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靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: 音樂

中文註解 英文註解
#代上 15:22; 25:7,8; 代下 23:13|

#代下 29:27,28|

#尼 12:42|

-伶長 (首席樂師)
#尼 12:42; 哈 3:19|

#結 40:44|

#啟 5:8,9; 14:2,3; 15:2,3|

#創 4:21|
#代上 23:5; 代下 7:6; 29:26; 摩 6:5|
#王上 10:12; 代下 9:11; 傳 2:8|
#結 28:13|
#但 3:5,7,10|
.笙, 一種雙排笛
#但 3:5,10,15|
#但 3:5,7,10,15|
.迦特, 一種弦樂器
#詩 8; 81:1-16; 84:1-12|
.簫, 可能由吹奏不同音符的管笛組成
#創 4:21; 伯 21:12; 30:31; 詩 150:4|
.琴, 一種豎琴
#但 3:5,7,10,15|
.鈴鼓, 手鼓
.六弦提琴, 琵琶類樂器
#賽 5:12; 14:11; 摩 5:23; 6:5|

.音樂術語, 出現在
#代上 15:20|
#詩 46:1|
.(似乎是指歌曲以女聲呈現, 可能是女高音)
#詩 57:1; 58:1; 59:1; 75:1|
.(似乎用來指頌歌種類, 或者唱頌歌應該用的某種旋律)
#詩 92:2|
.(根據 Gesenius 所言, 這意味著豎琴嗚咽的音調, 因此
#詩 9:16|
.(與「細拉」連用時, 可能用來指人聲暫歇, 而樂器部分
#詩 19:14|
.(Mendelssohn 把這個字譯為「沈思、默想」。因此, 音
-麻哈拉, 訓誨詩, 利暗俄
#詩 53:1; 88:1|
.(關於這些詞的意義, 專家仍在摸索, 可能是指要用何種
樂器演奏, 或用何種旋律詠唱)
#詩 32:1; 42:1; 44:1; 45:1; 52:1; 53:1; 54:1; 55:1; 74:1|
#詩 78:1; 88:1; 89:1; 142:1|
.(意思費解, 不過這個詞出現在詩篇標題之外的地方, 意
義相當於「教誨」, 或是因教誨而有智慧; 因此,#詩 47:7|
.音樂術語, 出現在下列詩篇的標題
#詩 16:1; 56:1; 57:1; 58:1; 59:1; 60:1|
.(Luther 把這個詞解釋為「黃金般的」, 亦即「珍貴的」,
Ewald 的解釋則是這個詞表示曲風哀傷)
#詩 9:1|
和 申 Wette 解釋這個詞是「以童男的聲音, 由男孩所
唱」, 其他人則推論這個詞源自另一個希伯來字根, 解
#詩 4:1; 54:1; 55:1; 61:1; 67:1; 哈 3:19|
#詩 5:1|
.(根據 Gesenius 所言, 這是指唱這首詩的時候要用吹奏
.(這個詞詩篇中常見。用法不得而知, 可能表示人聲暫歇,
#詩 6:1; 12:1|
.(譯為「八」, 可能指八小節、八拍,或高八度音)
#詩 7:1|
#哈 3:1|
.(猜想是演奏詩歌序曲的音樂術語。在#哈 3|結尾, 作者
把頌歌「交與伶長, 用絲弦的樂器」。這個詞可能暗示
-百合花, 為證的百合花
#詩 45:1; 60:1; 69:1; 80:1|
.(似乎是指演奏這些詩歌的曲風。Kimchi, Tremellius,
和 Eichhorn 譯為「六弦樂器」, 也就是說, 唱這些詩
歌時, 要用六弦樂器伴奏)

