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目前本系統共收錄了 1,856 個聖經相關人名
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shi-za (shiza; Saiza): A Reubenite, one of Davids leading warriors (1 Ch 11:42).
this gift
(splendor ), a Reubenite, father of Adina, ( 1 Chronicles 11:42 ) one of Davids warriors. (B.C. 1043.)
王上11:40 代下12:1 代下12:2 代下12:3 代下12:4 代下12:5 代下12:6 代下12:7 代下12:8 代下12:9 代上11:42 王上11:40
shi-shak (shishaq (1 Ki 14:25); Sousakeim):
1. Shishak, 952-930 BC:
Sheshonk or Sheshenq I, as he is called on the monuments, the founder of the XXIInd Dynasty, was in all probability of Libyan origin. It is possible that his claim to the throne was that of the sword, but it is more likely that he acquired it by marriage with a princess of the dynasty preceding. On the death of Pasebkhanu II, the last of the kings of the XXIst Dynasty, 952 BC, Shishak ascended the throne, with an efficient army and a well-filled treasury at his command. He was a warlike prince and cherished dreams of Asiatic dominion.
2. Patron of Jeroboam:
He had not long been seated on the throne when Jeroboam the son of Nebat, of the tribe of Ephraim, whom Solomon had promoted but afterward had cause to suspect, fled from the displeasure of his sovereign to the court of Shishak (1 Ki 11:26 ff). There Jeroboam remained till the death of Solomon, when he returned to Canaan, and, on Rehoboams returning an unsatisfactory answer to the peoples demands for relief from their burdens, headed the revolt of the Ten Tribes, over whom he was chosen king with his capital at Shechem (1 Ki 12:25 ff). Whether there was not in the XXIst Dynasty some kind of suzerainty of Egypt over Israel, when Solomon married Pharaohs daughter and received with her Gezer as a dowry, seems not to be clearly established. It is, however, natural that Jeroboams patron in the day of adversity should take sides with him against Rehoboam, now that the kingdom was divided. Active support of Jeroboam would be in the line of his dreams of an eastern empire.
3. Syrian Campaign:
So it came to pass that in the 5th year of Rehoboam, Shishak came up against Jerusalem with 1,200 chariots, and 60,000 horsemen, and people without number out of Egypt, the Libyans, Sukkiim, and Ethiopians, and took the fenced cities of Judah, and came to Jerusalem. At the preaching of the prophet Shemaiah, Rehoboam and his people repented, and Jerusalem was saved from destruction, though not from plunder nor from servitude, for he became Shishaks servant (2 Ch 12:8). Shishak took away the treasures of the house of the Lord and the treasures of the kings house, carrying off among the most precious of the spoils all the shields of gold which Solomon had made (1 Ki 14:25 ff; 2 Ch 12:1-9). From the Scripture narrative it does not appear that there was any occupation of Israel by the Egyptian forces on this occasion.
4. Shishaks Record at Karnak:
There is, however, a remarkable contemporary record of the campaign engraved on the south wall of the Temple of Amon at Karnak by Shishak himself. Not only is the expedition recorded, but there is a list of districts and towns of Israel granted to his victories by Amon-Ra and the goddess of Thebes engraved there. A number of towns mentioned in the Book of Josh have been identified; and among the names of the list are Rabbath, Taanach, Gibeon, Mahanaim, Beth-horon and other towns both of Israel and Judah. That names of places in the Northem Kingdom are mentioned in the list does not imply that Shishak had directed his armies against Jeroboam and plundered his territories. It was the custom in antiquity for a victorious monarch to include among conquered cities any place that paid tribute or was under subjection, whether captured in war or not; and it was sufficient reason for Shishak to include these Israelite places that Jeroboam, as seems probable, had invited him to come to his aid. Among the names in the list was "Jud-hamalek"--Yudhmalk on the monuments--which was at first believed to represent the king of Judah, with a figure which passed for Rehoboam. Being, however, a place-name, it is now recognized to be the town Yehudah, belonging to the king. On the death of Shishak his successor assumed a nominal suzerainty over the land of Canaan.

Flinders Petrie, History of Egypt, III, 227 ff; Maspero, Struggle of the Nations, 772 ff; Nicol, Recent Archaeology and the Bible, 222-25.
