首頁加入會員會員登入點數說明網站地圖聯絡我們奉獻支持 (尚未登入) 聖經QR 10月11日 星期五

靈糧中心 線上奉獻
代禱信 登廣告

每日一詞 主題辭典 聖經人名 聖經地名 聖經英文

搜尋方式: 本搜尋引擎限搜尋單一詞彙,採模糊比對。

搜尋字串: 帳幕

中文註解 英文註解
#出 33:7-11|

#出 25:8|
#出 27:21; 33:7; 代下 5:5|
#出 38:21; 民 1:50; 17:7,8; 代下 24:6|
#撒上 1:9; 3:3; 書 6:24|

#出 25:9; 26:30; 39:32,42,43; 徒 7:44; 來 8:5|

#出 25:1-8; 35:4-29; 36:3-7|

#出 38:24-31|

#出 31:1-11; 35:30-35|

#出 26:15-37; 36:20-38|

#出 25:5; 26:7-14; 36:14-19|

#出 25:5; 26:14; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34|

#出 26:1-14,31-37; 27:9-16; 35:15,17; 36:8-19,35,37|

#出 27:9-17; 38:9-16,18; 40:8,33|

#出 26:31-37; 40:22-26; 來 9:2-6,8|

#出 26:33-35; 40:20,21; 來 9:3-5,7,8|

#出 25:10-40; 27:1-8,19|
#出 37; 38:1-8|



-見 燈臺





#出 39:32|

#民 7|

#出 29:43; 40:9-16; 民 7:1|

#出 30:25,26; 利 8:10; 民 7:1|

#利 16:15-20; 來 9:21,23|

#出 40:34-38|

#民 1:51; 4:5-15|

#民 4:5-33; 7:6-9|

#民 1:51|


#利 15:31; 民 19:13,20; 結 5:11; 23:38|

.見 祭司

#民 10:3; 16:19,42,43; 20:6; 25:6; 撒上 2:22; 詩 27:4|

#利 17:4; 民 31:54; 申 12:5,6,11-14|

-在曠野中, 各支派在帳幕周圍安營
#民 2|

#出 23:17|

#出 30:11-16|

-行軍時, 由利未人扛著走在以色列百姓面前
#民 10:33-36; 書 3:3-6|

#利 1:1; 民 1:1; 7:89; 12:4-10; 申 31:14,15|

#書 4:18,19|
#書 18:1; 19:51; 士 18:31; 20:18,26,27; 21:19|
#撒上 2:14; 4:3,4; 耶 7:12,14|
#撒上 21:1-6|
#代上 21:29|

-由大衛重新設立, 支搭在錫安山
#代上 15:1; 16:1,2; 代下 1:4|

#代下 1:3-6|

#代下 5:5; with 王上 8:1,4,5|

#詩 15:1; 來 8:2,5; 9:1-12,24|


-見 祭司


-One existed before Moses received the pattern authorized on
Mount Sinai
#Ex 33:7-11|

-The one instituted by Moses was called
#Ex 25:8|
#Ex 27:21|
#Ex 33:7; 2Ch 5:5|
#Ex 38:21; Nu 1:50|
#Nu 17:7,8; 2Ch 24:6|
#1Sa 1:9; 3:3|
#Jos 6:24|

-Pattern of, revealed to Moses
#Ex 25:9; 26:30; 39:32,42,43; Ac 7:44; Heb 8:5|

-Materials for, voluntarily offered
#Ex 25:1-8; 35:4-29; 36:3-7|

-Value of the substance contributed for
#Ex 38:24-31|

-Workmen who constructed it were inspired
#Ex 31:1-11; 35:30-35|

-Description of
.The frame
#Ex 26:15-37; 36:20-38|

-The outer covering
#Ex 25:5; 26:7-14; 36:14-19|

-The second covering
#Ex 25:5; 26:14; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34|

-The curtains of
#Ex 26:1-14,31-37; 27:9-16; 35:15,17; 36:8-19,35,37|

-The courtyard of
#Ex 27:9-17; 38:9-16,18; 40:8,33|

-The Holy Place of
#Ex 26:31-37; 40:22-26; Heb 9:2-6,8|

-The Most Holy Place
#Ex 26:33-35; 40:20,21; Heb 9:3-5,7,8|

-The furniture of
#Ex 25:10-40; 27:1-8,19; 37; 38:1-8|


-See ARK

-See CANDLESTICK (lampstand)

-See CHERUBIM (cherubs)




