搜尋字串: HEAD
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
頭 |
#徒 21:24|
#賽 3:17|
#利 14:18,29|
-Shaven when vows were taken #Ac 21:24|
-Diseases of #Isa 3:17|
-Anointed #Le 14:18,29|
斬首 |
#太 14:10; 可 6:27|
#徒 12:2|
#啟 20:4|
-Execution by .Of John #Mt 14:10; Mr 6:27| .Of James #Ac 12:2| .Of the martyrs #Re 20:4|
頭巾/華帶 |
-General scriptures concerning #Isa 3:20|
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
頭 |
Head |
- 最主要也是最重要的肢體
#賽 1:6; 王下 6:31|
- 所有其他肢體對頭而言缺一不可
#林前 12:21|
- 身體由頭支持與供應
#弗 4:16|
- 為了整全的人而安置
#創 49:26; 箴 10:6|
- 為了生命而安置
#但 1:10; 撒上 28:2|
- 提到頭的部分
. 頭蓋骨
#王下 9:35; 太 27:33|
. 頭頂
#創 49:26; 賽 3:17|
. 額頭
#撒上 17:49; 結 9:4|
. 太陽穴
#士 4:21,22; 歌 4:3|
. 臉部
#創 48:12; 王下 9:30|
. 頭髮
#士 16:22; 詩 40:12|
. 頭皮
#詩 68:21|
- 常受膏抹
#傳 9:8; 太 6:17|
- 低頭鞠躬
. 敬拜上帝時
#創 24:26; 出 4:31|
. 象徵尊敬
#創 43:23|
- 在悲傷中
. 蒙著頭
#撒下 15:30; 斯 6:12|
. 剪頭髮
#伯 1:20|
. 把灰撒在頭上
#書 7:6; 2:12|
. 按手在頭上
#撒下 13:19; 耶 2:37|
- 祭司不得剪頭髮
#利 21:5,10|
- 拿細耳人不得剪頭髮
#民 6:5|
- 搖頭以示嘲弄
#王下 19:21; 詩 22:7; 109:25; 太 27:39|
- 猶太人因指著頭起誓而受責備
#太 5:36|
- 年老髮白當受尊重
#利 19:32|
- 容易
. 罹患痲瘋
#利 13:42-44|
. 長癬
#賽 3:17|
. 有腦部疾病
#王下 4:19; 賽 1:5|
. 光禿
#利 13:40,41; 賽 15:2|
- 大痲瘋病患一定不蒙頭
#利 13:45|
- 女人在公共場所普遍蒙頭
#創 24:65; 林前 11:5|
- 罪犯通常被砍頭
#太 14:10|
- 戰時被殺的敵人, 頭常被砍掉
#士 5:26; 撒上 17:51,57; 31:9|
- 說明了
. 上帝
#林前 11:3|
. 基督
#林前 11:3; 弗 1:22; 西 2:19|
. 統治者
#撒上 15:17; 但 2:38|
. 首領
#賽 9:14,15|
. 一國的首都
#賽 7:8|
. (蒙頭,) 防禦與保護
#詩 140:7|
. (蒙頭,) 順從
#林前 11:5,10|
. (變禿,) 嚴厲的審判
#賽 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; 彌 1:16|
. (抬起頭來,) 喜樂與自信
#詩 3:3; 路 21:28|
. (抬起頭來,) 得意
#詩 83:2|
. (抬起頭來,) 晉升
#創 40:13; 詩 27:6|
. (受膏抹,) 喜樂與昌盛
#詩 23:5; 92:10|
- The uppermost and chief member of the body #Isa 1:6; 2Ki 6:31|
- All the other members necessary to #1Co 12:21|
- The body supported and supplied by #Eph 4:16|
- Put for the whole person #Ge 49:26; Pr 10:6|
- Put for the life #Da 1:10; 1Sa 28:2|
- PARTS OF MENTIONED . The skull #2Ki 9:35; Mt 27:33|
. The crown #Ge 49:26; Isa 3:17|
. The forehead #1Sa 17:49; Eze 9:4|
. The temples #Jud 4:21,22; So 4:3|
. The face #Ge 48:12; 2Ki 9:30|
. The hair #Jud 16:22; Ps 40:12|
. The scalp #Ps 68:21|
- Often anointed #Ec 9:8; Mt 6:17|
- BOWED DOWN . In worshipping God #Ge 24:26; Ex 4:31|
. As a token of respect #Ge 43:23|
- IN GRIEF . Covered up #2Sa 15:30; Es 6:12|
. Shorn #Job 1:20|
. Sprinkled with dust #Jos 7:6; 2:12|
. The hands placed on #2Sa 13:19; Jer 2:37|
- Priests forbidden to shave #Le 21:5,10|