T. Nicol
present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh
king of Egypt, the Sheshonk I. of the monuments, first sovereign of the Bubastite twenty-second dynasty. His reign offers the first determined syncronism of Egyptian and hebrew history. The first year of Shishak would about correspond to the 26th of Solomon (B.C. 989), and the 20th of shishak to the 5th of Rehoboam. Shishak at the beginning of his reign received the fugitive Jeroboam, ( 1 Kings 11:40 ) and it was probably at the instigation of Jeroboam that he attacked Rehoboam. "He took the fenced cities which [pertained] to Judah, and came to Jerusalem." he exacted all the treasures of his city from Rehoboam, and apparently made him tributary. ( 1 Kings 14:25 1 Kings 14:26 ; 2 Chronicles 12:2-9 ) Shishak has left a record of this expedition sculptured on the wall of the great temple of El-Karnak. It is a list of the countries, cities and tribes conquered or ruled by him, or tributary to him.
民34:20 代上7:1 代上7:2
she-mu-el, shem-u-el (shemuel, "name of God" (?) (1 Ch 6:33 (18)); the Revised Version (British and American) Samuel, the prophet (see SAMUEL); compare Gray, HPN, 200, note 3):
(1) The Simeonite appointed to assist in the division of the land (Nu 34:20). The Massoretic Text should be emended to shelumiel, to correspond with the form found in Nu 1:6; 2:12; 7:36,41; 10:19. Septuagint has uniformly Salamiel.
(2) Grandson of Issachar (1 Ch 7:2) (Codex Vaticanus Isamouel; Codex Alexandrinus and Lucian, Samouel).
heard of God. (1.) The son of Ammihud. He represented Simeon in the division of the land (Num. 34:20). (2.) Used for "Samuel" (1 Chr. 6:33, R.V.). (3.) A prince of the tribe of Issachar (1 Chr. 7:2).
appointed by God
(heard by God ). A commissioner appointed from the tribe of Simeon to divide the land of Canaan. ( Numbers 34:20 ) (B.C. 1450.) Samuel the prophet. ( 1 Chronicles 6:33 ) Son of Tola, and one of the chiefs of the tribe of Issachar, ( 1 Chronicles 7:2 ) (B.C. 1014.)
出6:17 民3:18 代上6:17 代上6:42 代上6:43 代上6:29 代上25:17 代下29:14 拉10:23 撒下16:5 撒下16:6 撒下16:7 撒下16:8 代上27:27 王上1:8 王上4:18 代上8:19 代上8:20 代上8:21 斯2:5 代上4:26 代上4:27 代上5:4 拉10:33 拉10:38 代上3:19
= SHIMEI, 1. ( Exodus 6:17 )
shi-sha (shisha): One of Solomons officers of state (1 Ki 4:3).
of marble; pleasant
(Jehovah contends ), father of Elihoreph and Ahiah, the royal secretaries in the reign of Solomon. ( 1 Kings 4:3 ) He is apparently the same as Shavsha, who held the same position under David. (B.C. 1000.)
代上2:49 撒下20:25
she-va (shewa; Codex Vaticanus Saou; Codex Alexandrinus Saoul, Lucian, Soue):
(1) A son of Caleb by his concubine Maacah (1 Ch 2:49).
(2) See SHAVSHA.
Heb. Shebher. (1.) The son of Caleb (1 Chr. 2:49). (2.) Heb. Sheva', one of David's scribes (2 Sam. 20:25).
vanity; elevation; fame; tumult
(Jehovah contends ). The scribe or royal secretary of David. ( 2 Samuel 20:26 ) He is called elsewhere MERAIAH, ( 2 Samuel 8:17 ) SHISHA, ( 1 Kings 4:3 ) and SHANSHA. ( 1 Chronicles 18:16 ) (B.C. 1015.) Son of Caleb ben-Hezron by his concubine Maachah. ( 1 Chronicles 2:49 ) (B.C. about 1445.)
撒下3:4 代上3:3 代上9:8 代上12:5 代上27:16 拉2:4 拉8:8 尼7:9 拉2:57 尼7:59 尼11:4 耶38:1
shef-a-ti-a, she-fat-ya (shephaTyah, "Yah has judged"):
(1) A son of David, by Abital (2 Sam 3:4; 1 Ch 3:3).
