搜尋字串: 女人
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
女人 |
#創 1:27; 2:21,22|
#創 2:23|
#創 3:1-16; 林後 11:3; 提前 2:14|
#創 3:15|
#創 24:67; 31:33; 斯 2:9,11|
#創 24:65|
#民 30:3-16|
-被懷疑有外遇時, 用神裁法來定奪她有罪或清白
#民 5:12-31|
#出 15:20|
#出 21; 38:8; 撒上 2:22|
#代上 25:5,6; 拉 2:65; 尼 7:67|
#出 38:8; 撒上 2:22|
#出 35:22|
#出 38:8|
#申 31:12; 書 8:35|
#利 15:19-33; 撒下 11:4|
#利 12; 路 2:22|
#利 12|
#徒 1:14; 12:12,13; 林前 11:5; 14:34; 提前 2:11|
#創 18:6; 箴 31:15-19; 太 24:41|
#創 18:6|
#出 35:25,26; 撒上 2:19; 箴 31:19-24|
#箴 31:22|
#徒 9:39|
#得 2:8|
#歌 1:6|
#創 24:11,13,14,19,20; 29:9; 出 2:16|
#賽 27:11; 結 26:6,8|
#太 26:69; 約 18:16,17; 徒 12:13,14|
#申 22:5|
#林前 11:5-15|
#提前 2:9,10; 彼前 3:3,4|
#賽 3:16-23|
#彼前 3:7|
#賽 19:16; 耶 50:37; 51:30; 鴻 3:13|
#撒下 1:26|
#賽 49:15; 哀 4:10|
#士 11:34; 21:21; 耶 31:13; 亞 9:17|
#創 24:17|
#創 24:3,4; 34:6; 出 22:17|
#士 11:37; 詩 78:63; 賽 4:1|
#民 31:9,15,17,18,35; 哀 1:18; 結 30:17,18|
#申 22:23-27|
#出 22:16,17; 申 22:28,29|
#申 32:25; 哀 2:21; 5:11|
#得 3:11; 箴 31:10-30|
#賽 32:9-11|
#耶 2:32|
#箴 6:24-29,32-35; 7:6-27; 傳 7:26|
#提後 3:6|
#耶 7:18; 結 13:17,23|
#民 31:15,16; 王上 21:25; 尼 13:26|
#王下 23:7; 羅 1:26|
#賽 3:12|
#士 4:4|
#王下 11:1-16; 代下 22:2,3,10-12|
#王上 10:1-13|
#徒 8:27|
#尼 2:6|
#出 15:20|
#士 5|
#撒上 18:6|
#撒下 1:20|
#士 9:53|
#出 15:21|
#士 5|
#撒上 2:1-10|
#路 1:42-45|
#路 1:46-55|
#出 15:20,21; 彌 6:4|
#士 4:4,5|
#王下 22:14-20; 代下 34:22-28|
#尼 6:14|
#路 2:36-38|
#徒 21:9|
#結 13:17-23|
#箴 31:14-18,24|
#民 27:1-11; 36; 書 17:3-6; 伯 42:15|
#得 4:3-9|
#太 18:25|
#創 3:6|
#太 27:55,56; 可 15:40,41|
#可 15:46,47; 16:1-6; 路 23:27,28,49,55,56; 24:1-10|
#可 16:9; 約 20:14-18|
#徒 16:14,15; 17:4,12,34|
#斯 1:10-22; 但 5:1-12|
#徒 24:24; 25:13,23; 26:30|
#創 2:18,21-24; 3:16; 斯 1:20-22; 箴 11:16,22; 12:4; 14:1|
#箴 18:22; 19:13,14; 21:9,19; 25:24; 27:15,16; 30:21-23|
#箴 31:10-31; 傳 7:26-28; 賽 3:16-24; 32:9-12; 結 13:17-23|
#林前 11:3-15; 14:34,35; 提前 2:9-15; 3:11; 5:1-16; 提後 3:6,7|
#多 2:3-5|
.見 寡婦
.底波拉, 是士師、先知暨軍事領袖
#士 4; 士 5|
#士 13:23|
#得 1; 得 2; 3:1|
#得 1:4,14-22|
#得 2; 得 3; 得 4|
.哈拿, 撒母耳的母親
#撒上 1:9-18,24-28|
.撒勒法的寡婦, 在飢荒時供養以利亞
#王上 17:8-24|
.書念婦人, 熱情款待以利沙
#王下 4:8-38|
#斯 1:11,12|
#斯 4:15-17|
#路 1:26-38|
#路 1:6,41-45|
#路 2:37|
#可 12:41-44; 路 21:2-4|
#可 14:3-9; 路 10:42; 約 11:5|
#可 16:1; 路 8:2; 約 20:1,2,11-16|
#太 27:19|
.多加 (大比大)
#徒 9:36|
#徒 16:14|
#徒 18:26|
#羅 16:1,2|
#羅 16:15|
#羅 16:6|
#提後 1:5|
#腓 4:3|
.指基督的身體 (教會)
