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搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: 詭詐

中文註解 英文註解
#詩 119:118|

#羅 3:13|

#可 7:22|

#耶 17:9|

#詩 5:6|

#箴 24:28; 彼前 3:10|

#賽 53:9; with 彼前 2:22|

#詩 24:4; 番 3:13; 啟 14:5|
#伯 27:4|
#伯 31:5|
#詩 101:7|
.祈求蒙拯救, 脫離詭詐的人
#詩 43:1; 120:2|
.蒙拯救, 脫離詭詐的人
#詩 72:14|
#弗 5:6; 西 2:8|
#彼前 2:1|

#林後 4:2; 帖前 2:3|

#羅 1:29|

#詩 35:20; 38:12; 箴 12:5|

#詩 10:7; 36:3|

#箴 11:18|

#提後 3:13|

#耶 9:5|

#耶 37:9; 俄 1:3-7|

#箴 20:17|

#林後 11:13|

#耶 14:14; 23:26|

#羅 16:18; 弗 4:14|

#彼後 2:13|

#伯 15:35|

#何 11:12|

#箴 12:17|

#約二 1:7|

#帖後 2:10|

#耶 9:6|

#耶 8:5|

#耶 5:27,28|
#箴 14:25|

#詩 10:7; 43:1|

#箴 26:24-26|

#箴 14:8|

#箴 27:6|

#詩 24:4,5; 32:2|

#詩 55:23; 耶 9:7-9|

-見[!自信/信任!], 虛妄的自信

-見 欺騙




-Is falsehood
#Ps 119:118|

-The tongue is an instrument of
#Ro 3:13|

-Comes from the heart
#Mr 7:22|

-Characteristic of the heart
#Jer 17:9|

-God abhors
#Ps 5:6|

#Pr 24:28; 1Pe 3:10|

-Christ was perfectly free from
#Isa 53:9; with 1Pe 2:22|

.Free from
#Ps 24:4; Zep 3:13; Re 14:5|
.Purpose against
#Job 27:4|
#Job 31:5|
.Shun those addicted to
#Ps 101:7|
.Pray for deliverance from those who use
#Ps 43:1; 120:2|
.Delivered from those who use
#Ps 72:14|
.Should beware of those who teach
#Eph 5:6; Col 2:8|
.Should lay aside, in seeking truth
#1Pe 2:1|