#創 31:27; 出 15:1,20,21; 21:17-20; 士 5:1-3; 11:34|
#撒上 18:6,7; 撒下 19:35; 王上 1:40; 代上 6:31,32; 15:16-22,24,27,28|
#代上 16:4-39,41,42; 22:3,5,6,27,30; 25:1,5,6,7,8; 代下 5:12,13|
#代下 20:19,21,22,28; 23:13,18; 29:25-28; 31:2; 35:15,25|
#拉 2:64; 3:10,11; Neh 12:24,27-31; 伯 21:12; 30:31; 詩 33:1-4|
#詩 68:4,25,26,32-35; 81:1-3; 87:7; 92:1-3; 95:1,2; 98:1-8|
#詩 104:33; 105:2; 135:1,2,3; 137:1-6; 144:9; 149:1-3,6|
#詩 150:1-6; 箴 25:20; 傳 2:8; 賽 5:12; 14:11; 16:10; 23:16|
#賽 24:8,9; 30:29,32; 耶 31:4; 結 26:13; 33:32; 但 3:4,6,7|
#摩 6:5; 8:10; 太 9:23; 11:17; 可 14:26; 林前 14:15; 弗 5:19|
#西 3:16; 來 2:12; 啟 14:2,3; 18:22|



-Teachers of
#1Ch 15:22; 25:7,8; 2Ch 23:13|

-Physical effect of, on man
#1Sa 6:15,16|

-Discoursed during the offering of sacrifices
#2Ch 29:27,28|

#Ne 12:42|

-Chief musician
#Ne 12:42; Hab 3:19|

-Chambers for musicians in the temple, in Ezekiel's vision
#Eze 40:44|

-In heaven
#Re 5:8,9; 14:2,3; 15:2,3|

.Invented by Jubal
#Ge 4:21|
.Invented by David
#1Ch 23:5; 2Ch 7:6; 29:26; Am 6:5|
.Made by Solomon
#1Ki 10:12; 2Ch 9:11; Ec 2:8|
.Made by Tyrians
#Eze 28:13|
#Da 3:5,7,10|
.DULCIMER, a double pipe
#Da 3:5,10,15|
#Da 3:5,7,10,15|
.GITTITH, a stringed instrument
#Ps 8; 81; 84|
.ORGAN, probably composed of pipes furnishing a number of
#Ge 4:21; Job 21:12; 30:31; Ps 150:4|
.SACKBUT, a harp
#Da 3:5,7,10,15|
.TIMBREL, a tambourine
.VIOL, a lyre
#Isa 5:12; 14:11; Am 5:23; 6:5|

.(Literally virgins)
.A musical term which appears in
#1Ch 15:20|
.And in the title of
#Ps 46:1|
.(It seems to indicate the rendering of the song by female
voices, possibly soprano)
.It appears in the titles of
#Ps 57:1; 58:1; 59:1; 75:1|
.(it seems to have been used to indicate the kind of ode, or
the kind of melody in which the ode should be sung.)
#Ps 92:3|
.(According to Gesenius, it signifies the murmuring tone of a
harp, and hence that the music should be rendered in a
plaintive manner.)
#Ps 9:16|
.(Combined with "Selah," it may have been intended to indicate
a pause in the vocal music while the instruments rendered an
#Ps 19:14|
.(Mendelssohn translates it "meditation, thought." Hence, the
music was to be rendered in a mode to promote devout
.These terms are found in the titles of
#Ps 53:1; 88:1|
.(Authorities grope in darkness as to their signification.
They may indicate the instruments to be played, or the melody
to be sung)
.This musical sign occurs in the titles of
#Ps 32:1; 42:1; 44:1; 45:1; 52:1; 53:1; 54:1; 55:1; 74:1;
78:1; 88:1; 89:1; 142:1|
.(The meaning is obscure. But its signification where it
occurs elsewhere than in the titles of Psalms is equivalent
to the English word "instruction," or to become wise by
instruction; hence, Ps 47:7: "Sing ye praises with
.A musical term in the titles of
#Ps 16:1; 56:1; 57:1; 58:1; 59:1; 60:1|
.(Luther interprets this as "golden," that is, "precious."
Ewald interprets it as signifying a plaintive manner.)
.In the title of
#Ps 9:1|
.(Authorities, ancient and modern, differ as to the probable
signification. Gesenius and De Wette interpret it, "with the
voice of virgins, by boys." Others derive the word from a
different Hebrew root, and interpret it as indicating that
the Psalm was a funeral ode.)
.Appear in the titles of
#Ps 4:1; 54:1; 55:1; 61:1; 67:1; Hab 3:19|
.(Its use seems to have been to indicate that the song should
be accompanied by stringed instruments.)
.Appears in the title of
#Ps 5:1|
.(It seems to indicate, according to Gesenius, that when this
Psalm was sung it was to be accompanied by wind instruments.)
.(This term appears frequently in the Psalms. Its use is not
known. Possibly it signified a pause in the vocal music
while an instrumental interlude or finale was rendered.)
.In the titles of
#Ps 6:1; 12:1|
.(Translated "eighth," probably indicates the measure,
movement, or pitch.)
.In the title of
#Ps 7:1|
.And its plural, SHIGIONOTH, in the title of
#Hab 3:1|
.(Supposed to be a musical term to guide in rendering the
song. At the close of the chapter, the author refers the ode
"to the chief musician, on my stringed instruments." The
term may suggest the movement in interpreting the music set
to it.)
.In the titles to
#Ps 45:1; 60:1; 69:1; 80:1|
.(Seems to indicate the manner in which these Psalms were to
be rendered. Kimchi, Tremellius, and Eichhorn render it
"hexachorda," that is, that in singing these Psalms
instruments of six strings were to accompany.)