- Nazarites forbidden to shave #Nu 6:5|
- Derision expressed by shaking #2Ki 19:21; Ps 22:7; 109:25; Mt 27:39|
- The Jews censured for swearing by #Mt 5:36|
- When hoary with age to be respected #Le 19:32|
- LIABLE TO . Leprosy #Le 13:42-44|
. Scab #Isa 3:17|
. Internal disease #2Ki 4:19; Isa 1:5|
. Baldness #Le 13:40,41; Isa 15:2|
- Of the leper always uncovered #Le 13:45|
- Of women generally covered in public #Ge 24:65; 1Co 11:5|
- Of criminals often cut off #Mt 14:10|
- Of enemies slain in war, often cut off #Jud 5:26; 1Sa 17:51,57; 31:9|
- ILLUSTRATIVE . Of God #1Co 11:3|
. Of Christ #1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 2:19|
. Of rulers #1Sa 15:17; Da 2:38|
. Of chief men #Isa 9:14,15|
. Of the chief city of a kingdom #Isa 7:8|
. (Covered,) of defence and protection #Ps 140:7|
. (Covered,) of subjection #1Co 11:5,10|
. (Made bald,) of heavy judgments #Isa 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; Mic 1:16|
. (Lifted up,) of joy and confidence #Ps 3:3; Lu 21:28|
. (Lifted up,) of pride &c #Ps 83:2|
. (Lifted up,) of exaltation #Ge 40:13; Ps 27:6|
. (Anointed,) of joy and prosperity #Ps 23:5; 92:10|
基督, 教會的頭 |
Christ, the Head of the Church |
- 早經預言
#詩 118:22; 太 21:42|
- 由上帝所設立
#弗 1:22|
- 由祂自己所宣布
#太 21:42|
- 為祂神秘的身體
#弗 4:12,15; 5:23|
- 為萬有之首
#林前 11:3; 弗 1:22; 西 1:18|
- 任命祂的使徒
#太 10:1,7; 28:19; 約 20:21|
- 制定條例
#太 28:19; 路 22:19,20|
- 賞給人恩賜
#詩 68:18; 弗 4:8|
- 聖徒在基督裡得了豐盛
#西 2:10|
- 歪曲真理的人不持定基督
#西 2:18,19|
- Predicted #Ps 118:22; Mt 21:42|
- Appointed by God #Eph 1:22|
- Declared by himself #Mt 21:42|
- As his mystical body #Eph 4:12,15; 5:23|
- Has the pre-eminence in all things #1Co 11:3; Eph 1:22; Col 1:18|
- Commissioned his Apostles #Mt 10:1,7; 28:19; Joh 20:21|
- Instituted the ordinances #Mt 28:19; Lu 22:19,20|
- Imparts gifts #Ps 68:18; Eph 4:8|
- Saints are complete in #Col 2:10|
- Perverters of the truth do not hold #Col 2:18,19|
中文 |
英文 |
Behead |
Forehead |
Godhead |
Head-bands |
Head-dress |
中文 |
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
中文 |
英文 |
令人陶醉的;使興奮的;使有信心的;沖動 |
Heady |
Reckless; hasty; headstrong.This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, HEADY, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. ( 2 Timothy 1:1 Ezekiel 3:1-4 )
中文 |
英文 |
頭 |
Head |
Ahead |
令人陶醉的;使興奮的;使有信心的;沖動 |
Heady |
Behead |
Headed |
Header |
Unhead |
上主之本體 |
Godhead |
Headach |
Heading |