搜尋字串: 禱告
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
禱告 |
#王上 18:24-39|
#詩 5:3; 88:13; 143:8; 賽 33:2|
#詩 88:1|
#詩 55:17; 但 6:10|
#路 6:12|
#帖前 5:17|
#來 4:16|
.亞伯拉罕為所多瑪而質疑, 是禱告的典型
#創 18:23-32|
.摩西懇求上帝幫助他拯救以色列, 是禱告的典型
#出 33:12,18|
#創 24:63; 太 6:6|
#詩 5:1|
#拉 10:1|
#王上 18:27|
#太 23:14|
#可 12:40; 路 20:47|
#傳 5:2; 太 6:7|
#太 6:7|
.請求印證, 作為回應禱告的確據
#創 24:14|
#士 6:36-40|
#出 14:15|
#申 3:23-27|
#書 7:10|
#耶 26:19|
#伯 21:15|
#太 6:9-13; 路 11:2-4|
.主究竟如何禱告, 請見
#約 17:1-26|
#申 23:5; 書 24:10|
#伯 30:20; with 42:12|
.以色列人, 當他們遭亞摩利人攻擊時
#申 1:45|
#太 26:39,42,44; with 26:45-75|
#太 27|
#詩 22:1,2; 40:1; 80:4; 88:14; 耶 42:7; 哈 1:2; 路 18:7|
.所羅門求智慧; 應允包括智慧、財富、尊榮、長壽
#王上 3:7-14; 代下 1:10-12|
.使徒為彼得代禱; 應允包括了彼得獲釋
#徒 12:15; with 12:5|
.摩西祈求可以過約旦河; 回答只允許他望見應許之地
#申 3:23-27|
.以色列人貪求埃及的物質享受; 他們如願得肉吃, 心靈
#詩 106:14,15|
耶穌延遲, 不過讓拉撒路死裡復活
#約 11|
#林後 12:8,9|
.見 國家, 為國家禱告
#詩 51:1-17|
#路 18:13|
.見 在禱告中懺悔, 如下
.見 罪, 認罪
#民 16:15; 22:6-11; 23:7,8; 24:9,10; 申 11:29,30|
#申 27:11-13; 33:11; 書 8:33,34; 士 16:28; 撒下 16:10-12|
#尼 4:4,5; 5:13; 伯 3:1-10; 27:7; 詩 5:10; 6:10; 9:20|
#詩 10:2,15; 25:3; 28:4; 31:17,18; 35:4,8,26; 40:14,15; 54:5|
#詩 55:9,15; 56:7; 58:7; 59:5,11,15; 68:1,2; 69:23,24,27,28|
#詩 70:2,3; 71:13; 79:10,12; 83:13-17; 94:2; 109:7,9-20,28,29|
#詩 119:78,84; 129:5; 140:9,10; 143:12; 144:6; 耶 11:20|
#耶 12:3; 15:15; 17:18; 18:21-23; 20:12; 哀 1:22; 3:64-66|
#加 1:8,9; 提後 4:14,15|
#太 26:39; 可 14:36; 路 22:42|
#撒下 12:22,23|
#伯 1:20,21|
#太 6:6|
#創 19:20|
#創 15:2; 24:12|
#創 32:9-12|
#士 6:22,36,39|
#撒上 1:10|
#撒下 7:18-29|
#王下 20:2|
#王下 20:11|
#代下 33:18,19|
#拉 9:5,6|
#尼 2:4|
#耶 32:16-25|
#但 9:3,19|
#拿 2:1|
#哈 1:2|
#路 2:37|
#太 14:23; 26:36,39; 可 1:35; 路 9:18,29|
#徒 9:11|
#徒 9:40; 10:9|
#徒 10:30|
#創 12:5,8|
#創 35:3|
#徒 10:2|
#太 18:19; 徒 1:13,14; 16:25; 20:36; 21:5|
#徒 1:13,14; 12:12|
#徒 2:46; 3:1|
#太 14:23; 可 6:46; 路 6:12; 9:28|
#太 26:36; 可 14:32; 路 22:45|
#太 6:9; 路 11:1|
.究竟如何禱告, 請見
#約 17:1-26|
#可 1:35|
#約 12:27; 來 5:7|
#路 5:16|
#路 22:31,32|
#約 14:16|
#約 17|
#徒 1:24,25|
#王上 18:26-29|
#創 32:24-28; 何 12:4; 代上 16:11,35; 代下 7:14; 尼 4:9|
#詩 27:8; 105:3,4; 145:18; 箴 15:8; 傳 5:2; 賽 55:6; 哀 3:41|
#亞 12:10; 太 6:5-13; 7:7,8; 21:22; 可 9:28,29; 11:24|
#路 11:1-13; 18:1; 羅 8:26; 林前 14:15; 弗 3:11,12; 6:18,19|
#腓 4:6; 西 4:2; 帖前 5:17,18; 提前 2:8; 來 4:16; 雅 5:16|
#猶 1:20; 啟 5:8; 8:3,4|
#出 6:5; 22:23,27; 33:17-20; 申 4:7,29-31; 王上 8:22,53|
#代上 28:9; 代下 7:13-15; 伯 8:5,6; 12:4; 22:27; 33:26|
#詩 9:10,12; 10:17; 18:3; 32:6; 34:15,17; 37:4,5; 38:15|
#詩 50:14,15; 55:16,17; 56:9; 65:2,5; 69:33; 81:10; 86:5-7|
#詩 91:15; 102:17-20; 145:18,19; 箴 2:3,5; 3:6; 10:24; 15:8,29|
#箴 16:1; 賽 19:20; 30:19; 55:6; 58:9; 65:24; 耶 29:12,13|
#耶 31:9; 33:3; 哀 3:25; 結 36:37; 珥 2:18,19,32; 摩 5:4-6|
#番 2:3; 亞 10:1,6; 13:9; 太 6:5-13; 7:7-11; 18:19,20|
#太 21:22; 可 11:24,25; 路 11:5-13; 18:1-8; 21:36|
#約 4:10,23,24; 9:31; 14:13,14; 15:7,16; 16:23,24,26,27|
