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王下16:5 王下15:25
pe-ka (peqach, "opening" (of the eyes) (2 Ki 15:25-31); Phakee):
1. Accession:
Son of Remaliah, and 18th king of Israel. Pekah murdered his predecessor, Pekahiah, and seized the reins of power (2 Ki 15:25). His usurpation of the throne is said to have taken place in the 52nd year of Uzziah, and his reign to have lasted for 20 years (2 Ki 15:27). His accession, therefore, may be placed in 748 BC (other chronologies place it later, and make the reign last only a few years).
Pekah came to the throne with the resolution of assisting in forming a league to resist the westward advance of Assyria. The memory of defeat by Assyria at the battle of Karkar in 753, more than 100 years before, had never died out.
2. Attitude of Assyria:
Tiglath-pileser III was now ruler of Assyria, and in successive campaigns since 745 had proved himself a resistless conqueror. His lust for battle was not yet satisfied, and the turn of Philistia and Syria was about to come. In 735, a coalition, of which Pekah was a prominent member, was being formed to check his further advance. It comprised the princes of Comagene, Gebal, Hamath, Arvad, Ammon, Moab, Edom, Gaza, Samaria, Syria, and some minor potentates, the list being taken from a roll of the subject-princes who attended a court and paid tribute after the fall of Damascus. Ahaz likewise attended as a voluntary tributary to do homage to Tiglath-pileser (2 Ki 16:10).
3. Judah Recalcitrant:
While the plans of the allies were in course of formation, an obstacle was met with which proved insurmountable by the arts of diplomacy. This was the refusal of Ahaz, then on the throne of David, to join the confederacy. Arguments and threats having failed to move him, resort was had to force, and the troops of Samaria and Damascus moved on Jerusalem (2 Ki 16:5). Great alarm was felt at the news of their approach, as seen in the 7th and 8th chapters of Isa. The allies had in view to dispossess Ahaz of his crown, and give it to one of their own number, a son of Tabeel. Isaiah himself was the mainstay of the opposition to their projects. The policy he advocated, by divine direction, was that of complete neutrality. This he urged with passionate earnestness, but with only partial success. Isaiah (probably) had kept back Ahaz from joining the coalition, but could not prevent him from sending an embassy, laden with gifts to Tiglath-pileser, to secure his intervention. On the news arriving that the Assyrian was on the march, a hasty retreat was made from Jerusalem, and the blow soon thereafter fell, where Isaiah had predicted, on Rezin and Pekah, and their kingdoms.
4. Chronicles Ancillary to Kings:
The severely concise manner in which the writer of Kings deals with the later sovereigns of the Northern Kingdom is, in the case of Pekah, supplemented in Chronicles by further facts as to this campaign of the allies. The Chronicler states that "a great multitude of captives" were taken to Damascus and many others to Samaria. These would be countrymen and women from the outlying districts of Judah, which were ravaged. Those taken to Samaria were, however, returned, unhurt, to Jericho by the advice of the prophet Oded (2 Ch 28:5-15).
5. Fall of Damascus; Northern and Eastern Israel Overrun:
The messengers sent from Jerusalem to Nineveh appear to have arrived when the army of Tiglath-pileser was already prepared to march. The movements of the Assyrians being expedited, they fell upon Damascus before the junction of the allies was accomplished. Rezin was defeated in a decisive battle, and took refuge in his capital, which was closely invested. Another part of the invading army descended on the upper districts of Syria and Samaria. Serious resistance to the veteran troops of the East could hardly be made, and city after city fell. A list of districts and cities that were overrun is given in 2 Ki 15:29. It comprises Gilead beyond Jordan--already partly depopulated (1 Ch 5:26); the tribal division of Naphtali, lying to the West of the lakes of Galilee and Merom, and all Galilee, as far South as the plain of Esdraelon and the Valley of Jezreel. Cities particularly mentioned are Ijon (now `Ayun), Abel-beth-maacah (now `Abi), Janoah (now Yanun), Kedesh (now Kados) and Hazor (now Hadireh).
