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目前本系統共收錄了 1,856 個聖經相關人名
以及 HDBN 包含了 2,616 個姓名的意義解釋。

中文名字 英文名字 查詢經文 代表經文 Nave's Topical Bible ISBE Easton HBND SDB
斯2:5 斯3:2 斯7:6 斯7:7 斯7:8 斯7:9 斯7:10 斯8:1 斯8:2 斯10:3 拉2:2 尼7:7
mor-de-ki, mor-de-ka-i (mordekhay; Mardochaios): An Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin, whose fate it has been to occupy a distinguished place in the annals of his people. His great-grandfather, Kish, had been carried to Babylon along with Jeconiah, king of Judah (Est 2:5-6). For nearly 60 years before the scenes narrated in Esther, in which Mordecai was greatly concerned, took place, the way to Israel had been open to the Israelites; but neither his father, Jair, nor afterward himself chose to return to the ancient heritage. This seems to have been the case also with the rest of his house, as it was with the vast majority of the Israelite people; for his uncle died in Persia leaving his motherless daughter, Hadassah, to the care of Mordecai. Employed in the royal palace at Susa, he attracted, through the timely discovery of a plot to assassinate the king, the favorable notice of Xerxes, and in a short time became the grand vizier of the Persian empire. He has been believed by many to have been the author of the Book of Esther; and in the earliest known notice of the Feast of Purim, outside of the book just mentioned, that festival is closely associated with his name. It is called "the day of Mordecai" (2 Macc 15:36). The apocryphal additions to Esther expatiate upon his greatness, and are eloquent of the deep impression which his personality and power had made upon the Jewish people. Lord Arthur Hervey has suggested the identification of Mordecai with Matacas, or Natacas, the powerful favorite and minister of Xerxes who is spoken of by Ctesias, the Greek historian. Few have done more to earn a nations lasting gratitude than Mordecai, to whom, under God, the Jewish people owe their preservation.
John Urquhart
the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjamin. It has been alleged that he was carried into captivity with Jeconiah, and hence that he must have been at least one hundred and twenty-nine years old in the twelfth year of Ahasuerus (Xerxes). But the words of Esther do not necessarily lead to this conclusion. It was probably Kish of whom it is said (ver. 6) that he "had been carried away with the captivity." He resided at Susa, the metropolis of Persia. He adopted his cousin Hadassah (Esther), an orphan child, whom he tenderly brought up as his own daughter. When she was brought into the king's harem and made queen in the room of the deposed queen Vashti, he was promoted to some office in the court of Ahasuerus, and was one of those who "sat in the king's gate" (Esther 2:21). While holding this office, he discovered a plot of the eunuchs to put the king to death, which, by his vigilance, was defeated. His services to the king in this matter were duly recorded in the royal chronicles. Haman (q.v.) the Agagite had been raised to the highest position at court. Mordecai refused to bow down before him; and Haman, being stung to the quick by the conduct of Mordecai, resolved to accomplish his death in a wholesale destruction of the Jewish exiles throughout the Persian empire (Esther 3:8-15). Tidings of this cruel scheme soon reached the ears of Mordecai, who communicated with Queen Esther regarding it, and by her wise and bold intervention the scheme was frustrated. The Jews were delivered from destruction, Mordecai was raised to a high rank, and Haman was executed on the gallows he had by anticipation erected for Mordecai (6:2-7:10). In memory of the signal deliverance thus wrought for them, the Jews to this day celebrate the feast (9:26-32) of Purim (q.v.).
contrition; bitter; bruising
路3:1 徒4:27 提6:13
[PILATE] indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary
代上27:4 撒下23:9
do-di, do-da-i (1 Ch 27:4).