#徒 7:34; 22:16; 羅 8:26; 10:12,13; 弗 2:18; 3:20; 來 4:16|
#來 10:22,23; 11:6; 雅 1:5-7; 4:8,10; 5:16; 約一 3:22; 5:14,15|
#伯 34:28; 詩 3:4; 4:1; 6:8,9; 18:6; 21:2,4; 22:4,5,24|
#詩 28:6; 30:2,3; 31:22; 34:4-6; 40:1; 66:19,20; 77:1,2; 81:7|
#詩 99:6-8; 106:44; 107:6,7,13-20; 116:1,2; 118:5,21; 119:26|
#詩 120:1; 138:3; 哀 3:57,58; 何 12:4; 拿 2:1,2,7; 路 23:42,43|
#徒 4:31; 林後 12:8,9; 雅 5:17,18|
#創 4:13-15|
#創 15|
#創 18:23-33|
#創 17:20|
#創 20:17|
.夏甲, 祈求解救
#創 16:7-13|
.亞伯拉罕的僕人, 祈求引導
#創 24:12-52|
.利百加, 關於她懷孕的苦痛
#創 25:22,23|
.雅各, 祈求得救, 脫離以掃的手
#創 32:9-32; 33:1-17|
.摩西, 在紅海前求救
#出 14:15,16|
.摩西, 在瑪拉的水邊
#出 15:25|
.摩西, 在何烈山
#出 17:4-6|
.摩西, 與亞瑪利人打仗時
#出 17:8-14|
.摩西, 關於以色列人抱怨無肉可吃
#民 11:11-35|
.摩西, 為米利暗的大麻瘋代求
#民 12:13-15|
.摩西, 亞倫, 與撒母耳
#詩 99:6|
#出 2:23-25; 3:7-10; 徒 7:34|
#出 14:10-30|
#士 3:9,15|
#士 4:2-3,23,24; 撒上 12:9-11|
#士 10:6-18; 11:1-33|
.由於亞撒利雅的責備, 就祈求神的恩寵
#代下 15:1-15|
#尼 9:27|
.基甸, 求露水的印證
#士 6:36-40|
.瑪挪亞, 求問參孫的事
#士 13:8,9|
.參孫, 祈求力量
#士 16:28-30|
.哈拿, 祈求生子
#撒上 1:10-17,19,20|
.大衛, 求問基伊拉人是否會把他交在掃羅手裡
#撒上 23:10-12|
.大衛, 求問洗革拉的事
#撒上 30:1,3,8|
.大衛, 掃羅死後, 求問是否應進入猶大
#撒下 2:1|
.大衛, 求問是否應與非利士人爭戰
#撒下 5:19-25|
.大衛, 窘困時
#詩 118:5; 138:3|
.所羅門, 求智慧
#王上 3:1-13; 9:2,3|
.以利亞, 求寡婦之子復活
#王上 17:22|
.以利亞, 求火從天而降焚燒他的祭物
#王上 18:36-38|
.以利亞, 求雨
#王上 17:1; 18:1,42-45; 雅 5:17|
.以利沙, 引領敘利亞的軍隊
#王下 6:17-20|
.雅比斯, 求興盛
#代上 4:10|
.亞比雅, 求勝過耶羅波安
#代下 13:14-18|
.亞撒, 求勝過謝拉
#代下 14:11-15|
#代下 15:15|
.約沙法, 求勝過迦南人
#代下 18:31; 20:6-27|
.約哈斯, 求勝過哈薛
#王下 13:4|
.祭司與利未人, 為眾人祝福
#代下 30:27|
.希西家與以賽亞, 祈求獲救脫離西拿基立的手
#王下 19:14-20; 代下 32:20-23|
#王下 20:1-7,11; 代下 32:24|
.瑪拿西, 祈求獲救脫離巴比倫王的手
#代下 33:13,19|
.呂便人, 祈求獲救脫離夏甲人的手
#代上 5:20|
.猶太人, 被擄歸回
#拉 8:21,23|
.以西結, 烤困苦餅的方式改變了
#結 4:12-15|
.但以理, 為尼布甲尼撒解夢
#但 2:19-23|
.但以理, 為百姓代禱
#但 9:20-23|
.但以理, 在異象中得知禱告蒙應允
#但 10:12|
.撒迦利亞, 祈求兒子
#路 1:13|
.痲瘋病人, 求醫治
#太 8:2,3; 可 1:40-43; 路 5:12,13|
.百夫長, 為他的僕人祈求
#太 8:5-13; 路 7:3-10; 約 4:50,51|
.彼得, 祈求大比大(多加)復活
#徒 9:40|
.門徒, 為彼得獲釋禱告
#徒 12:5-17|
.保羅, 為恢復健康禱告
#林後 1:9-11|
#利 5:5; 26:40; 民 5:5-7; 士 10:10,15; 撒上 12:10; 王上 8:47|
#拉 9:6,15; 尼 1:6,7; 9:2,33-35; 伯 7:20; 40:4,5; 詩 31:10|
#詩 32:3,5; 38:4-8,10,18; 40:12; 51:3,4; 69:5; 106:6,7; 119:176|
#詩 130:3; 箴 28:13; 賽 6:5; 59:12,13; 耶 3:13,25; 14:7,20|
#哀 1:18; 3:42; 5:16; 但 9:5-15|
#創 18:23-32; 32:24-29; 出 32:32; 申 9:25; 士 6:36-40|
#士 16:28; 撒上 1:10,11; 12:23; 王上 8:22-30; 拉 9:5,6; 尼 1:4-6|
#詩 17:1,6; 22:1,2,19; 28:1,2; 35:22,23; 55:1,2,16,17; 57:2|
#詩 61:1,2; 70:5; 86:3,6; 88:1,2,9,13; 102:1,2; 119:58,145-147|
#詩 130:1,2; 141:1,2; 142:1,2; 賽 38:2,3; 62:7; 64:12|
#但 9:3,16-19; 拿 1:14; 哈 1:2; 太 15:22-28; 可 7:25-29|
#路 7:3; 11:5-8; 18:1-7; 22:44; 羅 8:26; 林後 12:8; 弗 6:18|
#來 5:7|
#創 32:24-30|
#出 33:12-16; 34:9|
#王上 18:22-44|
#太 20:30,31; 可 10:48; 路 18:39|
#太 15:22-28; 可 7:25-30|
#太 8:5; 路 7:3,4|
.見 代求
.見 耶穌, 耶穌居間調停
.見 惡人, 惡人的禱告
#創 32:9-12; 出 32:11-13; 33:13; 民 14:13-18; 16:22|