(2) A Benjamite, father of Meshullam, of Jerusalem (1 Ch 9:8).
(3) A Benjamite, who joined David at Ziklag (1 Ch 12:5).
(4) A prince of the Simeonites in the time of David (1 Ch 27:16).
(5) A son of King Jehoshaphat (2 Ch 21:2).
(6) A family, 372 of whom returned with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:4; Neh 7:9); 80 more males of this family, with their head, returned with Ezra (Ezr 8:8).
(7) A servant of Solomon, 392 of whose descendants returned with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:57 f; Neh 7:59 f); "Saphat" in 1 Esdras 5:9 and "Saphatias" in 1 Esdras 8:34.
(8) A Perezzite (Judahite), some of whose descendants dwelt at Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah (Neh 11:4).
(9) A son of Mattan, a contemporary of Jeremiah (Jer 38:1).
James Orr
judged of the Lord. (1.) A son of David by Abital (2 Sam. 3:4). (2.) A Benjamite who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr. 12:5). (3.) A Simeonite prince in David's time (1 Chr. 27:16). (4.) One of Jehoshaphat's sons (2 Chr. 21:2). (5.) Ezra 2:4. (6.) Ezra 2:57; Neh. 7:59. (7.) One of the princes who urged the putting of Jeremiah to death (Jer. 38:1-4).
the Lord that judges
(judged by Jehovah ). The fifth son of David. ( 2 Samuel 3:4 ; 1 Chronicles 3:3 ) (B.C. about 1050.) The family of Shephatiah, 372 in number, returned with Zerubbabel. ( Ezra 2:4 ; Nehemiah 7:9 ) see also Ezra 8:8 (B.C. 536.) The family of another Shephatiah, who came up with Zerubbabel. ( Ezra 2:4 ) A descendant of Judah. ( Nehemiah 11:4 ) One of the princes of Judah who counselled Zedekiah to put Jeremiah in the dungeon. ( Jeremiah 38:1 ) (B.C. 589.) One of the Benjamite warriors who joined David in his retreat at Ziklag. ( 1 Chronicles 12:5 ) (B.C. 1054.) Chief of the Simeonites in the reign of David. ( 1 Chronicles 37:16 ) Son of Jehoshaphat. ( 2 Chronicles 21:2 ) (B.C. 887.)
創36:23 創36:20 創36:21 創36:22 創36:23 代上1:40
代上2:31 代上2:34 代上2:35
she-shan (sheshan; Sosan): A Jerahmeelite whose daughter married his servant Jarha (1 Ch 2:31,34,35). The genealogical list which follows embraces some very early names (compare Curtis, ICC, at the place).
lily; rose; joy; flax
(Noble ), a descendant of Jerahmeel the son of Hezron. ( 1 Chronicles 2:31 1 Chronicles 2:34 1 Chronicles 2:35 ) (B.C. after 1690.)
代上2:31 代上2:43 代上2:44 代上5:8 代上8:13 尼8:4
rumour. (1.) A Reubenite (1 Chr. 5:8). (2.) A Benjamite (1 Chr. 8:13). (3.) One who stood by Ezra when he read the law (Neh. 8:4). (4.) A town in the south of Judah (Josh. 15:26); the same as Sheba (ver. 5).
hearing; obeying
A Reubenite, ancestor of Bela. ( 1 Chronicles 5:8 ) (B.C. before 1090.) Son of Elpaal. ( 1 Chronicles 8:13 ) Probably the same as Shimhi. (B.C. after 1450.) One of those who stood at Ezras right hand when he read the law to the people. ( Nehemiah 8:4 ) (B.C. 458.) ( Joshua 15:26 ) [SHEBA]
she-ma-a, shem-a-a (ha-shema`-ah; Codex Vaticanus Ama, Codex Alexandrinus Samaa, Lucian, Asma): A Benjamite, who was the father, according to the Massoretic Text, of Ahiezer and Joash; but according to the Septuagint huios = (ben) instead of (bene) of Joash alone (1 Ch 12:3). The original text may have read ben yeho-shama` (compare hoshama`, of 1 Ch 3:18); then a dittography of the following (h) caused the error (Curtis, ICC).
rumour, a Benjamite whose sons "came to David to Ziklag" (1 Chr. 12:3).