loving, one of David's captains (1 Chr. 27:4). (See DODO
士10:1 撒下23:24 代上11:12 代上11:13 代上11:14 代上11:15 代上11:16 代上11:17 代上11:18 代上11:19 代上11:20 代上11:21 代上11:21 代上11:22 代上11:23 代上11:24 代上11:25 代上11:26
amatory; loving. (1.) A descendant of Issachar (Judg. 10:1). (2.) An Ahohite, father of Eleazar, who was one of David's three heroes (2 Sam. 23:9; 1 Chr. 11:12). He was the same with Dodai mentioned in 1 Chr. 27:4. (3.) A Bethlehemite, and father of Elhanan, who was one of David's thirty heroes (2 Sam. 23:24).
his uncle
(loving ). A man of Bethlehem, father of Elhanan, who was one of Davids thirty captains. ( 2 Samuel 23:24 ; 1 Chronicles 11:26 ) He is a different person from DODO THE AHOHITE, father of Eleazar, the second of the three mighty men who were over the thirty. ( 2 Samuel 23:9 ; 1 Chronicles 11:12 ) (B.C. before 1046).
rin-a (rinnah, "praise to God"; Septuagint: Codex Vaticanus Ana; Codex Alexandrinus Rhannon): A Judahite, according to Massoretic Text a son of Shimon (1 Ch 4:20). But the Septuagint makes him a son of Hanan (Codex Vaticanus Phana; Codex Alexandrinus Anan) by reading "ben" in the next name (Ben-hanan) as "son of."
song; rejoicing
(a shout ), one of the descendants of Judah. ( 1 Chronicles 4:20 ) (B.C. 1300.)
創36:36 代上1:47
sam-la (samlah; Salama): One of the kings of Edom, of the city of Masrekah. He reigned before the Israelites had kings (Gen 36:36,37; 1 Ch 1:47,48). The fact that the city is mentioned in connection with the name of the king suggests that Edom was a confederacy at this time and the chief city was the metropolis of the whole country.
his raiment; his left hand; his astonishment
(garment ), ( Genesis 36:36 Genesis 36:37 ; 1 Chronicles 1:47 1 Chronicles 1:48 ) one of the kings of Edom, successor to Hadad or Hadar.
王下17:4 王下17:5 王下17:6
so (co, although the Hebrew might be pointed cewe; Assyrian Sibu; Septuagint Segor, Soa; Manetho, Seuechos; Latin Sevechus; Herodotus (ii. 137 ff), Sabakon): In all probability the "Sabaeo" of Herodotus, the Shabaka, who founded the Ethiopian dynasty, the XXVth of Egyptian kings. His date is given as 715-707 BC (Flinders Petrie, History of Egypt, III, 281 ff), but we may suppose that before his accession to the throne he was entitled to be designated king, as being actually regent. To this So, Hoshea, king of Israel, made an appeal for assistance to enable him to throw off the yoke of the Assyrian Shalmaneser IV (2 Ki 17:3 ff). But Hosheas submission to So brought him no advantage, for Shalmaneser came up throughout all the land and laid siege to Samaria. Not long after the fall of Samaria, So ventured upon an eastern campaign, and was defeated by Sargon, the successor of Shalmaneser, in the battle of Raphia in 720 BC.

Flinders Petrie, History of Egypt, III, 281 ff; McCurdy, HPM, I, 422; Schrader, COT, I, 261.
T. Nicol.
(Nubian, Sabako), an Ethiopian king who brought Egypt under his sway. He was bribed by Hoshea to help him against the Assyrian monarch Shalmaneser (2 Kings 17:4). This was a return to the policy that had been successful in the reign of Jeroboam I.
a measure for grain; vail
"So, king of Egypt," is once mentioned in the Bible -- ( 2 Kings 17:4 ) So has been identified by different writers with the first and second kings of the Ethiopian twenty-fifth dynasty, called by Manetho, Sabakon (Shebek) and Sebichos (Shebetek).
so-di (codhi): One of the spies, representing the tribe of Zebulun (Nu 13:10).
my secret
(intimate ), the father of Geddiel, the spy selected from the tribe of Zebulun. ( Numbers 13:10 ) (B.C. 1490.)