#申 3:24,25; 9:18,25-29; 書 7:8,9; 撒下 7:25-29|
#王上 8:25,26,59,60; 18:36,37; 王下 19:15-19; 代下 14:11|
#尼 1:8,9; 9:32; 詩 4:1; 9:19,20; 25:6; 27:9; 31:3; 38:16|
#詩 69:6,13,16; 71:18; 74:10,11,18-23; 79:10-12; 83:1,2,18|
#詩 86:1-5,17; 89:49-51; 106:47; 109:21-27; 115:1,2|
#詩 119:38,42,43,49,73,94,116,124,145,146,149,153,173-176|
#詩 143:11,12; 賽 37:15-20; 63:17-19; 耶 14:21; 18:20,21|
#哀 3:56-63; 珥 2:17|
#書 9:14; 撒上 9:13; 太 14:19; 15:36; 26:26,27; 可 6:41|
#可 8:6,7; 14:22,23; 路 9:16; 22:19; 約 6:11,23; 徒 27:35|
#羅 14:6; 林前 10:30,31; 11:24; 提前 4:3-5|
-MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS .Prayer test proposed by Elijah #1Ki 18:24-39| .Daily, in the morning #Ps 5:3; 88:13; 143:8; Isa 33:2| .Twice daily #Ps 88:1| .Thrice daily #Ps 55:17; Da 6:10| .All night #Lu 6:12| .Without ceasing #1Th 5:17| .Boldness in .Enjoined #Heb 4:16| .Exemplified by Abraham in his inquiry concerning Sodom #Ge 18:23-32| .By Moses, supplicating for assistance in delivering Israel #Ex 33:12,18| .Secret #Ge 24:63; Mt 6:6| .Silent #Ps 5:1| .Weeping in #Ezr 10:1| .In a loud voice, satirized by Elijah #1Ki 18:27| .Long .Of Pharisees #Mt 23:14| .Of scribes #Mr 12:40; Lu 20:47| .Profuse, to be avoided #Ec 5:2; Mt 6:7| .Vain repetitions of, to be avoided #Mt 6:7| .Tokens asked for, as assurance of answer .By Abraham's servant #Ge 24:14| .Gideon asks for a sign of dew on a fleece #Jud 6:36-40| .Rebuked .Of Moses, at the Red Sea #Ex 14:15| .When Moses prayed to see Canaan, the promised land #De 3:23-27| .Of Joshua #Jos 7:10| .Evils averted by #Jer 26:19| .Unbelief in #Job 21:15| ."The Lord's Prayer," #Mt 6:9-13; Lu 11:2-4| .However, see #Joh 17:1-26| .Answer to, withheld .Of Balaam #De 23:5; Jos 24:10| .Of Job #Job 30:20; with 42:12| .Of the Israelites, when attacked by the Amorites #De 1:45| .The prayer of Jesus, "Let this cup pass away," #Mt 26:39,42,44; with 26:45-75| .And #Mt 27| .Answer to, delayed #Ps 22:1,2; 40:1; 80:4; 88:14; Jer 42:7; Hab 1:2; Lu 18:7| .Answer to, exceeds petition .Solomon asked for wisdom; the answer included wisdom, riches, honour, and long life #1Ki 3:7-14; 2Ch 1:10-12| .The disciples prayed for Peter; the answer included Peter's deliverance #Ac 12:15; with 12:5| .Answer to, different from the request .Moses asked to be permitted to cross the Jordan River; the answer was permission to view the land of promise #De 3:23-27| .The Israelites lusted for the fleshpots of Egypt; the answer gave them, flesh, but also leanness of soul #Ps 106:14,15| .Martha and Mary asked Jesus to come and heal their brother Lazarus; Jesus delayed, but raised Lazarus from the dead #Joh 11| .Paul asked that the "thorn in the flesh" be removed; the answer was a promise of grace to endure it #2Co 12:8,9| .In Behalf of Nations .See NATIONS, PRAYER FOR .Penitential .Of David #Ps 51:1-17| .Of