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搜尋字串: 榮耀

中文註解 英文註解
#詩 3:3; 亞 2:5|

#賽 60:1; 路 2:32|

#林前 2:7|

#林後 3:9,10|

#彼前 1:8|

#詩 84:11|
#約 17:22|
#林後 3:18|

#來 2:10|
#提後 2:10|
#撒上 2:8; 詩 73:24; 箴 3:35; 西 3:4; 彼前 5:10|
#帖後 2:14; 彼前 5:10|
#羅 9:23|
#林後 4:17|
#羅 8:18|
#賽 60:11-13|
#林前 15:43; 腓 3:21|
#帖前 2:19,20|
#弗 3:13|

#但 2:37|
#彼前 1:24|
#太 4:8|
#何 4:7|
#太 6:2; 帖前 2:6|
#腓 3:19|
#賽 5:14|

#約 1:14; 林後 4:6; 來 1:3|
#申 28:58; 尼 9:5|
#伯 37:22; 詩 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; 賽 2:10|
#出 15:1,6; 羅 6:4|
#詩 19:1; 111:3|
#出 15:11|
#詩 138:5|
#詩 104:31|
#弗 3:16|
#詩 8:1; 113:4|
#出 34:5-7; with 33:18-23|
#徒 7:55|
#申 5:24; 詩 102:16|
#賽 60:1,2; 啟 21:11,23|
#詩 63:2; 90:16|
#賽 42:8|
#賽 6:3|
#哈 2:14|


-God is, to his people
#Ps 3:3; Zec 2:5|

-Christ is, to his people
#Isa 60:1; Lu 2:32|

-The gospel ordained to be, to saints
#1Co 2:7|

-Of the gospel exceeds that of the law
#2Co 3:9,10|

-The joy of saints is full of
#1Pe 1:8|

.Is given by God
#Ps 84:11|
.Is given by Christ
#Joh 17:22|
.Is the work of the Holy Spirit
#2Co 3:18|

.Procured by the death of Christ
#Heb 2:10|
.Accompanies salvation by Christ
#2Ti 2:10|
.Inherited by saints
#1Sa 2:8; Ps 73:24; Pr 3:35; Col 3:4; 1Pe 5:10|
.Saints called to
#2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10|
.Saints prepared unto
#Ro 9:23|
.Enhanced by afflictions
#2Co 4:17|
.Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with
#Ro 8:18|
.Of God's people shall be rich and abundant
#Isa 60:11-13|
.The bodies of saints shall be raised in
#1Co 15:43; Php 3:21|
.Saints shall be, of their ministers
#1Th 2:19,20|
.Afflictions of ministers are, to saints
#Eph 3:13|

.Is given by God
#Da 2:37|
.Passes away
#1Pe 1:24|
.The devil tries to seduce by
#Mt 4:8|
.Of hypocrites turned to shame
#Ho 4:7|
.Seek not, from man
#Mt 6:2; 1Th 2:6|
.Of the wicked is in their shame
#Php 3:19|
.Ends in destruction
#Isa 5:14|

.Exhibited in Christ
#Joh 1:14; 2Co 4:6; Heb 1:3|
.Exhibited in his name
#De 28:58; Ne 9:5|
.His majesty
#Job 37:22; Ps 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; Isa 2:10|
.His power
#Ex 15:1,6; Ro 6:4|
.His works
#Ps 19:1; 111:3|
.His holiness
#Ex 15:11|
.Described as great
#Ps 138:5|
#Ps 104:31|
#Eph 3:16|
.Highly exalted
#Ps 8:1; 113:4|
.Exhibited to Moses
#Ex 34:5-7; with 33:18-23|
#Ac 7:55|
.The people of God
#De 5:24; Ps 102:16|
.Enlightens God's people
#Isa 60:1,2; Re 21:11,23|
.Saints desire to behold
#Ps 63:2; 90:16|
.God is jealous of
#Isa 42:8|
.The earth is full of
#Isa 6:3|
.The knowledge of, shall fill the earth
#Hab 2:14|

中文註解 英文註解
榮耀 Glory
- 上帝是其百姓的榮耀
#詩 3:3; 亞 2:5|

- 基督是其百姓的榮耀
#賽 60:1; 路 2:32|

- 福音被預定是聖徒的榮耀
#林前 2:7|

- 榮耀福音理當勝過榮耀律法
#林後 3:9,10|

- 聖徒的喜樂充滿了榮耀
#彼前 1:8|

- 屬靈的榮耀
. 由上帝所賜
#詩 84:11|

. 由基督所賜
#約 17:22|

. 是基督
#約 17:22|

. 是聖靈的果效
#林後 3:18|

- 永恆的榮耀
. 藉著基督的死而獲得
#來 2:10|

. 伴隨著基督的救恩而來
#提後 2:10|

. 由聖徒所繼承
#撒上 2:8; 詩 73:24; 箴 3:35; 西 3:4; 彼前 5:10|

. 聖徒蒙召得著榮耀
#帖後 2:14; 彼前 5:10|

. 聖徒早預備得榮耀
#羅 9:23|

. 藉著現今的患難而加增
#林後 4:17|

. 現今的患難比起榮耀就不算什麼了
#羅 8:18|

- 教會的榮耀將是豐盛而充足的
#賽 60:11-13|

- 聖徒的身體將在榮耀中被提
#林前 15:43; 腓 3:21|

- 聖徒應當是其牧師的榮耀
#帖前 2:19,20|

- 暫時的榮耀
. 由上帝所賜
#但 2:37|

. 會過去
#彼前 1:24|

. 魔鬼企圖以此引誘人類犯罪
#太 4:8|

- 假冒為善之人的榮耀變為羞辱
#何 4:7|

- 切莫尋求從人而來的榮耀
#太 6:2; 帖前 2:6|

- 惡人的榮耀
. 在於其羞辱
#腓 3:19|

. 以滅亡為結果
#賽 5:14|


- God is, to his people
#Ps 3:3; Zec 2:5|

- Christ is, to his people
#Isa 60:1; Lu 2:32|

- The gospel ordained to be, to saints
#1Co 2:7|

- Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law
#2Co 3:9,10|

- The joy of saints is full of
#1Pe 1:8|

. Is given by God
#Ps 84:11|

. Is given by Christ
#Joh 17:22|

. Christ
#Joh 17:22|

. Is the work of the Holy Spirit
#2Co 3:18|

. Procured by the death of Christ
#Heb 2:10|

. Accompanies salvation by Christ
#2Ti 2:10|

. Inherited by saints
#1Sa 2:8; Ps 73:24; Pr 3:35; Col 3:4; 1Pe 5:10|

. Saints called to
#2Th 2:14; 1Pe 5:10|

. Saints afore prepared to
#Ro 9:23|

. Enhanced by present afflictions
#2Co 4:17|

. Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with
#Ro 8:18|

- Of the Church shall be rich and abundant
#Isa 60:11-13|

- The bodies of saints shall be raised in
#1Co 15:43; Php 3:21|

- Saints shall be, of their ministers
#1Th 2:19,20|

. Is given by God
#Da 2:37|

. Passes away
#1Pe 1:24|

. The devil tries to seduce by
#Mt 4:8|

- Of hypocrites turned to shame
#Ho 4:7|

- Seek not, from man
#Mt 6:2; 1Th 2:6|

. Is in their shame
#Php 3:19|

. Ends in destruction
#Isa 5:14|

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