搜尋字串: OBED
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
順服 |
#創 18:19; 出 19:5; 20:6; 24:7; 民 9:23; 14:24; 申 5:10|
#書 14:6-14; 22:2; 24:24; 王上 3:14; 王下 18:6; 21:8; 尼 1:5|
#詩 1:2; 18:44; 25:10; 99:7; 103:17,18,20,21; 111:10; 112:1|
#詩 119:2,4-6,8,10,15,16,22,30,31,33,44,45,55,56,59,60,72,77,87,97,100-102,104106,109,112,129,167,168|
#詩 143:10; 箴 1:33; 19:16; 28:7; 賽 1:19; 耶 7:23|
#結 18:19; 33:14-16; 但 7:27; 太 5:19; 6:24; 9:9; 12:50|
#太 13:8,23; 25:20-23; 可 2:14; 3:35; 4:20; 路 1:6; 6:46-48|
#路 8:15,21; 11:2,28; 12:37,38; 約 8:28,51; 9:4; 10:27|
#約 14:15,23,31; 15:10,14,16; 徒 4:19; 徒 5:29; 羅 6:17|
#弗 2:10; 腓 2:12; 來 10:7; 雅 2:10-12; 彼前 1:2,14|
#約一 2:3-6,17; 3:22,24; 5:2,3; 約二 1:6-9|
#啟 12:17; 22:7,14|
-見 祝福, 蒙福的條件是順服
#創 17:9; 出 23:22; 利 19:19,36,37; 20:8,22; 22:31; 26:3-13|
#民 15:38-40; 申 4:1-40; 5:1-33; 6:1-25; 8:1-6,11-14,16-20|
#申 10:12,13; 11:1-3,8,9,13-28,32; 13:4; 26:16-18; 27:1-10|
#申 28:1-68; 32:46; 書 22:5; 23:6,7; 24:14,15; 撒上 12:24|
#撒上 15:22; 王下 17:37,38; 代上 16:15; 28:9,10,20; 拉 7:10,23|
#詩 76:11; 傳 12:13; 耶 26:13; 38:20; 瑪 4:4; 太 9:9|
#太 19:17,29; 可 2:14; 約 12:26; 13:17; 14:15,21; 加 3:10,12|
#加 5:3; 弗 4:1,17; 6:6-8; 腓 2:12; 提前 6:14,18; 來 13:16|
#雅 1:22-25|
.見 律法
#創 6:9; 民 9:23; 14:24; 書 14:6-14; 王下 18:6; 20:3|
#代下 24:16; 31:20,21; 拉 7:10; 尼 7:2; 伯 1:8; 詩 17:3; 26:3-6|
#詩 99:7; 101:2,3; 106:30,31|
#詩 119:30,31,40,44,47,48,51,54-56,59,60,67,69,100-102,105,106,110,112,166-168|
#徒 23:1; 24:16; 羅 6:17; 林後 1:12; 6:3,4; 腓 3:7-14|
#帖前 1:9; 2:10; 提後 1:3; 啟 2:19; 3:4; 14:4,5|
.見 祝福, 蒙福的條件是順服
#創 6:9,22; 7:5; 來 11:7|
#創 12:1-4; 17:23; 21:4; 22:12; 尼 9:8; 徒 7:3-8|
#來 11:8-17; 雅 2:21|
#創 24:50|
#創 35:1,7|
#民 27:12-22; 來 3:2,3|
#出 7:6; 40:16,21,23,32|
#出 12:28; 32:25-29; 39:42,43; 民 9:20,21; 申 33:9|
#猶 2:7; 詩 99:7|
.以色列人, 哈該傳講的對象
#該 1:12|
#申 1:36|
#書 10:40; 11:15|
#書 22:2,3|
#士 6:25-28|
#撒上 18:14; 25:28; 王上 11:6,34; 15:5; 代下 29:2; 徒 13:22|
#王上 19:19-21|
#王下 18:6; 代下 31:20,21; 賽 38:3|
#王下 22:2; 23:24,25|
#代下 14:2|
#代下 17:3-6; 20:32; 22:9|
#代下 24:15-16|
#代下 26:4,5|
#代下 36:22,23|
#代下 29:34|
.古列 (塞魯士)
#代下 36:22,23; 拉 1:1-4|
#拉 7:10|
#尼 7:2|
#伯 1:8|
#但 6:10|
#但 3|
#拿 3:3|
#拿 3:5-10|
#路 1:5,6|
#路 2:25|
#太 1:24; 2:14|
#路 1:38|
#太 3:15; 26:39,42; 路 22:42; 約 4:32,34; 5:30; 12:49,50|
#約 14:31; 17:4; 來 3:2|
#太 3:15|
#可 1:19,20|
#太 9:9|
#可 1:16-18|
#可 2:14|
#約 1:47|
#太 19:20; 可 10:19,20; 路 18:21|