the tax collector #Lu 18:13| .See PRAYER, CONFESSION IN, below .See SIN, CONFESSION OF .Imprecatory #Nu 16:15; 22:6-11; 23:7,8; 24:9,10; De 11:29,30; 27:11-13; 33:11; Jos 8:33,34; Jud 16:28; 2Sa 16:10-12; Ne 4:4,5; 5:13; Job 3:1-10; 27:7; Ps 5:10; 6:10; 9:20; 10:2,15; 25:3; 28:4; 31:17,18; 35:4,8,26; 40:14,15; 54:5; 55:9,15; 56:7; 58:7; 59:5,11,15; 68:1,2; 69:23,24,27,28; 70:2,3; 71:13; 79:10,12; 83:13-17; 94:2; 109:7,9-20,28,29; 119:78,84; 129:5; 140:9,10; 143:12; 144:6; Jer 11:20; 12:3; 15:15; 17:18; 18:21-23; 20:12; La 1:22; 3:64-66; Ga 1:8,9; 2Ti 4:14,15| .Submission in, exemplified by Jesus #Mt 26:39; Mr 14:36; Lu 22:42| .David #2Sa 12:22,23| .Job #Job 1:20,21| .Private, enjoined #Mt 6:6| .Exemplified by .Lot #Ge 19:20| .Eliezer #Ge 24:12| .Jacob #Ge 32:9-12| .Gideon #Jud 6:22,36,39| .Hannah #1Sa 1:10| .David #2Sa 7:18-29| .Hezekiah #2Ki 20:2| .Isaiah #2Ki 20:11| .Manasseh #2Ch 33:18,19| .Ezra #Ezr 9:5,6| .Nehemiah #Ne 2:4| .Jeremiah #Jer 32:16-25| .Daniel #Da 9:3,19| .Jonah #Jon 2:1| .Habakkuk #Hab 1:2| .Anna #Lu 2:37| .Jesus #Mt 14:23; 26:36,39; Mr 1:35; Lu 9:18,29| .Paul #Ac 9:11| .Peter #Ac 9:40; 10:9| .Cornelius #Ac 10:30| .Family .By Abraham #Ge 12:5,8| .By Jacob #Ge 35:3| .By Cornelius #Ac 10:2| .Social #Mt 18:19; Ac 1:13,14; 16:25; 20:36; 21:5| .Held in private houses #Ac 1:13,14; 12:12| .Held in the temple #Ac 2:46; 3:1| .Of Jesus .On a mountain #Mt 14:23; Mr 6:46; Lu 6:12; 9:28| .In the garden of Gethsemane #Mt 26:36; Mr 14:32; Lu 22:45| .The Lord's prayer #Mt 6:9; Lu 11:1| .However, see #Joh 17:1-26| .Before daylight #Mr 1:35| .In distress #Joh 12:27; Heb 5:7| .In the wilderness #Lu 5:16| .In behalf of Peter #Lu 22:31,32| .For the Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to come #Joh 14:16| .After the supper #Joh 17| .Of the apostles #Ac 1:24,25| .To idols #1Ki 18:26-29|
-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #Ge 32:24-28; Ho 12:4; 1Ch 16:11,35; 2Ch 7:14; Ne 4:9; Ps 27:8; 105:3,4; 145:18; Pr 15:8; Ec 5:2; Isa 55:6; La 3:41; Zec 12:10; Mt 6:5-13; 7:7,8; 21:22; Mr 9:28,29; 11:24; Lu 11:1-13; 18:1; Ro 8:26; 1Co 14:15; Eph 3:11,12; 6:18,19; Php 4:6; Col 4:2; 1Th 5:17,18; 1Ti 2:8; Heb 4:16; Jas 5:16; Jude 1:20; Re 5:8; 8:3,4|
-ANSWER TO, PROMISE #Ex 6:5; 22:23,27; 33:17-20; De 4:7,29-31; 1Ki 8:22,53; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 7:13-15; Job 8:5,6; 12:4; 22:27; 33:26; Ps 9:10,12; 10:17; 18:3; 32:6; 34:15,17; 37:4,5; 38:15; 50:14,15; 55:16,17; 56:9; 65:2,5; 69:33; 81:10; 86:5-7; 91:15; 102:17-20; 145:18,19; Pr 2:3,5; 3:6; 10:24; 15:8,29; 16:1; Isa 19:20; 30:19; 55:6; 58:9; 65:24; Jer 29:12,13; 31:9; 33:3; La 3:25; Eze 36:37; Joe 2:18,19,32; Am 5:4-6; Zep 2:3; Zec 10:1,6; 13:9; Mt 6:5-13; 7:7-11; 18:19,20; 21:22; Mr 11:24,25; Lu 11:5-13; 18:1-8; 21:36; Joh 4:10,23,24; 9:31; 14:13,14; 15:7,16; 16:23,24,26,27; Ac 7:34; 22:16; Ro 8:26; 10:12,13; Eph 2:18; 3:20; Heb 4:16; 10:22,23; 11:6; Jas 1:5-7; 4:8,10; 5:16; 1Jo 3:22; 5:14,15|