#Ex 39:32|

#Nu 7|

#Ex 29:43; 40:9-16; Nu 7:1|

-Anointed with holy oil
#Ex 30:25,26; Le 8:10; Nu 7:1|

-Sprinkled with blood
#Le 16:15-20; Heb 9:21,23|

-Filled with the cloud of glory
#Ex 40:34-38|

-How prepared for removal during the travels of the Israelites
#Nu 1:51; 4:5-15|

-How and by whom carried
#Nu 4:5-33; 7:6-9|

-Strangers (foreigners) forbidden to enter
#Nu 1:51|

-Duties of the Levites concerning

-Defilement of, punished
#Le 15:31; Nu 19:13,20; Eze 5:11; 23:38|

-Duties of the priests in relation to

-Israelites worship at
#Nu 10:3; 16:19,42,43; 20:6; 25:6; 1Sa 2:22; Ps 27:4|

-Offerings brought to
#Le 17:4; Nu 31:54; De 12:5,6,11-14|

-Causes tried at
#De 12:5,6,11-14|

-Tribes encamped around, while in the wilderness
#Nu 2|

-All males required to appear before, three times each year
#Ex 23:17|

-Tabernacle tax
#Ex 30:11-16|

-Carried in front of the people of Israel in the line of march
#Nu 10:33-36; Jos 3:3-6|

-The Lord reveals himself at
#Le 1:1; Nu 1:1; 7:89; 12:4-10; De 31:14,15|

.At Gilgal
#Jos 4:18,19|
.At Shiloh
#Jos 18:1; 19:51; Jud 18:31; 20:18,26,27; 21:19; 1Sa
2:14; 4:3,4; Jer 7:12,14|
.At Nob
#1Sa 21:1-6|
.At Gibeon
#1Ch 21:29|