se-o-rim, se-or-im (se`orim): The name borne by one of the (post-exilic) priestly courses (1 Ch 24:8).
barley, the chief of the forth priestly course (1 Chr. 24:8).
gates; hairs; tempests
(barley ), the chief of the fourth of the twenty-four courses of priests. ( 1 Chronicles 24:8 )
zo-heth (zocheth, meaning unknown): A Judahite (1 Ch 4:20). The name after "Ben-zoheth" at the end of the verse has fallen out.
separation; amazing
son of Ishi of the tribe of Judah. ( 1 Chronicles 4:20 )
撒上17:1 撒上17:2 撒上17:3 撒上17:4 撒上17:5 撒上17:6 撒上17:7 撒上17:8 撒上17:9 撒上17:10 1撒上17:11 撒上17:12 撒上17:13 撒上17:14 撒上17:15 撒上17:16 撒上17:17 撒上17:18 撒上17:19 撒上17:20 撒上17:21 撒上17:22 撒上17:23 撒上17:24 撒上17:25 撒上17:26 撒上17:27 撒上17:28 撒上17:29 撒上17:30 撒上17:31 撒上17:32 撒上17:33
go-li-ath (golyath; Goliath):
(1) The giant of Gath, and champion of the Philistine army (1 Sam 17:4-23; 21:9; 22:10; 2 Sam 21:19; 1 Ch 20:5 ff). He defied the armies of Israel, challenging anyone to meet him in single combat while the two armies faced each other at Ephesdammim. He was slain by the youthful David. Goliath was almost certainly not of Philistine blood, but belonged to one of the races of giants, or aboriginal tribes, such as the Anakim, Avvim, Rephaim, etc. The Avvim had lived at Philistia, and most probably the giant was of that race. His size was most extraordinary. If a cubit was about 21 inches, he was over 11 feet in height; if about 18 inches, he was over 9 feet in height. The enormous weight of his armor would seem to require the larger cubit. This height probably included his full length in armor, helmet and all. In either case he is the largest man known to history. His sword was wielded by David to slay him and afterward carried about in his wanderings, so it could not have been excessively heavy. The story of his encounter with David is graphic, and the boasts of the two champions were perfectly in keeping with single combats in the Orient.
(2) The Goliath of 2 Sam 21:19 is another person, and quite probably a son of the first Goliath. He was slain by Elhanan, one of Davids mighty men. The person mentioned in 1 Ch 20:5 is called Lachmi, but this is almost certainly due to a corruption of the text. "The brother of Goliath" is the younger Goliath and probably a son of the greater Goliath, who had four sons, giants, one of them having 24 fingers and toes.
J. J. Reeve
great. (1.) A famous giant of Gath, who for forty days openly defied the armies of Israel, but was at length slain by David with a stone from a sling (1 Sam. 17:4). He was probably descended from the Rephaim who found refuge among the Philistines after they were dispersed by the Ammonites (Deut. 2:20, 21). His height was "six cubits and a span," which, taking the cubit at 21 inches, is equal to 10 1/2 feet. David cut off his head (1 Sam. 17:51) and brought it to Jerusalem, while he hung the armour which he took from him in his tent. His sword was preserved at Nob as a religious trophy (21:9). David's victory over Goliath was the turning point in his life. He came into public notice now as the deliverer of Israel and the chief among Saul's men of war (18:5), and the devoted friend of Jonathan. (2.) In 2 Sam. 21:19 there is another giant of the same name mentioned as slain by Elhanan. The staff of his apear "was like a weaver's beam." The Authorized Version interpolates the words "the brother of" from 1 Chr. 20:5, where this giant is called Lahmi.
passage; revolution; heap
(splendor ), a famous giant of Gath, who "morning and evening for forty days" defied the armies of Israel. ( 1 Samuel 17:1 ) ... (B.C. 1063.) He was possibly descended from the old Rephaim [GIANTS], of whom a scattered remnant took refuge with the Philistines after their dispersion by the Ammonites. ( deuteronomy 2:20 deuteronomy 2:21 ; 2 Samuel 21:22 ) His height was "six cubits and a span," which taking the cubit at 21 inches, would make him 10 1/2 feet high. The scene of his combat with David, by whom he was slain, was the "valley of the terebinth," between Shochoh and Arekah, probably among the western passes of Benjamin. In ( 2 Samuel 21:19 ) we find that another Goliath of Gath was slain by Elhanan, also a Bethlehemite.