6. Deportation of the Inhabitants:
These places and territories were not merely attacked and plundered. Their inhabitants were removed, with indescribable loss and suffering, to certain districts in Assyria, given as Halah, Habor, Hara, and both sides of the river Gozan, an affluent of the Euphrates. The transplantation of these tribes to a home beyond the great river was a new experiment in political geography, devised with the object of welding the whole of Western Asia into a single empire. It was work of immense difficulty and must have taxed the resources of even so great an organizer as Tiglath-pileser. The soldiers who had conquered in the field were, of course, employed to escort the many thousands of prisoners to their new locations. About two-thirds of the Samarian kingdom, comprising the districts of Samaria, the two Galilees, and the trans-Jordanic region, was thus denuded of its inhabitants.
7. Death of Pekah:
Left with but a third of his kingdom--humbled but still defiant--Pekah was necessarily unpopular with his subjects. In this extremity--the wave of invasion from the North having spent itself--the usual solution occurred, and a plot was formed by which the assassination of Pekah should be secured, and the assassin should take his place as a satrap of Assyria. A tool was found in the person of Hoshea, whom Tiglath-pileser claims to have appointed to the throne. The Biblical narrative does not do more than record the fact that "Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead" (2 Ki 15:30). The date given to this act is the 20th year of Jotham. As Jothams reign lasted but 16 years, this number is evidently an error.
8. References in Isaiah:
For the first time, the historian makes no reference to the religious conduct of a king of Israel. The subject was beneath notice. The second section of Isaiahs prophecies (Isa 7:1 through 10:4) belongs to the reign of Ahaz and thus to the time of Pekah, both of whom are named in it. Pekah is named in Isa 7:1, and is often, in this and the next chapter, referred to as "the son of Remaliah." His loss of the territorial divisions of Zebulun and Naphtali is referred to in 9:1, and is followed by prophecy of their future glory as the earthly home of the Son of Man. The wording of Isa 9:14 shows that it was written before the fall of Samaria, and that of Isa 10:9-11 that Damascus and Samaria had both fallen and Jerusalem was expected to follow. This section of Isaiah may thus be included in the literature of the time of Pekah.
W. Shaw Caldecott
open-eyed, the son of Remaliah a captain in the army of Pekahiah, king of Israel, whom he slew, with the aid of a band of Gileadites, and succeeded (B.C. 758) on the throne (2 Kings 15:25). Seventeen years after this he entered into an alliance with Rezin, king of Syria, and took part with him in besieging Jerusalem (2 Kings 15:37; 16:5). But Tiglath-pilser, who was in alliance with Ahaz, king of Judah, came up against Pekah, and carried away captive many of the inhabitants of his kingdom (2 Kings 15:29). This was the beginning of the "Captivity." Soon after this Pekah was put to death by Hoshea, the son of Elah, who usurped the throne (2 Kings 15:30; 16:1-9. Comp. Isa. 7:16; 8:4; 9:12). He is supposed by some to have been the "shephard" mentioned in Zech. 11:16.
he that opens; that is at liberty
(open-eyed ), son of Remaliah, originally a captain of Pekaiah king of Israel, murdered his master seized the throne, and became the 18th sovereign of the northern kingdom, B.C. 757-740. Under his predecessors Israel had been much weakened through the payment of enormous tribute to the Assyrians (see especially) ( 2 Kings 15:20 ) and by internal wars and conspiracies. Pekah seems to have steadily applied himself to the restoration of power. For this purpose he contracted a foreign alliance, and fixed his mind on the plunder of the sister kingdom of Judah. He must have made the treaty by which he proposed to share its spoil with Rezin king of Damascus, when Jotham was still on the throne of Jerusalem ( 2 Kings 10:37 ) but its execution was long delayed, probably in consequence of that princes righteous and vigorous administration. ( 2 Chronicles 27:1 ) ... When however his weak son Ahaz succeeded to the crown of David, the allies no longer hesitated, but entered upon the siege of Jerusalem, B.C. 742. The history of the war is found in 2Kin 13 and 2Chr 28. It is famous as the occasion of the great prophecies in Isai 7-9. Its chief result was the Jewish port of Elath on the Red Sea; but the unnatural alliance of Damascus and Samaria was punished through the complete overthrow of the ferocious confederates by Tiglath-pileser. The kingdom of Damascus. was finally suppressed and Rezin put to death while Pekah was deprived of at least half his kingdom, including all the northern portion and the whole district to the east of Jordan. Pekah himself, now fallen into the position of an Assyrian vassal was of course compelled to abstain from further attacks on Judah. Whether his continued tyranny exhausted the patience of his subjects, or whether his weakness emboldened them to attack him, is not known; but, from one or the other cause, Hoshea the son of Elah conspired against him and put him to death.
