So 4:6; 8:14|

. Deer
#1Ch 12:8; So 2:8|

. Game
#1Sa 26:20|

. Wild beasts
#So 4:8; Hab 2:17|

- Often inhabited
#Ge 36:8; Jos 11:21|

- Sometimes selected as places for divine worship
#Ge 22:2,5; Ex 3:12; Isa 2:2|

- Often selected as places for idolatrous worship
#De 12:2; 2Ch 21:11|

- Proclamations often made from
#Isa 40:9|

- Beacons or ensigns often raised upon
#Isa 13:2; 30:17|

. Of difficulties
#Isa 40:4; Zec 4:7; Mt 17:20|

. Of persons in authority
#Ps 72:3; Isa 44:23|

. Of the church of God
#Isa 2:2; Da 2:35,44,45|

. Of God's righteousness
#Ps 36:6|

. Of proud and haughty persons
#Isa 2:14|

. (Burning,) of destructive enemies
#Jer 51:25; Re 8:8|

. (Breaking forth into singing,) of exceeding joy
#Isa 44:23; 55:12|

. (Threshing of,) of heavy judgments
#Isa 41:15|

. (Made waste,) of desolation
#Isa 42:15; Mal 1:3|

. (Dropping new wine,) of abundance
#Am 9:13|

- 由雲霧凝結引起
#伯 36:27,28; 詩 77:17; 傳 11:3|

- 上帝
. 為雨露定命令
#伯 28:26|

. 預備雨水
#詩 147:8|

. 賜下雨水
#伯 5:10|

. 降下雨水
#珥 2:23|

. 以賜雨水展現恩惠
#徒 14:17|

. 以賜雨水展現偉大
#伯 36:26,27|

. 降雨給惡人與義人
#太 5:45|

. 應當為了雨水受讚美
#詩 147:7,8|

. 應當為了雨水的緣故被敬畏
#耶 5:24|

- 無法降雨展現出偶像的無能
#耶 14:22|

- 並非創造之後就立即有雨降在地上
#創 2:5|

- 埃及鮮少下雨
#申 11:10; 亞 14:18|

- 迦南有充沛的雨水
#申 11:11|

- 用來
. 使大地恢復生氣
#詩 68:9; 72:6|

. 使大地豐收
#來 6:7|

. 補充大帝的水泉
#詩 104:8|

- 應許降下時雨給順服的人
#利 26:4; 申 11:14; 結 34:26,27|

- 每每由於人的罪孽而遭抑止
#申 11:17; 耶 3:3; 5:25; 摩 4:7|

- 缺少雨水
. 使大地龜裂
#伯 29:23; 耶 14:4|

. 使水泉枯竭
#王上 17:7|

. 造成飢荒
#王上 18:1,2|

. 用禱告除去旱災
#王上 8:35,36; 雅 5:18|

- 在以利亞的時代足足三年半沒下雨
#王上 17:1; 雅 5:17|

- 分為
. 大雨
#拉 10:9|

. 沛雨
#詩 68:9|

. 暴雨
#結 38:22|

. 驟雨
#箴 28:3|

. 毛毛雨
#伯 37:6|

- 收成季節後的秋雨, 乃是為了播種而預備
#申 11:14; 耶 5:24|

- 收成季節之前的春雨
#珥 2:23; 亞 10:1|

- 下雨時常可見到彩虹
#創 9:14; 結 1:28|

- 隨之而來的往往是酷熱和陽光
#撒下 23:4; 賽 18:4|

- 西邊起了雲彩是下雨的預兆
#王上 18:44; 路 12:54|

- 北風生雨
#箴 25:23|

- 收成時節下雨是不尋常的
#箴 26:1|

- 下雨常伴隨著打雷閃電
#詩 135:7|

- 下雨常伴隨著暴風雨
#太 7:25,27|

- 異常的雨的例子
. 洪水氾濫的時刻
#創 7:4,12|

. 埃及的雹災
#出 9:18,23|

. 撒母耳時代, 麥子收成季節所降的雨
#撒上 12:17,18|

. 亞哈在位期間, 久旱之後所降的雨
#王上 18:45|

. 被擄之後所降的雨
#拉 10:9,13|

- 往往阻礙人東行
#王上 18:44; 賽 4:6|

- 往往沖垮房屋
#結 13:13-15; 太 7:27|

- 用來說明
. 上帝的話語 (道)
#賽 55:10,11|

. 忠誠牧者的教誨
#申 32:2|

. 基督傳遞祂的恩德
#詩 72:6; 何 6:3|

. 屬靈的福分
#詩 68:9; 84:6; 結 34:26|

. 公義
#何 10:12|

. (毀滅性的雨,) 上帝的審判
#伯 20:23; 詩 11:6; 結 38:22|

. (毀滅性的雨,) 窮人欺壓貧民
#箴 28:3|

- Occasioned by the condensing of the clouds
#Job 36:27,28; Ps 77:17; Ec 11:3|

. Made a decree for
#Job 28:26|

. Prepares
#Ps 147:8|

. Gives
#Job 5:10|

. Causes, to come down
#Joe 2:23|

. Exhibits goodness in giving
#Ac 14:17|

. Exhibits greatness in giving
#Job 36:26,27|

. Sends upon the evil and good
#Mt 5:45|

. Should be praised for
#Ps 147:7,8|

. Should be feared on account of
#Jer 5:24|

- Impotence of idols exhibited in not being able to give
#Jer 14:22|

- Not sent upon the earth immediately after creation
#Ge 2:5|

- Rarely falls in Egypt
#De 11:10; Zec 14:18|

- Canaan abundantly supplied with
#De 11:11|

. Refreshing the earth
#Ps 68:9; 72:6|

. Making fruitful the earth
#Heb 6:7|

. Replenishing the springs and fountains of the earth
#Ps 104:8|

- Promised in due season to the obedient
#Le 26:4; De 11:14; Eze 34:26,27|

- Frequently withheld on account of iniquity
#De 11:17; Jer 3:3; 5:25; Am 4:7|

. Causes the earth to open
#Job 29:23; Jer 14:4|

. Dries up springs and fountains
#1Ki 17:7|

. Occasions famine
#1Ki 18:1,2|

. Removed by prayer
#1Ki 8:35,36; Jas 5:18|

- Withheld for three years and six months in the days of Elijah
#1Ki 17:1; Jas 5:17|