#詩 45:2-15; 加 4:26; 啟 12:1|
#太 25:1-4; 林後 11:2; 啟 14:4|
#王下 9:30-37; 23:7; 耶 44:15-19,25; 結 8:14; 羅 1:26|
#王下 23:7; 何 4:13,14|
#箴 2:16-19; 5:3-20; 6:24-29,32-35; 7:6-27; 傳 7:26; 結 16:32|
#王上 21:8|
#提後 3:6|
.夏娃, 向試探屈服並引誘丈夫犯罪
#創 3:6; 提前 2:14|
.撒拉, 忌妒怨恨夏甲
#創 21:9-11; with 21:12-21|
.羅得的妻子, 反抗她的處境及所多瑪的滅亡
#創 19:26; 路 17:32|
.羅得的女兒, 亂倫
#創 19:31-38|
.利百加, 偏袒雅各, 並以卑鄙手段幫他得到以撒的祝福
#創 27:11-17|
.拉結, 忌妒利亞
#創 30:1|
.拉結, 偷神像
#創 31:19,34|
.利亞, 在生孩子的事上模仿拉結
#創 30:9-18|
.底拿, 私通
#創 34:1,2|
.她瑪, 行淫
#創 38:14-24|
.波提乏的妻子, 起色慾挑逗並誹謗約瑟
#創 39:7-20|
.西坡拉, 因摩西宗教上的義務而煩擾他
#出 4:25,26|
.米利暗, 和亞倫一起反叛摩西
#民 12|
.喇合, 賣淫
#書 2:1|
.大利拉, 密謀對付參孫
#士 16:4-20|
.毗尼拿, 以利加拿的大老婆, 忌妒譏刺哈拿
#撒上 1:4-8|
.以色列營中的米甸女人, 行淫時當場被逮
#民 25:6-8|
.米甲, 嘲笑大衛的信仰熱情
#撒下 6:16,20-23|
.拔示巴, 行淫, 成為殺夫兇手的妻子
#撒下 11:4,5,27; 12:9,10|
.所羅門的妻子, 崇拜偶像並帶壞所羅門
#王上 11:1-11; 尼 13:26|
.耶洗別, 迫害並殺死上帝的先知
#王上 18:4,13|
.耶洗別, 迫害以利亞
#王上 19:2|
.耶洗別, 謀害拿伯並詐取他的葡萄園
#王上 21:1-16|
.耶洗別, 給亞哈出壞主意, 帶壞亞哈
#王上 21:25; with 21:17-27|
#王下 9:30-37|
#王下 6:28,29|
.亞她利雅, 將王室趕盡殺絕並篡位
#王下 11:1-16; 代下 22:10,12; 23:12-15|
#王下 23:7|
.假先知挪亞底, 猶太人重建耶路撒冷時,企圖恫嚇他們
#尼 6:14|
.哈曼的妻子, 慫恿他吊死末底改
#斯 5:14; 6:13|
.約伯的妻子, 叫他詛咒上帝並死了算了
#伯 2:9; 19:17|
.歌篾, 何西阿行淫的妻子
#何 1:2,3; 3:1|
.希羅底, 亂倫嫁給小叔希律安提帕斯
#太 14:3,4; 可 6:17-19; 路 3:19|
.希羅底, 間接促使施洗約翰遭斬首
#太 14:6-11; 可 6:24-28|
.希羅底的女兒, 與母親共謀害死施洗約翰
#太 14:8; 可 6:18-28|
.撒非喇, 說謊褻瀆上帝
#徒 5:2-10|
#約 8:1-11|
#耶 6:2; 啟 17:4,18|
#賽 32:9,11; 太 25:1-13|
#亞 5:7,8|
#啟 17; 19:2|
-Creation of #Ge 1:27; 2:21,22|
-Named #Ge 2:23|
-Fall of, and curse upon #Ge 3:1-16; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14|
-Promise to #Ge 3:15|
-Had separate apartments in dwellings #Ge 24:67; 31:33; Es 2:9,11|
-Veiled the face #Ge 24:65|
-Vows of #Nu 30:3-16|
-When jealously charged with infidelity, their guilt or innocence was to be determined by an ordeal #Nu 5:12-31|
-Took part in ancient worship #Ex 15:20; 21; 38:8; 1Sa 2:22|
-In chorus #1Ch 25:5,6; Ezr 2:65; Ne 7:67|
-Worshiped in separate compartments #Ex 38:8; 1Sa 2:22|
-Consecrated jewels to tabernacle #Ex 35:22|
-Mirrors #Ex 38:8|
-Required to attend to the reading of the law of Moses #De 31:12; Jos 8:35|
-Purifications of .After menstruation #Le 15:19-33; 2Sa 11:4| .After childbirth #Le 12; Lu 2:22|
-Difference in ceremonies made between male and female children #Le 12|
-Religious privileges of, among early Christians #Ac 1:14; 12:12,13; 1Co 11:5; 14:34; 1Ti 2:11|