王下15:22 王下15:23 王下15:24 王下15:25 王下15:26
民16:1 代上2:33
pe-leth (peleth, "swiftness"):
(1) Father of On, one of the rebels against Moses and Aaron (Nu 16:1); probably same as PALLU (which see).
(2) A descendant of Jerahmeel (1 Ch 2:33).
swiftness. (1.) A Reubenite whose son was one of the conspirators against Moses and Aaron (Num. 16:1). (2.) One of the sons of Jonathan (1 Chr. 2:33).
(swiftness ). The father of On the Reubenite who joined Dathan and Abiram in their rebellion. ( Numbers 16:1 ) (B.C. 1490.) Son of Jonathan and a descendant of Jerahmeel. ( 1 Chronicles 2:33 )
比勒罕 BlLHAN
比勒達 BlLDAD
bik-ri (bikhri, "first born"; compare HPN, 88, 102): Father of Sheba who rebelled against David. Bichri is of the house of Benjamin and the word probably means a "descendant of Becher" (2 Sam 20:1 ff). Compare BECHER 1.
first-born; first fruits
(first-born ), ( 2 Samuel 20:1 ) an ancestor of Sheba.
民1:10 民2:20
民34:28 代上8:37
ped-a-hel, pe-da-el (pedhah-el, "whom God redeems"): A prince of Naphtali; one of the tribal chiefs who apportioned the land of Canaan (Nu 34:28; compare 34:17).
redeemed of God, the son of Ammihud, a prince of Naphtali (Num. 34:28).
(whom God redeems ), the son of Ammihud, and prince of the tribe of Naphtali. ( Numbers 34:28 )
代上52 創36:41
pi-non (pinon, "darkness"): One of the "chiefs of Edom" (Gen 36:41; 1 Ch 1:52).
pearl; gem; that beholds
(darkness ), one of the "dukes" of Edom, --that is, head or founder of a tribe of that nation. ( Genesis 38:41 ; 1 Chronicles 1:52 )
比尼努 BENlNU
拉10:35 拉10:34
be-de-ya (bedheydh, "servant of Yah"): A son of Bani who had married a "strange wife" (Ezr 10:35).
民22:5 創36:32 申23:4 書13:22
be-or (be`or, "destroyer"(?)):
(1) Father of Bela, the first king of Edom (Gen 36:32; 1 Ch 1:43).
(2) The father of the seer Balaam (Nu 22:5; 24:3,15; 31:8; Dt 23:4; Josh 13:22; 24:9, omitted in Septuagint; Mic 6:5; 2 Pet 2:15, the King James Version and the Revised Version, margin "Bosor").
a torch. (1.) The father of Bela, one of the kings of Edom (Gen. 36:32). (2.) The father of Balaam (Num. 22:5; 24:3, 15; 31:8). In 2 Pet. 2:15 he is called Bosor.
burning; foolish; mad
(burning or torch ). The father of Bela, one of the early Edomite kings. ( Genesis 36:32 ; 1 Chronicles 1:43 ) Father of Balaam. ( Numbers 22:5 ; Numbers 24:3 Numbers 24:15 ; 31:8 ; Deuteronomy 1:1 23:4 ; Joshua 13:22 ; 24:9 ; Micah 6:5 ) He is called BOSOR in the New Testament. (B.C. before 1450.)