代上12:5 代下11:19 拉10:32 拉10:41
shem-a-ri-a, she-mar-ya (shemaryah and shemaryahu, "whom Jahveh guards"):
(1) A Benjamite warrior who joined David at Ziklag (1 Ch 12:5, Codex Vaticanus Sammaraia; Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus Samaria; Lucian, Samarias).
(2) A son of Rehoboam (2 Ch 11:19).
(3) One of the sons of Harim who had married foreign wives (Ezr 10:32, Codex Vaticanus Samareia, Lucian, Samarias; Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus Semaria).
(4) One of the sons of Bani who had married foreign wives (Ezr 10:41, Codex Alexandrinus Samareias; Codex Vaticanus Samareia; Lucian, Samarias).
Horace J. Wolf
whom Jehovah guards. (1.) One who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr. 12:5). (2.) Ezra 10:32, 41.
God is my guard
(kept by Jehovah ). A Benjamite warrior who came to David at Ziklag. ( 1 Chronicles 12:5 ) (B.C. 1054.) One of the family of Harim, a lay man of Israel who put away his foreign wife in the time of Ezra. ( Ezra 10:32 ) (B.C. 658.) Another who did the same. ( Ezra 10:41 )
代上4:37 代上5:4 代上6:30 代上15:8 代上15:9 代上15:10 代上15:11 代上24:6 代上26:4 王上12:22 王上12:23 王上12:24 代下11:2 代下11:3 代下11:4 代下17:8 代下29:14 代下26:15 代下31:15 代下35:9 耶36:12 耶29:24 耶29:25 耶29:26 耶29:27 耶29:28 耶29:29 耶29:30 耶29:31 耶29:32 尼12:42 尼3:39 尼6:10 尼6:11 尼6:12 尼6:13 尼
she-ma-ya, she-mi-a (shema`yah (in 2 Ch 11:2; 17:8; 31:15; 35:9; Jer 26:20; 29:24; 36:12, shema`yahu), "Jahveh hears"): The name is most frequently borne by priests, Levites and prophets.
(1) Codex Vaticanus Sammaias; Codex Alexandrinus Samaias (2 Ch 12:5,7). A prophet who, together with Ahijah, protested against Rehoboams contemplated war against the ten revolted tribes (1 Ki 12:22-24 = 2 Ch 11:2-4). He declared that the rebellion had divine sanction. The second Greek account knows nothing of Ahijah in this connection and introduces Shemaiah at the gathering at Shechem where both Jeroboam and Rehoboam were present; it narrates that on this occasion Shemaiah (not Ahijah) rent his garment and gave ten parts to Jeroboam to signify the ten tribes over which he was to become king. (This version, however, is not taken very seriously, because of its numerous inconsistencies.) Shemaiah also prophesied at the invasion of Judah by Shishak (2 Ch 12:5-7). His message was to the effect that as the princes of Israel had humbled themselves, Gods wrath against their idolatrous practices would not be poured out upon Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak (2 Ch 13:7). He is mentioned as the author of a history of Rehoboam (2 Ch 12:15).
(2) Son of Shecaniah (1 Ch 3:22, Samaia), a descendant of Zerubbabel. This is also the name of one of the men who helped to repair the wall (Neh 3:29, Semeia (...) (compare Curtis, ICC, in 1 Ch 3:17-24)).
(3) A Simeonite (1 Ch 4:37, Codex Vaticanus Sumeon; Codex Alexandrinus Samaias), identical, perhaps, with the Shimei of 1 Ch 4:26,27.
(4) A Reubenite (1 Ch 5:4, Codex Vaticanus Semeei; Codex Alexandrinus Semein), called Shema in 1 Ch 5:8.
(5) A Merarite Levite (1 Ch 9:14; Neh 11:15, Samaia), one of those who dwelt in Jerusalem.
(6) A Levite of the family of Jeduthun, father of Obadiah or Abda (1 Ch 9:16, Sameia, Codex Alexandrinus Samias, called "Shammua" in Neh 11:17).