-Domestic duties of #Ge 18:6; Pr 31:15-19; Mt 24:41|
-Cooked #Ge 18:6|
-Spun #Ex 35:25,26; 1Sa 2:19; Pr 31:19-24|
-Embroidered #Pr 31:22|
-Made garments #Ac 9:39|
-Gleaned #Ru 2:8|
-Kept vineyards #So 1:6|
-Tended flocks and herds #Ge 24:11,13,14,19,20; 29:9; Ex 2:16|
-Worked in fields #Isa 27:11; Eze 26:6,8|
-Was a doorkeeper #Mt 26:69; Joh 18:16,17; Ac 12:13,14|
-Forbidden to wear men's costume #De 22:5|
-Wore hair long #1Co 11:5-15|
-Rules for dress of Christian #1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:3,4|
-Ornaments of #Isa 3:16-23|
-Weaker than men #1Pe 3:7|
-Are timid #Isa 19:16; Jer 50:37; 51:30; Na 3:13|
-Are affectionate #2Sa 1:26|
-Are tender to her offspring #Isa 49:15; La 4:10|
-Are mirthsome #Jud 11:34; 21:21; Jer 31:13; Zec 9:17|
-Are courteous to strangers #Ge 24:17|
-Could not marry without the consent of parents #Ge 24:3,4; 34:6; Ex 22:17|
-Not to be given in marriage was considered a calamity #Jud 11:37; Ps 78:63; Isa 4:1|
-Taken captive #Nu 31:9,15,17,18,35; La 1:18; Eze 30:17,18|
-Punishment to be inflicted upon men for seducing, when betrothed #De 22:23-27|
-Punishment for seducing, when not betrothed #Ex 22:16,17; De 22:28,29|
-Treated with cruelty in war #De 32:25; La 2:21; 5:11|
-Virtuous, held in high estimation #Ru 3:11; Pr 31:10-30|
-Fond of self-indulgence #Isa 32:9-11|
-Fond of ornaments #Jer 2:32|
-Subtle and deceitful #Pr 6:24-29,32-35; 7:6-27; Ec 7:26|
-Silly, and easily led into error #2Ti 3:6|
-Zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry #Jer 7:18; Eze 13:17,23|
-Active in instigating to iniquity #Nu 31:15,16; 1Ki 21:25; Ne 13:26|
-Guilty of sodomy #2Ki 23:7; Ro 1:26|
-As rulers #Isa 3:12|
-Deborah #Jud 4:4|
-Athaliah #2Ki 11:1-16; 2Ch 22:2,3,10-12|
-Queen of Sheba #1Ki 10:1-13|
-Queen Candace #Ac 8:27|
-A Persian queen sat on a throne beside her king #Ne 2:6|
-Patriotic .Miriam #Ex 15:20| .Deborah #Jud 5| .The women of Israel #1Sa 18:6| .The women of the Philistines #2Sa 1:20|
-Help in defensive operations #Jud 9:53|
-As poets .Miriam #Ex 15:21| .Deborah #Jud 5| .Hannah #1Sa 2:1-10| .Elisabeth #Lu 1:42-45| .Mary #Lu 1:46-55|
-As prophets .Miriam #Ex 15:20,21; Mic 6:4| .Deborah #Jud 4:4,5| .Huldah #2Ki 22:14-20; 2Ch 34:22-28| .Noadiah #Ne 6:14| .Anna #Lu 2:36-38| .Philip's four unmarried daughters #Ac 21:9|