申4:43 代上7:37
bes-o-de-ya, bes-o-di-a (becodheyah, "in the confidence or counsel of Yah"; compare Jer 23:18,22; and HPN, 207, 221, 286): Father of Meshullam, the builder (Neh 3:6).
counsel of the Lord
(n the secret of the Lord ) father of one of the repairers of the wall of Jerusalem. ( Nehemiah 3:6 )
be-ra (bera`, "gift"(?); compare HPN, 74 note): King of Sodom (Gen 14:2) who in the battle of Siddim was subdued by Chedorlaomer.
gift, or son of evil, king of Sodom at the time of the invasion of the four kings under Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:2, 8, 17, 21).
a well; declaring
(son of evil ) king of Sodom. ( Genesis 14:2 ) also ( Genesis 14:17 Genesis 14:21 )
創36:32 創46:21代上5:7
a thing swallowed. (1.) A city on the shore of the Dead Sea, not far from Sodom, called also Zoar. It was the only one of the five cities that was spared at Lot's intercession (Gen. 19:20,23). It is first mentioned in Gen. 14:2,8. (2.) The eldest son of Benjamin (Num. 26:38; "Belah," Gen. 46:21). (3.) The son of Beor, and a king of Edom (Gen. 36:32, 33; 1 Chr. 1:43). (4.) A son of Azaz (1 Chr. 5:8).
(destruction ). One of the five cities of the plain which was spared at the intercession of Lot, and received the name of Zoar, ( Genesis 14:2 ; 19:22 ) [ZOAR] Son of Beor, who reigned over Edom in the city of Dinhabah, eight generations before Saul. ( Genesis 36:31-33 ; 1 Chronicles 1:43 1 Chronicles 1:44 ) Eldest son of Benjamin, according to ( Genesis 46:21 ) (Authorized Version "Belah"); ( Numbers 26:38 Numbers 26:40 ; 1 Chronicles 7:6 ; 8:1 ) and head of the family of the Belaites. Son of Ahaz, a Reubenite. ( 1 Chronicles 5:8 )
be-e-ri (beeri, "expounder"):
(1) Father of Judith, one of Esaus wives (Gen 26:34).
(2) The father of the prophet Hosea (Hos 1:1).
illustrious, or the well-man. (1.) The father of Judith, one of the wives of Esau (Gen. 26:34), the same as Adah (Gen. 36:2). (2.) The father of the prophet Hosea (1:1).
my well
代上12:3 代上12:3
blessing. (1.) A valley not far from Engedi, where Jehoshaphat overthrew the Moabites and Ammonites (2 Chr. 20:26). It has been identified with the valley of Bereikut. (R.V., "Beracah.") (2.) One of the Benjamite warriors, Saul's brethren, who joined David when at Ziklag (1 Chr. 12:3).
blessing; bending the knee
(blessing ), a Benjamite who attached himself to David at Ziklag. ( 1 Chronicles 12:3 ) (B.C. 1054.)
拉8:11 拉2:11 拉8:11 拉10:28 尼7:16 尼10:15
be-ba-i, beb-a-i (bebhay; Septuagint Bebai, "fatherly"):
(1) Descendants of B: returned with Ezra to Jerusalem (Ezr 8:11 called Babi; 1 Esdras 8:37); one of these is Zechariah, the son of Bebai (Ezr 8:11, Zaeharias; 1 Esdras 8:37). 623 returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem (Ezr 2:11; 1 Esdras 5:13; Neh 7:16 gives the number 628); some of these had married "strange wives" (Ezr 10:28; 1 Esdras 9:29).
(2) A chief of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh 10:15).
(3) An unknown town (Judith 15:4). Omitted in Codex Vaticanus and Vulgate (Jeromes Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.)