(7) Head of the Levitical Kohathite clan of Elizaphan in the time of David (1 Ch 15:8, Codex Vaticanus Samaias; Codex Alexandrinus Samaia; Codex Sinaiticus Sameas; 1 Ch 15:11, Codex Vaticanus Samias; Codex Alexandrinus Semeias; Codex Sinaiticus Samai). He may be the same person as (8).
(8) The scribe (1 Ch 24:6), the son of Nethanel, who registered the names of the priestly courses.
(9) A Korahite Levite, eldest son of Obed-edom (1 Ch 26:4,6, Codex Vaticanus Samaias; Codex Alexandrinus Sameias; 1 Ch 26:7, Codex Vaticanus Samai; Codex Alexandrinus Semeia).
(10) A Levite (2 Ch 17:8, Codex Vaticanus Samouas; Codex Alexandrinus Samouias). One of the commission appointed by Jehoshaphat to teach the book of the Law in Judah. The names of the commissioners as a whole belong to a period later than the 9th century. (Gray, HPN, 231).
(11) One of the men "over the free-will offerings of God" (2 Ch 31:15, Semeei).
(12) A Levite of the family of Jeduthun in the reign of Hezekiah (2 Ch 29:14), one of those who assisted in the purification of the Temple.
(13) A chief of the Levites (2 Ch 35:9), called "Samaias" in Septuagint and 1 Esdras 1:9.
(14) A "chief man" under Ezra (Ezr 8:16), called "Maasmas" and "Samaias" in 1 Esdras 8:43,44.
(15) A member of the family of Adonikam (Ezr 8:13, Codex Vaticanus Samaia; Codex Alexandrinus Samaeia; "Samaias" in 1 Esdras 8:39).
(16) A priest of the family of Harim who married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:21), called "Sameus" in 1 Esdras 9:21.
(17) A layman of the family of Harim who married a foreign wife (Ezr 10:31), called "Sabbeus" in 1 Esdras 9:32.
(18) A prophet (Neh 6:10-14, Codex Vaticanus Semeei; Codex Alexandrinus Semei), employed by Sanballat and Tobiah to frighten Nehemiah and hinder the rebuilding of the wall.
(19) One of the 24 courses of priests, 16th under Zerubbabel (Neh 12:6, Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus Semeias), 15th under Joiakim (Neh 12:18; Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Alexandrinus Semeia), and 21st under Nehemiah (Neh 10:8, Samaia), mentioned in connection with the dedication of the wall.
(20) A priest, descendant of Asaph (Neh 12:35).
(21) A singer (or clan) participating in the dedication of the wall (Neh 12:36).
(22) Father of the prophet Urijah (Jer 26:20, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Alexandrinus Samaias; Codex Sinaiticus Maseas).
(23) A false prophet who was upbraided by Jeremiah (29:24-32) for attempting to hinder his work. He is styled "the Nehelamite" and was among those carried into captivity with Jehoiachin. In opposition to Jeremiah, he predicted a speedy ending to the captivity. Jeremiah foretold the complete destruction of Shemaiahs family.
(24) Father of Delaiah, who was a prince in the reign of Zedekiah (Jer 36:12).
(25) "The great," kinsman of Tobias (Tobit 5:13).
Horace J. Wolf
whom Jehovah heard. (1.) A prophet in the reign of Rehoboam (1 Kings 12:22-24). (2.) Neh. 3:29. (3.) A Simeonite (1 Chr. 4:37). (4.) A priest (Neh. 12:42). (5.) A Levite (1 Chr. 9:16). (6.) 1 Chr. 9:14; Neh. 11:15. (7.) A Levite in the time of David, who with 200 of his brethren took part in the bringing up of the ark from Obed-edom to Hebron (1 Chr. 15:8). (8.) A Levite (1 Chr. 24:6). (9.) The eldest son of Obed-edom (1 Chr. 26:4-8). (10.) A Levite (2 Chr. 29:14). (11.) A false prophet who hindered the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Neh. 6:10). (12.) A prince of Judah who assisted at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem (Neh. 12:34-36). (13.) A false prophet who opposed Jeremiah (Jer. 29:24-32). (14.) One of the Levites whom Jehoshaphat appointed to teach the law (2 Chr. 17:8). (15.) A Levite appointed to "distribute the oblations of the Lord" (2 Chr. 31:15). (16.) A Levite (2 Chr. 35:9). (17.) The father of Urijah the prophet (Jer. 26:20). (18.) The father of a prince in the reign of Jehoiakim (Jer. 36:12).
