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搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: MOSES

中文註解 英文註解
-利未人, 暗蘭之子
#出 2:1-4; 6:20; 徒 7:20; 來 11:23|

#出 2:3|

#出 2:5-10|

#徒 7:22|

#來 11:24-26|

-打死埃及工頭; 逃離埃及; 藏身在米甸人當中
#出 2:11-22; 徒 7:24-29|

-投靠米甸祭司葉忒羅; 娶葉忒羅的女兒西坡拉為妻;
#出 2:15-22|

#出 3:1|

#出 3:2-6|

-上帝向他啟示他的人生目的是搭救以色列人, 帶他們進迦南地
#出 3:7-10|

#出 3:10-22; 6:13|

-他的杖神奇地變作蛇, 上帝使他的手長了痲瘋, 接著又復原
#出 4:1-9,28|

-帶著妻兒離開葉忒羅, 以完成在埃及的使命
#出 4:18-20|

-因為割禮, 與妻子起了爭議
#出 4:20-26|

#出 4:27,28|

#出 4:29-31|

-和亞倫去找法老, 奉耶和華的名要求法老放他同胞自由
#出 5:1|

-請求遭法老駁回; 以色列人的艱苦變本加厲
#出 5|

#出 5:20,21; 15:24; 16:2,3; 17:2,3; 民 14:2-4; 16:41|
#民 20:2-5; 21:4-6; 申 1:12,26-28|

-見 以色列

#出 6:1-8|

#出 6:9|

#出 6:11|

-在上帝指示之下, 降災於埃及地
#出 7; 出 8; 出 9; 出 10; 出 11; 出 12|

-順利使百姓脫困, 並帶他們出埃及
#出 13|

-過紅海; 法老和其軍隊滅頂
#出 14|

#出 15|

#出 18:1-12|

#出 18:13-26; 民 11:16-30; 申 1:9-18|

-領受律法, 制訂種種律例
-見 律法, 摩西律法

#出 34:29-35; 林後 3:13|


#出 32:22,23|
#利 10:16-20|

#民 12|

#民 16|

#民 27:22,23; 申 31:7,8,14,23; 34:9|

-不得進迦南, 只能從亞巴琳山上遠眺
#民 27:12-14; 申 1:37; 3:23-29; 32:48-52; 34:1-8|

#民 31:2; 申 32:50; 34:1-6|

#猶 1:9|

#申 31:2|

#申 34:8|

#申 31:2; 34:7|

#太 17:3,4; 可 9:4; 路 9:30|

#申 18:15-18; 徒 3:22; 7:37|

#利 9:23; 民 10:35,36; 申 1:11|
#申 33|

#出 5:22,23; 民 11:10-15|
#出 5:22,23; 6:12; 32:19; 民 11:10-15; 16:15; 20:10|
#民 31:14|
#出 33:8|
#民 10:29; 申 9:1-3; 來 11:23-28|
#申 33:1|
#出 33:11|
#出 19:9; 民 14:12-20; 申 9:13-29; with 出 32:30|
#民 11:29|
#出 14:13,14; 15:24,25; 16:2,3,7,8; 民 12:3; 16:4-11|
#出 7:6; 40:16,19,21|
#民 14:12-20; 申 9:13-29; with 出 32:30|

.見[!代求!], 例子
.見[!代求!], 懇求的例子
.見[!代求!], 代求蒙應允的例子

.見 神蹟

#出 3:10; 4:5,11,12; 6:13; 7:2; 17:16; 19:3-9; 33:11|
#民 11:17; 12:7,8; 36:13; 申 1:3; 5:31; 18:15,18; 34:10,12|
#何 12:13; 可 7:9,10; 徒 7:37,38|

-A Levite and son of Amram
#Ex 2:1-4; 6:20; Ac 7:20; Heb 11:23|

-Hidden in a small basket
#Ex 2:3|

-Discovered and adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh
#Ex 2:5-10|

-Learned in all the wisdom of Egypt
#Ac 7:22|

-His loyalty to his race
#Heb 11:24-26|

-Takes the life of an Egyptian taskmaster; flees from Egypt;
finds refuge among the Midianites
#Ex 2:11-22; Ac 7:24-29|

-Joins himself to Jethro, priest of Midian; marries his
daughter Zipporah; has one son, Gershom
#Ex 2:15-22|

-Is a herdsman for Jethro in the desert of Horeb
#Ex 3:1|

-Has the vision of the burning bush
#Ex 3:2-6|

-God reveals to him his purpose to deliver the Israelites and
bring them into the land of Canaan
#Ex 3:7-10|

-Commissioned as leader of the Israelites
#Ex 3:10-22; 6:13|

-His rod miraculously turned into a serpent, and his hand was
made leprous, and then restored
#Ex 4:1-9,28|