代上15:1 代上15:2 代上15:3 代上15:4 代上15:5 代上15:6 代上15:7 代上15:8 代上15:9 代上15:10 代上15:11 代上15:12 代上15:13 代上15:14 代上15:15 代上15:16 代上15:17 代上15:18代上15:19 代上15:20 代上15:21 代上15:22 代上15:23 代上15:24 代上15:25 代上15:26 代上15:27 代上15:28 代上15:29 代上15:30 代上15:31 代上15:32 代上15:33 代
be-na-ya, be-ni-a (benayah, benayahu, "Yahweh has built." Compare HPN, 182, 265, 268):
(1) Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada of Kabzeel (compare Josh 15:21), was a man of "mighty deeds" and was more honorable than any of the mighty men of David except the three chiefs. Therefore David made him his chief counselor (2 Sam 23:23 m; compare 1 Ch 27:34 where the order of names seems to be reversed) and set him over the Cherethites (compare Carites, 2 Ki 11:4 ff and margin) and Pelethites and he was made the 3rd captain of the host and chief over the course of the 3rd month (1 Ch 27:5 f; 2 Sam 8:18; 20:23; 1 Ch 18:17; 2 Sam 23:20 ff; 11:22 ff). Being a true friend of David (compare 2 Sam 15:18) he did not take part in the usurpation of Adonijah (1 Ki 1:8,10,26), and was therefore with others chosen by the king to proclaim Solomon king over Israel (1 Ki 1:32 ff) and later by Solomon to execute Adonijah (1 Ki 2:25), Joab (1 Ki 2:29 ff), and Shimei (1 Ki 2:46). In recognition of his services Solomon appointed him over the host in Joabs place (1 Ki 2:35; 4:4).
(2) Benaiah, a Pirathonite (compare Jdg 12:13,15), was one of Davids 30 mighty men (2 Sam 23:30; 1 Ch 11:31). He was captain over the course of the 11th month numbering 24,000 (1 Ch 27:14).
(3) A ruler of the house of Simeon (1 Ch 4:36).
(4) A Levite of second degree appointed as singer (1 Ch 15:18) with "psalteries Set to Alamoth" (1 Ch 15:20; 16:5).
(5) A priest appointed "to blow the trumpet before the ark of God" (1 Ch 15:24; 16:6).
(6) The father of Jehoiada (1 Ch 27:34), but see (1) above.
(7) An ancestor of Jahaziel of the house of Asaph (2 Ch 20:14).
(8) An overseer in the service of Hezekiah (2 Ch 31:13).
(9, 10, 11, 12) Four different men of Israel who had taken "strange wives" (Ezr 10:25,30,35,43).
(13) The father of Pelatiah who was seen by Ezekiel in his vision (Ezek 11:1,13).
A. L. Breslich
built up by Jehovah. (1.) The son of Jehoiada, chief priest (1 Chr. 27:5). He was set by David over his body-guard of Cherethites and Pelethites (2 Sam. 8:18; 1 Kings 1:32; 1 Chr. 18:17). His exploits are enumerated in 2 Sam. 23:20, 21, 22; 1 Chr. 11:22. He remained faithful to Solomon (1 Kings 1:8, 10, 26), by whom he was raised to the rank of commander-in-chief (1 Kings 2:25, 29, 30, 34, 35; 4:4). (2.) 2 Sam. 23:30; 1 Chr. 11:31. (3.) A musical Levite (1 Chr. 15:18, 20). (4.) A priest (1 Chr. 15:24; 16:6). (5.) The son of Jeiel (2 Chr. 20:14).