-False prophets #Eze 13:17-23|
-In business #Pr 31:14-18,24|
-Property rights of .In inheritance #Nu 27:1-11; 36; Jos 17:3-6; Job 42:15| .To sell real estate #Ru 4:3-9|
-Sold for husband's debts #Mt 18:25|
-First to sin #Ge 3:6|
-Last at the cross #Mt 27:55,56; Mr 15:40,41|
-First at the gravesite #Mr 15:46,47; 16:1-6; Lu 23:27,28,49,55,56; 24:1-10|
-First to whom the risen Lord appeared #Mr 16:9; Joh 20:14-18|
-Converted by preaching of Paul #Ac 16:14,15; 17:4,12,34|
-Social status of .In Persia #Es 1:10-22; Da 5:1-12| .In Roman customs #Ac 24:24; 25:13,23; 26:30|
-UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #Ge 2:18,21-24; 3:16; Es 1:20-22; Pr 11:16,22; 12:4; 14:1; 18:22; 19:13,14; 21:9,19; 25:24; 27:15,16; 30:21-23; 31:10-31; Ec 7:26-28; Isa 3:16-24; 32:9-12; Eze 13:17-23; 1Co 11:3-15; 14:34,35; 1Ti 2:9-15; 3:11; 5:1-16; 2Ti 3:6,7; Tit 2:3-5| .See WIDOW .See WIFE .See also HUSBANDS .See PARENTS
-GOOD .INSTANCES OF .Deborah, a judge, prophetess, and military leader #Jud 4; 5| .Mother of Samson #Jud 13:23| .Naomi #Ru 1; 2; 3:1| .Ruth #Ru 1:4,14-22| .And #Ru 2; 3; 4| .Hannah, the mother of Samuel #1Sa 1:9-18,24-28| .Widow of Zarephath, who fed Elijah during the famine #1Ki 17:8-24| .The Shunammite woman, who gave hospitality to Elisha #2Ki 4:8-38| .Vashti #Es 1:11,12| .Esther #Es 4:15-17| .Mary #Lu 1:26-38| .Elisabeth #Lu 1:6,41-45| .Anna #Lu 2:37| .The widow who put her two mite (small coins, Greek: leptas) into the treasury #Mr 12:41-44; Lu 21:2-4| .Mary and Martha #Mr 14:3-9; Lu 10:42; Joh 11:5| .Mary Magdalene #Mr 16:1; Lu 8:2; Joh 20:1,2,11-16| .Pilate's wife #Mt 27:19| .Dorcas (Tabitha) #Ac 9:36| .Lydia #Ac 16:14| .Priscilla (Prisca) #Ac 18:26| .Phoebe #Ro 16:1,2| .Julia #Ro 16:15| .Mary #Ro 16:6| .Lois and Eunice #2Ti 1:5| .The Philippian Christians #Php 4:3|
-FIGURATIVE .Of the body (ekklesia) of Christ #Ps 45:2-15; Ga 4:26; Re 12:1| .Of saints #Mt 25:1-4; 2Co 11:2; Re 14:4|
-WICKED #2Ki 9:30-37; 23:7; Jer 44:15-19,25; Eze 8:14; Ro 1:26| .Zeal of, in licentious practices of idolatry #2Ki 23:7; Ho 4:13,14| .Full of deceit and licentiousness #Pr 2:16-19; 5:3-20; 6:24-29,32-35; 7:6-27; Ec 7:26; Eze 16:32| .Commits forgery #1Ki 21:8| .Silly and wayward #2Ti 3:6|
