首頁加入會員會員登入點數說明網站地圖聯絡我們奉獻支持 (尚未登入) 愛諾園上線 4月23日 星期二

AI@教會 免費講座
靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: 神蹟

中文註解 英文註解
#創 1|
#創 7; 8:1-22|
#創 11:1-9|
#創 15:17|
#創 17:17; 18:12; 21:2|
#創 19|
#創 19:26|
#創 20:17,18|
#創 21:19|
#創 25:21|
#創 30:22|
#出 3:2|
#出 4:3,4,30; 7:10,12|
#出 4:6,7,30|
#民 16:46-50|
#出 13:21,22; 14:19,20|
#出 14:22|
#出 14:23-30|
#出 15:25|
#出 16:4-31|
#出 16:13|
#出 17:9-13|
#出 34:29-35|
#出 17:5,7|
#出 19:16-20; 24:10,15-17; 申 4:33|
#民 12:10-15|
#民 11:1-3|
#民 16:31-35; 申 11:6,7|
#民 16:46-50|
#民 17:1-9|
#民 20:8-11|
#民 21:6-9|
#利 10:1,2|
#民 22:23-30|
#申 34:7|
#書 3:14-17; 4:16-18|
#書 6:20|
#士 7:16-22|
#書 10:11|
#書 10:12-14|
#士 6:37-40|
#士 14:6; 16:3,29,30|
#士 15:19|
#撒上 5:1-4|
.哺乳的母牛離開牛犢, 把約櫃送回去
#撒上 6:7-14|
#撒上 5:9-12; 6:1-18|
#撒上 6:19,20|
#撒上 12:16-18|
#撒下 6:1-8|
#代上 21:14-26|
#利 9:24|
#士 6:21|
#士 13:19,20|
#代下 7:1|
#王上 18:38|
#王上 13:3-6|
#王下 3:20-22|
#王下 7:6,7|
#王上 17:6|
#王上 19:1-8|
#王上 17:9-16; 路 4:26|
#王上 17:17-24|
.以利亞禱告祈雨, 雨就降下
#王上 18:41-45|
#王下 1:10-12|
#王下 2:8|
#王下 2:11|
#王下 2:14|
#王下 2:19-22|
#王下 4:1-7|
#王下 4:18-37|
#王下 4:38-41|
#王下 4:42-44|
#王下 5:1-19|
#王下 5:26,27|
#王下 6:6|
#王下 6:12|
#王下 6:17|
#王下 6:18|
#王下 13:21|
#王下 19:35; 賽 37:36|
#王下 20:9-11|
#賽 38:21|
#但 3:23-27|
#但 6:22|
.約拿被丟進海裡, 海浪就平息了
#拿 1:15|
#拿 1:17; 2:10|
#拿 4:6,7|
#路 1:18,24,25|
#太 1:18-25; 路 1:26-80|
#太 2:1-9|
#太 2:13-23|

-耶穌所行的神蹟, 按時間順序
#約 2:1-11|
#約 4:46-54|
#路 5:1-11|
#可 1:23-26; 路 4:33-36|
#太 8:14-17; 可 1:29-31; 路 4:38,39|
#太 8:1-4; 可 1:40-45; 路 5:12-16|
#太 9:1-8; 可 2:1-12; 路 5:17-26|
#約 5:1-16|
#太 12:9-13; 可 3:1-5; 路 6:6-11|
#太 8:5-13; 路 7:1-10|
#路 7:11-16|
#太 12:22-37; 可 3:11; 路 11:14,15|
#太 8:23-27; 14:32; 可 4:35-41; 路 8:22-25|
#太 8:28-34; 可 5:1-20; 路 8:26-39|
#太 9:18,19,23-26; 可 5:22-24,35-43; 路 8:41,42,49-56|
#太 9:20-22; 可 5:25-34; 路 8:43-48|
#太 9:27-31|
#太 9:32,33|
#太 14:22-33; 可 6:45-52; 約 6:16-21|
#太 15:21-28; 可 7:24-30|
#太 15:32-39; 可 8:1-9|
#可 7:31-37|
#可 8:22-26|
#太 17:14-21; 可 9:14-29; 路 9:37-43|
#太 17:24-27|
.使十個痲瘋患者康健, 其中只有一個回來感謝耶穌
#路 17:11-19|
#約 9|
#約 11:1-46|
#路 13:10-17|
#路 14:1-6|
#太 20:29-34; 可 10:46-52; 路 18:35-43|
#太 21:17-22; 可 11:12-14,20-24|
#路 22:49-51|
#約 21:6|