-Renewed by David, and pitched upon Mount Zion
#1Ch 15:1; 16:1,2; 2Ch 1:4|

-Solomon offers sacrifice at
#2Ch 1:3-6|

-Brought to the temple by Solomon
#2Ch 5:5; with 1Ki 8:1,4,5|

-Symbol of spiritual things
#Ps 15:1; Heb 8:2,5; 9:1-12,24|




中文註解 英文註解
帳幕 Tabernacle
- 摩西受命照上帝指示的樣式製作帳幕
#出 25:9; 26:30; 來 8:5|

- 用百姓甘心樂意所獻的禮物製成
#出 25:1-8; 35:4,5,21-29|

- 上帝賜比撒列製作帳幕的智慧
#出 31:2-7; 35:30-35; 36:1|

- 稱為
. 耶和華的帳幕
#書 22:19; 王上 2:28; 代上 16:39|

. 法櫃的帳幕
#出 38:21; 民 1:50; 17:7,8; 代下 24:6; 徒 7:44|

. 會幕
#出 27:21; 33:7; 40:26|

. 示羅的帳幕
#詩 78:60|

. 約瑟的帳棚
#詩 78:67|

. 耶和華的殿
#撒上 1:9; 3:3|

. 耶和華的殿 (房子)
#書 6:24; 撒上 1:7,24|

- 是活動帳棚, 正適合居無定所的以色列民
#撒下 7:6,7|

- 用來表明上帝的同在, 並敬拜上帝
#出 25:8; 29:42,43|

- 帳幕的豎板
. 用皂莢木做成
#出 26:15; 36:20|

. 長十肘, 寬一肘半
#出 26:16; 36:21|

. 板子有兩榫嵌入帶卯的銀座
#出 26:17,19; 36:22-24|

. 帳幕的南面有二十塊板子
#出 26:18; 36:23|

. 帳幕的北面有二十塊板子
#出 26:20; 36:25|

. 帳幕的西面有六塊板子, 拐角有兩塊板子
#出 26:22-25; 36:27-30|

. 由穿過金環的閂支撐
#出 26:26-29; 36:31-33|

. 板上的閂要用金子包裹
#出 26:26-29; 36:34|

- 帳幕的門是藍紫色的幔子, 掛在五根皂莢木柱子的金鉤上
#出 26:36,37; 36:37,38|

- 帳幕的遮罩
. 第一層遮罩, 即底蓋, 用鈕釦和金鉤把十幅藍紫色幔子連在一起
#出 26:1-6; 36:8-13|

. 第二層遮罩, 是十一幅山羊毛織成的幔子
#出 26:7-13; 36:14-18|

. 第三層遮罩, 是染成紅色的公羊皮
#出 26:14; 36:19|

. 第四層遮罩, 即頂蓋, 是海狗皮
#出 26:14; 36:19|

- 用掛在四根皂莢木柱子上的藍紫色幔子隔開
#出 26:31-33; 36:35,36; 40:21|

- 分為
. 聖所
#出 26:33; 來 9:2-6|

. 至聖所
#出 26:34; 來 9:3,7|

- 四周有一個院子
#出 40:8|

- 聖所裡有擺著陳設餅的桌子、金燈臺、香壇
#出 26:35; 40:22,24,26; 來 9:2|

- 至聖所裡有法櫃和施恩座
#出 26:33,34; 40:20,21; 來 9:4|

- 帳幕外的院子
. 長一百肘,寬五十肘
#出 27:18|

. 細麻做的幔子掛在有帶卯的銅座的柱子上, 圍住院子
#出 27:9-15; 38:9-16|

. 院子的門是藍紫色的帷子, 長二十肘, 掛在四個柱子上
#出 27:16; 38:18|

. 院子裡有銅壇和銅製洗濯盆
#出 40:29,30|

. 院子周圍的柱子都要用銀杆連絡
#出 27:17; 38:17|

. 院子裡的器皿都是銅製的
#出 27:19|

- 出埃及後第二年, 以色列人初次豎立帳幕
#出 40:2,17|

- 立過帳幕的地點
. 由摩西在西乃山豎立
#出 40:18,19; 民 10:11,12|

. 吉甲
#書 5:10,11|

. 示羅
#書 18:1; 19:51|

. 挪伯
#撒上 21:1-6|

. 最後一次是在基遍基遍
#代上 16:39; 21:29|

- 用膏油塗抹, 歸耶和華為聖
#出 40:9; 利 8:10; 民 7:1|

- 灑上血, 加以潔淨
#來 9:21|

- 上帝的榮耀使帳幕成聖
#出 29:43; 40:34; 民 9:15|

- 上帝在帳幕的施恩座上顯現
#出 25:22; 利 16:2; 民 7:89|

- 在曠野的時候, 榮耀的雲彩停在帳幕上面
#出 40:38; 民 9:15,16|

- 以色列人起程與否由帳幕上的雲彩決定
#出 40:36,37|

- 祭司
. 唯獨祭司可以進帳幕
#民 18:3,5|

. 一切服事都在帳幕裡進行
#民 3:10; 18:1,2; 來 9:6|

. 是帳幕的服事人員
#來 8:2|

- 利未人
. 奉派負責帳幕的事
#民 1:50; 8:24; 18:2-4|

. 辦理帳幕次級的事
#民 3:6-8|

. 拆卸並支搭帳幕
#民 1:51|

. 搬運帳幕
#民 4:15,25,31|

. 在帳幕的四圍安營
#民 1:53; 3:23,29,35|

- 初次立帳幕的時候, 百姓獻上甘心祭
#民 7:1-9|

- 行奉獻壇之禮時, 百姓獻上甘心祭
#民 7:10-87|

- 所有獻祭都要獻在帳幕前
#利 17:4; 申 12:5,6,11,13,14|

- 玷污帳幕的刑罰
#利 15:31; 民 19:13|

- 國家建立以後, 就用固定的殿代替帳幕
#撒下 7:5-13|

- 用來說明
. 基督
#賽 4:6; 約 1:14; 來 9:8,9,11|

. 教會
#詩 15:1; 賽 16:5; 54:2; 來 8:2; 啟 21:2,3|

. 身體
#林後 5:1; 彼後 1:13|

. (至聖所,) 天國
#來 6:19,20; 9:12,24; 10:19|

. (幔子,) 基督的身體
#來 10:20|

. (幔子,) 摩西時代上帝是隱匿的
#來 9:8,10; 羅 16:25,26; 啟 11:19|

- Moses was commanded to make after a divine pattern
#Ex 25:9; 26:30; Heb 8:5|

- Made of the free-will offerings of the people
#Ex 25:1-8; 35:4,5,21-29|

- Divine wisdom given to Bezaleel to make
#Ex 31:2-7; 35:30-35; 36:1|

. Tabernacle of the Lord
#Jos 22:19; 1Ki 2:28; 1Ch 16:39|

. Tabernacle of testimony or witness
#Ex 38:21; Nu 1:50; 17:7,8; 2Ch 24:6; Ac 7:44|