-INSTANCES OF .Eve, in yielding to temptation and seducing her husband #Ge 3:6; 1Ti 2:14| .Sarah, in her jealousy and malice toward Hagar #Ge 21:9-11; with 21:12-21| .Lot's wife, in her rebellion against her situation, and against the destruction of Sodom #Ge 19:26; Lu 17:32| .The daughters of Lot, in their incestuous lust #Ge 19:31-38| .Rebekah, in her partiality for Jacob, and her sharp practice to secure for him Isaac's blessing #Ge 27:11-17| .Rachel, in her jealousy of Leah #Ge 30:1| .Rachel, in stealing images #Ge 31:19,34| .Leah, in her imitation of Rachel in the matter of children #Ge 30:9-18| .Dinah, in her fornication #Ge 34:1,2| .Tamar, in her adultery #Ge 38:14-24| .Potiphar's wife, in her lascivious lust and slander against Joseph #Ge 39:7-20| .Zipporah, in her persecution of Moses on account of his religious obligations #Ex 4:25,26| .Miriam, in her sedition with Aaron against Moses #Nu 12| .Rahab, in her harlotry #Jos 2:1| .Delilah, in her conspiracy against Samson #Jud 16:4-20| .Peninnah, the wife of Elkanah, in her jealous taunting of Hannah #1Sa 1:4-8| .The Midianite woman in the camp of Israel, taken in adultery #Nu 25:6-8| .Michal, in her derision of David's religious zeal #2Sa 6:16,20-23| .Bath-sheba, in her adultery, in becoming the wife of her husband's murderer #2Sa 11:4,5,27; 12:9,10| .Solomon's wives, in their idolatrous and wicked influence over Solomon #1Ki 11:1-11; Ne 13:26| .Jezebel, in her persecution and destruction of the prophets of the Lord #1Ki 18:4,13| .Jezebel, in her persecution of Elijah #1Ki 19:2| .Jezebel, in her conspiracy against Naboth, to cheat him out of his vineyard #1Ki 21:1-16| .Jezebel, in her evil counsels to, and influence over, Ahab #1Ki 21:25; with 21:17-27| .And #2Ki 9:30-37| .The cannibalistic mothers of Samaria #2Ki 6:28,29| .Athaliah, in destroying the royal household and usurping the throne #2Ki 11:1-16; 2Ch 22:10,12; 23:12-15| .The sodomites of the southern kingdom (Judah) #2Ki 23:7| .Noadiah, a false prophetess in attempting to intimidate the Jews when they were restoring Jerusalem #Ne 6:14| .Haman's wife, in advising him to hang Mordecai #Es 5:14; 6:13| .Job's wife, in suggesting to him that he curse God and die #Job 2:9; 19:17| .Gomer, the adulterous wife of Hosea #Ho 1:2,3; 3:1| .Herodias, in her incestuous marriage