son of the Lord
(made by the Lord ). The son of Jehoiada the chief priest, ( 1 Chronicles 27:5 ) of the tribe of Levi, though a native of Kabzeel, ( 2 Samuel 23:20 ) set by David, ( 1 Chronicles 11:25 ) over his body-guard. ( 2 Samuel 8:18 ; 20:23 ; 1 Kings 1:38 ; 1 Chronicles 18:17 ) One of the mighty men. ( 2 Samuel 23:22 2 Samuel 23:23 ; 1 Chronicles 11:25 ; 27:6 ) The exploits which gave him this rank are narrated in ( 2 Samuel 28:20 2 Samuel 28:21 ; 1 Chronicles 11:22 ) He was captain of the host for the third month. ( 1 Chronicles 27:5 ) Benaiah remained faithful to Solomon during Adonijahs attempt on the crown, ( 1 Kings 1:8 1 Kings 1:10 1 Kings 1:32 1 Kings 1:38 1 Kings 1:44 ) and was raised unto the place of Joab as commander-in-chief of the whole army. ( 1 Kings 2:35 ; 4:4 ) (B.C. 1005.) Benaiah the Pirathonite, an Ephraimite, one of Davids thirty mighty men, ( 2 Samuel 23:30 ; 1 Chronicles 11:31 ) and the captain of the eleventh monthly course. ( 1 Chronicles 27:14 ) A Levite in the time of David, who "played with a psaltry on Alamoth." ( 1 Chronicles 15:18 1 Chronicles 15:20 ; 16:5 ) A priest in the time of David, appointed to blow the trumpet before the ark. ( 1 Chronicles 15:24 ; 16:6 ) A Levite of the sons of Asaph. ( 2 Chronicles 20:14 ) A Levite in the time of Hezekiah. ( 2 Chronicles 31:13 ) One of the "princes" of the families of Simeon. ( 1 Chronicles 4:36 ) Four laymen in the time of Ezra who had taken strange wives. ( Ezra 10:25 Ezra 10:30 Ezra 10:35 Ezra 10:43 ) The father of Pelatiah. ( Ezekiel 11:1 Ezekiel 11:13 )
撒下8:18 撒下23:20 撒下23:21 撒下23:22 撒下23:23 代上27:5 撒下27:6 王上1:8 王上2:28 王上2:29 王上2:30 王上2:31 王上2:32 王上2:33 王上2:34 王上2:35 王上2:36 代上4:36 代上15:18 代上15:19 代上15:20 代上27:34 代下20:14 代下31:13 拉10:25 拉10:34 拉10:35 拉10:43 結11:1 代上15:24 代上16:6
be-na-ya, be-ni-a (benayah, benayahu, "Yahweh has built." Compare HPN, 182, 265, 268):
(1) Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada of Kabzeel (compare Josh 15:21), was a man of "mighty deeds" and was more honorable than any of the mighty men of David except the three chiefs. Therefore David made him his chief counselor (2 Sam 23:23 m; compare 1 Ch 27:34 where the order of names seems to be reversed) and set him over the Cherethites (compare Carites, 2 Ki 11:4 ff and margin) and Pelethites and he was made the 3rd captain of the host and chief over the course of the 3rd month (1 Ch 27:5 f; 2 Sam 8:18; 20:23; 1 Ch 18:17; 2 Sam 23:20 ff; 11:22 ff). Being a true friend of David (compare 2 Sam 15:18) he did not take part in the usurpation of Adonijah (1 Ki 1:8,10,26), and was therefore with others chosen by the king to proclaim Solomon king over Israel (1 Ki 1:32 ff) and later by Solomon to execute Adonijah (1 Ki 2:25), Joab (1 Ki 2:29 ff), and Shimei (1 Ki 2:46). In recognition of his services Solomon appointed him over the host in Joabs place (1 Ki 2:35; 4:4).
(2) Benaiah, a Pirathonite (compare Jdg 12:13,15), was one of Davids 30 mighty men (2 Sam 23:30; 1 Ch 11:31). He was captain over the course of the 11th month numbering 24,000 (1 Ch 27:14).
(3) A ruler of the house of Simeon (1 Ch 4:36).
(4) A Levite of second degree appointed as singer (1 Ch 15:18) with "psalteries Set to Alamoth" (1 Ch 15:20; 16:5).
(5) A priest appointed "to blow the trumpet before the ark of God" (1 Ch 15:24; 16:6).
(6) The father of Jehoiada (1 Ch 27:34), but see (1) above.
(7) An ancestor of Jahaziel of the house of Asaph (2 Ch 20:14).
(8) An overseer in the service of Hezekiah (2 Ch 31:13).
(9, 10, 11, 12) Four different men of Israel who had taken "strange wives" (Ezr 10:25,30,35,43).
(13) The father of Pelatiah who was seen by Ezekiel in his vision (Ezek 11:1,13).
