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每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: SECU

中文註解 英文註解
#徒 20:4-6|


-(A Thessalonian Christian)
-Accompanies Paul from Corinth
#Ac 20:4-6|

#創 3:15; 詩 2:1-5; 22:1,2,6-8,11-21; 69:1-21; 109:25|
#賽 49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53:2-5,7-10; 彌 5:1; 太 2:13; 11:19|
#12:14,24; 16:1; 20:22; 22:15; 26:3,4,14-16,59,67|
#27:25-30,39-44; 可 3:6,21,22; 11:18; 12:13; 14:1,48,65|
#可 15:14,34; 16:17; 路 4:28,29; 6:11; 7:34; 11:15,53,54; 12:50|
#路 13:31; 19:14,47; 20:20; 22:2-5,52,53,63-65; 23:11,23|
#約 5:16; 7:1,7,19,20,30,32; 8:37,40,48,52,59; 10:20,31,39|
#約 11:57; 14:30; 15:18,20,21,24,25; 18:22,23,29,30; 19:6,15|
#徒 2:23; 3:13-15; 4:27; 7:52; 13:27-29; 來 12:2,3; 彼前 4:1|

#創 49:23; 伯 1:9; 2:4,5; 12:4,5; 詩 11:2; 37:32; 38:20|
#詩 42:3,10; 44:15-18,22; 56:5; 69:10,12; 74:7,8; 94:5|
#詩 119:51,61,69,78,85-87,95,110,157,161; 箴 29:10,27|
#賽 26:20; 29:20,21; 51:12,13; 59:15; 耶 2:30; 11:19; 15:10|
#耶 18:18; 20:7,8; 26:11-14; 50:7; 摩 5:10; 哈 1:13|
#太 5:10-12,44; 10:16-18,21-23,28; 20:22,23; 23:34,35; 24:8-10|
#可 9:42; 13:9,11-13; 路 6:22,23,26; 17:33; 21:12-19|
#約 12:42; 15:18,19; 16:1,2; 17:14; 徒 4:16-20; 5:29,40-42|
#徒 7:52; 8:4; 28:22; 羅 8:17,35-37; 林前 4:9-13; 13:3|
#林後 4:8-12; 6:4,5,8-10; 11:23-27; 12:10; 加 4:29; 6:12,17|
#腓 1:12-14,28,29; 西 1:24; 帖前 1:6; 2:2,14,15; 帖後 1:4|
#提後 1:8,12; 2:9-12; 3:2,3,12; 4:16,17; 來 10:32-34|
#來 11:25-27,33-38; 12:3,4; 13:13; 雅 2:6; 5:6,10|
#彼前 3:14,16,17; 4:3,4,12-14,16,19; 約一 3:1,13; 啟 2:3,10,13|
#啟 6:9-11; 7:13-17; 12:11; 17:6; 20:4|
#哀 1:3|
#徒 8:1,4; 11:19-21; 腓 1:12-14|
#詩 124; 129:1,2|

#創 4:8; 太 23:35; 約一 3:12|
#創 19:9|
#出 2:15; 17:4|
#詩 31:13; 59:1,2|
#王上 18:4|
#士 6:28-32|
#王上 18:10; 19; 王下 1:9; 2:23|
#王上 22:26; 代下 18:26|
#王下 6:31|
#代下 16:7,10|
#代下 24:21; 太 23:35|
#伯 13:4-13; 16:1-4; 17:2; 19:1-5; 30:1-10|
#耶 15:10,15; 17:15-18; 18:18-23; 26:1-24; 32:2; 33:1; 36:26|
#37:1-21; 38:1-6|
#耶 26:23|
#太 21:35,36|
.三個被擄的年輕猶太人 (沙得拉、米煞、亞伯尼歌)
#但 3:8-23|
#但 6|
#拉 4; 尼 4|
#太 14:3-12|
#徒 12:2|
#可 15:21|
#約 9:22,34; 20:19|
#約 12:10|
#徒 4:3-18; 5:18-42; 12:1-19; 啟 1:9|
#徒 6:9-15; 7:1-60|
.基督教會 (基督的身體)
#徒 8:1; 9:1-14; 加 1:13|
#來 13:23|
#啟 1:9|
#啟 2:13|
#啟 2:8-10|