. Great
#Ezr 10:9|

. Plentiful
#Ps 68:9|

. Overflowing
#Eze 38:22|

. Sweeping
#Pr 28:3|

. Small
#Job 37:6|

- The former, after harvest, to prepare for sowing
#De 11:14; Jer 5:24|

- The latter, before harvest
#Joe 2:23; Zec 10:1|

- The rainbow often appears during
#Ge 9:14; Eze 1:28|

- Often succeeded by heat and sunshine
#2Sa 23:4; Isa 18:4|

- The appearance of a cloud from the west indicated
#1Ki 18:44; Lu 12:54|

- The north wind drives away
#Pr 25:23|

- Unusual in harvest time
#Pr 26:1|

- Thunder and lightning often with
#Ps 135:7|

- Storm and tempest often with
#Mt 7:25,27|

. Time of the flood
#Ge 7:4,12|

. Plague of, upon Egypt
#Ex 9:18,23|

. During wheat harvest in the days of Samuel
#1Sa 12:17,18|

. After long drought in Ahab's reign
#1Ki 18:45|

. After the captivity
#Ezr 10:9,13|

- Often impeded travelling in the east
#1Ki 18:44; Isa 4:6|

- Often destroyed houses
#Eze 13:13-15; Mt 7:27|

. Of the word of God
#Isa 55:10,11|

. Of the doctrine of faithful ministers
#De 32:2|

. Of Christ in the communication of his graces
#Ps 72:6; Ho 6:3|

. Of spiritual blessings
#Ps 68:9; 84:6; Eze 34:26|

. Of righteousness
#Ho 10:12|

. (Destructive,) of God's judgments
#Job 20:23; Ps 11:6; Eze 38:22|

. (Destructive,) of a poor man oppressing the poor
#Pr 28:3|

頭髮 Hair, The
- 頭的自然覆蓋物
#詩 68:21|

- 數也數不清
#詩 40:12; 69:4|

- 頭髮的生長
#士 16:22|

- 上帝
. 數算頭髮
#太 10:30|

. 照顧頭髮
#但 3:27; 路 21:18|

- 黑髮特別受到尊敬
#歌 5:11|

- 白髮或灰髮
. 是年老的象徵
#撒上 12:2; 詩 71:18|

. 是虛弱體衰的象徵
#何 7:9|

. 是智慧的象徵
#但 7:9; 伯 12:12|

. 加上公義, 就是榮耀的冠冕
#箴 16:31|

. 應當受到敬愛
#利 19:32|

- 人類甚至無法改變髮色
#太 5:36|

- 女人的頭髮
. 留長髮以作蓋頭的
#林前 11:15|

. 編了辮子
#提前 2:9; 彼前 3:3|

. 梳理整齊, 飾以髮飾
#賽 3:24|

. 在悲傷時受忽略
#路 7:38; 約 12:3|

- 有時男人會蓄長髮
#撒下 14:26|

- 男人因蓄長髮而受責備
#林前 11:14|

- 常以昂貴的膏油膏抹
#傳 9:8|

- 拿細耳人的頭髮
. 在誓約期間不得剪短或修剪
#民 6:5; 士 16:17,19,20|

. 誓約結束後方得修剪
#民 6:18|

- 得醫治的大痲瘋病患要剪頭髮
#利 14:9|

- 罹患痲瘋症, 髮色會改變
#利 13:3,10|

- 在苦難中被剪掉
#耶 7:29|

- 在極度悲傷中被拔掉
#拉 9:3|

- 拔人家的頭髮是一種責備
#尼 13:25; 賽 50:6|

- 藉由下列事項表達審判
. 光禿代替美髮
#賽 3:24; 耶 47:5|

. 剃頭
#賽 7:20|


- The natural covering of the head
#Ps 68:21|

- Innumerable
#Ps 40:12; 69:4|

- Growth of
#Jud 16:22|

. Numbers
#Mt 10:30|

. Takes care of
#Da 3:27; Lu 21:18|

- Black, particularly esteemed
#So 5:11|

. A token of age
#1Sa 12:2; Ps 71:18|

. A token of weakness and decay
#Ho 7:9|

. An emblem of wisdom
#Da 7:9; Job 12:12|

. With righteousness, a crown of glory
#Pr 16:31|

. To be reverenced
#Le 19:32|

- Man cannot even change the colour or
#Mt 5:36|

. Worn long for a covering
#1Co 11:15|

. Plaited and broidered
#1Ti 2:9; 1Pe 3:3|

. Well set and ornamented
#Isa 3:24|

. Neglected in grief
#Lu 7:38; Joh 12:3|

- Sometimes worn long by men
#2Sa 14:26|

- Men condemned for wearing long
#1Co 11:14|

- Often expensively anointed
#Ec 9:8|

. Not to be cut or shorn during their vow
#Nu 6:5; Jud 16:17,19,20|

. Shorn after completion of vow
#Nu 6:18|

- Of the healed leper to be shorn
#Le 14:9|

- Colour of, changed by leprosy
#Le 13:3,10|

- Cut off in affliction
#Jer 7:29|

- Plucked out in extreme grief
#Ezr 9:3|

- Plucking out of, a reproach
#Ne 13:25; Isa 50:6|

. Sending baldness for
#Isa 3:24; Jer 47:5|

. Shaving
#Isa 7:20|

信心 Faith
- 是所望之事的實底
#來 11:1|

- 是未見之事的確據
#來 11:1|

- 上帝吩咐我們要相信
#太 11:22; 約一 3:23|

- 信心的對象是
. 上帝
#約 14:1|

. 基督
#約 6:29; 徒 20:21|

. 摩西五經
#約 5:46; 徒 24:14|

. 先知書
#代下 20:20; 徒 26:27|

. 福音
#可 1:15|

. 上帝的應許
#羅 4:21; 來 11:13|

- 對於基督的信心, 是
. 上帝所賜的
#羅 12:3; 弗 2:8; 6:23; 腓 1:29|

. 上帝的工作
#徒 11:21; 林前 2:5|

. 寶貴的
#彼後 1:1|

. 最神聖的
#猶 1:20|

. 多結果子的
#帖前 1:3|

. 伴隨著悔改
#可 1:15; 路 24:47|

. 繼之而來的是信主
#徒 11:21|

- 基督為我們的信心創始成終
#來 12:2|

- 是聖靈的恩賜
#林前 12:9|

- 聖經的功用是讓人生出信心
#約 20:31; 提後 3:15|

- 傳道的目的是讓人生出信心
#約 17:20; 徒 8:12; 羅 10:14,15,17; 林前 3:5|

- 藉著信心
. 罪蒙赦免
#徒 10:43; 羅 3:25|

. 得以稱義
#徒 13:39; 羅 3:21,22,28,30; 5:1; 加 2:16|

. 得蒙救贖
#可 16:16; 徒 16:31|

. 得以成聖
#徒 15:9; 26:18|

. 得蒙屬靈光照
#約 12:36,46|