#Ge 31:27; Ex 15:1,20,21; 21:17-20; Jud 5:1-3; 11:34; 1Sa
18:6,7; 2Sa 19:35; 1Ki 1:40; 1Ch 6:31,32; 15:16-22,24,27,28;
16:4-39,41,42; 22:3,5,6,27,30; 25:1,5,6,7,8; 2Ch 5:12,13;
20:19,21,22,28; 23:13,18; 29:25-28; 31:2; 35:15,25; Ezr
2:64; 3:10,11; Neh 12:24,27-31; Job 21:12; 30:31; Ps 33:1-4;
68:4,25,26,32-35; 81:1-3; 87:7; 92:1-3; 95:1,2; 98:1-8;
104:33; 105:2; 135:1,2,3; 137:1-6; 144:9; 149:1-3,6;
150:1-6; Pr 25:20; Ec 2:8; Isa 5:12; 14:11; 16:10; 23:16;
24:8,9; 30:29,32; Jer 31:4; Eze 26:13; 33:32; Da 3:4,6,7; Am
6:5; 8:10; Mt 9:23; 11:17; Mr 14:26; 1Co 14:15; Eph 5:19;
Col 3:16; Heb 2:12; Re 14:2,3; 18:22|



中文註解 英文註解
音樂 Music
- 早期的音樂創作
#創 4:21|

- 分為
. 歌唱
#撒下 19:35; 徒 16:25|

. 樂器演奏
#但 6:18|

- 用來助興
#傳 2:8,10|

- 所有未分別為聖的音樂皆為虛空
#傳 2:8,11|

- 被認為能舒緩精神疾病
#撒上 16:14-17,23|

- 藉著音樂而在從前的先知身上產生的影響
#撒上 10:5,6; 王下 3:15|

- 樂器
. 鐃鈸
#代上 16:5; 詩 150:5|

. 短號
#詩 98:6; 何 5:8|

. 揚琴
#但 3:5|

. 笛
#但 3:5|

. 豎琴
#詩 137:2; 結 26:13|

. 風琴
#創 4:21; 伯 21:12; 詩 150:4|

. 管樂器
#王上 1:40; 賽 5:12; 耶 48:36|

. 瑟
#詩 33:2; 71:22|

. 三角琴
#但 3:5|

. 鼓
#撒上 10:5; 賽 24:8|

. 鈴鼓
#出 15:20; 詩 68:25|

. 小喇叭
#王下 11:14; 代下 29:27|

. 琴
#賽 14:11; 摩 5:23|

. 以松木製成
#撒下 6:5|

. 以檀香木製成
#王上 10:12|

. 銅製
#林前 13:1|

. 銀製
#民 10:2|

. 以動物的角製成
#書 6:8|

. 很多樂器都有弦
#詩 33:2; 150:4|

. 早期的音樂創作
#創 4:21|

. 由大衛創造的音樂
#代上 23:5; 代下 7:6|

. 以創作音樂聞名的猶太人
#摩 6:5|

. 常常飾以貴重的裝飾
#結 28:13|

. 音樂的多樣化
#傳 2:8|

- 被指定在聖殿中演奏
#代上 16:4-6; 23:5,6; 25:1; 代下 29:25|

- 用音樂送別朋友的習俗
#創 31:27|

- 猶太人演奏音樂
. 在宗教行列中
#撒下 6:4,5,15; 代上 13:6-8; 15:27,28|

. 立聖殿根基時
#拉 3:9,10|

. 為聖殿行奉獻禮時
#代下 5:11-13|

. 在君王的加冕典禮上
#代下 23:11,13|

. 行城牆告成之禮時
#尼 12:27,28|

. 為了慶祝勝利
#出 15:20; 撒上 18:6,7|

. 在宗教筵席上
#代下 30:21|

. 從事私人娛樂時
#賽 5:12; 摩 6:5|

. 跳舞時
#太 11:17; 路 15:25|

. 在葬禮上
#太 9:23|

. 紀念偉大人物時
#代下 35:25|

- 使用在拜偶像時
#但 3:5|

- 軍隊行動以音樂為規範
#書 6:8; 林前 14:8|

- 在患難時刻通常被擱在一旁
#詩 137:2-4; 但 6:18|

- 用來說明
. 歡欣喜悅
#番 3:17; 弗 5:19|

. 天國的幸福
#啟 5:8,9|

. (音樂終止,) 災難
#賽 24:8,9; 啟 18:22|

- Early invention of
#Ge 4:21|

. Vocal
#2Sa 19:35; Ac 16:25|

