葬禮 |
Burial |
- 可能的起源
#創 4:9,10|
- 安葬的構思
#創 23:3,4|
- 參與成員
. 亡者家屬
#創 50:5,6,8; 太 8:21|
. 許多朋友
#創 50:7,9; 撒下 3:31; 路 7:12|
. 女性友人
#可 15:47; 路 7:13|
. 雇來的孝女
#耶 9:17,18|
. 葬禮上眾人哀痛逾恆
#創 50:10,11; 撒下 3:31,32|
- 有時葬禮上有人演講
#撒下 3:33,34|
- 屍體
. 事先清洗過
#徒 9:37|
. 為安葬而膏抹
#太 26:12|
. 為安葬而用細麻布裹住
#約 11:44; 19:40|
. 用香料防腐
#約 19:39,40|
. 有時葬禮前先火化
#撒上 31:12|
. 以棺材搬運
#撒下 3:31; 路 7:14|
- 喪禮上會焚燒香料
#代下 16:14; 耶 34:5|
- 葬禮用的棺材由來已久
#創 50:26|
- 常常是人死後立刻安葬
#約 11:17,39; 徒 5:6,10|
- 以香料薰過的屍體, 延後七十天才安葬
#創 50:3,4|
- 吊死的人, 一定要在執行死刑當天安葬
#申 21:23; 約 19:31|
- 萬國皆以為是
#士 16:31; 約 19:38|
- 敵人的葬禮, 有時由征服者執行
#王上 11:15; 結 39:11-14|
- 安葬沒有朋友的人, 是仁慈的舉動
#撒下 2:5|
- 用來安葬的地方
. 天然洞穴
#創 23:19; 約 11:38|
. 從岩石中鑿出來的洞穴
#賽 22:16; 太 27:60|
. 園子
#王下 21:18,26; 約 19:41|
. 樹下
#創 35:8; 撒上 31:13|
. 小山山頂
#書 24:33; 王下 23:16|
. 亡者家裡
#撒上 25:1; 王上 2:34|
. 大衛城是猶大諸王的安葬所
#王上 2:10; 代下 21:20; 24:16|
- 買地做為安葬之用, 由來已久
#創 23:7-16|
- 安葬之地
. 生前就屢次預備並指明
#創 50:5; 代下 16:14; 太 27:60|
. 同一家族的人葬於同一墓地
#創 25:10; 49:31; 撒下 2:32|
. 備受尊崇
#尼 2:3,5|
. 提供給一般百姓
#耶 26:23|
. 提供給外國人和陌生人
#太 27:7|
. 悲痛的友人前來誌哀
#約 11:31|
. 墳上立了碑
#創 35:20|
. 墳上立了墓碑
#太 23:27-29|
. 有時墳上有碑文
#王下 23:17|
. 有時不醒目
#路 11:44|
. 罪犯的墳墓, 特點是堆成一堆
#書 7:26|
. 禮儀上來說是不潔淨的
#民 19:16,18|
. 常常因崇拜偶像而遭褻瀆
#賽 65:3,4|
- 猶太人切盼能葬埋在家族墳墓裡
#創 47:29-31; 49:29,30; 50:25; 撒下 19:37|
- 葬禮完有筵席
#撒下 3:35; 耶 16:7,8; 何 9:4|
- 少了葬禮, 被認為是一種不幸
#傳 6:3|
- 少了葬禮, 預示這是一種懲罰
#王下 9:10; 耶 8:2; 16:4|
- 可恥的葬禮好比是葬驢一樣
#耶 22:19|
- 用來說明新生
#羅 6:4; 西 2:12|
- Probable origin of #Ge 4:9,10|
- Design of #Ge 23:3,4|
- ATTENDED BY . Family of the dead #Ge 50:5,6,8; Mt 8:21|
. Numbers of friends, &c #Ge 50:7,9; 2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:12|
. Female friends #Mr 15:47; Lu 7:13|
. Hired mourners #Jer 9:17,18|
. Great lamentation at #Ge 50:10,11; 2Sa 3:31,32|
- Orations sometimes made at #2Sa 3:33,34|
- THE BODY WAS . Washed before #Ac 9:37|
. Anointed for #Mt 26:12|
. Wound in linen for #Joh 11:44; 19:40|
. Preserved with spices #Joh 19:39,40|
. Sometimes burned before #1Sa 31:12|
. Carried on a bier to #2Sa 3:31; Lu 7:14|
- Perfumes burned at #2Ch 16:14; Jer 34:5|
- Antiquity of coffins for #Ge 50:26|
- Often took place immediately after death #Joh 11:17,39; Ac 5:6,10|
- Of persons embalmed, deferred for seventy days #Ge 50:3,4|
- Of persons hanged, always on the days of execution #De 21:23; Joh 19:31|
- The right of all nations #Jud 16:31; Joh 19:38|
- Of enemies, sometimes performed by the conquerors #1Ki 11:15; Eze 39:11-14|
- Of the friendless, a kind act #2Sa 2:5|
- PLACES USED FOR . Natural caves #Ge 23:19; Joh 11:38|
. Caves hewn out of rocks #Isa 22:16; Mt 27:60|
. Gardens #2Ki 21:18,26; Joh 19:41|
. Under trees #Ge 35:8; 1Sa 31:13|
. Tops of the hills #Jos 24:33; 2Ki 23:16|
. Houses of the deceased #1Sa 25:1; 1Ki 2:34|
. The city of David for the kings of Judah #1Ki 2:10; 2Ch 21:20; 24:16|
- Antiquity of purchasing places for #Ge 23:7-16|
- PLACES OF . Frequently prepared and pointed out during life #Ge 50:5; 2Ch 16:14; Mt 27:60|
. Members of a family interred in the same #Ge 25:10; 49:31; 2Sa 2:32|
. Held in high veneration #Ne 2:3,5|
. Provided for the common people #Jer 26:23|
. Provided for aliens and strangers #Mt 27:7|
. Visited by sorrowing friends #Joh 11:31|
. Pillars erected on #Ge 35:20|
. Tombs erected over #Mt 23:27-29|
. Sometimes had inscriptions #2Ki 23:17|
. Sometimes not apparent #Lu 11:44|
. For criminals, marked by heaps #Jos 7:26|
. Were ceremonially unclean #Nu 19:16,18|
. Often desecrated by idolatry #Isa 65:3,4|
- The Jews anxious to be interred in their family places of #Ge 47:29-31; 49:29,30; 50:25; 2Sa 19:37|
- Followed by a feast #2Sa 3:35; Jer 16:7,8; Ho 9:4|
- Privation of, considered a calamity #Ec 6:3|
- Privation of, threatened as a punishment #2Ki 9:10; Jer 8:2; 16:4|
- An ignominious, compared to the burial of an ass #Jer 22:19|
- Illustrative of regeneration #Ro 6:4; Col 2:12|