. 過著屬靈的生活
#約 20:31; 加 2:20|

. 得到永恆的生命
#約 3:15,16; 6:40,47|

. 得享天上的安息
#來 4:3|

. 得到教誨
#提前 1:4; 猶 1:20|

. 得蒙保守
#彼前 1:5|

. 得了上帝兒女的名份
#約 1:12; 加 3:26|

. 得以親近上帝
#羅 5:2; 弗 3:12|

. 得以繼承上帝的應許
#加 3:22; 來 6:12|

. 得到聖靈的恩賜
#徒 11:15-17; 加 3:14; 弗 1:13|

- 沒有信心, 就不能得上帝喜悅
#來 11:6|

- 稱義是本乎信, 屬乎恩
#羅 4:16|

- 要領受福音而得益處, 信心是不可少的
#來 4:2|

- 在基督徒的屬靈爭戰中是必要的
#提前 1:18,19; 6:12|

- 在有信心的人身上, 福音是有果效的
#帖前 2:13|

- 排除自以為義
#羅 10:3,4|

- 排除自誇
#羅 3:27|

- 靠著愛心生發功效
#加 5:6; 提前 1:5; 門 1:5|

- 產生
. 盼望
#羅 5:2|

. 喜樂
#徒 16:34; 彼前 1:8|

. 平安
#羅 15:13|

. 信任
#賽 28:16; 彼前 2:6|

. 傳講的膽量
#詩 116:10; 林後 4:13|

. 對於有信心的人, 基督是寶貴的
#彼前 2:7|

. 基督因著信心住在人心裡
#弗 3:17|

. 禱告時需要信心
#太 21:22; 雅 1:6|

. 不屬基督的人沒有信心
#約 10:26,27|

. 新生的證據
#約一 5:1|

- 聖徒憑著信心而
. 活
#加 2:20|

. 站立得住
#羅 11:20; 林後 1:24|

. 行事為人
#羅 4:12; 林後 5:7|

. 得了美好的證據
#來 11:2|

. 勝過世界
#約一 5:4,5|

. 抵擋魔鬼
#彼前 5:9|

. 勝過魔鬼
#弗 6:16|

. 得到扶持
#詩 27:13; 提前 4:10|

- 信徒存著信心而死
#來 11:13|

- 聖徒應當
. 存無偽之信
#提前 1:5; 提後 1:5|

. 滿有信心
#林後 8:7|

. 恆守所信的道
#徒 14:22; 西 1:23|

. 因信心裡得堅固
#羅 4:20-24|

. 在真道上站立得穩
#林前 16:13|

. 在所信的道上恆心, 根基穩固, 堅定不移
#西 1:23|

. 以無虧的良心抱持信心
#提前 1:19|

. 祈求信心加增
#路 17:5|

. 存著充足的信心
#提後 1:12; 來 10:22|

- 真信心係由所結的果子證明
#雅 2:21-25|

- 信心若沒有行為就是死的
#雅 2:17,20,26|

- 省察自己有沒有信心
#林後 13:5|

- 一切困難憑信心解決
#太 17:20; 21:21; 可 9:23|

- 一切事情都應憑著信心去做
#羅 14:22|

- 不出於信心的都是罪
#羅 14:23|

- 常受苦難試煉
#彼前 1:6,7|

- 信心經過試驗, 就生忍耐
#雅 1:3|

- 惡人常自稱有信心
#徒 8:13,21|

- 惡人缺乏信心
#約 10:25; 12:37; 徒 19:9; 帖後 3:2|

- 信心給人的保護說明如下
. 籐牌
#弗 6:16|

. 護心鏡
#帖前 5:8|

- 例子
. 迦勒
#民 13:30|

. 約伯
#伯 19:25|

. 沙得拉等人
#但 3:17|

. 但以理
#但 6:10,23|

. 彼得
#太 16:16|

. 曾經犯罪的女人
#路 7:50|

. 拿但業
#約 1:49|

. 撒瑪利亞人
#約 4:39|

. 馬大
#約 11:27|

. 門徒
#約 16:30|

. 多馬
#約 20:28|

. 司提反
#徒 6:5|

. 祭司
#徒 6:7|

. 埃提阿伯 (即古實, 今衣索比亞) 人
#徒 8:37|

. 巴拿巴
#徒 11:24|

. 士求保羅
#徒 13:12|

. 腓立比的禁卒
#徒 16:31,34|

. 羅馬人
#羅 1:8|

. 歌羅西人
#西 1:4|

. 帖撒羅尼迦人
#帖前 1:3|

. 羅以
#提後 1:5|

. 保羅
#提後 4:7|

. 亞伯
#來 11:4|

. 以諾
#來 11:5|

. 挪亞
#來 11:7|

. 亞伯拉罕
#來 11:8,17|

. 以撒
#來 11:20|

. 雅各
#來 11:21|

. 約瑟
#來 11:22|

. 摩西
#來 11:24,27|

. 喇合
#來 11:31|

. 基甸等人
#來 11:32,33,39|

- Is the substance of things hoped for
#Heb 11:1|

- Is the evidence of things not seen
#Heb 11:1|

- Commanded
#Mt 11:22; 1Jo 3:23|

. God
#Joh 14:1|

. Christ
#Joh 6:29; Ac 20:21|

. Writings of Moses
#Joh 5:46; Ac 24:14|

. Writings of the prophets
#2Ch 20:20; Ac 26:27|

. The gospel
#Mr 1:15|

. Promises of God
#Ro 4:21; Heb 11:13|

. The gift of God
#Ro 12:3; Eph 2:8; 6:23; Php 1:29|

. The work of God
#Ac 11:21; 1Co 2:5|

. Precious
#2Pe 1:1|

. Most holy
#Jude 1:20|

. Fruitful
#1Th 1:3|

. Accompanied by repentance
#Mr 1:15; Lu 24:47|

. Followed by conversion
#Ac 11:21|

- Christ is the Author and Finisher of
#Heb 12:2|

- Is a gift of the Holy Spirit
#1Co 12:9|

- The Scriptures designed to produce
#Joh 20:31; 2Ti 3:15|

- Preaching designed to produce
#Joh 17:20; Ac 8:12; Ro 10:14,15,17; 1Co 3:5|

. Remission of sins
#Ac 10:43; Ro 3:25|

. Justification
#Ac 13:39; Ro 3:21,22,28,30; 5:1; Ga 2:16|

. Salvation
#Mr 16:16; Ac 16:31|

. Sanctification
#Ac 15:9; 26:18|

. Spiritual light
#Joh 12:36,46|

. Spiritual life
#Joh 20:31; Ga 2:20|

. Eternal life
#Joh 3:15,16; 6:40,47|

. Rest in heaven
#Heb 4:3|

. Edification
#1Ti 1:4; Jude 1:20|

. Preservation
#1Pe 1:5|

. Adoption
#Joh 1:12; Ga 3:26|

. Access to God
#Ro 5:2; Eph 3:12|

. Inheritance of the promises
#Ga 3:22; Heb 6:12|

. The gift of the Holy Spirit
#Ac 11:15-17; Ga 3:14; Eph 1:13|

- Impossible to please God without
#Heb 11:6|

- Justification is by, to be of grace
#Ro 4:16|

- Essential to the profitable reception of the gospel
#Heb 4:2|

- Necessary in the Christian warfare
#1Ti 1:18,19; 6:12|

- The gospel effectual in those who have
#1Th 2:13|

- Excludes self-justification
#Ro 10:3,4|

- Excludes boasting
#Ro 3:27|

- Works by love
#Ga 5:6; 1Ti 1:5; Phm 1:5|

. Hope
#Ro 5:2|

. Joy
#Ac 16:34; 1Pe 1:8|

. Peace
#Ro 15:13|

. Confidence
#Isa 28:16; 1Pe 2:6|