that hears or obeys the Lord
(heard by Jehovah ). A prophet in the reign of Rehoboam. ( 1 Kings 12:22 ; 2 Chronicles 11:2 ) (B.C. 972.) He wrote a chronicle containing the events of Rehoboams reign. ( 2 Chronicles 12:5 2 Chronicles 12:15 ) The son of Shechaniah, among the descendants of Zerubbabel. ( 1 Chronicles 3:23 ; Nehemiah 3:28 ) A prince of the tribe of Simeon. ( 1 Chronicles 4:27 ) Son of Joel, Reubenite. ( 1 Chronicles 5:4 ) (B.C. after 1706.) Son of Hasshub, a Merarite Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 9:14 ; Nehemiah 11:15 ) Father of Obadiah or Abda, a Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 9:16 ) Son of Elizaphan, and chief of his house in the reign of David. ( 1 Chronicles 15:8 1 Chronicles 15:11 ) (B.C. 1043.) A Levite, son of Nethaneel and also a scribe in the time of David. ( 1 Chronicles 24:6 ) (B.C. 1014.) The eldest son of Obed-edom the Gittite. ( 1 Chronicles 26:4 1 Chronicles 26:6 1 Chronicles 26:7 ) (B.C. 1014.) A descendant of Jeduthun the singer who lived in the reign of Hezekiah ( 2 Chronicles 29:14 ) One of the sons of Adonikam who returned with Ezra. ( Ezra 5:13 ) One of Ezras messengers. ( Ezra 8:16 ) A priest of the family of Harim, who put away his foreign wife at Ezras bidding. ( Ezra 10:21 ) (B.C. 455.) A layman of Israel son of another Harim, who had also married a foreigner. ( Ezra 10:31 ) (B.C. 458.) Son of Delaiah the son of Mehetabeel, a prophet in the time of Nehemiah. ( Nehemiah 6:10 ) (B.C. 446.) The head of a priestly house who signed the covenant with Nehemiah. ( Nehemiah 10:8 ; Nehemiah 12:6 Nehemiah 12:18 ) (B.C. 410.) One of the princes of Judah at the time of the dedication of Jerusalem. ( Nehemiah 12:34 ) One of the choir on the same occasion. ( Nehemiah 12:38 ) A priest. ( Nehemiah 12:42 ) A false prophet in the time of Jeremiah. ( Jeremiah 29:24-32 ) A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat. ( 2 Chronicles 17:8 ) (B.C. 909.) A Levite in the reign of Hezekiah. ( 2 Chronicles 31:15 ) (B.C. 726.) A Levite in the reign of Josiah. ( 2 Chronicles 35:9 ) (B.C. 628.) The father of Urijah of Kirjath-jearim. ( Jeremiah 26:20 ) (B.C. before 608.) The father of Delaiah. ( Jeremiah 36:12 ) (B.C. before 605.)
民13:22 書15:14
she-shi (sheshay): One of the sons of Anak, perhaps an old Hebronite clan name. (Sayce combines the name with Sasu, the root sh-c-h, the Egyptian name for the Syrian Bedouins.) The clan lived in Hebron at the time of the conquest and was expelled by Caleb (Nu 13:22, Codex Vaticanus Sessei; Codex Alexandrinus Semei; Josh 15:14, Codex Vaticanus Sousei; Codex Alexandrinus Sousai; Jdg 1:10, Codex Vaticanus Sessei; Codex Alexandrinus Geththi).
whitish, one of the sons of Anak (Num. 13:22). When the Israelites obtained possession of the country the sons of Anak were expelled and slain (Josh. 15:14; Judg. 1:10).
six; mercy; flax
代上3:5 代上6:30 代上6:39 代上6:40 代上6:41 代上6:42 代上6:43 代上6:44 代上14:4 代上20:7 撒下13:3 撒下5:14
shim-e-a (shim`a):
(1) Brother of David.