.七十個門徒 (最佳的抄本作「七十二」)
#路 10:17-20|
#可 9:39; 約 14:12|
#徒 3:6,12,13,16; 4:10,30; 9:34,35; 16:18|
#徒 5:15,16|
#徒 9:34|
#徒 9:40|
#徒 5:5,10|
#徒 3:2-11|
#徒 5:19-23; 12:6-11; 16:26|
#徒 8:39|
.叫以呂馬 (巴耶穌) 眼瞎
#徒 13:11|
#徒 14:10|
#徒 16:18; 19:11,12; 28:8,9|
#徒 20:9-12|
.甩掉手上的毒蛇, 毫髮無傷
#徒 28:5|
#徒 9:3-6,17,18|

#出 4:28-31; 10:7,16,17; 12:31-33; 14:25,31|
#士 6:17-22,36-40; 7:1; 但 3:28,29; 4:2,3; 路 5:4-11|
#約 2:11,22,23; 4:48-53; 7:31; 11:43-45; 12:10; 20:30,31|
#徒 8:6; 9:32-42; 13:8-12; 19:13-18; 羅 15:18,19|
.見 神蹟的目的, 如下

#出 3:19,29; 4:2-9; 7:5,17; 8:8-10,22; 9:14-16,29|
#出 10:1,2,16,17; 11:1,7-9; 12:29-33; 14:4,18,24,25,31; 16:4-6|
#出 19:4,5,9; 民 14:11; 16:28-35; 17:1-13; 申 4:33-35; 11:1-8|
#申 29:5,6; 書 2:9-11; 3:10,11; 4:23,24; 5:1; 士 2:7|
#撒上 6:6-18; 12:17,18; 王上 18:24,37-39; 王下 5:14,15; 代下 7:1-3|
#詩 78:10-32; 106:9-12; 耶 32:20; 但 2:47; 3:28,29; 6:20-27|
#拿 1:14-16; 亞 2:9; 太 4:3; 11:3-5; 可 2:9-12; 18:42,43|
#約 2:11; 4:48; 5:36; 9:3; 11:4,40-42; 徒 2:22; 3:1-10; 4:21,22|
#林前 1:22|

#賽 35:4-6; 珥 2:28,29|
#林前 12:4-6|
#林前 12:8-10,28|
#太 12:28|
#徒 2:1-4|
#徒 10:44-46|
#徒 8:17,18; 19:6|
#可 16:20; 徒 14:3; 羅 15:19; 來 2:4|
#林前 12:7; 14:12,13|
#林前 12:31; 14:1|
#林前 13:8|
#提前 4:14; 提後 1:6|
#帖前 5:20|
#徒 8:20|

#詩 78:12|
#賽 29:14; 詩 105:5|
#耶 32:21; 約 4:48; 林後 12:12|
#約 3:2; 徒 14:3; 15:12; 19:11|
#太 12:28; 羅 15:19; 林前 12:9,10,28,30|
#可 16:17; 徒 3:16; 4:30|
#太 17:20; 21:21; 約 14:12; 徒 3:16; 6:8|
#太 9:28; 可 9:22-24; 徒 14:9|
#可 3:14,15; 16:17,18,20|
#太 12:38,39; 16:1; 路 11:16,29; 23:8|
#出 7:10-12,22; 8:7|
#太 7:22|
#帖後 2:9; 啟 16:14|
#申 13:1,2|
#太 24:24|
#太 24:24; 啟 19:20|
#撒上 28:7-14|
#徒 8:9-11|
#申 13:3|
#帖後 2:10-12; 啟 13:14; 19:20|
#帖後 2:3,9; 啟 13:13|