. Boldness in preaching
#Ps 116:10; 2Co 4:13|

. Christ is precious to those having
#1Pe 2:7|

. Christ dwells in the heart by
#Eph 3:17|

. Necessary in prayer
#Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6|

. Those who are not Christ's have not
#Joh 10:26,27|

. An evidence of the new birth
#1Jo 5:1|

. Live
#Ga 2:20|

. Stand
#Ro 11:20; 2Co 1:24|

. Walk
#Ro 4:12; 2Co 5:7|

. Obtain a good report
#Heb 11:2|

. Overcome the world
#1Jo 5:4,5|

. Resist the devil
#1Pe 5:9|

. Overcome the devil
#Eph 6:16|

. Are supported
#Ps 27:13; 1Ti 4:10|

- Saints die in
#Heb 11:13|

. Be sincere in
#1Ti 1:5; 2Ti 1:5|

. Abound in
#2Co 8:7|

. Continue in
#Ac 14:22; Col 1:23|

. Be strong in
#Ro 4:20-24|

. Stand fast in
#1Co 16:13|

. Be grounded and settled in
#Col 1:23|

. Hold, with a good conscience
#1Ti 1:19|

. Pray for the increase of
#Lu 17:5|

. Have full assurance of
#2Ti 1:12; Heb 10:22|

- True, evidenced by its fruits
#Jas 2:21-25|

- Without fruits, is dead
#Jas 2:17,20,26|

- Examine whether you be in
#2Co 13:5|

- All difficulties overcome by
#Mt 17:20; 21:21; Mr 9:23|

- All things should be done in
#Ro 14:22|

- Whatever is not of, is sin
#Ro 14:23|

- Often tried by affliction
#1Pe 1:6,7|

- Trial of, works patience
#Jas 1:3|

- The wicked often profess
#Ac 8:13,21|

- The wicked destitute of
#Joh 10:25; 12:37; Ac 19:9; 2Th 3:2|

- Protection of, illustrated
. A shield
#Eph 6:16|

. A breastplate
#1Th 5:8|

- Exemplified
. Caleb
#Nu 13:30|

. Job
#Job 19:25|

. Shadrach, &c
#Da 3:17|

. Daniel
#Da 6:10,23|

. Peter
#Mt 16:16|

. Woman who was a sinner
#Lu 7:50|

. Nathanael
#Joh 1:49|

. Samaritans
#Joh 4:39|

. Martha
#Joh 11:27|

. The Disciples
#Joh 16:30|

. Thomas
#Joh 20:28|

. Stephen
#Ac 6:5|

. Priests
#Ac 6:7|

. Ethiopian
#Ac 8:37|

. Barnabas
#Ac 11:24|

. Sergius Paulus
#Ac 13:12|

. Philippian jailor
#Ac 16:31,34|

. Romans
#Ro 1:8|

. Colossians
#Col 1:4|

. Thessalonians
#1Th 1:3|

. Lois
#2Ti 1:5|

. Paul
#2Ti 4:7|

. Abel
#Heb 11:4|

. Enoch
#Heb 11:5|

. Noah
#Heb 11:7|

. Abraham
#Heb 11:8,17|

. Isaac
#Heb 11:20|

. Jacob
#Heb 11:21|

. Joseph
#Heb 11:22|

. Moses
#Heb 11:24,27|

. Rahab
#Heb 11:31|

. Gideon &c
#Heb 11:32,33,39|

帕子 Vail or Veil
- 用來蓋住頭部的遮蔽物, 通常婦女用來蒙頭
#創 38:14|

- 蒙在頭上
. 象徵端莊
#創 24:65|

. 象徵順服
#林前 11:3,6,7,10|

. 以隱藏身分
#創 38:14|

- 除去人家的帕子算是粗魯無禮的
#歌 5:7|

- 上帝預示要除去不敬虔婦人的帕子, 以懲罰她們
#賽 3:23|

- 摩西蒙上帕子, 以遮掩臉上的榮光
#出 34:33; 林後 3:13|

- 用來說明
. 外邦國家靈性盲目
#賽 25:7|

. 猶太人國家靈性盲目
#林後 3:14-16|

- A covering for the head usually worn by women
#Ge 38:14|

. As a token of modesty
#Ge 24:65|

. As a token of subjection
#1Co 11:3,6,7,10|

. For concealment
#Ge 38:14|

- The removing of, considered rude and insolent
#So 5:7|

- Removing of, threatened as a punishment to ungodly women
#Isa 3:23|

- Moses put one on to conceal the glory of his face
#Ex 34:33; 2Co 3:13|

. Of the spiritual blindness of the Gentile nations
#Isa 25:7|

. Of the spiritual blindness of the Jewish nation
#2Co 3:14-16|

絕望 Despair
- 因上帝的審判在惡人心裡發動而造成
#申 28:34,67; 啟 9:6; 16:10|

- 導致
. 繼續犯罪
#耶 2:25; 18:12|

. 褻瀆上帝
#賽 8:21; 啟 16:10,11|

- 基督再臨時, 惡人必絕望不已
#啟 6:16|

- 聖徒有時受絕望的試探
#伯 7:6; 哀 3:18|

- 聖徒得能力足以勝過絕望
#林後 4:8,9|

- 信靠上帝是對抗絕望的護身符
#詩 42:5,11|

- 例子
. 該隱
#創 4:13,14|

. 亞希多弗
#撒下 17:23|

. 猶大
#太 27:5|

- Produced in the wicked by divine judgments
#De 28:34,67; Re 9:6; 16:10|

. Continuing in sin
#Jer 2:25; 18:12|

. Blasphemy
#Isa 8:21; Re 16:10,11|

- Shall seize upon the wicked at the appearing of Christ
#Re 6:16|

- Saints sometimes tempted to
#Job 7:6; La 3:18|

- Saints enabled to overcome
#2Co 4:8,9|

- Trust in God, a preservative against
#Ps 42:5,11|

- Exemplified
. Cain
#Ge 4:13,14|

. Ahithophel
#2Sa 17:23|

. Judas
#Mt 27:5|

水泉 Fountains and Springs
- 由上帝所創造
#詩 74:15; 104:10|

- 當因此讚美上帝
#啟 14:7|

- 來自地的深淵
#創 7:11; 伯 38:16|

- 在山中谷間可尋見
#申 8:7; 詩 104:10|

- 每股泉只冒出一種水
#雅 3:11|

- 提供