A. L. Breslich
built up by Jehovah. (1.) The son of Jehoiada, chief priest (1 Chr. 27:5). He was set by David over his body-guard of Cherethites and Pelethites (2 Sam. 8:18; 1 Kings 1:32; 1 Chr. 18:17). His exploits are enumerated in 2 Sam. 23:20, 21, 22; 1 Chr. 11:22. He remained faithful to Solomon (1 Kings 1:8, 10, 26), by whom he was raised to the rank of commander-in-chief (1 Kings 2:25, 29, 30, 34, 35; 4:4). (2.) 2 Sam. 23:30; 1 Chr. 11:31. (3.) A musical Levite (1 Chr. 15:18, 20). (4.) A priest (1 Chr. 15:24; 16:6). (5.) The son of Jeiel (2 Chr. 20:14).
son of the Lord
(made by the Lord ). The son of Jehoiada the chief priest, ( 1 Chronicles 27:5 ) of the tribe of Levi, though a native of Kabzeel, ( 2 Samuel 23:20 ) set by David, ( 1 Chronicles 11:25 ) over his body-guard. ( 2 Samuel 8:18 ; 20:23 ; 1 Kings 1:38 ; 1 Chronicles 18:17 ) One of the mighty men. ( 2 Samuel 23:22 2 Samuel 23:23 ; 1 Chronicles 11:25 ; 27:6 ) The exploits which gave him this rank are narrated in ( 2 Samuel 28:20 2 Samuel 28:21 ; 1 Chronicles 11:22 ) He was captain of the host for the third month. ( 1 Chronicles 27:5 ) Benaiah remained faithful to Solomon during Adonijahs attempt on the crown, ( 1 Kings 1:8 1 Kings 1:10 1 Kings 1:32 1 Kings 1:38 1 Kings 1:44 ) and was raised unto the place of Joab as commander-in-chief of the whole army. ( 1 Kings 2:35 ; 4:4 ) (B.C. 1005.) Benaiah the Pirathonite, an Ephraimite, one of Davids thirty mighty men, ( 2 Samuel 23:30 ; 1 Chronicles 11:31 ) and the captain of the eleventh monthly course. ( 1 Chronicles 27:14 ) A Levite in the time of David, who "played with a psaltry on Alamoth." ( 1 Chronicles 15:18 1 Chronicles 15:20 ; 16:5 ) A priest in the time of David, appointed to blow the trumpet before the ark. ( 1 Chronicles 15:24 ; 16:6 ) A Levite of the sons of Asaph. ( 2 Chronicles 20:14 ) A Levite in the time of Hezekiah. ( 2 Chronicles 31:13 ) One of the "princes" of the families of Simeon. ( 1 Chronicles 4:36 ) Four laymen in the time of Ezra who had taken strange wives. ( Ezra 10:25 Ezra 10:30 Ezra 10:35 Ezra 10:43 ) The father of Pelatiah. ( Ezekiel 11:1 Ezekiel 11:13 )
代上24:27 代上24:26
be-no (beno, "his son"): The son of Jaaziah of the house of Levi (1 Ch 24:26,27).
his son
(his son ), a Levite of the sons of Merari. ( 1 Chronicles 24:26 1 Chronicles 24:27 )
代上4:18 代上4:17
出31:2 出31:2 出31:3 出31:4 出31:5 出35:30 出35:31 出35:32 出35:33 出35:34 出35:35 拉10:30
in the shadow of God; i.e., "under his protection", the artificer who executed the work of art in connection with the tabernacle in the wilderness (Ex. 31:2; 35:30). He was engaged principally in works of metal, wood, and stone; while Aholiab, who was associated with him and subordinate to him, had the charge of the textile fabrics (36:1, 2; 38:22). He was of the tribe of Judah, the son of Uri, and grandson of Hur (31:2). Mention is made in Ezra 10:30 of another of the same name.
in the shadow of God

ISBE - 國際標準聖經百科全書 (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
Easton - Easton's Bible Dictionary
HBND - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary
SBD - Smith's Bible Dictionary