.Creation of the world
#Ge 1|
.The great flood
#Ge 7; 8|
.The confusion of languages
#Ge 11:1-9|
.The fire on Abraham's sacrifice
#Ge 15:17|
.The conception of Isaac
#Ge 17:17; 18:12; 21:2|
.The destruction of Sodom
#Ge 19|
.Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt
#Ge 19:26|
.The closing of the wombs of Abimelech's household
#Ge 20:17,18|
.The opening of Hagar's eyes
#Ge 21:19|
.The conception of Jacob and Esau
#Ge 25:21|
.The opening of Rachel's womb
#Ge 30:22|
.The flaming bush
#Ex 3:2|
.The transformation of Moses' rod into a serpent
#Ex 4:3,4,30; 7:10,12|
.Moses' leprosy
#Ex 4:6,7,30|
.The plagues in Egypt
#Nu 16:46-50|
.The pillar of cloud and fire
#Ex 13:21,22; 14:19,20|
.Passage through the Red Sea
#Ex 14:22|
.The destruction of Pharaoh and his army
#Ex 14:23-30|
.Sweetening the waters of Marah
#Ex 15:25|
#Ex 16:4-31|
#Ex 16:13|
.The defeat of Amalek
#Ex 17:9-13|
.The transfiguration of the face of Moses
#Ex 34:29-35|
.Water from the rock
#Ex 17:5,7|
.Thundering and lightning on Mount Sinai
#Ex 19:16-20; 24:10,15-17; De 4:33|
.Miriam's leprosy
#Nu 12:10-15|
.Judgment by fire
#Nu 11:1-3|
.The destruction of Korah
#Nu 16:31-35; De 11:6,7|
.The plague
#Nu 16:46-50|
.Aaron's rod buds
#Nu 17:1-9|
.Water from the rock in Kadesh
#Nu 20:8-11|
.The scourge of serpents
#Nu 21:6-9|
.The destruction of Nadab and Abihu
#Le 10:1,2|
.Balaam's donkey speaks
#Nu 22:23-30|
.The preservation of Moses
#De 34:7|
.The Jordan River divided
#Jos 3:14-17; 4:16-18|
.The fall of Jericho
#Jos 6:20|
.The Midianites destroyed
#Jud 7:16-22|
.Hailstones on the confederated kings
#Jos 10:11|
.The sun and the moon stand still
#Jos 10:12-14|
.Dew on Gideon's fleece
#Jud 6:37-40|
.Samson's strength
#Jud 14:6; 16:3,29,30|
.Samson supplied with water
#Jud 15:19|
.The falling of the god Dagon
#1Sa 5:1-4|
.Even nursing cows return the ark of the covenant (walking
away from their calves)
#1Sa 6:7-14|
.The plague of hemorrhoids on the Philistines
#1Sa 5:9-12; 6:1-18|
.The destruction of the people of Beth-shemesh
#1Sa 6:19,20|
#1Sa 12:16-18|
.The death of Uzzah
#2Sa 6:1-8|
.The plague in Israel
#1Ch 21:14-26|
.Fire on the sacrifices
.Of Aaron
#Le 9:24|
.Of Gideon
#Jud 6:21|
.Of Manoah
#Jud 13:19,20|
.Of Solomon
#2Ch 7:1|
.Of Elijah
#1Ki 18:38|
.Jeroboam's hand withered
#1Ki 13:3-6|
.The appearance of blood
#2Ki 3:20-22|
.The panic of the Syrians
#2Ki 7:6,7|
.Is fed by ravens
#1Ki 17:6|
.Is fed by an angel
#1Ki 19:1-8|
.Increases the widow's meal and oil
#1Ki 17:9-16; Lu 4:26|
.Raises the widow's son
#1Ki 17:17-24|
.Rain in answer to Elijah's prayer
#1Ki 18:41-45|
.Brings fire down upon Ahaziah's army
#2Ki 1:10-12|
.Divides the Jordan River
#2Ki 2:8|
.Is transported to the heavens
#2Ki 2:11|
.Divides the Jordan River
#2Ki 2:14|
.Sweetens the waters of Jericho
#2Ki 2:19-22|
.Increases a widow's supply of oil
#2Ki 4:1-7|
.Raises the Shunammite woman's child
#2Ki 4:18-37|
.Renders the poisoned stew harmless
#2Ki 4:38-41|
.Feeds one-hundred men
#2Ki 4:42-44|
.Cures Naaman
#2Ki 5:1-19|
.Strikes down Gehazi with leprosy
#2Ki 5:26,27|
.Causes the ax to float
#2Ki 6:6|
.Reveals the counsel of the king of Syria
#2Ki 6:12|
.Causes the eyes of his servant to be opened
#2Ki 6:17|
.Strikes the army of the king of Syria with blindness
#2Ki 6:18|
.The dead man was restored to life
#2Ki 13:21|
.The destruction of Sennacherib's army
#2Ki 19:35; Isa 37:36|
.Return of the shadow on the sun dial
#2Ki 20:9-11|
.Hezekiah's cure
#Isa 38:21|
.The deliverance
.Of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
#Da 3:23-27|
.Of Daniel
#Da 6:22|
.The sea was calmed when Jonah was thrown into it
#Jon 1:15|
.Jonah in the belly of the great fish
#Jon 1:17; 2:10|
.Jonah's gourd
#Jon 4:6,7|
.The conception by Elizabeth
#Lu 1:18,24,25|
.The incarnation of Jesus
#Mt 1:18-25; Lu 1:26-80|
.The appearance of the star over Bethlehem
#Mt 2:1-9|
.The deliverance of Jesus
#Mt 2:13-23|