#約 17:6|
#徒 10:2|
#徒 23:1; 26:4,5; 提後 1:3|
-General scriptures concerning #Ge 18:19; Ex 19:5; 20:6; 24:7; Nu 9:23; 14:24; De 5:10; Jos 14:6-14; 22:2; 24:24; 1Ki 3:14; 2Ki 18:6; 21:8; Ne 1:5; Ps 1:2; 18:44; 25:10; 99:7; 103:17,18,20,21; 111:10; 112:1; 119:2,4-6,8,10,15,16,22,30,31,33,44,45,55,56,59,60,72,77,87, 97,100-102,104-106,109,112,129,167,168; 143:10; Pr 1:33; 19:16; 28:7; Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23; Eze 18:19; 33:14-16; Da 7:27; Mt 5:19; 6:24; 9:9; 12:50; 13:8,23; 25:20-23; Mr 2:14; 3:35; 4:20; Lu 1:6; 6:46-48; 8:15,21; 11:2,28; 12:37,38; Joh 8:28,51; 9:4; 10:27; 14:15,23,31; 15:10,14,16; Ac 4:19; 5:29; Ro 6:17; Eph 2:10; Php 2:12; Heb 10:7; Jas 2:10-12; 1Pe 1:2,14; 1Jo 2:3-6,17; 3:22,24; 5:2,3; 2Jo 1:6-9; Re 12:17; 22:7,14|
-ENJOINED #Ge 17:9; Ex 23:22; Le 19:19,36,37; 20:8,22; 22:31; 26:3-13; Nu 15:38-40; De 4:1-40; 5:1-33; 6:1-25; 8:1-6,11-14,16-20; 10:12,13; 11:1-3,8,9,13-28,32; 13:4; 26:16-18; 27:1-10; 28:1-68; 32:46; Jos 22:5; 23:6,7; 24:14,15; 1Sa 12:24; 15:22; 2Ki 17:37,38; 1Ch 16:15; 28:9,10,20; Ezr 7:10,23; Ps 76:11; Ec 12:13; Jer 26:13; 38:20; Mal 4:4; Mt 9:9; 19:17,29; Mr 2:14; Joh 12:26; 13:17; 14:15,21; Ga 3:10,12; 5:3; Eph 4:1,17; 6:6-8; Php 2:12; 1Ti 6:14,18; Heb 13:16; Jas 1:22-25| .See COMMANDMENTS .See DUTY .See LAW
-EXEMPLIFIED #Ge 6:9; Nu 9:23; 14:24; Jos 14:6-14; 2Ki 18:6; 20:3; 2Ch 24:16; 31:20,21; Ezr 7:10; Ne 7:2; Job 1:8; Ps 17:3; 26:3-6; 99:7; 101:2,3; 106:30,31; 119:30,31,40,44,47,48,51,54-56,59, 60,67,69,100-102,105,106,110,112,166-168; Ac 23:1; 24:16; Ro 6:17; 2Co 1:12; 6:3,4; Php 3:7-14; 1Th 1:9; 2:10; 2Ti 1:3; Re 2:19; 3:4; 14:4,5| .See BLESSINGS, CONTINGENT UPON OBEDIENCE .See COMMANDMENTS
-INSTANCES OF .Noah #Ge 6:9,22; 7:5; Heb 11:7| .Abraham #Ge 12:1-4; 17:23; 21:4; 22:12; Ne 9:8; Ac 7:3-8; Heb 11:8-17; Jas 2:21| .Bethuel and Laban #Ge 24:50| .Jacob #Ge 35:1,7| .Moses #Nu 27:12-22; Heb 3:2,3| .Moses and Aaron #Ex 7:6; 40:16,21,23,32| .The Israelites #Ex 12:28; 32:25-29; 39:42,43; Nu 9:20,21; De 33:9; Jud 2:7; Ps 99:7| .Under the preaching of Haggai #Hag 1:12| .Caleb #De 1:36| .Joshua #Jos 10:40; 11:15| .Reubenites #Jos 22:2,3| .Gideon #Jud 6:25-28| .David #1Sa 18:14; 25:28; 1Ki 11:6,34; 15:5; 2Ch 29:2; Ac 13:22| .Elisha #1Ki 19:19-21| .Hezekiah #2Ki 18:6; 2Ch 31:20,21; Isa 38:3| .Josiah #2Ki 22:2; 23:24,25| .Asa #2Ch 14:2| .Jehoshaphat #2Ch 17:3-6; 20:32; 22:9| .Jehoiada #2Ch 24:16| .Uzziah #2Ch 26:4,5| .Jotham #2Ch 36:22,23| .Levites #2Ch 29:34| .Cyrus #2Ch 36:22,23; Ezr 1:1-4| .Ezra #Ezr 7:10| .Hanani #Ne 7:2| .Job #Job 1:8| .Daniel #Da 6:10| .Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego #Da 3| .Jonah #Jon 3:3| .Ninevites #Jon 3:5-10| .Zacharias #Lu 1:6| .Simeon #Lu 2:25| .Joseph #Mt 1:24; 2:14| .Mary #Lu 1:38| .Jesus #Mt 3:15; 26:39,42; Lu 22:42; Joh 4:32,34; 5:30; 12:49,50; 14:31; 17:4; Heb 3:2| .John the Baptist #Mt 3:15| .John and James #Mr 1:19,20| .Matthew #Mt 9:9| .Simon and Andrew #Mr 1:16-18| .Levi #Mr 2:14| .Nathanael #Joh 1:47| .The rich young man #Mt 19:20; Mr 10:19,20; Lu 18:21| .The disciples #Joh 17:6| .Cornelius #Ac 10:2| .Paul #Ac 23:1; 26:4,5; 2Ti 1:3|
俄備得 |
-1. 波阿斯的兒子, 大衛的祖父
#得 4:17-22; 代上 2:12; 太 1:5; 路 3:32|
-2. 以弗拉的兒子, 撒拔的孫子
#代上 2:37,38|
-3. 大衛的勇士
#代上 11:47|
-4. 示瑪雅的兒子。聖殿的守門人
#代上 26:7|
-5. 亞撒利雅的父親
#代下 23:1|
-1. Son of Boaz and grandfather of David #Ru 4:17-22; 1Ch 2:12; Mt 1:5; Lu 3:32|
-2. Son of Ephlal and grandson of Zabad #1Ch 2:37,38|
-3. One of David's heroes #1Ch 11:47|
-4. Son of Shemaiah. A gatekeeper of the temple #1Ch 26:7|
-5. Father of Azariah #2Ch 23:1|
俄別以東 |
-1. 哥轄族利未人
#代上 15:18,24; 26:4-8|
#撒下 6:10; 代上 13:13,14|
#撒下 6:12; 代上 15:25|
#代上 15:21|
#代上 16:4,5,37,38|
-2. 聖殿的守門人
#代上 16:38|
-3. 亞瑪謝時期, 看守聖殿器皿的人
#代下 25:24|
-1. A Korhite Levite .Doorkeeper of the ark of the covenant #1Ch 15:18,24; 26:4-8| .David leaves the ark of the covenant with #2Sa 6:10; 1Ch 13:13,14| .The ark of the covenant removed from #2Sa 6:12; 1Ch 15:25| .Appointed to sound with harps #1Ch 15:21| .Appointed to minister before the ark of the covenant #1Ch 16:4,5,37,38|
-2. A doorkeeper of the temple #1Ch 16:38|
-3. A conservator of the vessels of the temple in the time of Amaziah #2Ch 25:24|
不順服上帝/違逆上帝 |
#民 14:11,12,22-24; 32:8-13; 申 18:19; 28:15-68|
#利 26:14-46|
.又見 罪, 罪的懲罰
.亞當和夏娃, 吃禁果
#創 3:6-11|
.羅得, 不肯照天使的吩咐上山
#創 19:19,20|
.羅得之妻, 回頭看所多瑪
#創 19:26|
#出 4:13,14|
#民 20:11,23,24|
.亞倫, 摩西擊打磐石時
#民 20:23,24|
.法老, 不肯讓以色列百姓走
#出 5:2; 7:13,22,23; 8:15,19,32; 9:12,34; 10:20,27; 11:10|
#出 14:8|
.以色列百姓, 大量採集嗎哪
#出 16:19,20|
#申 1:26; with 民 14:1-10; 書 5:6; 詩 106:24,25|
.拿答和亞比戶, 獻凡香
#利 10:1,2|
.巴蘭, 跟巴勒的使者走
#民 22:22|
.亞干, 藏匿金子和巴比倫衣服
#書 7:15-26|
#撒上 13:13|
