搜尋字串: 預言
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
預言 |
.見 耶穌
.見 教會
-(論及各國各民各城的預言, 請見其各自的標題)
-(關於個人的預言, 請見他們的名字)
#賽 28:22; 路 1:70; 提後 3:16; 彼後 1:21|
#王上 17:8; 21:17,28|
#賽 2:1; 8:5; 13:1; 14:28; 38:4|
#耶 1:4; 7:1; 11:1; 13:8; 16:1; 18:1; 25:1,2; 26:1|
#耶 27:1; 29:30; 30:1,4; 32:1,6,26; 33:1,19,23; 34:12|
#耶 35:12; 36:1; 37:6; 40:1; 43:8; 44:1; 46:1; 49:34; 50:1|
#結 3:16; 6:1; 7:1; 11:14; 12:1,8,17,21; 13:1; 14:12|
#結 15:1; 16:1; 17:1,11; 18:1; 20:45; 21:1,8,18; 22:1,17,23|
#結 23:1; 24:1,15,20; 25:1; 26:1; 27:1; 28:1,11,20; 29:1,17|
#結 30:1,20; 31:1; 32:1,17; 33:1,23; 34:1; 35:1; 36:16|
#結 37:15; 38:1|
#摩 7:14,15|
#拿 3:1|
#該 2:1,10,20|
#亞 1:7; 4:8; 6:9; 7:1,4,8; 8:1,18|
#耶 11:6|
#結 4; 5:1-4; 徒 21:11|
#耶 45:1|
#耶 45:1; 51:60|
#賽 43:9|
#結 12:22-25,28; 哈 2:3; 太 5:18; 24:35; 徒 13:27,29|
#哀 2:9|
#約一 2:18; 猶 1:17,18|
#彼後 2; 3|
#啟 2:10|
-關於彌賽亞的預言, 並預言應驗
#創 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; with 徒 3:25; 加 3:8|
#創 17:7,19; 22:16,17; with 路 1:55,72-74|
#申 18:15,18; with 徒 3:22,23|
#詩 2:1,2; with 徒 4:25,26|
#詩 2:7; with 徒 13:33; 來 1:5; 5:5|
#詩 8:2; with 太 21:16|
#詩 8:4-6; with 來 2:6-8|
#詩 16:8-11; with 徒 2:25-28,31|
#詩 16:10; with 徒 13:35|
#詩 22:1; with 太 27:46; 可 15:34|
#詩 22:18; with 太 27:35; 可 15:24; 路 23:34; 約 19:24|
#詩 22:22; with 來 2:12|
#詩 31:5; with 路 23:46|
#詩 41:9; with 約 13:18; 徒 1:16|
#詩 45:6,7; with 來 1:8,9|
#詩 68:18; with 弗 4:8-10|
#詩 69:21; with 太 27:48; 可 15:36; 路 23:36; 約 19:28,29|
#詩 69:25; 109:8; with 徒 1:20|
#詩 95:7-11; with 來 3:7-11; 4:3,5-7|
#詩 102:25-27; with 來 1:10-12|
#詩 110:1; with 太 22:44; 可 12:36; 路 20:42; 徒 2:34,35;
來 1:13|
#詩 110:4; with 來 5:6|
#詩 118:22,23; with 太 21:42; 可 12:10,11; 路 20:17; 徒 4:11|
#詩 118:25,26; with 太 21:9; 可 11:9; 約 12:13|
#詩 132:11,17; with 路 1:69; 徒 2:30|
#賽 7:14; with 太 1:23|
#賽 9:1,2; with 太 4:15,16|
#賽 9:7; with 但 7:14,27; with 路 1:32,33|
#賽 11:10; with 羅 15:12|
#賽 25:8; with 林前 15:54|
#賽 28:16; with 羅 9:33; 彼前 2:6|
#賽 40:3-5; with 太 3:3; 可 1:3; 路 3:4-6|
#賽 42:1-4; with 太 12:17-21|
#賽 49:6; with 路 2:32; 徒 13:47,48; 26:23|
#賽 53:1; with 約 12:38; 羅 10:16|
#賽 53:3-6; with 徒 26:22,23|
#賽 53:4-6,11; with 彼前 2:24,25|
#賽 53:4; with 太 8:17|
#賽 53:9; with 彼前 2:22|
#賽 53:12; with 可 15:28; 路 22:37|
#賽 54:13; with 約 6:45|
#賽 55:3; with 徒 13:34|
#賽 59:20,21; with 羅 11:26,27|
#耶 31:31-34; with 來 8:8-12; 10:16,17|
#何 1:10; with 羅 9:26|
#何 2:23; with 羅 9:25; 彼前 2:10|
#珥 2:28-32; with 徒 2:16-21|
#摩 9:11,12; with 徒 15:16,17|
#彌 5:2; with 太 2:5,6; 約 7:42|