代下31:12 代下35:9
kon-a-ni-a (konanyahu, "Jah has rounded or sustained"; the King James Version Cononiah):
(1) A Levite, appointed with his brother Shimei by Hezekiah, the king, and Azariah, the ruler of the house of God, to be overseer of the oblations and tithes and the dedicated things (2 Ch 31:12,13).
(2) One of the chiefs of the Levites mentioned in connection with the passover celebration in Josiahs reign (2 Ch 35:9).
whom Jehovah hath set, a Levite placed over the tithes brought into the temple (2 Chr. 35:9).
(made by Jehovah ), one of the chiefs of the Levites in the time of Josiah. ( 2 Chronicles 35:9 ) (B.C. 628). indicates this entry was also found in Easton's Bible Dictionary
創10:2 何1:3
complete; vanishing. (1.) The daughter of Diblaim, who (probably in vision only) became the wife of Hosea (1:3). (2.) The eldest son of Japheth, and father of Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah (Gen. 10:2, 3), whose descendants formed the principal branch of the population of South-eastern Europe. He is generally regarded as the ancestor of the Celtae and the Cimmerii, who in early times settled to the north of the Black Sea, and gave their name to the Crimea, the ancient Chersonesus Taurica. Traces of their presence are found in the names Cimmerian Bosphorus, Cimmerian Isthmus, etc. In the seventh century B.C. they were driven out of their original seat by the Scythians, and overran western Asia Minor, whence they were afterwards expelled. They subsequently reappear in the times of the Romans as the Cimbri of the north and west of Europe, whence they crossed to the British Isles, where their descendants are still found in the Gaels and Cymry. Thus the whole Celtic race may be regarded as descended from Gomer.
to finish; complete
(perfect ). The eldest son of Japheth, ( Genesis 10:2 Genesis 10:3 ) the progenitor of the early Cimmerians, of the later Cimbri and the other branches of the Celtic family, and of the modern Gael and Cymri. The wife of Hosea. ( Hosea 1:3 )
歌革 GOG
代上5:4 結38:2 結39:1 結39:2 結39:3 結39:4 結39:5 結39:6 結39:7 結39:8 結39:9 結39:10 結39:11 結39:12 結39:13 結39:14 結39:15 結39:16 結39:17 結39:18 結39:19 結39:20 結39:21 結39:22 結39:23 結39:24 結39:25 結39:26 結39:27 結39:28 結39:29 啟20:7 啟20:8 啟20:9 啟20:10
gog (gogh; Goug):
(1) A son of Joel, and descendant of the tribe of Reuben (1 Ch 5:4).
(2) The prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal (Ezek 38:2 f; 39:1-16). His territory was known as the land of Magog, and he was the chief of those northern hordes who were to make a final onslaught upon Israel while enjoying the blessings of the Messianic age. He has been identified with Gagi, ruler of Sakhi, mentioned by Ashurbanipal, but Professor Sayce thinks the Hebrew name corresponds more closely to Gyges, the Lydian king, the Gugu of the cuneiform inscriptions. According to Ezekiels account Gogs army included in its numbers Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer or the Cimmerians, and Togarmah, from the extreme North. They are represented as a vast mixed horde from the far-off parts of the North, the limits of the horizon, completely armed and equipped for war. They were to come upon the mountains of Israel and cover the land like a cloud. Their purpose is plunder, for the people of Israel are rich and dwell in towns and villages without walls. His coming, which had been prophesied by the seers of Israel, shall be accompanied by a theophany and great convulsions in Nature. A panic shall seize the hosts of Gog, rain, hailstones, pestilence, fire and brimstone shall consume them. Their bodies shall be food for the birds, their weapons shall serve as firewood for seven years and their bones shall be buried East of the Jordan in Hamon-gog and thus not defile the holy land. The fulfillment of this strange prophecy can never be literal. In general it seems to refer to the last and desperate attempts of a dying heathenism to overturn the true religion of Yahweh, or make capital out of it, profiting by its great advantages.