-ANSWERED #Job 34:28; Ps 3:4; 4:1; 6:8,9; 18:6; 21:2,4; 22:4,5,24; 28:6; 30:2,3; 31:22; 34:4-6; 40:1; 66:19,20; 77:1,2; 81:7; 99:6-8; 106:44; 107:6,7,13-20; 116:1,2; 118:5,21; 119:26; 120:1; 138:3; La 3:57,58; Ho 12:4; Jon 2:1,2,7; Lu 23:42,43; Ac 4:31; 2Co 12:8,9; Jas 5:17,18| .INSTANCES OF ANSWERED .Cain #Ge 4:13-15| .Abraham, for a son #Ge 15| .Abraham entreating .For Sodom #Ge 18:23-33| .For Ishmael #Ge 17:20| .For Abimelech #Ge 20:17| .Hagar, for deliverance #Ge 16:7-13| .Abraham's servant, for guidance #Ge 24:12-52| .Rebecca, concerning her pains in pregnancy #Ge 25:22,23| .Jacob, for deliverance from Esau #Ge 32:9-32; 33:1-17| .Moses, for help at the Red Sea #Ex 14:15,16| .Moses, at the waters of Marah #Ex 15:25| .Moses, at Mount Horeb #Ex 17:4-6| .Moses, in the battle with the Amalekites #Ex 17:8-14| .Moses, concerning the complaint of the Israelites for meat #Nu 11:11-35| .Moses, on behalf of Miriam's leprosy #Nu 12:13-15| .Moses, Aaron, and Samuel #Ps 99:6| .Israelites for deliverance .From bondage #Ex 2:23-25; 3:7-10; Ac 7:34| .From Pharaoh's army #Ex 14:10-30| .From the king of Mesopotamia #Jud 3:9,15| .Sisera #Jud 4:3,23,24; 1Sa 12:9-11| .Ammon #Jud 10:6-18; 11:1-33| .For God's favor under the reproofs of Azariah #2Ch 15:1-15| .From Babylonian bondage #Ne 9:27| .Gideon, asking for the token of dew #Jud 6:36-40| .Manoah, asking about Samson #Jud 13:8,9| .Samson, asking for strength #Jud 16:28-30| .Hannah, asking to give birth to a child #1Sa 1:10-17,19,20| .David, asking whether Keilah would be delivered into his hands #1Sa 23:10-12| .David, asking about Ziklag #1Sa 30:8| .David, asking whether he should go into Judah after Saul's death #2Sa 2:1| .David, asking whether he should go to war against the Philistines #2Sa 5:19-25| .David, in adversity #Ps 118:5; 138:3| .Solomon, asking for wisdom #1Ki 3:1-13; 9:2,3| .Elijah, raising the widow's son #1Ki 17:22| .Elijah, calling for fire to come down upon his sacrifice #1Ki 18:36-38| .Elijah, asking for rain #1Ki 17:1; 18:1,42-45; Jas 5:17| .Elisha, leading the Syrian army #2Ki 6:17-20| .Jabez, asking for prosperity #1Ch 4:10| .Abijah, for victory over Jeroboam #2Ch 13:14-18| .Asa, for victory over Zerah #2Ch 14:11-15| .The people of Judah #2Ch 15:15| .Jehoshaphat, for victory over the Canaanites #2Ch 18:31; 20:6-27| .Jehoahaz, for victory over Hazael #2Ki 13:4| .Priests and Levites, when blessing the people #2Ch 30:27| .Hezekiah and Isaiah, for deliverance from Sennacherib #2Ki 19:14-20; 2Ch 32:20-23| .To save Hezekiah's life #2Ki 20:1-7,11; 2Ch 32:24| .Manasseh, for deliverance from the king of Babylon #2Ch 33:13,19| .The Reubenites, for