.Water converted into wine
#Joh 2:1-11|
.Heals the nobleman's son
#Joh 4:46-54|
.The catch of fish
#Lu 5:1-11|
.Heals the demoniac
#Mr 1:23-26; Lu 4:33-36|
.Heals Peter's mother-in-law
#Mt 8:14-17; Mr 1:29-31; Lu 4:38,39|
.Cleanses the leper
#Mt 8:1-4; Mr 1:40-45; Lu 5:12-16|
.Heals the paralyzed man
#Mt 9:1-8; Mr 2:1-12; Lu 5:17-26|
.Healing of the immobile man
#Joh 5:1-16|
.Restoring the withered hand
#Mt 12:9-13; Mr 3:1-5; Lu 6:6-11|
.Restores the centurion's servant
#Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:1-10|
.Raises the widow's son to life at the village of Nain
#Lu 7:11-16|
.Heals a demoniac
#Mt 12:22-37; Mr 3:11; Lu 11:14,15|
.Stills the storm
#Mt 8:23-27; 14:32; Mr 4:35-41; Lu 8:22-25|
.Throws demons out of two men of Gadara (Gerasa)
#Mt 8:28-34; Mr 5:1-20; Lu 8:26-39|
.Raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead
#Mt 9:18,19,23-26; Mr 5:22-24,35-43; Lu 8:41,42,49-56|
.Cures the woman with the issue of blood
#Mt 9:20-22; Mr 5:25-34; Lu 8:43-48|
.Restores two blind men to sight
#Mt 9:27-31|
.Heals a demoniac
#Mt 9:32,33|
.Walks upon Lake Galilee
#Mt 14:22-33; Mr 6:45-52; Joh 6:16-21|
.Heals the daughter of the non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman
#Mt 15:21-28; Mr 7:24-30|
.Feeds more than four-thousand people
#Mt 15:32-39; Mr 8:1-9|
.Restores the deaf-mute man
#Mr 7:31-37|
.Restores a blind man
#Mr 8:22-26|
.Heals the epileptic boy
#Mt 17:14-21; Mr 9:14-29; Lu 9:37-43|
.The temple tax money obtained from a fish's mouth
#Mt 17:24-27|
.Restores ten lepers to wholeness, only one of them returns
to thank Jesus
#Lu 17:11-19|
.Opens the eyes of a man born blind
#Joh 9|
.Raises Lazarus from the dead
#Joh 11:1-46|
.Heals the woman with the spirit of infirmity
#Lu 13:10-17|
.Cures a man with dropsy
#Lu 14:1-6|
.Restores sight to two blind men near Jericho
#Mt 20:29-34; Mr 10:46-52; Lu 18:35-43|
.Condemns a fig tree
#Mt 21:17-22; Mr 11:12-14,20-24|
.Heals the ear of Malchus
#Lu 22:49-51|
.The second catch of fish
#Joh 21:6|

.By the seventy (the best mss. have "seventy-two")
#Lu 10:17-20|
.By other disciples
#Mr 9:39; Joh 14:12|
.By the apostles
#Ac 3:6,12,13,16; 4:10,30; 9:34,35; 16:18|
.Cures the sick
#Ac 5:15,16|
.Heals Aeneas
#Ac 9:34|
.Raises Dorcas from the dead
#Ac 9:40|
.Causes the death of Ananias and Sapphira
#Ac 5:5,10|
.Peter and John cure a lame man
#Ac 3:2-11|
.Peter and other apostles were delivered from prison
#Ac 5:19-23; 12:6-11; 16:26|
.Philip carried away by the Spirit
#Ac 8:39|
.Strikes Elymas (Bar-Jesus) with blindness
#Ac 13:11|
.Heals a cripple
#Ac 14:10|
.Throws out evil spirits, and cures sick people
#Ac 16:18; 19:11,12; 28:8,9|
.Raises Eutychus to life
#Ac 20:9-12|
.Shakes a viper off his hand and is unharmed
#Ac 28:5|
.Paul cured of blindness
#Ac 9:3-6,17,18|