(3) In Rev 20:7 Satan is let loose and goes to the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to muster his hosts for the final struggle against God. In Ezekiel the invasion of Gog occurs during the Messianic age, while in Revelation it occurs just at the close of the millennium. In Ezekiel, Gog and Magog are gathered by Yahweh for their destruction; in Rev they are gathered by Satan. In both cases the number is vast, the destruction is by supernatural means, and is complete and final.
J. J. Reeve
(1.) A Reubenite (1 Chr. 5:4), the father of Shimei. (2.) The name of the leader of the hostile party described in Ezek. 38,39, as coming from the "north country" and assailing the people of Israel to their own destruction. This prophecy has been regarded as fulfilled in the conflicts of the Maccabees with Antiochus, the invasion and overthrow of the Chaldeans, and the temporary successes and destined overthrow of the Turks. But "all these interpretations are unsatisfactory and inadequate. The vision respecting Gog and Magog in the Apocalypse (Rev. 20:8) is in substance a reannouncement of this prophecy of Ezekiel. But while Ezekiel contemplates the great conflict in a more general light as what was certainly to be connected with the times of the Messiah, and should come then to its last decisive issues, John, on the other hand, writing from the commencement of the Messiah's times, describes there the last struggles and victories of the cause of Christ. In both cases alike the vision describes the final workings of the world's evil and its results in connection with the kingdom of God, only the starting-point is placed further in advance in the one case than in the other." It has been supposed to be the name of a district in the wild north-east steppes of Central Asia, north of the Hindu-Kush, now a part of Turkestan, a region about 2,000 miles north-east of Nineveh.
roof; covering
(mountain ). A Reubenite, ( 1 Chronicles 5:4 ) son of Shemaiah.
mup-im (muppim): A son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21), elsewhere called "Shuppim" (1 Ch 7:12,15; 26:16), "Shephupham" (Nu 26:39), and "Shephuphan". (1 Ch 8:5); compare separate articles on these names.
out of the mouth; covering
(serpent ), a Benjamite, and one of the fourteen descendants of Rachael who belonged to the original colony of the sons of Jacob in Egypt. ( Genesis 46:21 ) (B.C. 1706.) In ( Numbers 26:39 ) the name is given as SHUPHAM.
出6:19 民3:20 代上6:19 代上6:20 代上6:21 代上6:22 代上6:23 代上6:24 代上6:25 代上6:26 代上6:27 代上6:28 代上6:29 代上6:30 代上6:31 代上6:32 代上6:33 代上6:34 代上6:35 代上6:36 代上6:37 代上6:38 代上6:39 代上6:40 代上6:41 代上6:42 代上6:43 代上6:44 代上6:45 代上6:46 代上6:47
mu-shi (mushi): Son of Merari (Ex 6:19; Nu 3:20; 1 Ch 6:19 (Hebrew 4); 23:21; 24:26). There is found also the patronymic "Mushites" (Nu 3:33; 26:58).
receding, the second of the two sons of Merari (Ex. 6:19; Num. 3:20). His sons were called Mushites (Num. 3:33; 26:58).
he that touches
(yielding ), the son of Merari the son of Kohath. ( Exodus 6:19 ; Numbers 3:20 ; 1 Chronicles 6:19 1 Chronicles 6:47 ; 1 Chronicles 23:21 1 Chronicles 23:23 ; 1 Chronicles 24:26 1 Chronicles 24:30 )
代上12:5 代上12:5
be-a-li-a (be`alyah, "Yahweh is Lord," compare HPN, 144, 287): Bealiah, formerly a friend of Saul, joined David at Ziklag (1 Ch 12:5).
whose Lord is Jehovah, a Benjamite, one of David's thirty heroes of the sling and bow (1 Chr. 12:5).
the god of an idol; in an assembly
(Jehovah is lord ), a Benjamite who went over to David at Ziklag. ( 1 Chronicles 12:5 ) (B.C. 1062.)