with Herod Antipas #Mt 14:3,4; Mr 6:17-19; Lu 3:19| .Herodius, by indirectly causing John the Baptist to be decapitated #Mt 14:6-11; Mr 6:24-28| .The daughter of Herodias, in her complicity with her mother in securing the death of John the Baptist #Mt 14:8; Mr 6:18-28| .Sapphira, in her blasphemous falsehood #Ac 5:2-10| .The woman caught in the act of adultery and brought to Jesus in the temple #Joh 8:1-11|
-FIGURATIVE .Of backsliding #Jer 6:2; Re 17:4,18| .Of evil people #Isa 32:9,11; Mt 25:1-13|
-SYMBOLICAL .Of wickedness #Zec 5:7,8; Re 17; 19:2| .See WIFE
中文註解 |
英文註解 |
女人 |
Woman |
- 女人一詞的由來和起因
#創 2:23|
- 起初受造
. 由上帝按著祂的形像而造
#創 1:27|
. 是用亞當的一根肋骨所造的
#創 2:21,22|
. 為了男人而造
#林前 11:9|
. 是為了作男人的配偶
#創 2:18,20|
. 隸屬於男人
#林前 11:3|
. 要作男人的榮耀
#林前 11:7|
- 為撒旦所矇騙
#創 3:1-6; 林後 11:3; 提前 2:14|
- 致使男人違逆上帝
#創 3:6,11,12|
- 女人受咒詛
#創 3:16|
- 上帝應許藉由女人的後裔賜下救恩
#創 3:15; 賽 7:14|
- 上帝應許忠於祂的敬虔女子必順產
#提前 2:15|
- 特徵
. 比男人軟弱
#彼前 3:7|
. 易受驚
#賽 19:16; 耶 50:37; 51:30; 鴻 3:13|
. 慈愛深情
#撒下 1:26|
. 憐愛她的子女, 恆常不變
#賽 49:15; 哀 4:10|
- 女人要蓄長髮, 用來蒙頭
#林前 11:15|
- 描述賢德婦人
#箴 31:10-28|
- 才德婦人備受尊敬
#得 3:11; 箴 31:10,30|
- 每每
. 喜歡自我放縱
#賽 32:9-11|
. 詭詐、愛騙人
#箴 7:10; 傳 7:26|
. 愚昧而容易受誘犯錯
#提後 3:6|
. 提倡迷信和偶像崇拜不遺餘力
#耶 7:18; 結 13:17,23|
. 積極慫恿人犯罪
#民 31:15,16; 王上 21:25; 尼 13:26|
- 在異性面前通常用帕子蒙頭
#創 24:65|
- 通常住在另外的房間或帳棚
#創 18:9; 24:67; 斯 2:9,11|
- 順服並敬重丈夫
#彼前 3:6; 創 18:12|
- 顯貴婦女
. 貌美
#創 12:11; 24:16; 歌 1:8; 摩 8:13|
. 舉止傲慢
#賽 3:16|
. 喜愛飾品衣裝
#賽 3:17-23|
. 頭髮編成辮子, 飾以黃金珍珠
#賽 3:24; 提前 2:9|
- 窮人家的女子因日曬而變得黝黑
#歌 1:5,6|
- 年輕女子
. 稱為少女
#出 2:8; 路 8:51,52|
. 稱為閨女
#創 24:55; 可 5:39|
. 稱為處女
#創 24:16; 哀 1:4|
. 快樂歡愉
#士 11:34; 21:21; 耶 31:13; 亞 9:17|
. 待外地人親切而殷勤
#創 24:17|
. 喜愛飾品
#耶 2:32|
. 必須向年長婦女看齊並效法她們
#多 2:4|
. 若家中沒有兒子可繼承父母的財產, 就由女兒繼承
#民 27:8|
. 未經父母同意不得結婚
#創 24:3,4; 34:6; 出 22:17|
. 沒嫁出去被視為不幸
#士 11:37; 詩 78:63; 賽 4:1|
. 常常被擄
#哀 1:18; 結 30:17,18|
. 誘姦許配了人的女子要受的懲罰
#申 22:23-27|
. 誘姦未許配人的女子要受的懲罰
#出 22:16,17; 申 22:28,29|
. 戰時往往遭到慘無人道的對待
#申 32:25; 哀 2:21; 5:11|
. 顯貴的年輕女子穿著彩衣
#撒下 13:18; 詩 45:14|
- 必須聽從律法
#書 8:35|
- 會幕的院子分配給她們
#出 38:8|
- 從大衛的時代起, 可以在聖殿唱歌奏樂
#代上 25:5,6; 拉 2:65; 尼 7:67|
- 往往從事
. 家事
#創 18:6; 箴 31:15|
. 農事
#得 2:8; 歌 1:6|
. 照料羊群
#創 29:9; 出 2:16|
. 汲水並挑水
#創 24:11,13,15,16; 撒上 9:11; 約 4:7|
. 磨穀物
#太 24:41; 路 17:35|
. 紡織
#箴 31:13,14|
. 刺繡
#箴 31:22|
. 慶祝國家戰勝
#出 15:20,21; 士 11:34; 撒上 18:6,7|
. 在喪禮上唱哀歌
#耶 9:17,20|
- 已婚女子所許的願, 若丈夫不許, 就算不得數