. Instrumental
#Da 6:18|

- Designed to promote joy
#Ec 2:8,10|

- Vanity of all unsanctified
#Ec 2:8,11|

- Considered efficacious in mental disorders
#1Sa 16:14-17,23|

- Effects produced on the prophets of old by
#1Sa 10:5,6; 2Ki 3:15|

. Cymbals
#1Ch 16:5; Ps 150:5|

. Cornet
#Ps 98:6; Ho 5:8|

. Dulcimer
#Da 3:5|

. Flute
#Da 3:5|

. Harp
#Ps 137:2; Eze 26:13|

. Organ
#Ge 4:21; Job 21:12; Ps 150:4|

. Pipe
#1Ki 1:40; Isa 5:12; Jer 48:36|

. Psaltery
#Ps 33:2; 71:22|

. Sackbut
#Da 3:5|

. Tabret
#1Sa 10:5; Isa 24:8|

. Timbrel
#Ex 15:20; Ps 68:25|

. Trumpet
#2Ki 11:14; 2Ch 29:27|

. Viol
#Isa 14:11; Am 5:23|

. Made of fir wood
#2Sa 6:5|

. Made of almug wood
#1Ki 10:12|

. Made of brass
#1Co 13:1|

. Made of silver
#Nu 10:2|

. Made of horns of animals
#Jos 6:8|

. Many, with strings
#Ps 33:2; 150:4|

. Early invention of
#Ge 4:21|

. Invented by David
#1Ch 23:5; 2Ch 7:6|

. The Jews celebrated for inventing
#Am 6:5|

. Often expensively ornamented
#Eze 28:13|

. Great diversity of
#Ec 2:8|

- Appointed to be used in the temple
#1Ch 16:4-6; 23:5,6; 25:1; 2Ch 29:25|

- Custom of sending away friends with
#Ge 31:27|

. In sacred processions
#2Sa 6:4,5,15; 1Ch 13:6-8; 15:27,28|

. At laying foundation of temple
#Ezr 3:9,10|

. At consecration of temple
#2Ch 5:11-13|

. At coronation of kings
#2Ch 23:11,13|

. At dedication of city walls
#Ne 12:27,28|

. To celebrate victories
#Ex 15:20; 1Sa 18:6,7|

. In religious feasts
#2Ch 30:21|

. In private entertainments
#Isa 5:12; Am 6:5|

. In dances
#Mt 11:17; Lu 15:25|

. In funeral ceremonies
#Mt 9:23|

. In commemorating great men
#2Ch 35:25|

- Used in idol worship
#Da 3:5|

- The movements of armies regulated by
#Jos 6:8; 1Co 14:8|

- Generally put aside in times of affliction
#Ps 137:2-4; Da 6:18|

. Of joy and gladness
#Zep 3:17; Eph 5:19|

. Of heavenly felicity
#Re 5:8,9|

. (Ceasing of,) of calamities
#Isa 24:8,9; Re 18:22|

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