撒上12:11 代上7:17
be-dan (bedhan, "son of judgment" (?)):
(1) One of the leaders in Israel who with Jerubbaal, Jephthah and Samuel is mentioned as a deliverer of the nation (1 Sam 12:11). The text is questioned because the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic read "Barak" instead.
(2) A son of Ulam of the house of Manasseh (1 Ch 7:17).
one of the judges of Israel (1 Sam. 12:11). It is uncertain who he was. Some suppose that Barak is meant, others Samson, but most probably this is a contracted form of Abdon (Judg. 12:13).
according to judgment
(son of judgement ). Mentioned in ( 1 Samuel 12:11 ) as a judge of Israel between Jerubbaal (Gideon) and Jephthah. The Chaldee Paraphrase reads Samson for Bedan; the LXX., Syriac and Arabic all have Barak. Ewald suggests that it may be a false reading for Abdon. (B.C. about 1150.) The son of Gilead. ( 1 Chronicles 7:17 )
hail. (1.) A town in the south of Palestine (Gen. 16:14), in the desert of Shur, near Lahai-roi. (2.) A son of Shuthelah, and grandson of Ephraim (1 Chr. 7:20).
(hail ). A place in the south of Palestine, near the well Lahairoi. ( Genesis 16:14 ) A son or descendant of Ephraim, ( 1 Chronicles 7:20 ) possibly identical with Becher in ( Numbers 26:35 )
代上7:39 代上7:36
be-ri (beri, "wisdom"): A descendant of Asher (1 Ch 7:36).
my son; my corn
(a well ), son of Zophah, of the tribe of Asher. ( 1 Chronicles 7:36 )
比利 BEERl
創26:34 創26:34 可1:1創26:34
代上7:23 創46:17 民26:44 代上7:30 代上7:31 代上8:13 代上8:14 代上8:15 代上8:16 代上23:10
a gift, or in evil. (1.) One of Asher's four sons, and father of Heber (Gen. 46:17). (2.) A son of Ephraim (1 Chr. 7:20-23), born after the slaughter of his brothers, and so called by his father "because it went evil with his house" at that time. (3.) A Benjamite who with his brother Shema founded Ajalon and expelled the Gittites (1 Chr. 8:13).
in fellowship; in envy
(in evil, or a gift ). A son of Asher. ( Genesis 46:17 ; Numbers 26:44 Numbers 26:45 ) A son of Ephraim. ( 1 Chronicles 7:20-23 ) A Benjamite. ( 1 Chronicles 8:13 1 Chronicles 8:16 ) A Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 23:10 1 Chronicles 23:11 )
代上15:17 代上3:19 代上3:20 代上6:39 代上9:16 代上15:23 代下28:12 尼3:4 尼3:5 尼3:6 尼3:7 尼3:8 尼3:9 尼3:10 尼3:11 尼3:12 尼3:13 尼3:14 尼3:15 尼3:16 尼3:17 尼3:18 尼3:19 尼3:20 尼3:21 尼3:22 尼3:23 尼3:24 尼3:25 尼3:26 尼3:27 尼3:28 尼3:29 尼3:30 尼6:18 亞1:1 亞1:2 亞1:3 亞1:4 亞1:5 亞1:6 亞1:7
ber-e-ki-a (berekhyah, berekhyahu, "Yahweh blesses," HPN, 216, 287):
(1) A descendant of David (1 Ch 3:20).