#Ge 3:15; Ps 2:1-5; 22:1,2,6-8,11-21; 69:1-21; 109:25; Isa
49:7; 50:6; 52:14; 53:2-5,7-10; Mic 5:1; Mt 2:13; 11:19;
12:14,24; 16:1; 20:22; 22:15; 26:3,4,14-16,59,67;
27:25-30,39-44; Mr 3:6,21,22; 11:18; 12:13; 14:1,48,65;
15:14,34; 16:17; Lu 4:28,29; 6:11; 7:34; 11:15,53,54; 12:50;
13:31; 19:14,47; 20:20; 22:2-5,52,53,63-65; 23:11,23; Joh
5:16; 7:1,7,19,20,30,32; 8:37,40,48,52,59; 10:20,31,39;
11:57; 14:30; 15:18,20,21,24,25; 18:22,23,29,30; 19:6,15; Ac
2:23; 3:13-15; 4:27; 7:52; 13:27-29; Heb 12:2,3; 1Pe 4:1|

#Ge 49:23; Job 1:9; 2:4,5; 12:4,5; Ps 11:2; 37:32; 38:20;
42:3,10; 44:15-18,22; 56:5; 69:10,12; 74:7,8; 94:5;
119:51,61,69,78,85-87,95,110,157,161; Pr 29:10,27; Isa
26:20; 29:20,21; 51:12,13; 59:15; Jer 2:30; 11:19; 15:10;
18:18; 20:7,8; 26:11-14; 50:7; Am 5:10; Hab 1:13; Mt
5:10-12,44; 10:16-18,21-23,28; 20:22,23; 23:34,35; 24:8-10;
Mr 9:42; 13:9,11-13; Lu 6:22,23,26; 17:33; 21:12-19; Joh
12:42; 15:18,19; 16:1,2; 17:14; Ac 4:16-20; 5:29,40-42;
7:52; 8:4; 28:22; Ro 8:17,35-37; 1Co 4:9-13; 13:3; 2Co
4:8-12; 6:4,5,8-10; 11:23-27; 12:10; Ga 4:29; 6:12,17; Php
1:12-14,28,29; Col 1:24; 1Th 1:6; 2:2,14,15; 2Th 1:4; 2Ti
1:8,12; 2:9-12; 3:2,3,12; 4:16,17; Heb 10:32-34;
11:25-27,33-38; 12:3,4; 13:13; Jas 2:6; 5:6,10; 1Pe
3:14,16,17; 4:3,4,12-14,16,19; 1Jo 3:1,13; Re 2:3,10,13;
6:9-11; 7:13-17; 12:11; 17:6; 20:4|
.A mode of divine chastisement
#La 1:3|
.Diffuses the gospel
#Ac 8:1,4; 11:19-21; Php 1:12-14|
.Deliverance from
#Ps 124; 129:1,2|

.Of Abel
#Ge 4:8; Mt 23:35; 1Jo 3:12|
.Of Lot
#Ge 19:9|
.Of Moses
#Ex 2:15; 17:4|
.Of David
#Ps 31:13; 59:1,2|
.Of prophets martyred by Jezebel
#1Ki 18:4|
.Of Gideon
#Jud 6:28-32|
.Of Elijah
#1Ki 18:10; 19; 2Ki 1:9; 2:23|
.Of Micaiah
#1Ki 22:26; 2Ch 18:26|
.Of Elisha
#2Ki 6:31|
.Of Hanani
#2Ch 16:10|
.Of Zachariah
#2Ch 24:21; Mt 23:35|
.Of Job
#Job 13:4-13; 16:1-4; 17:2; 19:1-5; 30:1-10|
.Of Jeremiah
#Jer 15:10,15; 17:15-18; 18:18-23; 26; 32:2; 33:1; 36:26;
37; 38:1-6|
.Of Urijah
#Jer 26:23|
.Of prophets
#Mt 21:35,36|
.Of the three Hebrew young men (Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abed-nego) of the captivity
#Da 3:8-23|
.Of Daniel
#Da 6|
.Of the Jews
#Ezr 4; Ne 4|
.Of John the Baptist
#Mt 14:3-12|
.Of James
#Ac 12:2|
.Of Simon
#Mr 15:21|
.Of the disciples
#Joh 9:22,34; 20:19|
.Of Lazarus
#Joh 12:10|
.Of the apostles
#Ac 4:3-18; 5:18-42; 12:1-19; Re 1:9|
.Of Stephen
#Ac 6:9-15; 7|
.Of the ekklesia (body of Christ)
#Ac 8:1; 9:1-14; Ga 1:13|
.Of Timothy
#Heb 13:23|
.Of John
#Re 1:9|
.Of Antipas
#Re 2:13|
.Of the congregation at Smyrna
#Re 2:8-10|