. Tabernacle of the congregation
#Ex 27:21; 33:7; 40:26|

. Tabernacle of Shiloh
#Ps 78:60|

. Tabernacle of Joseph
#Ps 78:67|

. Temple of the Lord
#1Sa 1:9; 3:3|

. House of the Lord
#Jos 6:24; 1Sa 1:7,24|

- Was a moveable tent suited to the unsettled condition of
#2Sa 7:6,7|

- Designed for manifestation of God's presence and for his
#Ex 25:8; 29:42,43|

. Made of shittim wood
#Ex 26:15; 36:20|

. Ten cubits high by one and a half broad
#Ex 26:16; 36:21|

. Had each two tenons fitted into sockets of silver
#Ex 26:17,19; 36:22-24|

. Twenty on south side
#Ex 26:18; 36:23|

. Twenty on north side
#Ex 26:20; 36:25|

. Six, and two corner boards for west side
#Ex 26:22-25; 36:27-30|

. Supported by bars of shittim wood resting in rings of gold
#Ex 26:26-29; 36:31-33|

. With the bars, covered with gold
#Ex 26:26-29; 36:34|

- The door of, a curtain of blue and purple suspended by gold
rings from five pillars of shittim wood
#Ex 26:36,37; 36:37,38|

. The first or inner, ten curtains of blue, purple, &c joined
with loops and golden taches
#Ex 26:1-6; 36:8-13|

. The second, eleven curtains of goats' hair
#Ex 26:7-13; 36:14-18|

. The third of rams' skins dyed red
#Ex 26:14; 36:19|

. The fourth or outward of badgers' skins
#Ex 26:14; 36:19|

- Divided by a vail of blue, purple, suspended from four
pillars of shittim
#Ex 26:31-33; 36:35,36; 40:21|

. The holy place
#Ex 26:33; Heb 9:2-6|

. The most holy place
#Ex 26:34; Heb 9:3,7|

- Had a court round about
#Ex 40:8|

- The table of show-bread, the golden candlestick, and the
altar of incense were place in the holy place
#Ex 26:35; 40:22,24,26; Heb 9:2|

- The ark and mercy-seat put in the most holy place
#Ex 26:33,34; 40:20,21; Heb 9:4|

. One hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide
#Ex 27:18|

. Surrounded by curtains of fine line suspended from pillars
in sockets of brass
#Ex 27:9-15; 38:9-16|

. The gate of, a hanging of blue, purple, &c twenty cubits
wide, suspended from four pillars, &c
#Ex 27:16; 38:18|

. Contained the brazen altar and laver of brass
#Ex 40:29,30|

. All the pillars of, filleted with silver, &c
#Ex 27:17; 38:17|

. All the vessels of, made of brass
#Ex 27:19|

- First reared, on the first day of the second year after the
#Ex 40:2,17|

. By Moses at Mount Sinai
#Ex 40:18,19; Nu 10:11,12|

. At Gilgal
#Jos 5:10,11|

. In Shiloh
#Jos 18:1; 19:51|

. In Nob
#1Sa 21:1-6|

. Finally at Gibeon
#1Ch 16:39; 21:29|

- Anointed and consecrated with oil
#Ex 40:9; Le 8:10; Nu 7:1|

- Sprinkled and purified with blood
#Heb 9:21|

- Sanctified by the glory of the Lord
#Ex 29:43; 40:34; Nu 9:15|

- The Lord appeared in, over the mercy-seat
#Ex 25:22; Le 16:2; Nu 7:89|

- The cloud of glory rested on, by night and day during its
abode in the wilderness
#Ex 40:38; Nu 9:15,16|

- The journeys of Israel regulated by the cloud on
#Ex 40:36,37|

. Alone could enter
#Nu 18:3,5|

. Performed all services in
#Nu 3:10; 18:1,2; Heb 9:6|

. Were the ministers of
#Heb 8:2|

. Appointed over, and had charge of
#Nu 1:50; 8:24; 18:2-4|

. Did the inferior service of
#Nu 3:6-8|

. Took down, and put up
#Nu 1:51|

. Carried
#Nu 4:15,25,31|

. Pitched their tents around
#Nu 1:53; 3:23,29,35|

- Free-will offerings made at the first rearing of
#Nu 7:1-9|

- Free-will offerings made at the dedication of the altar of
#Nu 7:10-87|

- All offerings to be made at
#Le 17:4; De 12:5,6,11,13,14|

- Punishment for defiling
#Le 15:31; Nu 19:13|

- A permanent house substituted for, when the kingdom was
#2Sa 7:5-13|

. Of Christ
#Isa 4:6; Joh 1:14; Heb 9:8,9,11|

. Of the Church
#Ps 15:1; Isa 16:5; 54:2; Heb 8:2; Re 21:2,3|

. Of the body
#2Co 5:1; 2Pe 1:13|

. (The holy of holies,) of heaven
#Heb 6:19,20; 9:12,24; 10:19|

. (The vail,) of Christ's body
#Heb 10:20|

. (The vail,) of the obscurity of the Mosaic age
#Heb 9:8,10; Ro 16:25,26; Re 11:19|

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