(2) The father of Asaph, the singer (1 Ch 6:39 the King James Version "Berachiah"; 1 Ch 15:17).
(3) A former inhabitant of Jerusalem, a Levee (1 Ch 9:16).
(4) A doorkeeper for the ark at Davids time (1 Ch 15:23).
(5) One of the heads of the children of Ephraim (2 Ch 28:12).
(6) The father of Meshullam the builder (Neh 3:4,30; 6:18).
(7) The father of the prophet Zechariah (Zec 11:7).
A. L. Breslich
blessed by Jehovah. (1.) Son of Shimea, and father of Asaph the musician (1 Chr. 6:39; 15:17). (2.) One of the seven Ephraimite chieftains, son of Meshillemoth (2 Chr. 28:12). (3.) The fourth of the five sons of Zerubbabel, of the royal family of Judah (1 Chr. 3:20). (4.) The father of the prophet Zechariah (1:1,7).
(blessed of Jehovah ). A descendant of the royal family of Judah. ( 1 Chronicles 3:20 ) A man mentioned as the father of Meshullam, who assisted in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. ( Nehemiah 3:4 Nehemiah 3:30 ; 6:18 ) A Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 9:16 ) A doorkeeper for the ark. ( 1 Chronicles 15:23 ) One of the tribe of Ephraim in the time of Ahaz. ( 2 Chronicles 28:12 ) Father of Asaph the singer. ( 1 Chronicles 15:17 ) [BERACHIAH] Father of Zechariah. ( Zechariah 1:1 Zechariah 1:7 )
尼3:4 亞1:1
ber-e-ki-a (berekhyah, berekhyahu, "Yahweh blesses," HPN, 216, 287):
(1) A descendant of David (1 Ch 3:20).
(2) The father of Asaph, the singer (1 Ch 6:39 the King James Version "Berachiah"; 1 Ch 15:17).
(3) A former inhabitant of Jerusalem, a Levee (1 Ch 9:16).
(4) A doorkeeper for the ark at Davids time (1 Ch 15:23).
(5) One of the heads of the children of Ephraim (2 Ch 28:12).
(6) The father of Meshullam the builder (Neh 3:4,30; 6:18).
(7) The father of the prophet Zechariah (Zec 11:7).
A. L. Breslich
blessed by Jehovah. (1.) Son of Shimea, and father of Asaph the musician (1 Chr. 6:39; 15:17). (2.) One of the seven Ephraimite chieftains, son of Meshillemoth (2 Chr. 28:12). (3.) The fourth of the five sons of Zerubbabel, of the royal family of Judah (1 Chr. 3:20). (4.) The father of the prophet Zechariah (1:1,7).
(blessed of Jehovah ). A descendant of the royal family of Judah. ( 1 Chronicles 3:20 ) A man mentioned as the father of Meshullam, who assisted in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. ( Nehemiah 3:4 Nehemiah 3:30 ; 6:18 ) A Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 9:16 ) A doorkeeper for the ark. ( 1 Chronicles 15:23 ) One of the tribe of Ephraim in the time of Ahaz. ( 2 Chronicles 28:12 ) Father of Asaph the singer. ( 1 Chronicles 15:17 ) [BERACHIAH] Father of Zechariah. ( Zechariah 1:1 Zechariah 1:7 )
代上14:7 撒下5:16 代上3:8 拉2:2 拉8:14 尼7:19 尼10:16
be-e-li-a-da (be`elyadha`, "the Lord knows"; ELIADA, which see; compare HPN, 144, 192, note 1, 202): A son of David (1 Ch 14:7).
an open idol
(the Lord knows ); one of Davids 9 sons, born in Jerusalem. ( 1 Chronicles 14:7 ) In the lists in Samuel the name is ELIADA. (B.C. after 1045.)

ISBE - 國際標準聖經百科全書 (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
Easton - Easton's Bible Dictionary
HBND - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
SBD - Smith's Bible Dictionary