(2) Son of David (1 Ch 3:5, Codex Vaticanus Saman; but in 2 Sam 5:14; 1 Ch 14:4, "Shammua").
(3) A Merarite Levite (1 Ch 6:30, Codex Vaticanus Somea; Codex Alexandrinus Sama, Lucian, Samaa).
(4) A Gershonite Levite (1 Ch 6:39 (24), Semaa).
the hearing prayer. (1.) One of David's sons by Bathsheba (1 Chr. 3:5); called also Shammua (14:4). (2.) A Levite of the family of Merari (1 Chr. 6:30). (3.) Another Levite of the family of Gershon (1 Chr. 6:39). (4.) One of David's brothers (1 Sam. 16:9, marg.).
(fame ). Son of David by Beth-shean. ( 1 Chronicles 3:5 ) (B.C. 1045.) A Merarite Levite. ( 1 Chronicles 6:30 ) (15). A Gershonite Levite, ancestor of Asaph the minstrel. ( 1 Chronicles 6:39 ) (24). (B.C. before 1200.) The brother of David, ( 1 Chronicles 20:7 ) elsewhere called Shamma, Shimma and Shimeah.
代下24:26 王下:21
shim-rith (shimrith, "guard," feminine): A Moabitess, the mother of Jehozabad, one of those that conspired against King Joash (2 Ch 24:26). Elsewhere (2 Ki 12:21) Jehozabad is described as the son of SHOMER (which see), the same name without the feminine ending.
(feminine of Shimri, vigilant ), a Moabitess, mother of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of King Joash. ( 2 Chronicles 24:26 ) In ( 2 Kings 12:21 ) she is called SHOMER. (B.C. 839.)
民26:32 書17:2 代上8:32
name of knowledge; that puts knowledge
(wise ), a son of Gilead. ( Numbers 26:32 ; Joshua 17:2 ) (B.C. after 1690.)
代上15:18 代上16:5 代下17:8
she-mir-a-moth, she-mi-ra-moth, shem-i-ra-moth (shemiramoth; in 2 Ch 17:8, Kethibh shemiramoth; Semeiramoth): The name of a Levitical family. In 1 Ch 15:18,20; 16:5 Shemiramoth is listed among the names of Davids choirs; in 2 Ch 17:8 the same name is given among the Levites delegated by Jehoshaphat to teach the Law in the cities of Judah. According to Schrader (KAT (2), 366) the name is to be identified with the Assyrian Sammuramat; the latter occurs as a womans name on the monuments, more especially on the statues of Nebo from Nimrod. Another suggestion is that Shemiramoth was originally a place-name meaning "image of Shemiram" (= name of Ram or "the Exalted One").
Horace J. Wolf
most high name. (1.) A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 17:8). (2.) A Levite in David's time (1 Chr. 15:18, 20).
the height of the heavens
shi-nab shinabh; Samaritan: shinar; Sennaar): King of ADMAH (which see). He is mentioned with Shemeber, king of Zeboiim; he was attacked by Chedorlaomer and his allies (Gen 14:2). The reading is very uncertain. If the incident narrated is founded on fact, Shinab may be identical with Sanibu, an Ammonite king in the time of Tiglath-pileser III (so French Delitzsch, Wo lag das Paradies? 294); or the name may be equated by the Assyrian Sin-sar-ucur (compare "Shenazzar"), and Shem-eber with the Assyrian Sumu-abi (Sayce, The Expository Times, VIII, 463). Jewish exegesis gives a sinister explanation of all four names (Gen 14:2). The Midrash (Ber. Rab. 42) explains Shinab as sho-ebh mammon, "one who draws money (wherever he can)." It is of interest to note that the names fall into two alliterative pairs and that each kings name contains exactly as many letters as that of his city. On the whole, however, the list leaves an impression of artificiality; as the names are not repeated in Gen 14:8, it is highly probable that they are later additions to the text.
Horace J. Wolf
cooling, the king of Adamah, in the valley of Siddim, who with his confederates was conquered by Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:2).
father of changing
(splendor of the father , i.e. God ), the king of Admah in the time of Abraham. ( Genesis 14:2 ) (B.C. 1912.)