#哈 1:5; with 徒 13:40,41|
#該 2:6; with 來 12:26|
#亞 9:9; with 太 21:4,5; 約 12:14,15|
#亞 11:13; with 太 27:9,10|
#亞 12:10; with 約 19:37|
#亞 13:7; with 太 26:31,56; 可 14:27,50|
#瑪 3:1; with 太 11:10; 可 1:2; 路 7:27|
#瑪 4:5,6; with 太 11:13,14; 17:10-13; 可 9:11-13;
路 1:16,17|
.見 關於 耶穌 的預言
.見 先知
#王上 13:2; 王下 23:1-20|
#王上 13:21,22,24-30|
#王上 14:5-17|
#王上 16:2,3,9-13|
#書 6:26; 王上 16:34|
#王上 17:14|
#王上 20:13-30|
#王上 20:35,36|
#王上 20:42; 21:18-24; 22:31-38|
#王下 1:3-17|
#王下 2:3-11|
#利 26:29; 申 28:53; 王下 6:28,29; 耶 19:9; 哀 4:10|
#王下 7:2,19,20|
#王下 7:1-18|
#王上 21:23; 王下 9:10,33-37|
#王下 13:16-25|
#王下 14:25-28|
#王下 10:30; with 15:12|
.西拿基立的軍隊遭殲滅, 西拿基立會死
#王下 19:6,7,20-37|
#王下 20:17,18; 24:10-16; 25:11-21|
.見 耶穌, 關於耶穌的預言
.關於 (彌賽亞的先驅) 施洗約翰
#太 3:3|
.拉結為她的兒女悲泣 (伯利恆的嬰孩遭屠殺的預言應驗了)
#耶 31:15; 太 2:17,18|
#耶 39:15-18|
#哈 1:6-11|
#王下 25; 代下 36:17-21|
#詩 41:9|
#約 13:18; 18:1-9|
#詩 69:25; 徒 1:16,20|
#太 27:5; 徒 1:16-20|
#珥 2:28,29|
.聖靈澆灌的預言在 (西元後三十年的) 五旬節應驗
#徒 2:1,6-21|
#賽 6:9; 29:13|
#可 7:6,7; 徒 28:25-27|
#詩 68:18|
#弗 4:8,10|
.見 耶穌 的使命
#耶 25:11,12; 29:10,14; 32:3-5; 但 9:2; with 王下 25:1-8|
#拉 1|
.(保羅和其他人所坐的) 船失事的預言應驗
#徒 27:10,18-44|
-Concerning Jesus .See JESUS
-Concerning the church .See CHURCH
-PROPHECIES CONCERNING -(Relating to various countries, nations, and cities, see under their respective titles) -(Respecting individuals, see under their names) .Inspired #Isa 28:22; Lu 1:70; 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:21| ."The word of the Lord came to," etc., to .Elijah #1Ki 17:8; 21:17,28| .Isaiah #Isa 2:1; 8:5; 13:1; 14:28; 38:4| .Jeremiah #Jer 1:4; 7:1; 11:1; 13:8; 16:1; 18:1; 25:1,2; 26:1; 27:1; 29:30; 30:1,4; 32:1,6,26; 33:1,19,23; 34:12; 35:12; 36:1; 37:6; 40:1; 43:8; 44:1; 46:1; 49:34; 50:1| .Ezekiel #Eze 3:16; 6:1; 7:1; 11:14; 12:1,8,17,21; 13:1; 14:12; 15:1; 16:1; 17:1,11; 18:1; 20:45; 21:1,8,18; 22:1,17,23; 23:1; 24:1,15,20; 25:1; 26:1; 27:1; 28:1,11,20; 29:1,17; 30:1,20; 31:1; 32:1,17; 33:1,23; 34:1; 35:1; 36:16; 37:15; 38:1| .Amos #Am 7:14,15| .Jonah #Jon 3:1| .Haggai #Hag 2:1,10,20| .Zechariah #Zec 1:7; 4:8; 6:9; 7:1,4,8; 8:1,18| .Publicly proclaimed #Jer 11:6| .Exemplified in pantomime #Eze 4; 5:1-4; Ac 21:11| .Written by an amanuensis (copyist, transcriber) #Jer 45:1| .Written in books #Jer 45:1; 51:60| .Proof of God's foreknowledge #Isa 43:9| .Sure fulfillment of #Eze 12:22-25,28; Hab 2:3; Mt 5:18; 24:35; Ac 13:27,29| .Cessation of #La 2:9| .Of apostasy #1Jo 2:18; Jude 1:17,18| .False teachers #2Pe 2; 3| .Tribulations of the righteous #Re 2:10|