-With his wife and sons, he leaves Jethro to perform his
mission in Egypt
#Ex 4:18-20|

-His controversy with his wife on account of circumcision
#Ex 4:20-26|

-Meets Aaron in the wilderness
#Ex 4:27,28|

-With Aaron assembles the leaders of Israel
#Ex 4:29-31|

-Along with Aaron, Moses goes before Pharaoh and demands the
liberties of his people in the name of Jehovah
#Ex 5:1|

-Rejected by Pharaoh; hardships of the Israelites increased
#Ex 5|

-People complain against Moses and Aaron
#Ex 5:20,21; 15:24; 16:2,3; 17:2,3; Nu 14:2-4; 16:41;
20:2-5; 21:4-6; De 1:12,26-28|


-Receives comfort and assurance from the Lord
#Ex 6:1-8|

-Unbelief of the people
#Ex 6:9|

-Renews his appeal to Pharaoh
#Ex 6:11|

-Under divine direction brings plagues upon the land of Egypt
#Ex 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12|

-Secures the deliverance of the people and leads them out of
#Ex 13|

-Crosses the Red Sea; Pharaoh and his army are destroyed
#Ex 14|

-Composes a song for the people of Israel on their deliverance
from Pharaoh
#Ex 15|

-Joined by his family in the wilderness
#Ex 18:1-12|

-Institutes a system of government
#Ex 18:13-26; Nu 11:16-30; De 1:9-18|

-Receives the law and ordains various statutes

-Face of, transfigured
#Ex 34:29-35; 2Co 3:13|

-Sets up the tabernacle

-Reproves Aaron for
.Making the golden calf
#Ex 32:22,23|
.Irregularity in the offerings
#Le 10:16-20|

-Jealousy of Aaron and Miriam toward
#Nu 12|

-Rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram against
#Nu 16|

-Appoints Joshua as his successor
#Nu 27:22,23; De 31:7,8,14,23; 34:9|

-Not permitted to enter Canaan, but views the land from atop
Mount Pisgah
#Nu 27:12-14; De 1:37; 3:23-29; 32:48-52; 34:1-8|

-Death and burial of
#Nu 31:2; De 32:50; 34:1-6|

-Body of, disputed over
#Jude 1:9|

-120 Years old at death
#De 31:2|

-Mourning for, thirty days in the plains of Moab
#De 34:8|

-His virility
#De 31:2; 34:7|

-Present with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration
#Mt 17:3,4; Mr 9:4; Lu 9:30|

-A type of the Messiah
#De 18:15-18; Ac 3:22; 7:37|

.Upon the people
#Le 9:23; Nu 10:35,36; De 1:11|
.Last benediction upon the twelve tribes
#De 33|

.Complainings of
#Ex 5:22,23; Nu 11:10-15|
.Impatience of
#Ex 5:22,23; 6:12; 32:19; Nu 11:10-15; 16:15; 20:10;
.Respected and feared
#Ex 33:8|
.Faith of
#Nu 10:29; De 9:1-3; Heb 11:23-28|
.Called the man of God
#De 33:1|
.God spoke to, as a man to his friend
#Ex 33:11|
.Magnified of God
#Ex 19:9; Nu 14:12-20; De 9:13-29; with Ex 32:30|
.Magnanimity of, toward Eldad and Medad
#Nu 11:29|
.Meekness of
#Ex 14:13,14; 15:24,25; 16:2,3,7,8; Nu 12:3; 16:4-11|
.Obedience of
#Ex 7:6; 40:16,19,21|
#Nu 14:12-20; De 9:13-29; with Ex 32:30|



#Ex 3:10; 4:5,11,12; 6:13; 7:2; 17:16; 19:3-9; 33:11; Nu
11:17; 12:7,8; 36:13; De 1:3; 5:31; 18:15,18; 34:10,12; Ho
12:13; Mr 7:9,10; Ac 7:37,38|