#撒上 15; 28:18|
.大衛, 行淫, 又謀害烏利亞
#撒下 12:9|
.所羅門, 建築拜偶像的邱壇
#王上 11:7-10|
.猶大先知, 未遵守速速將信息捎給耶羅波安的吩咐
#王上 13|
.以色列人, 不肯打先知
#王上 20:35,36|
.亞哈, 容許亞述王逃出他的手心
#王上 20:42|
.祭司, 不按職守供職
#代上 15:13|
#耶 43:7|
.猶大百姓, 去住在埃及, 與神的吩咐唱反調
#耶 44:12-14|
.約拿, 不肯向尼尼微人傳講信息
#拿 1|
#太 9:30,31|
#可 1:45|
.保羅, 儘管再三受警告, 仍堅持上耶路撒冷
#徒 21:4,10-14|
.見[!兒女/小孩子!], 兒女要遵守的誡命
-DENUNCIATIONS AGAINST #Nu 14:11,12,22-24; 32:8-13; De 18:19; 28:15-68; Le 26:14-46|
-PUNISHMENT OF .Of the Egyptians by plagues .See PLAGUES .See also SIN, PUNISHMENT OF
-INSTANCES OF .Of Adam and Eve, eating the forbidden fruit #Ge 3:6-11| .Of Lot, in refusing to go to the mountain, as commanded by the angels #Ge 19:19,20| .Of Lot's wife, in looking back upon Sodom #Ge 19:26| .Of Moses .In making excuses when commissioned to deliver lsrael #Ex 4:13,14| .When he struck the rock #Nu 20:11,23,24| .Of Aaron, at the hitting of the rock by Moses #Nu 20:23,24| .Of Pharaoh, in refusing to let the people of Israel go #Ex 5:2; 7:13,22,23; 8:15,19,32; 9:12,34; 10:20,27; 11:10; 14:8| .Of the people of Israel, in gathering excessive quantities of manna #Ex 16:19,20| .In refusing to enter the promised land #De 1:26; with Nu 14:1-10; Jos 5:6; Ps 106:24,25| .Of Nadab and Abihu, in offering strange fire #Le 10:1,2| .Of Balaam, in accompanying the messengers from Balak #Nu 22:22| .Of Achan, in hiding the wedge of gold and the Babylonian garnient #Jos 7:15-26| .Of Saul .In offering a sacrifice #1Sa 13:13| .In sparing Agag and the spoils of the Amalekites #1Sa 15; 28:18| .Of David, in his adultery, and in arranging for the death of Uriah #2Sa 12:9| .Of Solomon, in building places for idolatrous worship #1Ki 11:7-10| .Of the prophet of Judah, in not keeping the commandment to deliver his message to Jeroboam without delay #1Ki 13| .Of a man of Israel, who refused to strike the prophet #1Ki 20:35,36| .Of Ahab, in suffering the king of Assyria to escape out of his hands #1Ki 20:42| .Of priests, in not performing their functions after the due order #1Ch 15:13| .Of the people of Judah #Jer 43:7| .Of the people of Judah, in going to live in Egypt contrary to divine command #Jer 44:12-14| .Of Jonah, in refusing to deliver the message to the Ninevites #Jon 1| .Of the blind men Jesus healed, and ordered them not to proclaim their healing #Mt 9:30,31| .Of the leper whom Jesus healed, and ordered him not to proclaim the fact #Mr 1:45| .Of Paul, in going to Jerusalem contrary to repeated warnings #Ac 21:4,10-14| .OF CHILDREN .See CHILDREN, COMMANDMENTS TO .OF THE RIGHTEOUS .See COMMANDMENTS