#民 30:6-8|
- 可以用疑恨的水查知紅杏出牆的婦女
#民 5:14-28|
- 傷害有孕在身的婦女要受懲罰
#出 21:22-25|
- 猶太人把受婦人轄管視為災難
#賽 3:12|
- 死在婦人手下算為一大恥辱
#士 9:54|
- 戰時被視為貴重的戰利品
#申 20:14; 撒上 30:2|
- 戰時往往遭到慘無人道的對待
#王下 8:12; 哀 5:11; 結 9:6; 何 13:16|
- 用來說明
. (打扮華麗的女子,) 基督教會
#詩 45:13; 加 4:26; 啟 12:1|
. (嬌嫩的女子,) 背道的以色列
#耶 6:2|
. (敬虔的貞潔女子,) 聖徒
#歌 1:3; 林後 11:2; 啟 14:4|
. (淫蕩女子,) 離棄真道的羅馬
#啟 17:4,18|
. (聰明女子,) 聖徒
#太 25:1,2,4|
. (愚昧女子,) 單單表白信仰卻無信仰實質的人
#太 25:1-3|
. (安逸無憂的女子,) 世俗的安全感
#賽 32:9,11|
. (棄婦,) 被擄的以色列民
#賽 54:6|
- Origin and cause of the name #Ge 2:23|
- ORIGINALLY MADE . By God in his own image #Ge 1:27|
. From one of Adam's ribs #Ge 2:21,22|
. For man #1Co 11:9|
. To be an helpmeet for man #Ge 2:18,20|
. Subordinate to man #1Co 11:3|
. To be the glory of man #1Co 11:7|
- Deceived by Satan #Ge 3:1-6; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14|
- Led man to disobey God #Ge 3:6,11,12|
- Curse pronounced on #Ge 3:16|
- Salvation promised through the seed of #Ge 3:15; Isa 7:14|
- Safety in childbirth promised to the faithful and holy #1Ti 2:15|
- CHARACTERISED AS . Weaker than man #1Pe 3:7|
. Timid #Isa 19:16; Jer 50:37; 51:30; Na 3:13|
. Loving and affectionate #2Sa 1:26|
. Tender and constant to her offspring #Isa 49:15; La 4:10|
- To wear her hair long as a covering #1Co 11:15|
- Good and virtuous, described #Pr 31:10-28|
- Virtuous, held in high estimation #Ru 3:11; Pr 31:10,30|
- FREQUENTLY . Fond of self-indulgence #Isa 32:9-11|
. Subtle and deceitful #Pr 7:10; Ec 7:26|
. Silly and easily led into error #2Ti 3:6|
. Zealous in promoting superstition and idolatry #Jer 7:18; Eze 13:17,23|
. Active in instigating to iniquity #Nu 31:15,16; 1Ki 21:25; Ne 13:26|
- Generally wore a vail in the presence of the other sex #Ge 24:65|
- Generally lived in a separated apartment or tent #Ge 18:9; 24:67; Es 2:9,11|
- Submissive and respectful to husbands #1Pe 3:6; Ge 18:12|
- OF DISTINCTION . Fair and graceful #Ge 12:11; 24:16; So 1:8; Am 8:13|
. Haughty in their deportment #Isa 3:16|
. Fond of dress and ornaments #Isa 3:17-23|
. Wore their hair plaited and adorned with gold and pearls #Isa 3:24; 1Ti 2:9|
- Of the poorer classes swarthy from exposure to the sun #So 1:5,6|
- YOUNG . Called maids #Ex 2:8; Lu 8:51,52|
. Called damsels #Ge 24:55; Mr 5:39|
. Called virgins #Ge 24:16; La 1:4|
