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目前本系統共收錄了 1,856 個聖經相關人名
以及 HDBN 包含了 2,616 個姓名的意義解釋。

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代上9:14 代上9:15
he-resh (cheresh; the Septuagints Codex Vaticanus, Rharaiel; Codex Alexandrinus, Hares): A Levite (1 Ch 9:15).
a carpenter
(artificer ), a Levite attached to the tabernacle ( 1 Chronicles 9:15 ) (B.C. 536.)
her-moj-e-nez (Hermogenes, literally "born of Hermes," a Greek deity, called by the Romans, "Mercury," 2 Tim 1:15):
1. Where Did He "Turn Away"?:
Hermogenes was a Christian, mentioned by Paul as having, along with Phygellus and "all that are in Asia," turned away from him. It is not clear when or where the defection of those Asiatic Christians from the apostle took place, whether it was at Rome at the time of Pauls second imprisonment there, and especially on the occasion of his being brought before the emperors supreme court, to be tried on a charge now involving the death penalty, or whether it was at some previous time in Ephesus.
2. Was It in Ephesus?:
If it was the latter, then the meaning is that Paul wishes to inform Timothy, or perhaps only to remind him, how in Ephesus, where Timothy was the presiding minister of the church, these persons, Phygellus and Hermogenes with many more, had turned away from him, that is, had refused to submit to his authority, and had rejected the Christian doctrine which he taught. This latter meaning, referring the "turning away" to some previous occasion in Ephesus, is thought by some expositors to be the probable signification, owing to the fact that the verb "they be turned away" is in the aorist tense, referring to a time long past when the apostle wrote.
3. Unlikelihood of It Being in Ephesus:
On the other hand there is no evidence that there ever was a time when "all they which are in Asia" (the King James Version) turned away from obedience to Paul. Whatever may have been the disloyalty and disobedience of individuals--and this certainly existed; see, e.g., Acts 20:29 f--yet, certainly the New Testament does not show that all that were in Asia, the Christian community as a whole, in Ephesus and Miletus and Laodicea and Hierapolis and Colosse and other places, repudiated his apostolic authority.
4. Probalility of It Being in Rome:
If the words "all they which are in Asia" refer to all the Christians from the proconsular province of Asia, who happened to be in Rome at the time of Pauls second imprisonment there, it can easily be understood that they should turn away from him at that testing time. It is impossible to say exactly what form their desertion of the apostle assumed. Their turning away would likely be caused by fear, lest if it were known that they were friends of the prisoner in the Mamertine, they would be involved in the same imprisonment as had overtaken him, and probably also in the same death penalty.
It is altogether in favor of a reference to Rome, that what is said about Phygellus and Hermogenes and their turning away from Paul is immediately followed by a reference to Onesiphorus, and to the great kindness which he showed, when he sought the apostle but very diligently in Rome. On the whole, therefore, a reference to Rome and to the manner in which these persons, named and unnamed, from Asia, had deserted Paul, seems most probable.
John Rutherfurd
Mercury-born, at one time Paul's fellow-labourer in Asia Minor, who, however, afterwards abandoned him, along with one Phygellus, probably on account of the perils by which they were beset (2 Tim. 1:15).
begotten of Mercury
a person mentioned by St. Paul in the latest of all his epistles, ( 2 Timothy 1:15 ) when all in Asia had turned away from him. (A.D. 64.)
代上11:30 代上27:15 亞6:10 亞6:11
hel-da-i (chelday):
(1) A captain of the temple-service, appointed for the 12th month (1 Ch 27:15). Same as Heled (cheledh) in parallel list (compare 1 Ch 11:30), and is probably also to be identified with Heleb, son of Baanah the Metophathite, one of Davids heroic leaders (2 Sam 23:29).
(2) One of a company of Jews who brought gifts of gold and silver from Babylon to assist the exiles under Zerubbabel (Zec 6:10).
wordly. (1.) 1 Chr. 27:15; called also Heleb (2 Sam. 23:29); one of David's captains. (2.) Zech. 6:10, one who returned from Babylon.
Mercury, a Roman Christian (Rom. 16:14).
(Mercury ), a Christian mentioned in ( Romans 16:14 ) According to tradition he was one of the seventy disciples, and afterward bishop of Dalmatia. (A.D. 55.)
hur-mas (Hermas): An abbreviated form of several names, e.g. Hermagoras, Hermeros, Hermodorus, Hermogenes, etc.; the name of a Roman Christian to whom Paul sent greetings (Rom 16:14). Origen and some later writers have identified him with the author of The Pastor of Hermas, but without sufficient reason. According to the Canon of Muratori, the author of The Pastor wrote when his brother Pius was bishop of Rome (140-55 AD). He speaks of himself, however, as a contemporary of Clement of Rome (chapter 4) (circa 100 AD). The name Hermas is very common, and Origens identification is purely conjectural.
S. F. Hunter
Mercury, a Roman Christian to whom Paul sends greetings (Rom. 16: 14). Some suppose him to have been the author of the celebrated religious romance called The Shepherd, but it is very probable that that work is the production of a later generation.
(Mercury ), the name of a Christian resident at Rome to whom St. Paul sends greetings in his Epistle to the Romans. ( Romans 16:14 ) (A.D. 55.) Irenaeus, Tertullian and Origen agree in attributing to him the work called The shepherd . It was never received into the canon, but yet was generally cited with respect only second to that which was paid to the authoritative books of the New Testament.

ISBE - 國際標準聖經百科全書 (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
Easton - Easton's Bible Dictionary
HBND - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
SBD - Smith's Bible Dictionary