. 野獸的飲水
#詩 104:11|

. 飛鳥的飲料
#詩 104:12|

. 使大地豐收
#王上 18:5; 珥 3:18|

- 旅人常飲於水泉
#創 16:7|

- 迦南有大量的水泉
#申 8:7; 王上 18:5|

- 間或枯乾
#賽 58:11|

- 泉水枯乾是嚴重的懲罰
#詩 107:33,34; 何 13:15|

- 恆常流動的水泉
. 特別受到尊崇
#賽 58:11|

. 禮儀上不得受污染
#利 11:36|

- 為了造成敵人的苦惱, 有時會隔斷或阻絕
#代下 32:3,4|

- 經文中提到的水泉
. 往書珥的途中
#創 16:7|

. 尼弗多亞的水源
#書 15:9|

. 耶斯列的泉
#撒上 29:1|

. 毘斯迦的泉
#申 4:49|

. 上泉與下泉
#書 15:19; 士 1:15|

- 說明了
. 上帝
#詩 36:9; 耶 2:13; 17:13|

. 基督
#亞 13:1|

. 聖靈
#約 7:38,39|

. 源源不斷的恩典
#詩 87:7|

. 永生
#約 4:14; 啟 21:6|

. 恩典的手段
#賽 41:18; 珥 3:18|

. 賢妻
#箴 5:18|

. 無數的後裔
#申 33:28|

. 屬靈的智慧
#箴 16:22; 18:4|

. 智者的律法
#箴 13:14|

. 對上帝的敬畏
#箴 14:27|

. (封閉的,) 教會
#歌 4:12|

. (不斷絕的,) 教會
#賽 58:11|

. (永遠湧流的,) 猶太人不斷行惡
#耶 6:7|

. (腐臭的,) 本心
#雅 3:11; 太 15:18,19|

. (洶湧的,) 誤入歧途的聖徒
#箴 25:26|

- Created by God
#Ps 74:15; 104:10|

- God to be praised for
#Re 14:7|

- Come from the great deep
#Ge 7:11; Job 38:16|

- Found in hills and valleys
#De 8:7; Ps 104:10|

- Send forth each but one kind of water
#Jas 3:11|

. Drink to the beasts
#Ps 104:11|

. Refreshment to the birds
#Ps 104:12|

. Fruitfulness to the earth
#1Ki 18:5; Joe 3:18|

- Frequented by travellers
#Ge 16:7|

- Abound in Canaan
#De 8:7; 1Ki 18:5|

- Sometimes dried up
#Isa 58:11|

- Drying up of, a severe punishment
#Ps 107:33,34; Ho 13:15|

. Especially esteemed
#Isa 58:11|

. Could not be ceremonially defiled
#Le 11:36|

- Sometimes stopped or turned off to distress enemies
#2Ch 32:3,4|

. In the way to Shur
#Ge 16:7|

. Of the waters of Nephtoah
#Jos 15:9|

. Of Jezreel
#1Sa 29:1|

. Of Pisgah
#De 4:49|

. Upper and nether springs
#Jos 15:19; Jud 1:15|

. Of God
#Ps 36:9; Jer 2:13; 17:13|

. Of Christ
#Zec 13:1|

. Of the Holy Spirit
#Joh 7:38,39|

. Of constant supplies of grace
#Ps 87:7|

. Of eternal life
#Joh 4:14; Re 21:6|

. Of the means of grace
#Isa 41:18; Joe 3:18|

. Of a good wife
#Pr 5:18|

. Of a numerous posterity
#De 33:28|

. Of spiritual wisdom
#Pr 16:22; 18:4|

. Of the law of the wise
#Pr 13:14|

. Of godly fear
#Pr 14:27|

. (Sealed up,) of the church
#So 4:12|

. (Not failing,) of the church
#Isa 58:11|

. (Always flowing,) of unceasing wickedness of the Jews
#Jer 6:7|

. (Corrupt,) of the natural heart
#Jas 3:11; Mt 15:18,19|

. (Troubled,) of saints led astray
#Pr 25:26|

忠實 Faithfulness
- 信徒的特色
#弗 1:1; 西 1:2; 提前 6:2; 啟 17:14|

- 展現在
. 服事上帝時
#太 24:45|

. 宣講上帝的話語時
#耶 23:28; 林後 2:17; 4:2|

. 管理供物時
#代下 31:12|

. 幫助弟兄時
#約三 1:5|

. 做見證時
#箴 14:5|

. 責備他人時
#箴 27:6; 詩 141:5|

. 受信賴的職位
#王下 12:15; 尼 13:13; 徒 6:1-3|

. 工作時
#代下 34:12|

. 守密時
#箴 11:13|

. 傳達信息時
#箴 13:17; 25:13|

. 一切事上
#提前 3:11|

. 最小的事上
#路 16:10-12|

- 應當忠心, 至死不渝
#啟 2:10|

- 在下列的人身上特別需要此特質
. 牧者
#林前 4:2; 提後 2:2|

. 牧者之妻
#提前 3:11|

. 牧者的子女
#多 1:6|

- 忠信人難求
#箴 20:6|

- 惡人沒有忠誠的心
#詩 5:9|

- 當結交忠誠之人
#詩 101:6|

- 忠實之福
#撒上 26:23; 箴 28:20|

- 說明忠實之福
#太 24:45,46; 25:21,23|

- 例子
. 約瑟
#創 39:22,23|

. 摩西
#民 12:7; 來 3:2,5|

. 大衛
#撒上 22:14|

. 哈拿尼雅
#尼 7:2|

. 亞伯拉罕
#尼 9:8; 加 3:9|

. 但以理
#但 6:4|

. 保羅
#徒 20:20,27|

. 提摩太
#林前 4:17|

. 推基古
#弗 6:21|

. 以巴弗
#西 1:7|

. 阿尼西母
#西 4:9|

. 西拉
#彼前 5:12|

. 安提帕
#啟 2:13|

- A characteristic of saints
#Eph 1:1; Col 1:2; 1Ti 6:2; Re 17:14|

. The service of God
#Mt 24:45|

. Declaring the word of God
#Jer 23:28; 2Co 2:17; 4:2|

. The care of dedicated things
#2Ch 31:12|

. Helping the brethren
#3Jo 1:5|

. Bearing witness
#Pr 14:5|

. Reproving others
#Pr 27:6; Ps 141:5|

. Situations of trust
#2Ki 12:15; Ne 13:13; Ac 6:1-3|

. Doing work
#2Ch 34:12|

. Keeping secrets
#Pr 11:13|

. Conveying messages
#Pr 13:17; 25:13|

. All things
#1Ti 3:11|

. The smallest matters
#Lu 16:10-12|

- Should be to death
#Re 2:10|

. Ministers
#1Co 4:2; 2Ti 2:2|

. The wives of ministers
#1Ti 3:11|

. The children of ministers
#Tit 1:6|

- Difficulty of finding
#Pr 20:6|

- The wicked devoid of
#Ps 5:9|

- Associate with those who exhibit
#Ps 101:6|

- Blessedness of
#1Sa 26:23; Pr 28:20|

- Blessedness of, illustrated