#Ex 4:28-31; 10:7,16,17; 12:31-33; 14:25,31; Jud
6:17-22,36-40; 7:1; Da 3:28,29; 4:2,3; Lu 5:4-11; Joh
2:11,22,23; 4:48-53; 7:31; 11:43-45; 12:10; 20:30,31; Ac
8:6; 9:32-42; 13:8-12; 19:13-18; Ro 15:18,19|

#Ex 3:19,29; 4:2-9; 7:5,17; 8:8-10,22; 9:14-16,29;
10:1,2,16,17; 11:1,7-9; 12:29-33; 14:4,18,24,25,31; 16:4-6;
19:4,5,9; Nu 14:11; 16:28-35; 17:1-13; De 4:33-35; 11:1-8;
29:5,6; Jos 2:9-11; 3:10,11; 4:23,24; 5:1; Jud 2:7; 1Sa
6:6-18; 12:17,18; 1Ki 18:24,37-39; 2Ki 5:14,15; 2Ch 7:1-3; Ps
78:10-32; 106:9-12; Jer 32:20; Da 2:47; 3:28,29; 6:20-27; Jon
1:14-16; Zec 2:9; Mt 4:3; 11:3-5; Mr 2:9-12; 18:42,43; Joh
2:11; 4:48; 5:36; 9:3; 11:4,40-42; Ac 2:22; 3:1-10; 4:21,22;
1Co 1:22|

#Isa 35:4-6; Joe 2:28,29|
.Of different kinds
#1Co 12:4-6|
#1Co 12:8-10,28|
.Christ was endued with
#Mt 12:28|
.Poured out on the day of Pentecost in thirty A. D
#Ac 2:1-4|
.Communicated on preaching the gospel
#Ac 10:44-46|
.By laying on of the apostles' hands
#Ac 8:17,18; 19:6|
.For the confirmation of the gospel
#Mr 16:20; Ac 14:3; Ro 15:19; Heb 2:4|
.For the edification of the assembly
#1Co 12:7; 14:12,13|
.To be sought after
#1Co 12:31; 14:1|
.Temporary nature of
#1Co 13:8|
.Not to be neglected
#1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6|
.Or despised
#1Th 5:20|
.Or purchased
#Ac 8:20|

#Ps 78:12|
#Isa 29:14; Ps 105:5|
#Jer 32:21; Joh 4:48; 2Co 12:12|
.Through the power of God
#Joh 3:2; Ac 14:3; 15:12; 19:11|
.Of the Holy Spirit
#Mt 12:28; Ro 15:19; 1Co 12:9,10,28,30|
.In the name of Christ
#Mr 16:17; Ac 3:16; 4:30|
.Faith required in those who perform
#Mt 17:20; 21:21; Joh 14:12; Ac 3:16; 6:8|
.Faith required in those for whom they were performed
#Mt 9:28; Mr 9:22-24; Ac 14:9|
.Power to work, given the disciples
#Mr 3:14,15; 16:17,18,20|
.Demanded by unbelievers
#Mt 12:38,39; 16:1; Lu 11:16,29; 23:8|
.Alleged miracles performed by magicians
#Ex 7:10-12,22; 8:7|
.Performed by other impostors
#Mt 7:22|
.Performed through the powers of evil
#2Th 2:9; Re 16:14|
.Performed in support of false religions
#De 13:1,2|
.Performed by false messiahs
#Mt 24:24|
.Performed by false prophets
#Mt 24:24; Re 19:20|
.Performed by the witch of En-dor
#1Sa 28:7-14|
.Simon the Sorcerer (Magus)
#Ac 8:9-11|
.Not to be regarded
#De 13:3|
.Deceive the ungodly
#2Th 2:10-12; Re 13:14; 19:20|
.A mark of apostasy
#2Th 2:3,9; Re 13:13|