-CONCERNING THE MESSIAH, AND THE FULFILLMENT -OLD TESTAMENT MESSIANIC PASSAGES QUOTED IN THE NEW TESTAMENT #Ge 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; with Ac 3:25; Ga 3:8| #Ge 17:7,19; 22:16,17; with Lu 1:55,72-74| #De 18:15,18; with Ac 3:22,23| #Ps 2:1,2; with Ac 4:25,26| #Ps 2:7; with Ac 13:33; Heb 1:5; 5:5| #Ps 8:2; with Mt 21:16| #Ps 8:4-6; with Heb 2:6-8| #Ps 16:8-11; with Ac 2:25-28,31| #Ps 16:10; with Ac 13:35| #Ps 22:1; with Mt 27:46; Mr 15:34| #Ps 22:18; with Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Lu 23:34; Joh 19:24| #Ps 22:22; with Heb 2:12| #Ps 31:5; with Lu 23:46| #Ps 41:9; with Joh 13:18; Ac 1:16| #Ps 45:6,7; with Heb 1:8,9| #Ps 68:18; with Eph 4:8-10| #Ps 69:21; with Mt 27:48; Mr 15:36; Lu 23:36; Joh 19:28,29| #Ps 69:25; 109:8; with Ac 1:20| #Ps 95:7-11; with Heb 3:7-11; 4:3,5-7| #Ps 102:25-27; with Heb 1:10-12| #Ps 110:1; with Mt 22:44; Mr 12:36; Lu 20:42; Ac 2:34,35; Heb 1:13| #Ps 110:4; with Heb 5:6| #Ps 118:22,23; with Mt 21:42; Mr 12:10,11; Lu 20:17; Ac 4:11| #Ps 118:25,26; with Mt 21:9; Mr 11:9; Joh 12:13| #Ps 132:11,17; with Lu 1:69; Ac 2:30| #Isa 7:14; with Mt 1:23| #Isa 9:1,2; with Mt 4:15,16| #Isa 9:7; with Da 7:14,27; with Lu 1:32,33| #Isa 11:10; with Ro 15:12| #Isa 25:8; with 1Co 15:54| #Isa 28:16; with Ro 9:33; 1Pe 2:6| #Isa 40:3-5; with Mt 3:3; Mr 1:3; Lu 3:4-6| #Isa 42:1-4; with Mt 12:17-21| #Isa 49:6; with Lu 2:32; Ac 13:47,48; 26:23| #Isa 53:1; with Joh 12:38; Ro 10:16| #Isa 53:3-6; with Ac 26:22,23| #Isa 53:4-6,11; with 1Pe 2:24,25| #Isa 53:4; with Mt 8:17| #Isa 53:9; with 1Pe 2:22| #Isa 53:12; with Mr 15:28; Lu 22:37| #Isa 54:13; with Joh 6:45| #Isa 55:3; with Ac 13:34| #Isa 59:20,21; with Ro 11:26,27| #Jer 31:31-34; with Heb 8:8-12; 10:16,17| #Ho 1:10; with Ro 9:26| #Ho 2:23; with Ro 9:25; 1Pe 2:10| #Joe 2:28-32; with Ac 2:16-21| #Am 9:11,12; with Ac 15:16,17| #Mic 5:2; with Mt 2:5,6; Joh 7:42| #Hab 1:5; with Ac 13:40,41| #Hag 2:6; with Heb 12:26| #Zec 9:9; with Mt 21:4,5; Joh 12:14,15| #Zec 11:13; with Mt 27:9,10| #Zec 12:10; with Joh 19:37| #Zec 13:7; with Mt 26:31,56; Mr 14:27,50| #Mal 3:1; with Mt 11:10; Mr 1:2; Lu 7:27| #Mal 4:5,6; with Mt 11:13,14; 17:10-13; Mr 9:11-13; Lu 1:16,17|