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
順服上帝 |
Obedience to God |
- 上帝吩咐人如此行
#申 13:4|
- 沒有信心, 不可能順服上帝
#來 11:6|
- 包括
. 聽從祂的聲音
#出 19:5; 耶 7:23|
. 遵行祂的律法
#申 11:27; 賽 42:24|
. 順從基督
#出 23:21; 林後 10:5|
. 遵行教義
#羅 1:5; 6:17; 10:16,17|
. 遵守祂的誡命
#傳 12:13|
. 順服在上掌權者
#羅 13:1|
- 比獻祭更好
#撒上 15:22|
- 人得以稱義是靠著基督順服上帝而獲得
#羅 5:19|
- 基督是順服上帝的榜樣
#太 3:15; 約 15:20; 腓 2:5-8; 來 5:8|
- 天使順服上帝的命令
#詩 103:20|
- 是聖徒的特徵
#彼前 1:14|
- 聖徒蒙揀選, 為要順服上帝
#彼前 1:2|
- 順服上帝是義務
#徒 4:19,20; 5:29|
- 勸勉人順服上帝
#耶 26:13; 38:20|
- 應當是
. 發自內心的
#申 11:13; 羅 6:17|
. 心甘情願的
#詩 18:44; 賽 1:19|
. 毫無保留的
#書 22:2,3|
. 不偏不倚的
#申 28:14|
. 恆常不變的
#腓 2:12|
- 當下定決心順從上帝
#出 24:7; 書 24:24|
- 當承認你未能聽從上帝
#但 9:10|
- 當預備心順從上帝
#撒上 7:3; 拉 7:10|
- 當祈求受教順服上帝
#詩 119:35; 143:10|
- 聽從上帝所帶來的應許
#出 23:22; 撒上 12:14; 賽 1:19; 耶 7:23|
- 在末後的日子, 全地都要順從上帝
#但 7:27|
- 順從上帝的有福了
#申 11:27; 28:1-13; 路 11:28; 雅 1:25|
- 惡人不肯順從上帝
#出 5:2; 尼 9:17|
- 拒絕順從上帝的懲罰
#申 11:28; 28:15-68; 書 5:6; 賽 1:20|
- 例子
. 挪亞
#創 6:22|
. 亞伯蘭
#創 12:1-4; 來 11:8; 創 22:3,12|
. 以色列人
#出 12:28; 24:7|
. 迦勒等人
#民 32:12|
. 亞撒
#王上 15:11|
. 以利亞
#王上 17:5|
. 希西家
#王下 18:6|
. 約西亞
#王下 22:2|
. 大衛
#詩 119:106|
. 所羅巴伯
#該 1:12|
. 約瑟
#太 1:24|
. 東方的博士
#太 2:12|
. 撒迦利亞等人
#路 1:6|
. 保羅
#徒 26:19|
. 羅馬的聖徒
#羅 16:19|
- Commanded #De 13:4|
- Without faith, is impossible #Heb 11:6|
- INCLUDES . Obeying his voice #Ex 19:5; Jer 7:23|
. Obeying his law #De 11:27; Isa 42:24|
. Obeying Christ #Ex 23:21; 2Co 10:5|
. Obeying the gospel #Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16,17|
. Keeping his commandments #Ec 12:13|
. Submission to higher powers #Ro 13:1|
- Better than sacrifice #1Sa 15:22|
- Justification obtained by that of Christ #Ro 5:19|
- Christ, an example of #Mt 3:15; Joh 15:20; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8|
- Angels engaged in #Ps 103:20|
- A characteristic of saints #1Pe 1:14|
- Saints elected to #1Pe 1:2|
- Obligations to #Ac 4:19,20; 5:29|
- Exhortations to #Jer 26:13; 38:20|
- SHOULD BE . From the heart #De 11:13; Ro 6:17|
. With willingness #Ps 18:44; Isa 1:19|
. Unreserved #Jos 22:2,3|
. Undeviating #De 28:14|
. Constant #Php 2:12|
- Resolve upon #Ex 24:7; Jos 24:24|