deliverance from the Hagarites #1Ch 5:20| .The Jews, returning from the captivity #Ezr 8:21,23| .Ezekiel, to have the baking of his bread of affliction changed #Eze 4:12-15| .Daniel, for the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream #Da 2:19-23| .Daniel, interceding for the people #Da 9:20-23| .Daniel, in a vision #Da 10:12| .Zacharias, for a son #Lu 1:13| .The leper, for healing #Mt 8:2,3; Mr 1:40-43; Lu 5:12,13| .Centurion, for his servant #Mt 8:5-13; Lu 7:3-10; Joh 4:50,51| .Peter, asking that Tabitha (Dorcas) be restored to life #Ac 9:40| .The disciples, for Peter #Ac 12:5-17| .Paul, to be restored to health #2Co 1:9-11|
-CONFESSION IN #Le 5:5; 26:40; Nu 5:5-7; Jud 10:10,15; 1Sa 12:10; 1Ki 8:47; Ezr 9:6,15; Ne 1:6,7; 9:2,33-35; Job 7:20; 40:4,5; Ps 31:10; 32:3,5; 38:4-8,10,18; 40:12; 51:3,4; 69:5; 106:6,7; 119:176; 130:3; Pr 28:13; Isa 6:5; 59:12,13; Jer 3:13,25; 14:7,20; La 1:18; 3:42; 5:16; Da 9:5-15|
-IMPORTUNITY IN #Ge 18:23-32; 32:24-29; Ex 32:32; De 9:25; Jud 6:36-40; 16:28; 1Sa 1:10,11; 12:23; 1Ki 8:22-30; Ezr 9:5,6; Ne 1:4-6; Ps 17:1,6; 22:1,2,19; 28:1,2; 35:22,23; 55:1,2,16,17; 57:2; 61:1,2; 70:5; 86:3,6; 88:1,2,9,13; 102:1,2; 119:58,145-147; 130:1,2; 141:1,2; 142:1,2; Isa 38:2,3; 62:7; 64:12; Da 9:3,16-19; Jon 1:14; Hab 1:2; Mt 15:22-28; Mr 7:25-29; Lu 7:3; 11:5-8; 18:1-7; 22:44; Ro 8:26; 2Co 12:8; Eph 6:18; Heb 5:7| .INSTANCES OF IMPORTUNITY IN .Jacob #Ge 32:24-30| .Moses #Ex 33:12-16; 34:9| .Elijah #1Ki 18:22-44| .The two blind men of Jericho #Mt 20:30,31; Mr 10:48; Lu 18:39| .The non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman #Mt 15:22-28; Mr 7:25-30| .The Roman centurion #Mt 8:5; Lu 7:3,4|
-PLEAS OFFERED IN #Ge 32:9-12; Ex 32:11-13; 33:13; Nu 14:13-18; 16:22; De 3:24,25; 9:18,25-29; Jos 7:8,9; 2Sa 7:25-29; 1Ki 8:25,26,59,60; 18:36,37; 2Ki 19:15-19; 2Ch 14:11; Ne 1:8,9; 9:32; Ps 4:1; 9:19,20; 25:6; 27:9; 31:3; 38:16; 69:6,13,16; 71:18; 74:10,11,18-23; 79:10-12; 83:1,2,18; 86:1-5,17; 89:49-51; 106:47; 109:21-27; 115:1,2; 119:38,42,43,49,73,94, 116,124,145,146,149,153,173-176; 143:11,12; Isa 37:15-20; 63:17-19; Jer 14:21; 18:20,21; La 3:56-63; Joe 2:17|
-THANKSGIVING AND, BEFORE RECEIVING FOOD #Jos 9:14; 1Sa 9:13; Mt 14:19; 15:36; 26:26,27; Mr 6:41; 8:6,7; 14:22,23; Lu 9:16; 22:19; Joh 6:11,23; Ac 27:35; Ro 14:6; 1Co 10:30,31; 11:24; 1Ti 4:3-5|
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
禱告 |
Prayer |
- 為上帝所吩咐
#賽 55:6; 太 7:7; 腓 4:6|
- 應當
. 獻給上帝
#詩 5:2; 太 4:10|
. 獻給基督
#路 23:42; 徒 7:59|
. 獻給聖靈
#帖後 3:5|
. 藉著基督獻上
#弗 2:18; 來 10:19|
- 上帝垂聽禱告
#詩 10:17; 65:2|
- 上帝回應禱告
#詩 99:6; 賽 58:9|
- 被描述為
. 屈膝
#弗 3:14|
. 警醒
#詩 5:3|
. 仰望
#詩 25:1|
. 誠心
#哀 3:41|
. 傾心吐意
#詩 62:8|
. 傾心吐意 (傾倒靈魂)
#撒上 1:15|
. 求告主名
#創 12:8; 詩 116:4; 徒 22:16|
. 向上帝呼求
#詩 27:7; 34:6|
. 親近上帝
#詩 73:28; 來 10:22|
. 向天呼求
#代下 32:20|
. 向耶和華懇求