安全感/抵押品 SECURITY


.來自為非作歹的罪; 應許給人平安、長壽
#伯 29:18|
#詩 10:4; 50:21|
#賽 28:15; 啟 3:17|
#賽 47:7|
#耶 49:4,16|
#俄 1:3; 啟 18:7|
#摩 6:3|
#傳 8:11|
#賽 28:17|
#賽 47:9; 摩 9:10|
#耶 21:13; 結 39:6; 摩 6:1|
.見[!自信/信任!], 虛妄的自信



.From the evils of sin; promises peace and a long life
#Job 29:18|
.Is ignorant of God and truth
#Ps 10:4; 50:21|
.Trusts in lies
#Isa 28:15; Re 3:17|
.Is inconsiderate and forgetful
#Isa 47:7|
.Relies on earthly treasures
#Jer 49:4,16|
.Is deceived by pride
#Ob 1:3; Re 18:7|
.Puts off the evil day
#Am 6:3|
.Leads to increased guilt
#Ec 8:11|
.Its refuges will be scattered
#Isa 28:17|
.Ruin will overtake it
#Isa 47:9; Am 9:10|
.God is against it
#Jer 21:13; Eze 39:6; Am 6:1|

中文註解 英文註解
逼迫 Persecution
- 耶穌受過逼迫
#詩 69:26; 約 5:16|

- 耶穌甘願忍受逼迫
#賽 50:6|

- 基督受逼迫時是忍耐的
#賽 53:7|

- 聖徒可以預期有逼迫的事
#可 10:30; 路 21:12; 約 15:20|

- 聖徒為了上帝的緣故遭受逼迫
#耶 15:15|

- 逼迫聖徒就是逼迫基督
#亞 2:8; 徒 9:4,5|

- 所有在基督裡敬虔度日的人, 將遭受逼迫
#提後 3:12|

- 來自
. 不認識上帝與基督
#約 16:3|

. 恨惡上帝與基督
#約 15:20,24|

. 恨惡福音
#太 13:21|

. 驕傲
#詩 10:2|

. 錯誤的熱心
#徒 13:50; 26:9-11|

- 與福音的精神不協調
#太 26:52|

- 人本質上是慣於逼迫的
#加 4:29|

- 傳福音的人容易遭受逼迫
#加 5:11|

- 有時致人於死
#徒 22:4|

- 上帝不撇棄受逼迫的聖徒
#林後 4:9|

- 上帝拯救人脫離逼迫
#但 3:25,28; 林後 1:10; 提後 3:11|

- 不能使人與基督隔絕
#羅 8:35|

- 可以用合法的手段避開逼迫
#太 2:13; 10:23; 12:14,15|

- 遭受逼迫的聖徒, 應當
. 委身於上帝
#彼前 4:19|

. 展現忍耐的心
#林前 4:12|

. 歡欣
#太 5:12; 彼前 4:13|

. 榮耀上帝
#彼前 4:16|

. 祈求得拯救
#詩 7:1; 119:86|

. 為逼迫他們的人禱告
#太 5:44|

. 以祝福回報逼迫
#羅 12:14|

- 受逼迫時, 指望未來福分的安慰話語
#林前 15:19,32; 來 10:34,35|

- 為基督的緣故忍受逼迫的人有福了
#太 5:10; 路 6:22|

- 當為受逼迫的人禱告
#帖後 3:2|

- 假冒為善者無法忍受逼迫
#太 4:17|

- 假師傅畏避逼迫
#加 6:12|

- 惡人
. 習於逼迫人
#詩 10:2; 69:26|

. 積極逼迫人
#詩 143:3; 哀 4:19|

. 彼此慫恿逼迫人
#詩 71:11|

. 因順利逼迫人就歡喜
#詩 13:4; 啟 11:10|

. 逼迫人的懲罰
#詩 7:13; 帖後 1:6|

. 說明
#太 21:33-39|

- 有逼迫特質的人-例子
. 法老等人
#出 1:8-14|

. 掃羅
#撒上 26:18|

. 耶洗別
#王上 19:2|

. 西底家等人
#耶 38:4-6|

. 迦勒底人
#但 3:8-30|

. 法利賽人
#太 12:14|

. 猶太人
#約 5:16; 帖前 2:15|

. 希律
#徒 12:1|

. 外邦人
#徒 14:5|

. 保羅
#腓 3:6; 提前 1:13|

- 受逼迫的人-例子
. 米該雅
#王上 22:27|

. 大衛
#詩 119:161|

. 耶利米
#耶 32:2|

. 但以理
#但 6:5-17|

. 彼得等人
#徒 4:3|

. 使徒
#徒 5:18|

. 先知
#徒 7:52|

. 教會
#徒 8:1|

. 保羅和巴拿巴
#徒 13:50|

. 保羅和西拉
#徒 16:23|

. 希伯來人
#來 10:33|

. 從前的聖徒
#來 11:36|


- Christ suffered
#Ps 69:26; Joh 5:16|

- Christ voluntarily submitted to
#Isa 50:6|

- Christ was patient under
#Isa 53:7|

- Saints may expect
#Mr 10:30; Lu 21:12; Joh 15:20|

- Saints suffer, for the sake of God
#Jer 15:15|

- Of saints, is a persecution of Christ
#Zec 2:8; Ac 9:4,5|

- All that live godly in Christ, shall suffer
#2Ti 3:12|