中文註解 英文註解
神蹟 Miracles
- 上帝的能力對於神蹟是必要的
#約 3:2|

- 被描述為
. 奇事
#詩 78:12|

. 奇妙的事
#賽 29:14; 詩 105:5|

. 神蹟奇事
#耶 32:21; 約 4:48; 林後 12:12|

- 顯明了
. 上帝的榮耀
#約 11:4|

. 基督的榮耀
#約 2:11; 11:4|

. 上帝的作為
#約 9:3|

- 是天降任務的證據
#出 4:1-5; 可 16:20|

- 人們期待彌賽亞行神蹟
#太 11:2,3; 約 7:31|

- 耶穌藉著神蹟證明是彌賽亞
#太 11:4-6; 路 7:20-22; 約 5:36; 徒 2:22|

- 因為神蹟, 人們追隨耶穌
#太 4:23-25; 14:35,36; 約 6:2,26; 12:18|

- 聖靈的恩賜
#林前 12:10|

- 被行出來
. 靠著上帝的能力
#出 8:19; 徒 14:3; 15:12; 19:11|

. 靠著基督的能力
#太 10:1|

. 靠著聖靈的能力
#太 12:28; 羅 15:19|

. 奉基督的名
#太 16:17; 徒 3:16; 4:30|

- 福音初次傳開乃是藉著神蹟證實
#可 16:20; 來 2:4|

- 行神蹟的人否認一切能力來自自己
#徒 3:12|

- 應能引發信心
#約 2:23; 20:30,31|

- 應能引發順服
#申 11:1-3; 29:2,3,9|

- 有助於早期福音的傳揚
#徒 8:6; 羅 15:18,19|

- 需要信心的乃是
. 行神蹟的人
#太 17:20; 21:21; 約 14:12; 徒 3:16; 6:8|

. 神蹟行在他們身上的人
#太 9:28; 13:58; 可 9:22-24; 徒 14:9|

- 應當被記念
#代上 16:12; 詩 105:5|

- 應當述說給未來的世代聽
#出 10:2; 士 6:13|

- 神蹟本身不足以使人歸主
#路 16:31|

- 惡人
. 渴望見到神蹟
#太 27:42; 路 11:29; 23:8|

. 往往承認神蹟
#約 11:47; 徒 4:16|

. 不瞭解神蹟
#詩 106:7|

. 不細細思量神蹟
#可 6:52|

. 忘記神蹟
#尼 9:17; 詩 78:1,11|

. 試探神蹟
#民 14:22; 約 12:37|

- 駁斥神蹟給予的證據乃為有罪
#太 11:20-24; 約 15:24|

- Power of God necessary to
#Joh 3:2|

. Marvellous things
#Ps 78:12|

. Marvellous works
#Isa 29:14; Ps 105:5|

. Signs and wonders
#Jer 32:21; Joh 4:48; 2Co 12:12|

. The glory of God
#Joh 11:4|

. The glory of Christ
#Joh 2:11; 11:4|

. The works of God
#Joh 9:3|

- Were evidences of a divine commission
#Ex 4:1-5; Mr 16:20|

- The Messiah was expected to perform
#Mt 11:2,3; Joh 7:31|

- Jesus was proved to be the Messiah by
#Mt 11:4-6; Lu 7:20-22; Joh 5:36; Ac 2:22|

- Jesus was followed on account of
#Mt 4:23-25; 14:35,36; Joh 6:2,26; 12:18|

- A gift of the Holy Spirit
#1Co 12:10|

. By the power of God
#Ex 8:19; Ac 14:3; 15:12; 19:11|

. By the power of Christ
#Mt 10:1|

. By the power of the Holy Spirit
#Mt 12:28; Ro 15:19|

. In the name of Christ
#Mt 16:17; Ac 3:16; 4:30|

- First preaching of the gospel confirmed by
#Mr 16:20; Heb 2:4|

- The who wrought, disclaimed all power of their own
#Ac 3:12|

- Should produce faith
#Joh 2:23; 20:30,31|

- Should produce obedience
#De 11:1-3; 29:2,3,9|

- Instrumental to the early propagation of the gospel
#Ac 8:6; Ro 15:18,19|

. Those who performed
#Mt 17:20; 21:21; Joh 14:12; Ac 3:16; 6:8|

. Those for whom they were performed
#Mt 9:28; 13:58; Mr 9:22-24; Ac 14:9|

- Should be remembered
#1Ch 16:12; Ps 105:5|

- Should be told to future generations
#Ex 10:2; Jud 6:13|

- Insufficient of themselves, to produce conversion
#Lu 16:31|

. Desire to see
#Mt 27:42; Lu 11:29; 23:8|

. Often acknowledge
#Joh 11:47; Ac 4:16|

. Do not understand
#Ps 106:7|

. Do not consider
#Mr 6:52|

. Forget
#Ne 9:17; Ps 78:1,11|

. Proof against
#Nu 14:22; Joh 12:37|

- Guilt of rejecting the evidence afforded by
#Mt 11:20-24; Joh 15:24|

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