#出 32:11|
. 尋求上帝
#伯 8:5|
. 尋求耶和華的面
#詩 27:8|
. 哀求
#伯 8:5; 耶 36:7|
- 以基督為中保的禱告是可悅納的
#約 14:13,14; 15:16; 16:23,24|
- 升至天上
#代下 30:27; 啟 5:8|
- 使人蘇醒的恩典對於禱告是必要的
#詩 80:18|
- 聖靈
. 被應許, 為禱告的靈
#亞 12:10|
. 乃兒子的心, 促使人禱告
#羅 8:15; 加 4:6|
. 在禱告中幫助我們的軟弱
#羅 8:26|
- 是信主的證據
#徒 9:11|
- 義人的禱告大有功效
#雅 5:16|
- 正直人的禱告是上帝所喜悅的
#箴 15:8|
- 應當獻上
. 靠著聖靈
#弗 6:18; 猶 1:20|
. 憑信心
#太 21:22; 雅 1:6|
. 以充足的信心
#來 10:22|
. 以饒恕的靈
#太 6:12|
. 發自內心
#耶 29:13; 哀 3:41|
. 全心全意
#詩 119:58,145|
. 預備心
#伯 11:13|
. 真心真意
#來 10:22|
. 存著誠心
#詩 42:4|
. 用心靈和悟性
#約 4:22-24; 林前 14:15|
. 對上帝有信心
#詩 56:9; 86:7; 約一 5:14|
. 以降服上帝的心
#路 22:42|
. 以真誠的嘴唇
#詩 17:1|
. 慎重地
#傳 5:2|
. 以聖潔的心
#提前 2:8|
. 以謙卑的心
#代下 7:14; 33:12|
. 以誠實的心
#詩 145:18; 約 4:24|
. 渴望禱告蒙垂聽
#尼 1:6; 詩 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1|
. 渴望禱告蒙應允
#詩 27:7; 102:2; 108:6; 143:1|
. 放膽地
#來 4:16|
. 懇切地
#帖前 3:10; 雅 5:17|
. 糾纏不休地
#創 32:26; 路 11:8,9; 18:1-7|
. 日以繼夜
#提前 5:5|
. 不間斷地
#帖前 5:17|
. 隨處禱告
#提前 2:8|
. 凡事禱告
#腓 4:6|
- 祈求屬世的福氣
#創 28:20; 箴 30:8; 太 6:11|
- 祈求屬靈的福氣
#太 6:33|
- 在困窘的時刻, 祈求憐憫和恩典的幫助
#來 4:16|
- 禱告的模範
#太 6:9-13|
- 不得重複無益的禱詞
#太 6:7|
- 不得在禱告時賣弄
#太 6:5|
- 伴隨著
. 悔改
#王上 8:33; 耶 36:7|
. 告解
#尼 1:4,7; 但 9:4-11|
. 自卑
#創 18:27|
. 哭泣
#耶 31:9; 何 12:4|
. 禁食
#尼 1:4; 但 9:3; 徒 13:3|
. 儆醒
#路 21:36; 彼前 4:7|
. 讚美
#詩 66:17|
. 感恩
#腓 4:6; 西 4:2|
- 禱告時應訴諸
. 上帝的應許
#創 32:9-12; 出 32:13; 王上 8:26; 詩 119:49|
. 上帝的約
#耶 14:21|
. 上帝的信實
#詩 143:1|
. 上帝的憐憫
#詩 51:1; 但 9:18|
. 上帝的公義
#但 9:16|
- 當早起禱告
#詩 5:3; 119:147|
- 當尋求關於禱告的屬天教導
#路 11:1|
- 禱告切莫灰心
#路 18:1|
- 禱告要恆切
#羅 12:12|
- 當避免攔阻禱告的事物
#彼前 3:7|
- 受苦時禱告是合宜的
#賽 26:16; 雅 5:13|
- 時間短少是禱告的原動力
#彼前 4:7|
- 禱告的姿勢
. 站立
#王上 8:22; 可 11:25|
. 屈身
#詩 95:6|
. 跪著
#代下 6:13; 詩 95:6; 路 22:41; 徒 20:36|
. 臉俯伏在地
#民 16:22; 書 5:14; 代上 21:16; 太 26:39|
. 伸出雙手
#賽 1:15|
. 舉起雙手
#詩 28:2; 哀 2:19; 提前 2:8|
- 上帝的應許激發人禱告
#賽 65:24; 摩 5:4; 亞 13:9|
- 基督的應許激發人禱告
#路 11:9,10; 約 14:13,14|
- 過去蒙憐憫的經驗是禱告的一個動力
#詩 4:1; 112:2|
- Commanded #Isa 55:6; Mt 7:7; Php 4:6|
- TO BE OFFERED . To God #Ps 5:2; Mt 4:10|
. To Christ #Lu 23:42; Ac 7:59|
. To the Holy Spirit #2Th 3:5|
. Through Christ #Eph 2:18; Heb 10:19|
- God hears #Ps 10:17; 65:2|
- God answers #Ps 99:6; Isa 58:9|
- IS DESCRIBED AS . Bowing the knees #Eph 3:14|
. Looking up #Ps 5:3|
. Lifting up the soul #Ps 25:1|
. Lifting up the heart #La 3:41|
. Pouring out the heart #Ps 62:8|
. Pouring out the soul #1Sa 1:15|
. Calling upon the name of the Lord #Ge 12:8; Ps 116:4; Ac 22:16|
. Crying to God #Ps 27:7; 34:6|
. Drawing near to God #Ps 73:28; Heb 10:22|
. Crying to heaven #2Ch 32:20|
. Beseeching the Lord #Ex 32:11|
. Seeking to God #Job 8:5|
. Seeking the face of the Lord #Ps 27:8|
. Making supplication #Job 8:5; Jer 36:7|
- Acceptable through Christ #Joh 14:13,14; 15:16; 16:23,24|
- Ascends to heaven #2Ch 30:27; Re 5:8|
- Quickening grace necessary to #Ps 80:18|
- THE HOLY SPIRIT . Promised as a Spirit of #Zec 12:10|