利24:11 代上3:19 代上23:9 代上23:18 代上26:25 代下11:20 拉8:10
she-lo-mith, shel-o-mith (shelomith; in Ezr 8:10, shelomith):
(1) The mother of the man who was stoned for blasphemy (Lev 24:11) (BAF, Salomeith, Lucian, Salmith).
(2) Daughter of Zerubbabel (1 Ch 3:19) (Codex Vaticanus Salomethei; Codex Alexandrinus Salomethi, Lucian, Salomith).
(3) One of the "sons of Izhar" (1 Ch 23:18) (Codex Vaticanus Salomoth; Codex Alexandrinus Saloumoth, Lucian, Salomith), called "Shelomoth" in 24:22.
(4) The name of a family whose representatives returned with Ezra (Ezr 8:10) (Codex Vaticanus Saleimouth; Lucian, Salimoth). The Massoretic Text here should read, "and the sons of Bani; Shelomith, son of Josiphiah"; and in 1 Esdras 8:36, "of the sons of Banias, Salimoth, son of Josaphias."
Horace J. Wolf
(peaceful ). The daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan. ( Leviticus 24:11 ) The daughter of Zerubbabel. ( 1 Chronicles 3:19 ) (B.C. after 536.) Chief of the Izharites. ( 1 Chronicles 23:18 ) A descendant of Eliezer the son of Moses, in the reign of David. ( 1 Chronicles 26:25 1 Chronicles 26:26 1 Chronicles 26:28 ) (B.C. 1013.) A Gershonite. ( 1 Chronicles 23:9 ) One whose sons returned from Babylon with Ezra. ( Ezra 8:10 )
she-lo-mith, shel-o-mith (shelomith; in Ezr 8:10, shelomith):
(1) The mother of the man who was stoned for blasphemy (Lev 24:11) (BAF, Salomeith, Lucian, Salmith).
(2) Daughter of Zerubbabel (1 Ch 3:19) (Codex Vaticanus Salomethei; Codex Alexandrinus Salomethi, Lucian, Salomith).
(3) One of the "sons of Izhar" (1 Ch 23:18) (Codex Vaticanus Salomoth; Codex Alexandrinus Saloumoth, Lucian, Salomith), called "Shelomoth" in 24:22.
(4) The name of a family whose representatives returned with Ezra (Ezr 8:10) (Codex Vaticanus Saleimouth; Lucian, Salimoth). The Massoretic Text here should read, "and the sons of Bani; Shelomith, son of Josiphiah"; and in 1 Esdras 8:36, "of the sons of Banias, Salimoth, son of Josaphias."
Horace J. Wolf
(peaceful ). The daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan. ( Leviticus 24:11 ) The daughter of Zerubbabel. ( 1 Chronicles 3:19 ) (B.C. after 536.) Chief of the Izharites. ( 1 Chronicles 23:18 ) A descendant of Eliezer the son of Moses, in the reign of David. ( 1 Chronicles 26:25 1 Chronicles 26:26 1 Chronicles 26:28 ) (B.C. 1013.) A Gershonite. ( 1 Chronicles 23:9 ) One whose sons returned from Babylon with Ezra. ( Ezra 8:10 )
she-lo-mi, shel-o-mi (shelomi): An Asherite (Nu 34:27).
(peaceful ), an Asherite, father of Ahihud. ( Numbers 34:27 ) (B.C. before 1450.)
she-lu-mi-el (shelumiel; both the punctuation and interpretation are in doubt. Massoretic Text punctuates the first element as a passive participle; the use of the participle in compounds is common in Assyrian but rare in Heb (compare Gray, HPN, 200). The meaning of the present form, if it be correct, is "at peace with God" (Hommel, Ancient Hebrew Tradition, 200, "my friend is God"). Septuagint reads Salamiel: Prince of the tribe of Simeon (Nu 1:6; 2:12; 7:36,41; 10:19). The genealogy of Judith (8:1) is carried back to this Shelumiel or Shelamiel, called there "Salamiel."
Horace J. Wolf
same as Shelemiah

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Easton - Easton's Bible Dictionary
HBND - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
SBD - Smith's Bible Dictionary