中文註解 英文註解
摩西的律法 Law of Moses, The
- 即上帝的律法
#利 26:46|

- 被頒佈
. 在曠野中
#結 20:10,11|

. 在何烈山
#申 4:10,15; 5:2|

. 從西乃山
#出 19:11,20|

. 藉著天使
#徒 7:53|

. 透過中介者摩西
#申 5:5,27,28; 約 1:17; 加 3:19|

. 賜給猶太人
#利 26:46; 詩 78:5|

. 在出埃及之後
#申 4:45; 詩 81:4,5|

. 未賜給其他國家
#申 4:8; 詩 147:20|

- 上帝頒佈律法時, 誰也不得靠近西乃山
#出 19:13,21-24; 來 12:20|

- 頒佈律法時, 連帶著非同凡響的現象
#出 19:16-19|

- 以色列人接受律法時感到驚怖
#出 19:16; 20:18-20; 申 5:5,23-25|

- 在約旦河邊的摩押平原, 增加了一些條例
#民 36:13|

- 稱為
. 烈火的律法
#申 33:2|

. 天使所傳的話
#來 2:2|

. 屬死的職事
#林後 3:7|

. 定罪的職事
#林後 3:9|

. 活潑的聖言
#徒 7:38|

. 至尊的律法
#雅 2:8|

. 律法書
#申 30:10; 書 1:8|

. 摩西書
#代下 25:4; 35:12|

- 由摩西高聲朗誦
#申 1:1-3|

- 摩西的律法全部寫在一本書上
#申 31:9|

- 摩西的律法書存放在聖所中
#申 31:26|

- 摩西的律法版存放在約櫃中
#申 10:5|

- 分為
. 道德的律法, 包含在十誡中
#申 5:22; 10:4|

. 禮儀的律法, 跟敬拜上帝的方式有關
#利 7:37,38; 來 9:1-7|

. 公民的律法, 跟施行正義有關
#申 17:9-11; 徒 23:3; 24:6|

. 給作為國家的猶太人的行為盟約
#申 28:1,15; 耶 31:32|

- 教導猶太人
. 愛上帝並敬畏上帝
#申 6:5; 10:12,13; 太 22:36,38|

. 愛他們的鄰舍
#利 19:18; 太 22:39|

. 絕對的正義和公平
#利 19:35,36|

. 根據摩西律法所判定的一切刑罰
#約 8:5; 19:7; 來 10:28|

- 所有以色列人皆須
. 熟知
#出 18:16|

. 遵行
#申 4:6; 6:2|

. 將之存在心裡
#申 6:6; 11:18|

. 牢記
#瑪 4:4|

. 教導他們的孩子
#申 6:7; 11:19|

- 君王要抄寫並研讀摩西的律法
#申 17:18,19|

- 賢明的君王執行摩西的律法
#王下 23:24,25; 代下 31:21|

- 祭司和百姓要教導摩西的律法
#申 33:8-10; 尼 8:7; 瑪 2:7|

- 文士精通摩西的律法並加以解說
#拉 7:6; 太 23:2|

- 公開為年輕人講授摩西的律法
#路 2:46; 徒 22:3|

- 公開誦讀
. 在安息年的住棚節
#申 31:10-13|

. 由約書亞
#書 8:34,35|

. 由以斯拉
#尼 8:2,3|

. 每個安息日在會堂
#徒 13:15; 15:21|

- 是國家改革的工具
#代下 34:19-21; 尼 8:13-18|

- 是將來美事的影兒
#來 10:1|

- 不能生出公義和生命
#加 3:21; 羅 8:3,4; 來 10:1|

- 是領人走向基督的師傅
#加 3:24|

- 基督
. 生在摩西的律法以下
#加 4:4|

. 根據摩西的律法受割禮
#路 2:21; 羅 15:8|

. 來, 不是為了毀滅, 而是為了成全摩西的律法
#太 5:17,18|

. 參加摩西律法的所有節期
#約 2:23; 7:2,10,37|

. 實踐摩西律法的所有戒律
#詩 40:7,8|

. 成全摩西律法的一切形式與影兒
#來 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14|

. 使摩西的律法為大, 為尊
#賽 42:21|

. 擔當摩西律法的咒詛
#申 21:23; 加 3:13|

. 廢除作為行為盟約的摩西律法
#羅 7:4|

- 並未彰顯上帝的恩典
#約 1:17; 羅 8:3,4|

- 不能廢掉在基督裡成就的恩典之約
#加 3:17|

- 猶太教信徒要求所有基督徒遵守摩西律法
#徒 15:1|

- 猶太人
. 留心捍衛摩西律法
#約 9:28,29; 徒 21:20|

. 認為那些不知道摩西律法的人是受咒詛的
#約 7:49|

. 由於注重摩西的律法而棄絕基督
#羅 9:31-33|

. 控告基督違反摩西律法
#約 19:7|

. 控告基督徒談論摩西律法
#徒 6:11-14; 21:28|

. 自己違反了摩西的律法
#約 7:19|

. 因違反摩西律法而辱沒上帝
#羅 2:23|

. 將依摩西律法受審判
#約 5:45; 羅 2:12|

- 是沈重的軛
#徒 15:10|

- 頒佈摩西律法時的黑暗等, 說明了摩西時代的晦澀
#來 12:18-24|

- Is the law of God
#Le 26:46|

. In the desert
#Eze 20:10,11|

. At Horeb
#De 4:10,15; 5:2|

. From the Mount Sinai
#Ex 19:11,20|

. By disposition of angels
#Ac 7:53|

. Through Moses as mediator
#De 5:5,27,28; Joh 1:17; Ga 3:19|

. To the Jews
#Le 26:46; Ps 78:5|

. After the exodus
#De 4:45; Ps 81:4,5|

. To no other nation
#De 4:8; Ps 147:20|

- None to approach the Mount while God gave
#Ex 19:13,21-24; Heb 12:20|

- Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of
#Ex 19:16-19|

- Terror of Israel at receiving
#Ex 19:16; 20:18-20; De 5:5,23-25|

- Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan
#Nu 36:13|

. A fiery law
#De 33:2|

. Word spoken by angels
#Heb 2:2|

. Ministration of death
#2Co 3:7|

. Ministration of condemnation
#2Co 3:9|

. Lively oracles
#Ac 7:38|

. Royal law
#Jas 2:8|

. Book of the law
#De 30:10; Jos 1:8|

. Book of Moses
#2Ch 25:4; 35:12|

- Rehearsed by Moses
#De 1:1-3|

- Entire of, written in a book
#De 31:9|

- Book of, laid up in the sanctuary
#De 31:26|