. Gay and merry #Jud 11:34; 21:21; Jer 31:13; Zec 9:17|
. Kind and courteous to strangers #Ge 24:17|
. Fond of ornaments #Jer 2:32|
. Required to learn from and imitate their elders #Tit 2:4|
. Inherited parents' property when there was no male heir #Nu 27:8|
. Could not marry without consent of parents #Ge 24:3,4; 34:6; Ex 22:17|
. Not to be given in marriage considered a calamity #Jud 11:37; Ps 78:63; Isa 4:1|
. Often taken captive #La 1:18; Eze 30:17,18|
. Punishment for seducing, when betrothed #De 22:23-27|
. Punishment for seducing when not betrothed #Ex 22:16,17; De 22:28,29|
. Often treated with great cruelty in war #De 32:25; La 2:21; 5:11|
. Of distinction, dressed in robes of various colours #2Sa 13:18; Ps 45:14|
- Were required to hear and obey the law #Jos 8:35|
- Had a court of the tabernacle assigned to them #Ex 38:8; 1Sa 2:2|
- Allowed to join in the temple-music from the time of David #1Ch 25:5,6; Ezr 2:65; Ne 7:67|
- OFTEN ENGAGED IN . Domestic employments #Ge 18:6; Pr 31:15|
. Agriculture #Ru 2:8; So 1:6|
. Tending sheep #Ge 29:9; Ex 2:16|
. Drawing and carrying water #Ge 24:11,13,15,16; 1Sa 9:11; Joh 4:7|
. Grinding corn #Mt 24:41; Lu 17:35|
. Spinning #Pr 31:13,14|
. Embroidery #Pr 31:22|
. Celebrating the victories of the nation #Ex 15:20,21; Jud 11:34; 1Sa 18:6,7|
. Attending funerals as mourners #Jer 9:17,20|
- Vows of, when married not binding upon the husband #Nu 30:6-8|
- Unfaithfulness of, when married found out by the waters of jealousy #Nu 5:14-28|
- Punishment for injuring, when with child #Ex 21:22-25|
- To be governed by, considered a calamity by the Jews #Isa 3:12|
- To be slain by, considered a great disgrace #Jud 9:54|
- Considered a valuable booty in war #De 20:14; 1Sa 30:2|
- Often treated with great cruelty in war #2Ki 8:12; La 5:11; Eze 9:6; Ho 13:16|
- ILLUSTRATIVE . (Gloriously arrayed,) of the Church of Christ #Ps 45:13; Ga 4:26; Re 12:1|
. (Delicate,) of backsliding Israel #Jer 6:2|
. (Chaste and holy,) of saints #So 1:3; 2Co 11:2; Re 14:4|
. (Lewd,) of the Roman apostasy #Re 17:4,18|
. (Wise,) of saints #Mt 25:1,2,4|
. (Foolish,) of mere professors #Mt 25:1-3|
. (At ease and careless,) of a state of carnal security #Isa 32:9,11|
. (Forsaken,) of Israel in her captivity #Isa 54:6|
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