#Mt 24:45,46; 25:21,23|

- Exemplified
. Joseph
#Ge 39:22,23|

. Moses
#Nu 12:7; Heb 3:2,5|

. David
#1Sa 22:14|

. Hananiah
#Ne 7:2|

. Abraham
#Ne 9:8; Ga 3:9|

. Daniel
#Da 6:4|

. Paul
#Ac 20:20,27|

. Timothy
#1Co 4:17|

. Tychicus
#Eph 6:21|

. Epaphras
#Col 1:7|

. Onesimus
#Col 4:9|

. Silvanus
#1Pe 5:12|

. Antipas
#Re 2:13|

宴客 Entertainments
- 常常是盛大的
#創 21:8; 但 5:1; 路 5:29|

- 舉行的場合
. 婚禮
#太 22:2|

. 生日
#可 6:21|

. 孩子斷奶
#創 21:8|

. 向朋友告辭
#王上 19:21|

. 為朋友接風
#撒下 12:4; 路 15:23|

. 認可所立的約
#創 26:30; 31:54|

. 剪羊毛
#撒上 25:2,36; 撒下 13:23|

. 收穫節
#得 3:2-7; 賽 9:3|

. 葡萄收穫季節
#士 9:27|

. 王的加冕典禮
#王上 1:9,18,19; 代上 12:39,40; 何 7:5|

. 自願獻祭
#創 31:54; 申 12:6,7; 撒上 1:4,5,9|

. 每逢節慶
#撒上 20:5,24-26|

. 猶大全國蒙拯救的日子
#斯 8:17; 9:17-19|

- 宴客前的準備
#創 18:6,7; 箴 9:2; 太 22:4; 路 15:23|

- 聖經上提到的宴客種類
. 午飯
#創 43:16; 太 22:4; 路 14:12|

. 晚飯
#路 14:12; 約 12:2|

. 酒席
#斯 5:6|

- 由管筵席的指揮
#約 2:8,9|

- 常由雇來的僕人上菜
#太 22:13; 約 2:5|

- 常由家裡的人上菜
#創 18:8; 路 10:40; 約 12:2|

- 請帖
. 往往發給很多人
#路 14:16|

. 常常只發給親友
#王上 1:9; 路 14:12|

. 常由主人親自發送
#撒下 13:24; 斯 5:4; 番 1:7; 路 7:36|

. 一切都準備齊全時, 由僕人再度邀請客人
#箴 9:1-5; 路 14:17|

. 應該發給窮人
#申 14:29; 路 14:13|

- 通常舉行的地點
. 屋內
#路 5:29|

. 除了在水中之外, 也在露天舉行
#王上 1:9|

. 屋子的庭院
#斯 1:5,6; 路 7:36,37|

. 上面的房間或客房
#可 14:14,15|

- 所宴請的賓客
. 由主人致敬
#路 7:45|

. 通常受人膏抹
#詩 23:5; 路 7:46|

. 老遠前來的客人得以洗腳
#創 18:4; 43:24; 路 7:38,44|

. 照身分安排座位
#創 43:33; 撒上 9:22; 路 14:10|

. 常常是個別上菜
#創 43:34; 撒上 1:4|

. 常常是大家共吃一道菜
#太 26:23|

- 魯莽地坐在首位者, 受到非難
#太 23:6; 路 14:7,8|

- 會為主客特別存留一份食物
#創 43:34; 撒上 1:5; 9:23,24|

- 間接提及宴席間將濕軟食物呈給一位賓客的習俗
#約 13:26|

- 常常把宴席的一部分分送給沒來的人
#撒下 11:8; 尼 8:10; 斯 9:19|

- 不肯參加宴席就是得罪主人
#路 14:18,24|

- 間接提及宴請眾多賓客的焦慮
#路 14:22,23|

- 宴席上男女通常不碰頭
#斯 1:8,9; 可 6:21; 太 14:11|

- 主人起身關門以後, 誰也不許再進門參加宴席
#路 13:24,25|

- 以祝謝開始
#撒上 9:13; 可 8:6|

- 以唱詩結束
#可 14:26|

- 不勉強各人多吃多喝
#斯 1:8|

- 席間常有音樂、舞蹈
#摩 6:5; 可 6:22; 路 15:25|

- 常出現極度不節制的場面
#撒上 25:36; 但 5:3,4; 何 7:5|

- 由客人回請主人
#伯 1:4; 路 14:12|

- Often great
#Ge 21:8; Da 5:1; Lu 5:29|

. Marriage
#Mt 22:2|

. Birthdays
#Mr 6:21|

. Weaning children
#Ge 21:8|

. Taking leave of friends
#1Ki 19:21|

. Return of friends
#2Sa 12:4; Lu 15:23|

. Ratifying covenants
#Ge 26:30; 31:54|

. Sheep-shearing
#1Sa 25:2,36; 2Sa 13:23|

. Harvest home
#Ru 3:2-7; Isa 9:3|

. Vintage
#Jud 9:27|

. Coronation of Kings
#1Ki 1:9,18,19; 1Ch 12:39,40; Ho 7:5|

. Offering voluntary sacrifice
#Ge 31:54; De 12:6,7; 1Sa 1:4,5,9|

. Festivals
#1Sa 20:5,24-26|

. National deliverance
#Es 8:17; 9:17-19|

- Preparations made for
#Ge 18:6,7; Pr 9:2; Mt 22:4; Lu 15:23|

. Dinner
#Ge 43:16; Mt 22:4; Lu 14:12|

. Supper
#Lu 14:12; Joh 12:2|

. Banquet of wine
#Es 5:6|

- Under the direction of a master of the feast
#Joh 2:8,9|

- Served often by hired servants
#Mt 22:13; Joh 2:5|

- Served often by members of the family
#Ge 18:8; Lu 10:40; Joh 12:2|

. Often addressed to many
#Lu 14:16|

. Often only to relatives and friends
#1Ki 1:9; Lu 14:12|

. Often by the master in person
#2Sa 13:24; Es 5:4; Zep 1:7; Lu 7:36|

. Repeated through servants when all things were ready
#Pr 9:1-5; Lu 14:17|

. Should be sent to the poor, &c
#De 14:29; Lu 14:13|

. The house
#Lu 5:29|

. The air, besides fountains
#1Ki 1:9|

. The court of the house
#Es 1:5,6; Lu 7:36,37|

. The upper room or guest chamber
#Mr 14:14,15|

. Saluted by the master
#Lu 7:45|

. Usually anointed
#Ps 23:5; Lu 7:46|

. Had their feet washed when they came a distance
#Ge 18:4; 43:24; Lu 7:38,44|

. Arranged according to rank
#Ge 43:33; 1Sa 9:22; Lu 14:10|

. Often had separate dishes
#Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:4|

. Often ate from the same dish
#Mt 26:23|

- Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned
#Mt 23:6; Lu 14:7,8|

- A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests
#Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:5; 9:23,24|

- Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests,
alluded to
#Joh 13:26|