- Tables of, laid up in the ark
#De 10:5|

. Moral, embodied in the ten commandments
#De 5:22; 10:4|

. Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God
#Le 7:37,38; Heb 9:1-7|

. Civil, relating to administration of justice
#De 17:9-11; Ac 23:3; 24:6|

. A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation
#De 28:1,15; Jer 31:32|

. To love and fear God
#De 6:5; 10:12,13; Mt 22:36,38|

. To love their neighbour
#Le 19:18; Mt 22:39|

. Strict justice and impartiality
#Le 19:35,36|

. All punishments awarded according to
#Joh 8:5; 19:7; Heb 10:28|

. To know
#Ex 18:16|

. To observe
#De 4:6; 6:2|

. To lay up, in their hearts
#De 6:6; 11:18|

. To remember
#Mal 4:4|

. To teach their children
#De 6:7; 11:19|

- Kings to write and study
#De 17:18,19|

- Good kings enforced
#2Ki 23:24,25; 2Ch 31:21|

- Priests and Levites to teach
#De 33:8-10; Ne 8:7; Mal 2:7|

- The scribes were learned in, and expounded
#Ezr 7:6; Mt 23:2|

- Public instruction given to youth in
#Lu 2:46; Ac 22:3|

. At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year
#De 31:10-13|

. By Joshua
#Jos 8:34,35|

. By Ezra
#Ne 8:2,3|

. In the synagogues every Sabbath day
#Ac 13:15; 15:21|

- A means of national reformation
#2Ch 34:19-21; Ne 8:13-18|

- A shadow of good things to come
#Heb 10:1|

- Could not give righteous and life
#Ga 3:21; Ro 8:3,4; Heb 10:1|

- A schoolmaster to lead to Christ
#Ga 3:24|

. Made under
#Ga 4:4|

. Circumcised according to
#Lu 2:21; Ro 15:8|

. Came not to destroy but to fulfil
#Mt 5:17,18|

. Attended all feasts of
#Joh 2:23; 7:2,10,37|

. Fulfilled all precepts of
#Ps 40:7,8|

. Fulfilled all types and shadows of
#Heb 9:8,11-14; 10:1,11-14|

. Magnified and made honourable
#Isa 42:21|

. Bore the curse of
#De 21:23; Ga 3:13|

. Abrogated, as a covenant of works
#Ro 7:4|

- Was not the manifestation of the grace of God
#Joh 1:17; Ro 8:3,4|

- Could not disannul the covenant of grace made in Christ
#Ga 3:17|

- Jewish converts would have all Christians observe
#Ac 15:1|

. Jealous for
#Joh 9:28,29; Ac 21:20|

. Held those ignorant of, accursed
#Joh 7:49|

. From regard to, rejected Christ
#Ro 9:31-33|

. Accused Christ of breaking
#Joh 19:7|

. Accused Christians of speaking
#Ac 6:11-14; 21:28|

. Broke it themselves
#Joh 7:19|

. Dishonoured God by breaking
#Ro 2:23|

. Shall be judged by
#Joh 5:45; Ro 2:12|

- Was a burdensome yoke
#Ac 15:10|

- Darkness, &c at giving of, illustrative of obscurity of
Mosaic age
#Heb 12:18-24|

中文 英文
MOSES International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
MOSES, SONG OF International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ASSUMPTION OF MOSES International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
MOSES, ASSUMPTION OF International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

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Law of Moses

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Ark of Moses Smith Bible Dictionary

Law of Moses Smith Bible Dictionary
Moses Smith Bible Dictionary

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Moses taken out; drawn forth 取出;拉出來
Moses taken out; drawn forth 取出;拉出來

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