. Ignorance of God and Christ
#Joh 16:3|

. Hated to God and Christ
#Joh 15:20,24|

. Hatred to the gospel
#Mt 13:21|

. Pride
#Ps 10:2|

. Mistaken zeal
#Ac 13:50; 26:9-11|

- Is inconsistent with the spirit of the gospel
#Mt 26:52|

- Men by nature addicted to
#Ga 4:29|

- Preacher of the gospel subject to
#Ga 5:11|

- Is sometimes to death
#Ac 22:4|

- God forsakes not his saints under
#2Co 4:9|

- God delivers out of
#Da 3:25,28; 2Co 1:10; 2Ti 3:11|

- Cannot separated from Christ
#Ro 8:35|

- Lawful means may be used to escape
#Mt 2:13; 10:23; 12:14,15|

. Commit themselves to God
#1Pe 4:19|

. Exhibit patience
#1Co 4:12|

. Rejoice
#Mt 5:12; 1Pe 4:13|

. Glorify God
#1Pe 4:16|

. Pray for deliverance
#Ps 7:1; 119:86|

. Pray for those who inflict
#Mt 5:44|

. Return blessing for
#Ro 12:14|

- The hope of future blessedness supports under
#1Co 15:19,32; Heb 10:34,35|

- Blessedness of enduring, for Christ's sake
#Mt 5:10; Lu 6:22|

- Pray for those suffering
#2Th 3:2|

- Hypocrites cannot endure
#Mt 4:17|

- False teachers shrink from
#Ga 6:12|

. Addicted to
#Ps 10:2; 69:26|

. Active in
#Ps 143:3; La 4:19|

. Encourage each other in
#Ps 71:11|

. Rejoice in its success
#Ps 13:4; Re 11:10|

. Punishment for
#Ps 7:13; 2Th 1:6|

. Illustrated
#Mt 21:33-39|

- Spirit of-Exemplified
. Pharaoh &c
#Ex 1:8-14|

. Saul
#1Sa 26:18|

. Jezebel
#1Ki 19:2|

. Zedekiah &c
#Jer 38:4-6|

. Chaldeans
#Da 3:8-30|

. Pharisees
#Mt 12:14|

. Jews
#Joh 5:16; 1Th 2:15|

. Herod
#Ac 12:1|

. Gentiles
#Ac 14:5|

. Paul
#Php 3:6; 1Ti 1:13|

- Suffering of-Exemplified
. Micaiah
#1Ki 22:27|

. David
#Ps 119:161|

. Jeremiah
#Jer 32:2|

. Daniel
#Da 6:5-17|

. Peter &c
#Ac 4:3|

. Apostles
#Ac 5:18|

. The Prophets
#Ac 7:52|

. The Church
#Ac 8:1|

. Paul and Barnabas
#Ac 13:50|

. Paul and Silas
#Ac 16:23|

. Hebrews
#Heb 10:33|

. Saints of old
#Heb 11:36|

中文 英文
SECU International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
SECUNDUS International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
PERSECUTION International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
SECURE; SECURITY International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

中文 英文

中文 英文
Secundus Smith Bible Dictionary

中文 英文 中文翻譯
Secundus second 第二
Secundus second 第二

中文 英文
Persecute To pursue after in order to overtake.The wicked in his pride doth PERSECUTE the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. ( Psalm 10:2-3 )

中文 英文
保護 Secure
現世的,世俗的 Secular
安全感/抵押品 Security