-MISCELLANEOUS, FULFILLED .The birth and zeal of Josiah #1Ki 13:2; 2Ki 23:1-20| .Death of the prophet of Judah #1Ki 13:21,22,24-30| .Extinction of Jeroboam's house #1Ki 14:5-17| .Extinction of Baasha's house #1Ki 16:2,3,9-13| .Concerning the rebuilding of Jericho #Jos 6:26; 1Ki 16:34| .The drought, foretold by Elijah #1Ki 17:14| .Destruction of Ben-hadad's army #1Ki 20:13-30| .The death of a man who refused to strike a prophet #1Ki 20:35,36| .The death of Ahab #1Ki 20:42; 21:18-24; 22:31-38| .The death of Ahaziah #2Ki 1:3-17| .The transporting of Elijah to the heavens #2Ki 2:3-11| .Cannibalism among the people of Israel #Le 26:29; De 28:53; 2Ki 6:28,29; Jer 19:9; La 4:10| .The death of the Samaritan lord #2Ki 7:2,19,20| .The end of the famine in Samaria #2Ki 7:1-18| .Jezebel's tragic death #1Ki 21:23; 2Ki 9:10,33-37| .The striking of Syria by Joash #2Ki 13:16-25| .Conquests of Jeroboam #2Ki 14:25-28| .Four generations of Jehu's descendants to sit upon the throne of Israel #2Ki 10:30; with 15:12| .Destruction of Sennacherib's army, and his death #2Ki 19:6,7,20-37| .The captivity of the southern kingdom (Judah,) #2Ki 20:17,18; 24:10-16; 25:11-21| .Concerning Christ .See JESUS, PROPHECIES CONCERNING .Also see above .Concerning John the Baptist (as the forerunner of the Messiah) #Mt 3:3| .Rachel weeping for her children (the slaughter of the infants in Bethlehem predicted and fulfilled) #Jer 31:15; Mt 2:17,18| .The deliverance of Jeremiah predicted and fulfilled #Jer 39:15-18| .The invasion of the southern kingdom (Judah) by the Chaldeans predicted #Hab 1:6-11| .The invasion of Judah by the Chaldeans fulfilled #2Ki 25; 2Ch 36:17-21| .The betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot predicted #Ps 41:9| .The betrayal of Jesus by Judas fulfilled #Joh 13:18; 18:1-9| .Judas Iscariot's self-destruction predicted #Ps 69:25; Ac 1:16,20| .Judas' self-destruction fulfilled #Mt 27:5; Ac 1:16-20| .The outpouring of the Holy Spirit predicted #Joe 2:28,29| .The outpouring of the Spirit fulfilled on the day of Pentecost (thirty A. D.) #Ac 2:1,6-21| .Spiritual blindness of the Jewish leaders predicted #Isa 6:9; 29:13| .That blindness fulfilled #Mr 7:6,7; Ac 28:25-27| .The mission of Jesus predicted #Ps 68:18| .That purpose fulfilled #Eph 4:8,10| .See JESUS, MISSION OF .Captivity of the Jews predicted and fulfilled #Jer 25:11,12; 29:10,14; 32:3-5; Da 9:2; with 2Ki 25:1-8; Ezr 1| .The destruction of the ship (on which Paul and the others sailed) predicted and fulfilled #Ac 27:10,18-44|
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
預言 |
Prophecy |
- 就是預告未來發生的事件
#創 49:1; 民 24:14|
- 上帝是預言的創始者