- Portions of, often sent to the absent
#2Sa 11:8; Ne 8:10; Es 9:19|

- Offence given by refusing to go to
#Lu 14:18,24|

- Anxiety to have many guests at, alluded to
#Lu 14:22,23|

- Men and women did not usually meet at
#Es 1:8,9; Mr 6:21; Mt 14:11|

- None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the
#Lu 13:24,25|

- Began with thanksgiving
#1Sa 9:13; Mr 8:6|

- Concluded with a hymn
#Mr 14:26|

- None asked to eat or drink more than he liked at
#Es 1:8|

- Music and dancing often introduced at
#Am 6:5; Mr 6:22; Lu 15:25|

- Often scenes of great intemperance
#1Sa 25:36; Da 5:3,4; Ho 7:5|

- Given by the guests in return
#Job 1:4; Lu 14:12|

讚美 Praise
- 上帝是配得讚美的
#撒下 22:4|

- 基督是配得讚美的
#啟 5:12|

- 上帝因讚美而得榮耀
#詩 22:23; 50:23|

- 獻給基督
#約 12:13|

- 透過基督, 讚美是可悅納的
#來 13:15|

- 讚美應歸給上帝的原因
. 祂的威嚴
#詩 96:1,6; 賽 24:14|

. 祂的榮耀
#詩 138:5; 結 3:12|

. 祂的尊榮
#出 15:7; 詩 148:13|

. 祂的偉大
#代上 16:25; 詩 145:3|

. 祂的聖潔
#出 15:11; 賽 6:3|

. 祂的智慧
#但 2:20; 猶 1:25|

. 祂的能力
#詩 21:13|

. 祂的良善
#詩 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; 耶 33:11|

. 祂的慈憐
#代下 20:21; 詩 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26|

. 祂的慈愛和誠實
#詩 138:2|

. 祂的忠信和誠實
#賽 25:1|

. 祂的救恩
#詩 18:46; 賽 35:10; 61:10; 路 1:68,69|

. 祂的奇妙作為
#詩 89:5; 150:2; 賽 25:1|

. 祂的安慰
#詩 42:5; 賽 12:1|

. 祂的判斷
#詩 101:1|

. 祂的指教 (旨意)
#詩 16:7; 耶 32:19|

. 成就所應許的
#王上 8:56|

. 赦罪
#詩 103:1-3; 何 14:2|

. 靈性安康
#詩 103:3|

. 時刻保守
#詩 71:6-8|

. 拯救
#詩 40:1-3; 124:6|

. 保護
#詩 28:7; 59:17|

. 應允禱告
#詩 28:6; 118:21|

. 榮耀的盼望
#彼前 1:3,4|

. 一切屬靈的福氣
#詩 103:2; 弗 1:3|

. 一切屬世的福氣
#詩 104:1,14; 136:25|

. 福分的延續
#詩 68:19|

- 有必要發出讚美的人
. 天使
#詩 103:20; 148:2|

. 聖徒
#詩 30:4; 149:5|

. 外邦人
#詩 117:1; 羅 15:11|

. 孩童
#詩 8:2; 太 21:16|

. 不分高低
#詩 148:1,11|

. 不分老少
#詩 148:1,12|

. 不分大小
#啟 19:5|

. 所有人
#詩 107:8; 145:21|

. 所有受造物
#詩 148:1-10; 150:6|

- 是美好而合宜的
#詩 33:1; 147:1|

- 應當獻上
. 以悟性
#詩 47:7; 林前 14:15|

. 發自內心
#詩 103:1; 104:1,35|

. 全心全意
#詩 9:1; 111:1; 138:1|

. 以正直的心
#詩 119:7|

. 以嘴唇
#詩 63:3; 119:171|

. 開口
#詩 51:15; 63:5|

. 歡喜地
#詩 63:5; 98:4|

. 欣悅地
#代下 29:30; 耶 33:11|

. 以感恩的心
#代上 16:4; 尼 12:24; 詩 147:7|

. 不停地
#詩 35:28; 71:6|

. 在有生之年
#詩 104:33|

. 與時俱增
#詩 71:14|

. 夜以繼日
#啟 4:8|

. 日復一日
#代下 30:21|

. 永永遠遠
#詩 145:1,2|

. 在世界各地
#詩 113:3|

. 以詩歌頌詞
#詩 105:2; 弗 5:19; 西 3:16|

- 以樂器伴奏
#代上 16:41,42; 詩 150:3,5|

- 是團體敬拜的一部份
#詩 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; 來 2:12|

- 聖徒應當
. 述說上帝的美德
#賽 43:21; 彼前 2:9|

. 富有讚美的靈
#賽 61:3|

. 在患難中讚美
#徒 16:25|

. 以讚美上帝自豪
#代上 16:35|

. 以讚美上帝為誇勝
#詩 106:47|

. 藉著讚美上帝表達喜悅
#雅 5:13|

. 傳揚對於上帝的讚美
#賽 42:12|

. 招喚他人讚美上帝
#詩 34:3; 95:1|

. 祈求有能力讚美
#詩 51:15; 119:175|

. 讚美時合宜的姿勢
#代上 23:30; 尼 9:5|

- 稱為
. 嘴唇的果子
#來 13:15|

. 讚美的聲音
#詩 66:8|

. 誇勝的聲音
#詩 47:1|

. 歌唱的聲音
#賽 51:3|

. 詩歌的聲音
#詩 98:5|

. 讚美衣
#賽 61:3|

. 頌讚祭
#來 13:15|

. 歡喜的祭
#詩 27:6|

. 嘴唇的牛犢
#何 14:2|

- 天軍致力於讚美
#賽 6:3; 路 2:13; 啟 4:9-11; 5:12|

- 例子
. 麥基洗德
#創 14:20|

. 摩西
#出 15:1-21|

. 葉忒羅
#出 18:10|

. 以色列人
#代上 16:36|

. 大衛
#代上 29:10-13; 詩 119:164|

. 祭司和利未人
#拉 3:10-11|

. 以斯拉
#尼 8:6|

. 希西家
#賽 38:19|

. 撒迦利亞
#路 1:64|

. 牧羊人
#路 2:20|

. 西面
#路 2:28|

. 亞拿
#路 2:38|

. 眾人
#路 18:43|

. 門徒
#路 19:37,38|

. 使徒
#路 24:53|

. 第一批信主的人
#徒 2:47|

. 跛子
#徒 3:8|

. 保羅和西拉
#徒 16:25|

- God is worthy of
#2Sa 22:4|

- Christ is worthy of
#Re 5:12|

- God is glorified by
#Ps 22:23; 50:23|

- Offered to Christ
#Joh 12:13|

- Acceptable through Christ
#Heb 13:15|

. His majesty
#Ps 96:1,6; Isa 24:14|

. His glory
#Ps 138:5; Eze 3:12|

. His excellency
#Ex 15:7; Ps 148:13|

. His greatness
#1Ch 16:25; Ps 145:3|

. His holiness
#Ex 15:11; Isa 6:3|

. His wisdom
#Da 2:20; Jude 1:25|

. His power
#Ps 21:13|

. His goodness
#Ps 107:8; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11|