-Ministers should lay aside
#2Co 4:2; 1Th 2:3|

-The wicked are full of
#Ro 1:29|

#Ps 35:20; 38:12; Pr 12:5|

#Ps 10:7; 36:3|

#Pr 11:18|

-Increase in
#2Ti 3:13|

-Use, to each other
#Jer 9:5|

-Use, to themselves
#Jer 37:9; Ob 1:3-7|

-Delight in
#Pr 20:17|

-False teachers are workers of
#2Co 11:13|

#Jer 14:14; 23:26|

-Impose on others by
#Ro 16:18; Eph 4:14|

-Sport themselves with
#2Pe 2:13|

-Hypocrites devise
#Job 15:35|

-Hypocrites practice
#Ho 11:12|

-False witnesses use
#Pr 12:17|

-A characteristic of antichrist
#2Jo 1:7|

-Characteristic of the apostasy
#2Th 2:10|

-Evil of
.Hinders knowledge of God
#Jer 9:6|

-Keeps from turning to God
#Jer 8:5|

.To pride and oppression
#Jer 5:27,28|
.To lying
#Pr 14:25|

-Often accompanied by fraud and injustice
#Ps 10:7; 43:1|

-Hatred often concealed by
#Pr 26:24-26|

-The folly of fools is
#Pr 14:8|

-The kisses of an enemy are
#Pr 27:6|

-Blessedness of being free from
#Ps 24:4,5; 32:2|

-Punishment of
#Ps 55:23; Jer 9:7-9|






中文註解 英文註解
詭詐 Deceit
- 是虛假的
#詩 119:118|

- 舌頭是詭詐的工具
#羅 3:13|

- 由心發出
#可 7:22|

- 人心的特徵
#耶 17:9|

- 上帝憎惡
#詩 5:6|

- 被禁止
#箴 24:28; 彼前 3:10|

- 基督完全沒有詭詐
#賽 53:9; 彼前 2:22|

- 聖徒
. 不懷詭詐
#詩 24:4; 番 3:13; 啟 14:5|

. 定意要遠離詭詐
#伯 27:4|

. 避免詭詐
#伯 31:5|

. 避開習於詭詐的人
#詩 101:7|

. 祈求上帝救自己脫離詭詐的人
#詩 43:1; 120:2|

. 得以脫離詭詐的人
#詩 72:14|

. 應當留意教人詭詐的人
#弗 5:6; 西 2:8|

. 尋求真理時, 應當放下詭詐
#彼前 2:1|

- 牧者應當放下詭詐
#林後 4:2; 帖前 2:3|

- 惡人
. 充滿詭詐
#羅 1:29|

. 圖謀不軌
#詩 35:20; 38:12; 箴 12:5|

. 講詭詐的言語
#詩 10:7; 36:3|

. 行為是詭詐
#箴 11:18|

. 愈發詭詐
#提後 3:13|

. 以虛假相待
#耶 9:5|

. 欺騙自己
#耶 37:9; 俄 3:7|

. 以欺詐為樂
#箴 20:17|

- 假師傅
. 行事詭詐
#林後 11:13|

. 傳講詭詐
#耶 14:14; 23:26|

. 把詭詐強加於他人身上
#羅 16:18; 弗 4:14|

. 炫耀自己的詭詐
#彼後 2:13|

- 偽君子圖謀不軌
#伯 15:35|

- 偽君子身體力行詭詐
#何 11:12|

- 假見證人口吐謊言
#箴 12:17; 14:5|

- 敵基督的特徵
#約二 1:7|

- 離棄真道者的特徵
#帖後 2:10|

- 詭詐的禍害
. 使人不認識上帝
#耶 9:6|

. 使人不歸向上帝
#耶 8:5|

. 導致傲慢與壓制
#耶 5:27,28|

. 導致說謊
#箴 14:25|

- 常伴隨著欺騙與不義
#詩 10:7; 43:1|

- 怨恨常被人以詭詐隱藏
#箴 26:24-28|

- 愚人的愚妄就是詭詐
#箴 14:8|

- 仇人的親嘴是詭計
#箴 27:6|

- 不受詭詐轄制的有福了
#詩 24:4,5; 32:2|

- 詭詐的懲罰
#詩 55:23; 耶 9:7-9|

- 例子
. 魔鬼
#創 3:1,4,5; 約 8:44|

. 利百加與雅各
#創 27:9,19|

. 拉班
#創 31:7|

. 約瑟的兄弟
#創 37:31,32|

. 法老王
#出 8:29|

. 大衛
#撒上 21:13|

. 約伯的朋友
#伯 6:15|

. 多益
#詩 52:1,2|

. 希律王
#太 2:8|

. 法利賽人
#太 22:16|

. 祭司長
#可 14:1|

- Is falsehood
#Ps 119:118|

- The tongue, the instrument of
#Ro 3:13|

- Comes from the heart
#Mr 7:22|

- Characteristic of the heart
#Jer 17:9|

- God abhors
#Ps 5:6|

- Forbidden
#Pr 24:28; 1Pe 3:10|

- Christ was perfectly free from
#Isa 53:9; 1Pe 2:22|

. Free from
#Ps 24:4; Zep 3:13; Re 14:5|

. Purposed against
#Job 27:4|

. Avoid
#Job 31:5|

. Shun those addicted to
#Ps 101:7|

. Pray for deliverance from those who use
#Ps 43:1; 120:2|

. Delivered from those who use
#Ps 72:14|

. Should beware of those who teach
#Eph 5:6; Col 2:8|

. Should lay aside, in seeking truth
#1Pe 2:1|

- Ministers should lay aside
#2Co 4:2; 1Th 2:3|

. Are full of
#Ro 1:29|

. Devise
#Ps 35:20; 38:12; Pr 12:5|

. Utter
#Ps 10:7; 36:3|

. Work
#Pr 11:18|

. Increase in
#2Ti 3:13|

. Use, to each other
#Jer 9:5|

. Use, to themselves
#Jer 37:9; Ob 3:7|

. Delight in
#Pr 20:17|

. Are workers of
#2Co 11:13|

. Preach
#Jer 14:14; 23:26|

. Impose on others by
#Ro 16:18; Eph 4:14|

. Sport themselves with
#2Pe 2:13|

- Hypocrites devise
#Job 15:35|

- Hypocrites practise
#Ho 11:12|

- False witnesses use
#Pr 12:17; 14:5|

- A characteristic of Antichrist
#2Jo 1:7|

- A characteristic of the Apostasy
#2Th 2:10|

. Keeps from knowledge of God
#Jer 9:6|

. Keeps from turning to God
#Jer 8:5|

. Leads to pride and oppression
#Jer 5:27,28|

. Leads to lying
#Pr 14:25|

- Often accompanied by fraud and injustice
#Ps 10:7; 43:1|

- Hatred often concealed by
#Pr 26:24-28|

- The folly of fools is
#Pr 14:8|

- The kisses of an enemy are
#Pr 27:6|

- Blessedness of being free from
#Ps 24:4,5; 32:2|

- Punishment of
#Ps 55:23; Jer 9:7-9|

- Exemplified
. The devil
#Ge 3:1,4,5; Joh 8:44|

. Rebecca and Jacob
#Ge 27:9,19|

. Laban
#Ge 31:7|

. Joseph's brothers
#Ge 37:31,32|

. Pharaoh
#Ex 8:29|

. David
#1Sa 21:13|

. Job's friends
#Job 6:15|

. Doeg
#Ps 52:1,2|

. Herod
#Mt 2:8|

. Pharisees
#Mt 22:16|

. Chief Priests
#Mr 14:1|

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