- Confess your failure in #Da 9:10|
- Prepare the heart for #1Sa 7:3; Ezr 7:10|
- Pray to be taught #Ps 119:35; 143:10|
- Promises to #Ex 23:22; 1Sa 12:14; Isa 1:19; Jer 7:23|
- To be universal in the latter days #Da 7:27|
- Blessedness of #De 11:27; 28:1-13; Lu 11:28; Jas 1:25|
- The wicked refuse #Ex 5:2; Ne 9:17|
- Punishment of refusing #De 11:28; 28:15-68; Jos 5:6; Isa 1:20|
- Exemplified . Noah #Ge 6:22|
. Abram #Ge 12:1-4; Heb 11:8; Ge 22:3,12|
. Israelites #Ex 12:28; 24:7|
. Caleb &c #Nu 32:12|
. Asa #1Ki 15:11|
. Elijah #1Ki 17:5|
. Hezekiah #2Ki 18:6|
. Josiah #2Ki 22:2|
. David #Ps 119:106|
. Zerubbabel #Hag 1:12|
. Joseph #Mt 1:24|
. Wise men #Mt 2:12|
. Zacharias &c #Lu 1:6|
. Paul #Ac 26:19|
. Saints of Rome #Ro 16:19|
不順服上帝 |
Disobedience to God |
- 惹動祂的怒氣
#詩 78:10,40; 賽 3:8|
- 喪失祂的恩寵
#撒上 13:14|
- 喪失祂所應許的祝福
#書 5:6; 撒上 2:30; 耶 18:10|
- 帶來咒詛
#申 11:28; 28:15|
- 是惡人的特色
#弗 2:2; 多 1:16; 3:3|
- 惡人堅持不順服上帝
#耶 2:21|
- 說明不順服上帝的十惡不赦
#耶 35:14|
- 人類傾向於為己脫罪
#創 3:12,13|
- 將受懲罰
#賽 42:24,25; 來 2:2|
- 要承認不順服上帝的懲罰是公正的
#尼 9:32,33; 但 9:10,11,14|
- 警戒人不可悖逆上帝
#撒上 12:15; 耶 12:17|
- 說明不順服上帝的苦果
#耶 9:13,15|
- 例子
. 亞當與夏娃
#創 3:6,11|
. 法老
#出 5:2|
. 拿答
#利 10:1|
. 摩西
#民 20:8,11,24|
. 掃羅
#撒上 28:18|
. 先知
#王上 13:20-23|
. 以色列人
#王下 18:9-12|
. 約拿
#拿 1:2,3|
- Provokes his anger #Ps 78:10,40; Isa 3:8|
- Forfeits his favour #1Sa 13:14|
- Forfeits his promised blessings #Jos 5:6; 1Sa 2:30; Jer 18:10|
- Brings a curse #De 11:28; 28:15|
- A characteristic of the wicked #Eph 2:2; Tit 1:16; 3:3|
- The wicked persevere in #Jer 2:21|
- Heinousness of, illustrated #Jer 35:14|
- Men prone to excuse #Ge 3:12,13|
- Shall be punished #Isa 42:24,25; Heb 2:2|
- Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just #Ne 9:32,33; Da 9:10,11,14|
- Warnings against #1Sa 12:15; Jer 12:17|
- Bitter results of, illustrated #Jer 9:13,15|
- Exemplified . Adam and Eve #Ge 3:6,11|
. Pharaoh #Ex 5:2|
. Nadab, &c #Le 10:1|
. Moses, &c #Nu 20:8,11,24|
. Saul #1Sa 28:18|
. The prophet #1Ki 13:20-23|
. Israel #2Ki 18:9-12|
. Jonah #Jon 1:2,3|
中文 |
英文 |
Obed |
Obed-Edom |
中文 |
英文 |
中文翻譯 |
Obed |
a servant; workman
Obed-edom |
servant of Edom
Obed |
a servant; workman
Obed-edom |
servant of Edom
中文 |
英文 |
中文 |
英文 |
Lobed |
Robed |
Bilobed |
Enrobed |
Disrobed |
Obedient |
Conglobed |
Fivelobed |
順服 |
Obedience |
Two-lobed |