. His mercy
#2Ch 20:21; Ps 89:1; 118:1-4; 136:1-26|

. His loving-kindness and truth
#Ps 138:2|

. His faithfulness and truth
#Isa 25:1|

. His salvation
#Ps 18:46; Isa 35:10; 61:10; Lu 1:68,69|

. His wonderful works
#Ps 89:5; 150:2; Isa 25:1|

. His consolation
#Ps 42:5; Isa 12:1|

. His judgment
#Ps 101:1|

. His counsel
#Ps 16:7; Jer 32:19|

. Fulfilling of his promises
#1Ki 8:56|

. Pardon of sin
#Ps 103:1-3; Ho 14:2|

. Spiritual health
#Ps 103:3|

. Constant preservation
#Ps 71:6-8|

. Deliverance
#Ps 40:1-3; 124:6|

. Protection
#Ps 28:7; 59:17|

. Answering prayer
#Ps 28:6; 118:21|

. The hope of glory
#1Pe 1:3,4|

. All spiritual blessings
#Ps 103:2; Eph 1:3|

. All temporal blessings
#Ps 104:1,14; 136:25|

. The continuance of blessings
#Ps 68:19|

. Angels
#Ps 103:20; 148:2|

. Saints
#Ps 30:4; 149:5|

. Gentiles
#Ps 117:1; Ro 15:11|

. Children
#Ps 8:2; Mt 21:16|

. High and low
#Ps 148:1,11|

. Young and old
#Ps 148:1,12|

. Small and great
#Re 19:5|

. All men
#Ps 107:8; 145:21|

. All creation
#Ps 148:1-10; 150:6|

- Is good and comely
#Ps 33:1; 147:1|

. With the understanding
#Ps 47:7; 1Co 14:15|

. With the soul
#Ps 103:1; 104:1,35|

. With the whole heart
#Ps 9:1; 111:1; 138:1|

. With uprightness of heart
#Ps 119:7|

. With the lips
#Ps 63:3; 119:171|

. With the mouth
#Ps 51:15; 63:5|

. With joy
#Ps 63:5; 98:4|

. With gladness
#2Ch 29:30; Jer 33:11|

. With thankfulness
#1Ch 16:4; Ne 12:24; Ps 147:7|

. Continually
#Ps 35:28; 71:6|

. During life
#Ps 104:33|

. More and more
#Ps 71:14|

. Day and night
#Re 4:8|

. Day by day
#2Ch 30:21|

. For ever and ever
#Ps 145:1,2|

. Throughout the world
#Ps 113:3|

. In psalms and hymns &c
#Ps 105:2; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16|

- Accompanied with musical instruments
#1Ch 16:41,42; Ps 150:3,5|

- Is a part of public worship
#Ps 9:14; 100:4; 118:19,20; Heb 2:12|

. Show forth
#Isa 43:21; 1Pe 2:9|

. Be endued with the spirit of
#Isa 61:3|

. Render, under affliction
#Ac 16:25|

. Glory in
#1Ch 16:35|

. Triumph in
#Ps 106:47|

. Express their joy by
#Jas 5:13|

. Declare
#Isa 42:12|

. Invite others to
#Ps 34:3; 95:1|

. Pray for ability to offer
#Ps 51:15; 119:175|

. Posture suited to
#1Ch 23:30; Ne 9:5|

. Fruit of the lips
#Heb 13:15|

. Voice of praise
#Ps 66:8|

. Voice of triumph
#Ps 47:1|

. Voice of melody
#Isa 51:3|

. Voice of a psalm
#Ps 98:5|

. Garment of praise
#Isa 61:3|

. Sacrifice of praise
#Heb 13:15|

. Sacrifices of joy
#Ps 27:6|

. Calves of the lips
#Ho 14:2|

- The heavenly host engage in
#Isa 6:3; Lu 2:13; Re 4:9-11; 5:12|

- Exemplified
. Melchizedek
#Ge 14:20|

. Moses
#Ex 15:1-21|

. Jethro
#Ex 18:10|

. Israelites
#1Ch 16:36|

. David
#1Ch 29:10-13; Ps 119:164|

. Priests and Levites
#Ezr 3:10-11|

. Ezra
#Ne 8:6|

. Hezekiah
#Isa 38:19|

. Zacharias
#Lu 1:64|

. Shepherds
#Lu 2:20|

. Simeon
#Lu 2:28|

. Anna
#Lu 2:38|

. Multitudes
#Lu 18:43|

. Disciples
#Lu 19:37,38|

. The Apostles
#Lu 24:53|

. First converts
#Ac 2:47|

. Lame man
#Ac 3:8|

. Paul and Silas
#Ac 16:25|


中文 英文

AI International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AID International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AIL International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AIM International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AIR International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
流域;山谷;峽穀;谷地;溪穀;河谷 (Variant of Valley)
GAI International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

HAI International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PAI International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AIAH International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
AIJA International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


中文 英文


Aijeleth Shahar


中文 英文

Abel-maim Smith Bible Dictionary
Abel-mizraim Smith Bible Dictionary

Abi-aibon Smith Bible Dictionary
Abigail Smith Bible Dictionary
Abihail Smith Bible Dictionary
Abishai Smith Bible Dictionary
Achaia Smith Bible Dictionary
Achaicus Smith Bible Dictionary
Adaiah Smith Bible Dictionary
Adithaim Smith Bible Dictionary


中文 英文 中文翻譯

Abel-maim mourning of waters 水域哀悼
Abel-mizraim the mourning of Egyptians 埃及人的哀悼
Abigail the fathers joy 父親的喜悅
Abihail the father of strength 實力之父
Abishai the present of my father 我父親目前的
Achaia grief; trouble 悲傷;麻煩
Achaicus a native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad 亞該亞土生土長的;憂傷;傷心
Adaiah the witness of the Lord 主的見證
Adithaim assemblies; testimonies 組件;證詞
Adlai my witness; my ornament 我的見證;我的飾品


中文 英文
毒瘡 Blains Inflamed skin tumors.And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with BLAINS upon man, and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt. ( Exodus 9:8-9 )
太監/ 內侍臣 Chamberlain Eunuch, or chief servant.On the seventh day, when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seven CHAMBERLAINS that served in the presence of Ahasuerus the king, to bring Vashti the queen before the king with the crown royal, to show the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look on. ( Esther 1:10-11 )
平原 Champaign A plain; level country.Are they not on the other side Jordan, by the way where the sun goeth down, in the land of the Canaanites, which dwell in the CHAMPAIGN over against Gilgal, beside the plains of Moreh? ( Deuteronomy 11:30 )
限制; 阻止某人做他想做的事;阻止﹐抑制﹐使某事不能發展?改進 Constrain To compel.And straightway Jesus CONSTRAINED his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. ( Matthew 14:22-23 )
對抗;抵銷;與……勢均力敵 Countervail To be make equal, offset, compensate.Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found favour in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request: For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. But if we had been sold for bondmen and bondwomen, I had held my tongue, although the enemy could not COUNTERVAIL the king's damage. ( Esther 7:3-4 )
Disdain To reject; to despise.But now they that are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have DISDAINED to have set with the dogs of my flock. ( Job 30:1 )
以賽亞 Esaias Isaiah.Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet ESAIAS. ( John 1:23 )
高興的;樂意的;勉強的;不得不的;欣然;樂意地 Fain To desire earnestly; long for.And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would FAIN have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. ( Luke 15:13-16 )
否認;反駁;反對 Gainsay To answer; to speak against.But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake. And it shall turn to you for a testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to GAINSAY nor resist. ( Luke 21:12-15 )
冰雹 Hail A greeting of joy and peace.And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All HAIL. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. ( Matthew 28:8-9 )


中文 英文
出手幫助 Aid
為何這樣;做什麼;為什麼;有什麼事;什麼事;為何 Ail
致力,意欲,旨在;以……用於;將……針對 Aim
氣;天上;空氣;天空 Air
保釋金 Bail