#賽 44:7; 45:21|
- 上帝藉著基督發出預言
#啟 1:1|
- 是基督的恩賜
#弗 4:11; 啟 11:3|
- 是聖靈的恩賜
#林前 12:10|
- 不是出於人意
#彼後 1:21|
- 創世以來就有了
#路 1:70|
- 是可靠的話語
#彼後 1:19|
- 講預言的人
. 由上帝興起
#摩 2:11|
. 由上帝預定
#撒上 3:20; 耶 1:5|
. 由上帝差遣
#代下 36:15; 耶 7:25|
. 由基督差遣
#太 23:34|
. 被聖靈充滿
#路 1:67|
. 被聖靈感動
#彼後 1:21|
. 靠著聖靈說預言
#徒 1:16; 11:28; 28:25|
. 奉主的名說預言
#代下 33:18; 雅 5:10|
. 以權柄說預言
#王上 17:1|
- 上帝實現預言
#賽 44:26; 徒 3:18|
- 基督是預言的重要項目
#徒 3:22-24; 10:43; 彼前 1:10,11|
- 關於基督的預言實現了
#路 24:44|
- 應許賜下預言的恩賜
#珥 2:28; 徒 2:16,17|
- 是為了以後世代的好處
#彼前 1:12|
- 是黑暗中的光
#彼後 1:19|
- 不能隨私意解說
#彼後 1:20|
- 不可輕看預言
#帖前 5:20|
- 當留心預言
#彼後 1:19|
- 當憑著信心領受
#代下 20:20; 路 24:25|
- 誦念、聽見、遵守預言的人有福了
#啟 1:3; 22:7|
- 假裝有預言恩賜是有罪的
#耶 14:14; 23:13,14; 結 13:2,3|
- 對下列過犯的懲罰
. 不聽從預言
#尼 9:30|
. 加添或刪減預言
#啟 22:18,19|
. 假裝有預言的恩賜
#申 18:20; 耶 14:15; 23:15|
- 未信主的人有時擁有預言的恩賜
#民 24:2-9; 撒上 19:20,23; 太 7:22; 約 11:49-51; 林前 13:2|
- 試驗的方法
#申 13:1-3; 18:22|
- Is the foretelling of future events #Ge 49:1; Nu 24:14|
- God is the author of #Isa 44:7; 45:21|
- God gives, through Christ #Re 1:1|
- A gift of Christ #Eph 4:11; Re 11:3|
- A gift of the Holy Spirit #1Co 12:10|
- Came not by the will of man #2Pe 1:21|
- Given from the beginning #Lu 1:70|
- Is a sure word #2Pe 1:19|
- THEY WHO UTTERED . Raised up by God #Am 2:11|
. Ordained by God #1Sa 3:20; Jer 1:5|
. Sent by God #2Ch 36:15; Jer 7:25|
. Sent by Christ #Mt 23:34|
. Filled with the Holy Spirit #Lu 1:67|
. Moved by the Holy Spirit #2Pe 1:21|
. Spoke by the Holy Spirit #Ac 1:16; 11:28; 28:25|
. Spoke in the name of the Lord #2Ch 33:18; Jas 5:10|
. Spoke with authority #1Ki 17:1|
- God accomplishes #Isa 44:26; Ac 3:18|
- Christ the great subject of #Ac 3:22-24; 10:43; 1Pe 1:10,11|
- Fulfilled respecting Christ #Lu 24:44|
- Gift of, promised #Joe 2:28; Ac 2:16,17|
- Is for the benefit of after ages #1Pe 1:12|
- Is a light in dark place #2Pe 1:19|
- Is not of private interpretation #2Pe 1:20|
- Despise not #1Th 5:20|
- Give heed to #2Pe 1:19|
- Receive in faith #2Ch 20:20; Lu 24:25|
- Blessedness of reading, hearing, and keeping #Re 1:3; 22:7|
- Guilt of pretending to the gift of #Jer 14:14; 23:13,14; Eze 13:2,3|
- PUNISHMENT FOR . Not giving ear to #Ne 9:30|
. Adding to, or taking from #Re 22:18,19|
. Pretending to the gift of #De 18:20; Jer 14:15; 23:15|
- Gift of, sometimes possessed by unconverted men #Nu 24:2-9; 1Sa 19:20,23; Mt 7:22; Joh 11:49-51; 1Co 13:2|
- How tested #De 13:1-3; 18:22|
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