. As the Spirit of adoptions, leads to #Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6|
. Helps our infirmities in #Ro 8:26|
- An evidence of conversion #Ac 9:11|
- Of the righteous, avails much #Jas 5:16|
- Of the upright, a delight to God #Pr 15:8|
- SHOULD BE OFFERED UP . In the Holy Spirit #Eph 6:18; Jude 1:20|
. In faith #Mt 21:22; Jas 1:6|
. In full assurance of faith #Heb 10:22|
. In a forgiving spirit #Mt 6:12|
. With the heart #Jer 29:13; La 3:41|
. With the whole heart #Ps 119:58,145|
. With preparation of heart #Job 11:13|
. With a true heart #Heb 10:22|
. With the soul #Ps 42:4|
. With the spirit and understanding #Joh 4:22-24; 1Co 14:15|
. With confidence in God #Ps 56:9; 86:7; 1Jo 5:14|
. With submission to God #Lu 22:42|
. With unfeigned lips #Ps 17:1|
. With deliberation #Ec 5:2|
. With holiness #1Ti 2:8|
. With humility #2Ch 7:14; 33:12|
. With truth #Ps 145:18; Joh 4:24|
. With desire to be heard #Ne 1:6; Ps 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1|
. With desire to be answered #Ps 27:7; 102:2; 108:6; 143:1|
. With boldness #Heb 4:16|
. With earnestness #1Th 3:10; Jas 5:17|
. With importunity #Ge 32:26; Lu 11:8,9; 18:1-7|
. Night and day #1Ti 5:5|
. Without ceasing #1Th 5:17|
. Everywhere #1Ti 2:8|
. In everything #Php 4:6|
- For temporal blessings #Ge 28:20; Pr 30:8; Mt 6:11|
- For spiritual blessings #Mt 6:33|
- For mercy and grace to help in time of need #Heb 4:16|
- Model for #Mt 6:9-13|
- Vain repetitions in, forbidden #Mt 6:7|
- Ostentation in, forbidden #Mt 6:5|
- ACCOMPANIED WITH . Repentance #1Ki 8:33; Jer 36:7|
. Confession #Ne 1:4,7; Da 9:4-11|
. Self-abasement #Ge 18:27|
. Weeping #Jer 31:9; Ho 12:4|
. Fasting #Ne 1:4; Da 9:3; Ac 13:3|
. Watchfulness #Lu 21:36; 1Pe 4:7|
. Praise #Ps 66:17|
. Thanksgiving #Php 4:6; Col 4:2|
- PLEAD IN THE . Promises of God #Ge 32:9-12; Ex 32:13; 1Ki 8:26; Ps 119:49|
. Covenant of God #Jer 14:21|
. Faithfulness of God #Ps 143:1|
. Mercy of God #Ps 51:1; Da 9:18|
. Righteousness of God #Da 9:16|
- Rise early for #Ps 5:3; 119:147|
- Seek divine teaching for #Lu 11:1|
- Faint not in #Lu 18:1|
- Continue instant in #Ro 12:12|
- Avoid hindrances in #1Pe 3:7|
- Suitable in affliction #Isa 26:16; Jas 5:13|
- Shortness of time a motive to #1Pe 4:7|
- POSTURES IN . Standing #1Ki 8:22; Mr 11:25|
. Bowing down #Ps 95:6|
. Kneeling #2Ch 6:13; Ps 95:6; Lu 22:41; Ac 20:36|
. Falling on the face #Nu 16:22; Jos 5:14; 1Ch 21:16; Mt 26:39|
. Spreading forth the hands #Isa 1:15|
. Lifting up the hands #Ps 28:2; La 2:19; 1Ti 2:8|
- The promises of God encourage to #Isa 65:24; Am 5:4; Zec 13:9|
- The promises of Christ encourage to #Lu 11:9,10; Joh 14:13,14|
- Experience of past mercies an incentive to #Ps 4:1; 112:2|
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